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Saddest Videogame Ending?


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Like the topic says, what's the saddest videogame ending you can think of? You know, something that brought sadness into your heart and made you weep for a bit.



For me it was

The ending of TellTale Games TWD Season 1, why did they have to kill Lee like that?????





IMPORTANT: Be sure to tag your spoilers so you don't ruin a game/series for someone.




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Hmmm going mentally through my list of games that I played I must admit: I can't think of many games that brought me to tears or something like that in the end ... which is good, because I like positive endings more, or in other words: Give me rainbows and unicorns!


However ... well, I could say Mass Effect 3 in the end was sad ... until they introduced a certain ghost-like entitiy, after that it wasn't sad so much because of the ending, but because the devs and writers fucked everything up that made the game-series so awesome until this point ...


Anyway, there is one game-ending I hold dear and consider to be sad:




Dragon Age Origins: And not the self-sacrifice ending or such obvious crap. No, the sad ending for me here was the best ending I could get: My female Cousland Warrior became Queen of Ferelden besides her beloved Alistair. But just as much as I loved this, I also thought about how it might go on for the two. Both tainted with the Darkspawn-Blood that would have them go seeking their deaths in the Dark Tunnels beneath before the madness of the taint could consume them ... and their love would hardly ever be blessed with children, as it was almost impossible for two Wardens to be with children ... yeah, it wasn't so much the ending itself that made me sad, but the implications it had offscreen...


However, being the the positive person I am (hah!) I of course pretend that after my Cousland vanished with Morrigan in the Mirror she returned a couple of weeks later, free of the taint ... the last gift of Morrigan to her friend that had sacrificed so much to save them all ...



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the ending of E.T. video game, it was so sad and emotional how it was finally over and I wouldn't ever lay a finger on the thing again. That's about it for 'sad endings' as I never had a connection to the games, they're just generic virtual stereotype characters that don't do anything new that someone in the past hasn't done. Oh well.


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Like the topic says, what's the saddest videogame ending you can think of? You know, something that brought sadness into your heart and made you weep for a bit.



For me it was

The ending of TellTale Games TWD Season 1, why did they have to kill Lee like that?????





IMPORTANT: Be sure to tag your spoilers so you don't ruin a game/series for someone.


Yeah...I have to agree with you there too

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The main character finds out that his entire life was a lie, that he was the champion of the evil Dark Gaia, that the girl he loved in the real world was driven to extreme hatred by her life, and upon finally ending the threat of Dark Gaia, he's denied a chance to be with her, to try and build a life. He gets one last wish, and that is to soar in the skies of the world he helped revive as a bird before vanishing.


The game leaves a vague moment at the end, where you think it might somehow be him knocking on a door, but it goes dark before anything is shown, leaving it open to either a happy end... or something even worse.



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I'd think the title "Saddest Videogame Ending" would by itself be an adequate way of saying spoiler-alert, but whatever...



SpecOps: The Line.
And even though they're all bad, specifically the ending where Walker kills all the soldiers that came to rescue him in his mentally broken frenzy, then picks up one of their radios and says "Gentlemen, welcome to Dubai", his first and last line in the game.
Seeing him turn around and walk off into what's left of the city with that broken expression on his face...it hit home more then I'd like.




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Shadow Warrior Reboot, the entire game itself its a Greek tragedy about a family



At first i was lolwut? thinking only about the player character, but the story in that one is actually on the villains' side.


Pretty good, especially for a FPS nowadays.

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This one is too hard to tell.

Red Dead Redemption,

Mass Effect 3,

Gears of War 3,

Shadow of the Colossus,



Half-Life 2: Episode 2.


EDIT: I WOULD have put my reasoning, but for some reason the spoiler function isn't working at all. I type it in, and press "Ok" and it just goes back to the reply without the spoiler in there >.<

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This one is too hard to tell.

Red Dead Redemption,

Mass Effect 3,

Gears of War 3,

Shadow of the Colossus,



Half-Life 2: Episode 2.


EDIT: I WOULD have put my reasoning, but for some reason the spoiler function isn't working at all. I type it in, and press "Ok" and it just goes back to the reply without the spoiler in there >.<

...Why don't you just try typing in the spoiler tags yourself?

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Pretend FFX-2 Never Happened and FFX is pretty sad


You stole one of my picks... except I think you were high when you wrote this.  The ending of FFX-2 was a depressing ending, especially if you got the 100% ending.  Oh dear god... why...?  The ending to the first FFX was actually a tear-jerking ending too... Poor Auron.  But the pain was alleviated by the other douche that died too.


Speaking of Final Fantasy, the ending to XIII-2 was actually tear-jerking.  I somehow got invested into the game, despite how bad XIII was, but they fixed a lot of the linearity so it was bearable.  However, the ending was actually both amazing and depressing at the same time.

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This one is too hard to tell.

Red Dead Redemption,

Mass Effect 3,

Gears of War 3,

Shadow of the Colossus,



Half-Life 2: Episode 2.


EDIT: I WOULD have put my reasoning, but for some reason the spoiler function isn't working at all. I type it in, and press "Ok" and it just goes back to the reply without the spoiler in there >.<

...Why don't you just try typing in the spoiler tags yourself?



Tried that, too. Didn't work. Gonna remake that reply, the BBC is working for me today.

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This one is too hard to tell.

Red Dead Redemption,


Main character does everything the government to tells him, only to have them betray and murder him. You then play his son years later, in one last mission to kill the ringleader of the father's murder. It just ends right there, and we haven't heard anything about the series since.


Mass Effect 3,


Does this even need explaining?


Gears of War 3,



Before I say the ending, one very, VERY sad part was when the main character's best friend, Dominic, killed himself. Blowing up fuel tanks to kill the horde of enemies that were about the kill the others. Even if you're not a fan of this series, look up on Dom's story. It's actually been named one of the saddest deaths in video game history on multiple accounts.

Main character's father sacrifices himself to save the world from the Locust. You see the machine go off, and a scene of Locust armies just dropping dead occurs. But, on a happier note, the Carmine brother survived in this one! (in every Gears of War game, a Carmine brother has died until this one. And they're my favorite characters >.<)



Shadow of the Colossus,


Do I even need to explain?




Martin Septim's death. Sacrificing himself to save the world from Mehrunes Dagon. His speech at the end cinematic actually was kind of sad. And, if you're not playing a heartless bastard, think of the main character. He went through seeing all of that. That's enough to traumatize anybody with emotions.




You have to kill one of the three characters. I chose Trevor, and damn, was that sad. I actually felt sad for having a murderous sociopath killed. That's rare.


Half-Life 2: Episode 2.


We all know this story. Whereas I do think Eli's death was sad, that's not even the main reason I find this sad. I find EP2's ending sad because it marks the end of any and all Half-Life related content from Valve. Because, come on. We all know they can't count to three.



This isn't a game, it's an Oblivion mod, but I felt that it DEFINITELY deserves a mention.

Ruined-Tail's Tale.


Just go play it. And, when you're done, if the ending wasn't enough to make you shed a tear, read the book you get. If you still don't at least shed a tear, you are a heartless bastard.


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Megaman Zero 4


More heroic than sad. It still makes me drop tear whenever I reached the end. Seeing that Zero successfully stop the centuries-long war between reploids and humans is so satisfying, yet somewhat unfulfilled that Zero can't see that day and Ciel was crying.
On the other hand, this may be what he longed for over centuries of destruction and battles.


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Metal Gear Solid 3

Final Fantasy X

Shadow of the Colossus

Red Dead Redemption



I see people mentioning GTA V because

at one point Franklin has to kill Trevor or Michael

but there is an option that i chose and it is

Franklin choose not to kill any of them and the 3 have payback time :D Manly ending ever :D


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