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Sexout Intimacy

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EDITx2: Btw, sometimes they lie when they agree to [safe Sex].  They say yes, take the condom, but then don't use it.  lol  Just remembered that.





That's even more worrying with Sexout Wear & Tear STDs.


But how can the PC let them know they're not happy if they do that. A way you can get back at them for doing so besides killing?

"You fucking dolt... what are you thinking!?"


PC can bring up [issues] against the offending NPC > [No Condom During Safe Sex] > NPC could: (Dialog just being example).


[Apologize] Imagine: (Can provide PC a BunX) "Sorry for that.", "I honestly forgot. (truth)", "I apologize, but don't worry I'm clean. (truth if they really are)"

[Excuse] Imagine:"Yeah what ever forgot to put it on ok? (bullshit)", "It must have slipped off or something?", "Won't happen again. Promise...(possible lie)".

[insult] Imagine: "Piss off bitch those things take away the pleasure", "So what whore?", "Like I give a fuck, slut.".

[ignore] Imagine: "...", "...", "...". (Could also ignore if they're not clean of STDs).

[Retaliate] Imagine: "You fucking speaking to me bitch? -slaps-", "-slaps- Watch your tone woman.".


[Laughs] Imagine: (Laughs at the PC for bringing it up? Maybe a sadistic/prick NPC who thinks the PC is a worthless weak whore could laugh.)




To add I like to think above responses would be from unfamiliar NPCs/Lovers/Stalkers/Certain Rotten/Low Loyalty Patrons.

Partners that have Love for the PC wouldn't want to risk/impregnate/have kids with the PC unless both were happy with the decision.




Regarding MRM's suggestion about bartering for more if they want un-safe sex. Patrons do offer/pay more for un-safe sex do they not?

I thought they did? Is moving [safe Sex] or [unsafe Sex] to the beginning of negotiations the way to try this?

If they want un-safe sex and the PC is comfortable (already took BunX before hand) should be able to ask for more for that kind of service.





I thought Hal once said that condoms have a failure rate anyway.  If I can somehow make female condoms available again, then it's a moot point.


In my opinion the people in this setting wouldn't have the resources, nor the public awareness for this to be a concern.  I think of an old west whore house, where yes they did practice birth control, but no, no one there had any drug store condoms.


My granddads generation would often re-use them.  Granted they were a lot thicker back then, and allowed for little sensitivity.  But yes, they did that.  It's not that they were expensive, but there were real social barriers that you had to overcome just to purchase them.  Couple that with a rural setting where a trip into town wasn't as easy as getting in your car.  This made for both limited availability and limited opportunity (ergo you didn't just toss it out after one use).


I'm not necessarily saying that this stuff applies to the game setting.  Just the kind of thing I think about when I make decisions like the one regarding condom usage.  However, I certainly don't picture a wasteland condom manufacturer and because of that, I doubt most people in the wastes had ever seen a condom, let alone require their use.


I would expect most condoms found in the wastes to be expired relics that would be utterly useless more often than not.  The only reason I add them on mod start is for test purposes.  In short, a good one would be a luxury item imo.


Sort of.  Patrons get a loyalty bonus if you don't hassle them about condoms, which in turn leads to higher payouts and tips.


I think the function is already there more or less.  The prostitute accounts for their overhead and includes it in the asking price.  If they're a condom snob, they should be more expensive. lol


The prostitute has two choices imo.  A: Trust the protection of their body to their clients (not so smart no matter what they agree to). Or B: Take care of it themselves (sure bet).  If I can find a decent way to get female condoms back in the game, this will make more sense.


I think the place you'd most likely find distributed condoms is The Mormon Fort personally.


What do you think?

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Because if we follow that reasoning, the player will invariably end up with only two options.  [Argue] and [ignore]  Unless you're saying that I should leave the player home response always available?  But then isn't the inconsistency of not knowing about Novac equal to the inconsistency of not having a player home?


If not, then the player is left with two choices before they get to Novac.  Either give out the home location (which may or may not exist), or argue/ignore.


Further, players like me would not be able to divide up NPCs until I reach Novac.  Which leaves me with only one real choice, which is to argue/ignore until I get to Novac (in spite of player home being available).


I welcome any suggestions.



In my current play-through I consider my personal room in the Wrangler as my home location. However - if the player has not yet unlocked a home location, why should the answer " currently homeless" not be a viable option? It could came along with a penalty on respect and maybe some dubious offers...




When safe/unsafe sex was added way back before the alpha, there were female condoms and STD meds.  Granted I haven't seen these items in a long time in game.  They used to be available from the doctors at SexoutStore, as well as the clinic and Sexout Drugging.  This could probably be rectified, and I've already started looking into it.


The point though is that when you haggle over safe/unsafe sex, you're not haggling over whether or not they will wear a condom.  What you're really arguing over is whose responsibility it is to carry the burden of protection.  There is nothing that prevents the player from wearing a condom, using BunX, douches, STD meds, etc (or at least there didn't used to be).


I hand the conch back to you.



Well the point is, sex without condom is more risky for the prostitute - but if she really needs the money, she may accept that risk for an extra charge. So safe vs unsafe is relevant for the price,  therefor bartering about it should be part of bartering about the price and not be separated as it is now. My first suggestion was just, when the patron wants unsafe sex, that the prostitute has the options to say yes - no or - that costs xx caps extra. ( Special requests cost extra money )  My second suggestion was just to make this part of the negotiation about pricing. For example a patron may offer 70 caps for unsafe genital top ( then you can decide if this is enough money for the risk or not )

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Because if we follow that reasoning, the player will invariably end up with only two options.  [Argue] and [ignore]  Unless you're saying that I should leave the player home response always available?  But then isn't the inconsistency of not knowing about Novac equal to the inconsistency of not having a player home?


If not, then the player is left with two choices before they get to Novac.  Either give out the home location (which may or may not exist), or argue/ignore.


Further, players like me would not be able to divide up NPCs until I reach Novac.  Which leaves me with only one real choice, which is to argue/ignore until I get to Novac (in spite of player home being available).


I welcome any suggestions.



In my current play-through I consider my personal room in the Wrangler as my home location. However - if the player has not yet unlocked a home location, why should the answer " currently homeless" not be a viable option? It could came along with a penalty on respect and maybe some dubious offers...




When safe/unsafe sex was added way back before the alpha, there were female condoms and STD meds.  Granted I haven't seen these items in a long time in game.  They used to be available from the doctors at SexoutStore, as well as the clinic and Sexout Drugging.  This could probably be rectified, and I've already started looking into it.


The point though is that when you haggle over safe/unsafe sex, you're not haggling over whether or not they will wear a condom.  What you're really arguing over is whose responsibility it is to carry the burden of protection.  There is nothing that prevents the player from wearing a condom, using BunX, douches, STD meds, etc (or at least there didn't used to be).


I hand the conch back to you.



Well the point is, sex without condom is more risky for the prostitute - but if she really needs the money, she may accept that risk for an extra charge. Therefor save vs unsafe should be part of the negotiation about the price.  My first suggestion was just, when the patron wants unsafe sex, that the prostitute has the options to say yes - no or - that costs xx caps extra. My second suggestion was just to make this part of the negotiation about pricing. For example a patron may offer 70 caps for unsafe genital top ( then you can decide if this is enough money for the risk or not )



It's not at all an unreasonable dialog option, but that's not what I'm saying.  I'm trying to illustrate the rabbit hole I don't want to go down.  You came to the same conclusion I did.  It needs more dialog to be consistent.  Which is why it ended up the way it is now. lol  That being, good enough to test and give mod authors ideas, without the added cost of creating extra dialog that doesn't really do anything just to maintain continuity.


I've added the option for the next copy.  I don't see why it would need any penalties.  It's just fluff imo, so I don't think it should do anything one way or the other.



Yeah that doesn't make sense to me.  I know what you're saying, I just don't think someone would get away with it. lol  I mean at what point should they be fed up with a dumb whores bullshit and find another whore (Are we out of whores yet?  This ones gone bad!)?


Whore: It cost more for bareback.

Patron: What are we at the fuckin bunny ranch or somethin?  How about you wear a condom and we call it even?


A checklist of demands is not in a whores best interest.  A whores job is to promise them the moon for the sole purpose of getting them alone and parting them with their money. The NPCs that resist do so for personal/cultural reasons, and aren't likely to change their mind just because it's cheaper.


Pimp: Why aren't you making any money?

WhoreA: They don't want to wear condoms.

WhoreB: They all wear condoms.


How do you think the rest of that conversation would go? lol


And I'm not trying to give you the business, I just want to explain why it doesn't make sense to me.  As it is now they break down like this.



- that will always wear one if provided.

- that will resist wearing one, but can be pressed into it.

- that will agree to wear one after being pressed, but 'sometimes' don't put it on.

- that will never agree to wear one no matter what.


The first would fit fine into a bareback negotiation.  The rest would all be possible deal breakers (90% of the population), which would mean a LOT of failed negotiations.


What do you think?


EDIT: A couple of notes.  The 'never wear one' patrons can become a 'will if pressed' patron, but not the other way around.  I've also edited a few things regarding safe/unsafe for the new one, and have reintroduced foreplay into prostitution.  More to come.  Screwing around with long distance comm tests now.



Edited by t3589
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Little glitch:  After sex, female NPC's sometimes say [Desires a gift], if Courier [Accepts] the NPC gives the player a gift.  This seems reversed, and it used to be something like [offers a gift].  Just an FYI, it doesn't really change anything, except you can get a reputation for greed when you think you're going to be a giver not a taker :-/


Also noted when NPC wants [solo] and Player chooses [fingering], the animation shows the Courier fingering the NPC, but the arousal gain from Spunk is clearly going to the Courier instead of the fingeree.  In the console for Spunk Enjoyment it shows the player gains enjoyment for Fingered.  Not sure if this might be a problem with the actual animation like reversed tags, or if maybe spunk is reading it wrong for some reason or if it comes from Intimacy.  I treat it as an "it serves you right for choosing solo sex when you have  a willing partner" moment.  Thought it worth mentioning though.


Talking about working showers, baths and toilets got me to thinking of Context appropriate Nudity.  In the Ultraluxe there is a steamroom and pool where NPC's are running around in the nude.  If your courier disrobes some naked bather will run over and say [DECENCY!].  What a hypocrite!  It's a pretty small area of the game, but I wondered if there is a simple way to suspend public decency reactions when "in Rome" so to speak.


Happy Trails!

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Regarding these:
NX_GetEVFo "SOI:Fav:Booze"
NX_GetEVFo "SOI:Fav:Clothing"
NX_GetEVFo "SOI:Fav:Drink"
NX_GetEVFo "SOI:Fav:Drug"
NX_GetEVFo "SOI:Fav:Food"
How can I correctly use them to set NPCs favorites manually?
For example say I want Thomas to favorite Jet, Whiskey, Gecko Steak, Nuka Cola, Sexy Sleepwear?


Edit: I think I did it right with NX_SetEVFo "SOI:Fav:Booze" 00032c75 but just to be sure I'll leave the question up.

Screwing around with long distance comm tests now.






Been a long time coming so hoping this goes well.

Only just updated now after being AFK for couple days so I'll see how it operates in its early stage. If there's anything you need.

Edited by 7KeysCurtain
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Little glitch:  After sex, female NPC's sometimes say [Desires a gift], if Courier [Accepts] the NPC gives the player a gift.  This seems reversed, and it used to be something like [offers a gift].  Just an FYI, it doesn't really change anything, except you can get a reputation for greed when you think you're going to be a giver not a taker :-/


Also noted when NPC wants [solo] and Player chooses [fingering], the animation shows the Courier fingering the NPC, but the arousal gain from Spunk is clearly going to the Courier instead of the fingeree.  In the console for Spunk Enjoyment it shows the player gains enjoyment for Fingered.  Not sure if this might be a problem with the actual animation like reversed tags, or if maybe spunk is reading it wrong for some reason or if it comes from Intimacy.  I treat it as an "it serves you right for choosing solo sex when you have  a willing partner" moment.  Thought it worth mentioning though.


Talking about working showers, baths and toilets got me to thinking of Context appropriate Nudity.  In the Ultraluxe there is a steamroom and pool where NPC's are running around in the nude.  If your courier disrobes some naked bather will run over and say [DECENCY!].  What a hypocrite!  It's a pretty small area of the game, but I wondered if there is a simple way to suspend public decency reactions when "in Rome" so to speak.


Happy Trails!


These should be fixed now.  As for the solo anim I'm not sure.  SOI doesn't reverse anything and uses standard Sexout calls.  In my game Spunk throws errors when it tries to set enjoyment perks for footjob, titjob, thighjob, and maybe other solo anims.  Handjob is always a safe bet though.


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Regarding these:


NX_GetEVFo "SOI:Fav:Booze"

NX_GetEVFo "SOI:Fav:Clothing"

NX_GetEVFo "SOI:Fav:Drink"

NX_GetEVFo "SOI:Fav:Drug"

NX_GetEVFo "SOI:Fav:Food"


How can I correctly use them to set NPCs favorites manually?

For example say I want Thomas to favorite Jet, Whiskey, Gecko Steak, Nuka Cola, Sexy Sleepwear?


Edit: I think I did it right with NX_SetEVFo "SOI:Fav:Booze" 00032c75 but just to be sure I'll leave the question up.




Screwing around with long distance comm tests now.






Been a long time coming so hoping this goes well.

Only just updated now after being AFK for couple days so I'll see how it operates in its early stage. If there's anything you need.


Yep that's correct.  You just set them to an item ref, which would probably be easiest in the GECK.


Comms are already in and working.  There's just no way for NPCs to acquire channels yet.  If you want to test it:




;Max channel = Total number of contacts.
NX_SetEVFl "SOI:Rcd:Channel" ;1-?




The handset is located in the control terminal.  If you don't know how many contacts there are, you can use the handset to rifle through channels until it resets to channel 1.  That will tell you how many channels/contacts are currently available.


So you would set an NPC contacts channel as per above, then use the handset, tune into their channel, and hit 'Contact'.  It should contact them if you are in a location that has a signal.  Any location that has ham radios. handsets, or radio towers should have a signal available.  I tested it mainly in the Wrangler restrooms (because that's where I last saved before working on it).


EDIT: Note though that you should be careful when selecting dialog over the handset.  There is only test dialog there atm, so if you do something like start sex or an activity it will most certainly break things.  Also, speaking with the NPC should nullify any absence settings they have.


Edited by t3589
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More notes.  NPC prostitutes can now be added/included for testing.  They can proposition other NPCs/player, and patrons can also solicit them.  They will also compete with the player over patrons (chip away at patrons budget/ledger).  While at the Wrangler they may also lead patrons to one of the rooms as part of the above interactions.


Hint: NPC prostitutes don't care about condoms.


EDIT: Enabled scanner population stepping again.  Way smoother in heavy crowds for me personally.  Experimental, needs more testing.


Edited by t3589
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I'm normally loathe to post on a thread unless I can contribute, but I just can't work out all the features this mod adds. At first I thought it just a tool that you used on any NPC to build a relationship, but then combing through the thread I found out there's way more stuff like prostitution and stage performances. I have no idea how I can actually use these features though. Can you put some sort of guide in the OP that explains how everything works? I've tried combing through all of the 2 years of posts to try and work it out myself but it's just such painfully hard work... I really just want to get the most out of this mod.

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I'm normally loathe to post on a thread unless I can contribute, but I just can't work out all the features this mod adds. At first I thought it just a tool that you used on any NPC to build a relationship, but then combing through the thread I found out there's way more stuff like prostitution and stage performances. I have no idea how I can actually use these features though. Can you put some sort of guide in the OP that explains how everything works? I've tried combing through all of the 2 years of posts to try and work it out myself but it's just such painfully hard work... I really just want to get the most out of this mod.


There isn't more comprehensive documentation for two reasons.  First because this mod is still a beta wip and I would have to re-write documentation every time something changes (which is often).  Secondly because it will literally take a small book to explain every little detail and nuance of this mod.


You missed combing through the old thread that went on for about a year before this thread was made. lol  Seriously though, there's no need to comb through posts.  While I don't have time to write and maintain a comprehensive manual at this point, I have no problem answering questions.


Your first assessment was correct in that this mod is a tool created specifically for dialog/mod authors.  The idea being that there are some really talented dialog authors around here, but they don't always have the technical skill to accompany their awesome writing talents.  This project aims to relieve them of any lack of scripting knowledge, and allow them to focus on their talent.


That being said, this mod comes from my desire to play more than it does my desire to mod.  And as a player, I have a lot of fun with this mod as it is.  If you just want to enjoy playing the mod and you have no interest in authoring, my advice is to ignore all the technical junk and just dive in.


I'd say the single most important bit of information needed to play this mod is the knowledge of your own player character.  What they will do, how they will react, what they think, etc.  This mod, while not required, is definitely RP centric.


Another thing to keep in mind is that the majority of this mod is dynamically generated.  Which means the NPCs in your game will probably behave/interact completely different from the NPCs in my game.  In short, you'll learn a lot more about the mod by playing it.  There are many many nuances that documentation, even if it was written, can never really tell you.


So if you have any specific questions, lay it on me.  What aspects are you having trouble with?

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Gave this a quick spin to try out the McCarran "Morale Boost" license, but didn't get very far, unfortunately.


How exactly does it work? The OP suggest something in the mess tent tables, but after I spoke to Kemp and got a 3 hour "visitor pass", nothing really happened. Do I need to have a prostitute outfit equipped and go anywhere specific? I wondered around the Concourse and outside with one equipped but nothing happened. 24 hours later I was allowed another 3 hour pass, but I couldn't help feel I was doing something wrong.

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You are totally right. Since posting that I have actually been able to work out a lot of things just by playing more. One thing though, how do you get the Garrets to be your pimp? Thanks for being so hospitable.


Edit: the stage performance in the wrangler is also a bit fussy, what are the exact requirements to put on a show?

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Gave this a quick spin to try out the McCarran "Morale Boost" license, but didn't get very far, unfortunately.


How exactly does it work? The OP suggest something in the mess tent tables, but after I spoke to Kemp and got a 3 hour "visitor pass", nothing really happened. Do I need to have a prostitute outfit equipped and go anywhere specific? I wondered around the Concourse and outside with one equipped but nothing happened. 24 hours later I was allowed another 3 hour pass, but I couldn't help feel I was doing something wrong.


I forget if a temporary pass will let you engage in the USO-type performances.  I think the pass just let's you prostitute in their territory for a short time.


A few tips:

- Complete Morales quest first, then ask Doc Kemp about a morale license.


- I think the USO-type shows are limited to topless.  Which means you can wear something appropriate and just dance, or you can wear some kind of underwear underneath the outfit (add-on slots) to get the strip option.  Either way 'something appropriate' isn't restricted to an outfit, but rather a set of different 'looks' that the player can determine.  So it doesn't have to be a prostitute outfit.


- Try equipping any outfit, open the control terminal, and select Apparel.  Then set the PC outfit according to your own tastes/opinions.


- Some performances will require the player to look sexy, while other performances may require the player to look slutty.  For example: Tops is a classier joint than the Atomic Wrangler.  And not just those.  Pretty/Classy/Prostitute/Lingerie/Quality and probably a lot more I've forgotten, all affect performances in some way.


- Each performance has at least two options. [Dance] and [strip]. The strip option is often dependent upon under clothing (what remains when the PCs outfit is unequipped).  Mainly at establishments that don't allow a 'full nude' show.  You can test this with the thong from Sexout Store.


- The PC is not required to wear a prostitute outfit, even to prostitute.


- The shows at McCarren are located in the main mess tent (the big tent where NPCs go to eat at noon every game day), and in the Officers mess tent (the small tent that the Rangers frequent).


- Just hop up on a table near the center of the tents.  You'll find them.


- There must be an audience present for the performance menu to display. Hint: Noon.


- NPCs must be included/added prior to solicitation, but will automatically be included/added as an audience to a performance.  So doing the show first, then soliciting the crowd is much more efficient at pulling in patrons.


I'm not really sure if this was what you were trying to accomplish?  Let me know if there's anything I overlooked.

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You are totally right. Since posting that I have actually been able to work out a lot of things just by playing more. One thing though, how do you get the Garrets to be your pimp? Thanks for being so hospitable.


Edit: the stage performance in the wrangler is also a bit fussy, what are the exact requirements to put on a show?


lol There is no option to make them your pimp.  You can complete their quests in exchange for permission to work the floor.  Other than that you would have to set them to be the PCs pimp manually (which is what you're referring to I think).  The Garrets are set to reserved by default.  Meaning add them at your own risk ftm (wip).


I'm on another box right now and I can't recall the exact requirements, but I'd say 'slutty' would be a fair bet.  It's meant to be fairly intuitive.  Wrangler = Strip Club, Tops = Showgirls, USO-Type = Centerfolds that aren't allowed to take all their clothes of until after the show. lol

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Comms are already in and working.  There's just no way for NPCs to acquire channels yet.  If you want to test it:

;Max channel = Total number of contacts.
NX_SetEVFl "SOI:Rcd:Channel" ;1-?
The handset is located in the control terminal.  If you don't know how many contacts there are, you can use the handset to rifle through channels until it resets to channel 1.  That will tell you how many channels/contacts are currently available.


So you would set an NPC contacts channel as per above, then use the handset, tune into their channel, and hit 'Contact'.  It should contact them if you are in a location that has a signal.  Any location that has ham radios. handsets, or radio towers should have a signal available.  I tested it mainly in the Wrangler restrooms (because that's where I last saved before working on it).


EDIT: Note though that you should be careful when selecting dialog over the handset.  There is only test dialog there atm, so if you do something like start sex or an activity it will most certainly break things.  Also, speaking with the NPC should nullify any absence settings they have.






You've probably already looked into: A button for [back] seems needed, as above all I can do is keep clicking forward, unable to go back to earlier channels such as 1 - 10.

There's also bit of clicking to switch between desired channels. Could page browsing be possible in future? (Much like my earlier example screens)

It's also possible over time to forget which channel is X NPC, Could something such as [Channel X: <NPC name>] be done?




In Novac, I noticed I haven't seen a friend of mine for a couple days and was genuinely missing him so I set out to see if I could find him.










Looks like he was attacked by Fiends, he put up a good fight being the big guy he is but appears to bled out near a rock afterwards. 

Within shouting distance of Old Lady Gibson too but she's deaf hag I assume and her useless mutts didn't help.


(At no fault of your own I checked the GECK, appears he (NovacSettlerAAM) walks down there because of a patrol marker.

I could remove that but don't want to risk messing with it so I chose to give my friend double health, better weapons and Stimpaks and resurrected him.)


I was shocked to find him there! SOI can make you develop real liking and comfort towards some NPCs so finding them killed actually hurts the feels.

Well done T, who thought one could care more about a generic NPC ever?




Time to share some good: Cliff, Doc, Guards, Novac Settlers peacefully talk & eat together while listening to the Radio. smile.png

(Cliff did Affectionate with Doc, that actually got on the nerves of her Guards, great to see when SOI fits into some RP/in-game moments perfectly)








Helpful Tip For All:

One thing you'll see alot of in SOI is dialog zoom focus so for anyone that wishes to save time (every second counts) put the following in your Fallout/Pref INI files under [interface].


How ever if you like the zoom and don't want to remove it completely there are also mods on Nexus to reduce/speed up zoom out/in time.

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Comms are already in and working.  There's just no way for NPCs to acquire channels yet.  If you want to test it:

;Max channel = Total number of contacts.
NX_SetEVFl "SOI:Rcd:Channel" ;1-?
The handset is located in the control terminal.  If you don't know how many contacts there are, you can use the handset to rifle through channels until it resets to channel 1.  That will tell you how many channels/contacts are currently available.


So you would set an NPC contacts channel as per above, then use the handset, tune into their channel, and hit 'Contact'.  It should contact them if you are in a location that has a signal.  Any location that has ham radios. handsets, or radio towers should have a signal available.  I tested it mainly in the Wrangler restrooms (because that's where I last saved before working on it).


EDIT: Note though that you should be careful when selecting dialog over the handset.  There is only test dialog there atm, so if you do something like start sex or an activity it will most certainly break things.  Also, speaking with the NPC should nullify any absence settings they have.






You've probably already looked into: A button for [back] seems needed, as above all I can do is keep clicking forward, unable to go back to earlier channels such as 1 - 10.

There's also bit of clicking to switch between desired channels. Could page browsing be possible in future? (Much like my earlier example screens)

It's also possible over time to forget which channel is X NPC, Could something such as [Channel X: <NPC name>] be done?




In Novac, I noticed I haven't seen a friend of mine for a couple days and was genuinely missing him so I set out to see if I could find him.










Looks like he was attacked by Fiends, he put up a good fight being the big guy he is but appears to bled out near a rock afterwards. 

Within shouting distance of Old Lady Gibson too but she's deaf hag I assume and her useless mutts didn't help.


(At no fault of your own I checked the GECK, appears he (NovacSettlerAAM) walks down there because of a patrol marker.

I could remove that but don't want to risk messing with it so I chose to give my friend double health, better weapons and Stimpaks and resurrected him.)


I was shocked to find him there! SOI can make you develop real liking and comfort towards some NPCs so finding them killed actually hurts the feels.

Well done T, who thought one could care more about a generic NPC ever?




Time to share some good: Cliff, Doc, Guards, Novac Settlers peacefully talk & eat together while listening to the Radio. smile.png

(Cliff did Affectionate with Doc, that actually got on the nerves of her Guards, great to see when SOI fits into some RP/in-game moments perfectly)








Helpful Tip For All:

One thing you'll see alot of in SOI is dialog zoom focus so for anyone that wishes to save time (every second counts) put the following in your Fallout/Pref INI files under [interface].


How ever if you like the zoom and don't want to remove it completely there are also mods on Nexus to reduce/speed up zoom out/in time.



It's not completed yet.  First I have to figure out what kind of dialog placeholders to add to the handset conversation.  Then I need to figure out how NPCs will acquire channels (giving them a handset, etc.).  I'm sure the handset menu will change a few times as I flesh it out.  Prev/Next is a given. 


As for a named list, I doubt that will happen unless I put a limit on the max number of contacts.  I've already been toying with a memory function that holds maybe 5 or so contacts by name (maybe).  Still undecided on how I want to go about it, and even then I'm not sure it will measure up to your polished example.


As it stands the channels are only limited by the number of contacts.  In theory, this could mean nearly every NPC in the game (300+).  This is my main problem with a named list.  As a grumpy old fart my knee jerk reaction is to tell you to get a damn pen and write it down. lol  So currently I'm pretty much opposed to building a virtual Rolodex.


Most NPCs might as well be a bush or a tree.  We run right past them and never give them a second thought.  But once they start interacting with the player it becomes more difficult to see them as just part of the scenery.


Now imagine a custom NPC with voiced dialog and enough variation that you almost never hear the same line twice in an entire play through.

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Gave this a quick spin to try out the McCarran "Morale Boost" license, but didn't get very far, unfortunately.


How exactly does it work? The OP suggest something in the mess tent tables, but after I spoke to Kemp and got a 3 hour "visitor pass", nothing really happened. Do I need to have a prostitute outfit equipped and go anywhere specific? I wondered around the Concourse and outside with one equipped but nothing happened. 24 hours later I was allowed another 3 hour pass, but I couldn't help feel I was doing something wrong.


I forget if a temporary pass will let you engage in the USO-type performances.  I think the pass just let's you prostitute in their territory for a short time.


A few tips:

- Complete Morales quest first, then ask Doc Kemp about a morale license.


- I think the USO-type shows are limited to topless.  Which means you can wear something appropriate and just dance, or you can wear some kind of underwear underneath the outfit (add-on slots) to get the strip option.  Either way 'something appropriate' isn't restricted to an outfit, but rather a set of different 'looks' that the player can determine.  So it doesn't have to be a prostitute outfit.


- Try equipping any outfit, open the control terminal, and select Apparel.  Then set the PC outfit according to your own tastes/opinions.


- Some performances will require the player to look sexy, while other performances may require the player to look slutty.  For example: Tops is a classier joint than the Atomic Wrangler.  And not just those.  Pretty/Classy/Prostitute/Lingerie/Quality and probably a lot more I've forgotten, all affect performances in some way.


- Each performance has at least two options. [Dance] and [strip]. The strip option is often dependent upon under clothing (what remains when the PCs outfit is unequipped).  Mainly at establishments that don't allow a 'full nude' show.  You can test this with the thong from Sexout Store.


- The PC is not required to wear a prostitute outfit, even to prostitute.


- The shows at McCarren are located in the main mess tent (the big tent where NPCs go to eat at noon every game day), and in the Officers mess tent (the small tent that the Rangers frequent).


- Just hop up on a table near the center of the tents.  You'll find them.


- There must be an audience present for the performance menu to display. Hint: Noon.


- NPCs must be included/added prior to solicitation, but will automatically be included/added as an audience to a performance.  So doing the show first, then soliciting the crowd is much more efficient at pulling in patrons.


I'm not really sure if this was what you were trying to accomplish?  Let me know if there's anything I overlooked.



Thanks for the detailed reply T!


What I'm trying to do is get the McCarran show to work, but I have not been successful. I ignored Morales for now, but this time I got a 1200 Lincensed Sex Worker Pass. I tried including items in my apparel marked as underwear, lingerie, but this seemingly had no effect. At 12 at the tent, I had no option to dance or any kind of special interaction. IS there a key I need to press to dance? I jumped around the tables but nothing different happened.


I couldn't find a thong from SexoutStore, so I just found some shorts and equipped them as underwear. Again, hopped on the tables, there were maybe 4-6 people in there, but nothing happened. No options or anything :(

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lol There is no option to make them your pimp.  You can complete their quests in exchange for permission to work the floor.  Other than that you would have to set them to be the PCs pimp manually (which is what you're referring to I think).  The Garrets are set to reserved by default.  Meaning add them at your own risk ftm (wip).


I'm on another box right now and I can't recall the exact requirements, but I'd say 'slutty' would be a fair bet.  It's meant to be fairly intuitive.  Wrangler = Strip Club, Tops = Showgirls, USO-Type = Centerfolds that aren't allowed to take all their clothes of until after the show. lol



So how does one get a pimp then? And how do they work?

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Gave this a quick spin to try out the McCarran "Morale Boost" license, but didn't get very far, unfortunately.


How exactly does it work? The OP suggest something in the mess tent tables, but after I spoke to Kemp and got a 3 hour "visitor pass", nothing really happened. Do I need to have a prostitute outfit equipped and go anywhere specific? I wondered around the Concourse and outside with one equipped but nothing happened. 24 hours later I was allowed another 3 hour pass, but I couldn't help feel I was doing something wrong.


I forget if a temporary pass will let you engage in the USO-type performances.  I think the pass just let's you prostitute in their territory for a short time.


A few tips:

- Complete Morales quest first, then ask Doc Kemp about a morale license.


- I think the USO-type shows are limited to topless.  Which means you can wear something appropriate and just dance, or you can wear some kind of underwear underneath the outfit (add-on slots) to get the strip option.  Either way 'something appropriate' isn't restricted to an outfit, but rather a set of different 'looks' that the player can determine.  So it doesn't have to be a prostitute outfit.


- Try equipping any outfit, open the control terminal, and select Apparel.  Then set the PC outfit according to your own tastes/opinions.


- Some performances will require the player to look sexy, while other performances may require the player to look slutty.  For example: Tops is a classier joint than the Atomic Wrangler.  And not just those.  Pretty/Classy/Prostitute/Lingerie/Quality and probably a lot more I've forgotten, all affect performances in some way.


- Each performance has at least two options. [Dance] and [strip]. The strip option is often dependent upon under clothing (what remains when the PCs outfit is unequipped).  Mainly at establishments that don't allow a 'full nude' show.  You can test this with the thong from Sexout Store.


- The PC is not required to wear a prostitute outfit, even to prostitute.


- The shows at McCarren are located in the main mess tent (the big tent where NPCs go to eat at noon every game day), and in the Officers mess tent (the small tent that the Rangers frequent).


- Just hop up on a table near the center of the tents.  You'll find them.


- There must be an audience present for the performance menu to display. Hint: Noon.


- NPCs must be included/added prior to solicitation, but will automatically be included/added as an audience to a performance.  So doing the show first, then soliciting the crowd is much more efficient at pulling in patrons.


I'm not really sure if this was what you were trying to accomplish?  Let me know if there's anything I overlooked.



Thanks for the detailed reply T!


What I'm trying to do is get the McCarran show to work, but I have not been successful. I ignored Morales for now, but this time I got a 1200 Lincensed Sex Worker Pass. I tried including items in my apparel marked as underwear, lingerie, but this seemingly had no effect. At 12 at the tent, I had no option to dance or any kind of special interaction. IS there a key I need to press to dance? I jumped around the tables but nothing different happened.


I couldn't find a thong from SexoutStore, so I just found some shorts and equipped them as underwear. Again, hopped on the tables, there were maybe 4-6 people in there, but nothing happened. No options or anything :(



I had to look them up.



- Before 3am, after midnight at Aces Theater.

- Cannot exceed pregnancy 1 in appearance.

- Not between 3am - 3pm at The Wrangler.

- Population must be greater than zero.

- Must be licensed for NCR shows.

- Min Charisma 7 at Aces Theater.

- Must not be running.

- Must not be nude.


- Undies + Any Classy/Cleavage/Pretty/Handsome/Lingerie/Sexy/Tight = Topless Option.

- Outift + Any Classy/Cleavage/Pretty/Handsome/Lingerie/Sexy/Tight = Dance Option.

- Outift + Any Sleazy/Slutty/Prostitute/Skimpy/Topless = Strip Option.


If you don't have any looks set, you should get a message popup telling you that the PC doesn't meet the clothing requirements.  Undies being defined as something that remains on the character after their main outfit is removed.  The thong is from the second vendor on your right standing at the entrance facing in.



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lol There is no option to make them your pimp.  You can complete their quests in exchange for permission to work the floor.  Other than that you would have to set them to be the PCs pimp manually (which is what you're referring to I think).  The Garrets are set to reserved by default.  Meaning add them at your own risk ftm (wip).


I'm on another box right now and I can't recall the exact requirements, but I'd say 'slutty' would be a fair bet.  It's meant to be fairly intuitive.  Wrangler = Strip Club, Tops = Showgirls, USO-Type = Centerfolds that aren't allowed to take all their clothes of until after the show. lol



So how does one get a pimp then? And how do they work?



They're not altogether complete yet, but currently they're acquired by agreeing to be an NPCs whore in response to the [Protection] dialog.  Or you can set it manually for test purposes.  Only stalkers give out this dialog atm, but they'll do so in normal conversation as well as stalking.  I may open it up for alignment or anything else I can base the reasoning on later.


They give the PC benefits and bonuses to prostitution in exchange for most of the profit.  Also not complete, as they don't shave off much right now though they already give out benefits.  Nothing for you to do really except deal with them when they start demanding payment.

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Are the thongs you're talking about the Dragon Girl pink and black thongs you buy from Gwen Fairclough?


Those are they.  Doesn't have to be those I don't think.  You can literally use any clothing from any clothing mod and just set them up through the apparel menu.  I don't, but others on here use piecemeal clothing.  Setting your main outfit to underwear might work, idk.


Some other things I had forgotten.  The topless option only appears at Aces Theater so far. You CAN strip at the NCR shows.  Sorry about the confusion.


I just tested McCarren and confirmed it's working.


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Okay, turns out I didn't have Kristina's Closet activated, so those thongs were always invisible for me. Some items named "panties" and so on also actually cannot be worn with other clothing (they utilise the same slot) so that can be quite confusing.


I've equipped a dress which I've set to accentuate breats, legs and ass (as it does), tagged as short skirt, slutty and sexy. Beneath that I have the thong tagged as underwear, in addition to pearls, horns and shoes all of which are tagged as pretty and sexy. 


I'm going to go and get the license from Kemp right now, and this should then allow me to do something at the open tent mess (not the one in the concourse, right?) at 12pm. Do I just approach a table like you do the stage at the Wrangler? 

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Okay, turns out I didn't have Kristina's Closet activated, so those thongs were always invisible for me. Some items named "panties" and so on also actually cannot be worn with other clothing (they utilise the same slot) so that can be quite confusing.


I've equipped a dress which I've set to accentuate breats, legs and ass (as it does), tagged as short skirt, slutty and sexy. Beneath that I have the thong tagged as underwear, in addition to pearls, horns and shoes all of which are tagged as pretty and sexy. 


I'm going to go and get the license from Kemp right now, and this should then allow me to do something at the open tent mess (not the one in the concourse, right?) at 12pm. Do I just approach a table like you do the stage at the Wrangler? 


The test I just did was at night, so there's still a chance they'll wander into range.  It doesn't have to be at noon, that's just when the AI packages for all those unnamed troops sends them to the mess tent at the same time.


Corporal Betsy and her pals frequent the officers mess tent (the small one right across from the tent where they sleep).  The main mess tent is the one at the far corner of the same parking lot area, opposite the main entrance, and opposite the main building.  It has a bunch of long tables and chairs inside of it.


You just hop up on the table and look for the right spot.  The menu will pop up.  In the main mess tent it's the end of the long table right under the window.  In the officers mess tent it's the center of the center table.

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