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What Does It Take To Be A Woman ?

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So after the (not that much but pretty much) big success of my previous topic, here is this one, and I think it will be much more interesting because women are fascinating and it's a fact they like talking much more than men do.


Once again,




I want your opinion !

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First of all:


and I think it will be much more interesting because women are fascinating

Really? Men and women are equally fascinating. Thinking the presence or lack of some genitals would affect the depth of personality and could determind in any way how interesting a person can be is more than ridiculous. Just let me add an old rant of mine here.


"Women are so awesome, they can do everything and look sexy while doing it. They have so much more fun and on top of that they have boobs! Boobs are awesome; being a woman must be awesome!"
"Hahaha right, girls rule! We are the superior gender and every male should treat us like the goddesses we are! Buy us stuff and serve us haha!"

I can't believe how often I have encountered such statements. It is just ridiculous how some people think that their gender offers a more or less fulfilling life just because of some genitals or the lack of them. There may be certain things that differ men and women, but why that should make one gender superior to the other one?
And even more ridiculous is how some people really believe in what they say; women who hypocritically want to be treated special only because they are female and - in my oppinion even worse - men who hold women up high out of the same reason.

How can it be that this kind of sexism is not only tolerated but sort of even glorified?

When ever I see such comments like above I feel like writing a book about sexual respect and beat the person senseless with it.
People need to start to respect their own and the other gender.



To get to the topic:

What it takes to be a woman? XX chromosomes.

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Women and men think differently. Each sex has different emotional responses as well. There are differences, especially in personalities, because of this. And it's all rooted in our biology/physiology.


But those differences are wonderful. And necessary for the continued development and survival of our species. It takes both to make everything work properly.

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It really isn't a serious question no matter how you look at it.


Whatever quality you will throw here to make a man a man and a woman a woman aside from physiological will just be pointed out as something the opposite has or can have as well.


Where I come from, they describe "a man" as someone who is brave, courageous and is willing to sacrifice; I've seen my fair share of brave women who stood up to male bullies, who were courageous to get beaten but still hold their head high and didn't break under, until their oppressors broke instead.


I've seen women sacrificing all their life to what they saw to be right to the point of death in the domestic, public and military roles they took.

By those definitions are these women men?


Or the men who aren't that women?


Asking such questions with reference to non-physiological attributes and qualities is a complete insult to either sexes and cannot possibly be answered.

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I had hoped the people would had answered a little more in the serious tone, when it came to this topic.

We see, it might still get some insightful answers.


I would like to try out to be a female for a day or two. Female orgasms are supposed to be much much more intense than males. Also, their pain threshold is way higher than males.

Witch is understandably, considering childbearing. But I would also like to know if boobies, are a blessing or a curse. What they think when they put on the make-up, if they hate it or, actually think it makes them prettier. Why they allowed to let thier partner cum in thier face/mouth etc etc. And how the think when they are listening to music, when they go outside. When they plotting for revenge for what ever reason. All kinds of stuff.


Women and men think differently, period.



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I had hoped the people would had answered a little more in the serious tone, when it came to this topic.

We see, it might still get some insightful answers.


I would like to try out to be a female for a day or two. Female orgasms are supposed to be much much more intense than males. Also, their pain threshold is way higher than males.

Witch is understandably, considering childbearing. But I would also like to know if boobies, are a blessing or a curse. What they think when they put on the make-up, if they hate it or, actually think it makes them prettier. Why they allowed to let thier partner cum in thier face/mouth etc etc. And how the think when they are listening to music, when they go outside. When they plotting for revenge for what ever reason. All kinds of stuff.


Women and men think differently, period.


I disagre, most of this difference are coming from social programming.

People think different, not genders.

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I disagre, most of this difference are coming from social programming.

People think different, not genders.

Just by checking the testosterone level of unborn infants you can already predict if they will later show typical masculine or feminine behavior. E.g. kids with a high testosterone level tend to have an higher interest in systems and how they work, but their social skills mature slower.

Infants as young as 12 months already show a significant preference for toys typical for their sex.

Surveys have shown that there's a huge gap of the occupation preferences between men and women, but hardly any differences between men and women of different countries or cultures. So, either kids in India, Sweden, Canada, etc. receive the same "social programming", or it has a negligible influence on our interests.


The base frame of our character is already construction before we are even born, and our sex has a huge influence on how it's structured.

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"What does it take to be a woman?" I believe it more then just outward features...another mystery simple man will never know the answer to. The same could be asked of Men and yet could we answer it any better then we can of women. other then to say a chromosome difference, is that all it really takes to be a woman? a chromosome of Y?.



Maybe not... 


The thing here is why don't they answer themselves ?


Maybe this is the real question after all : we guys ask ourselves questions that girls will never ask themselves ?


Maybe this is the biggest difference between men and women : the questions !


As simple as that ?


What do you think ?

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Ok, I'll bite. Maybe this goes someway to demonstrating the difference between men and women:


I had an ex say he'd love to swap bodies for a day, and we discussed what we'd do if it happened. His number one priority was to stay home and spend most of the day masturbating in front of a mirror. Mine was to go out and experience as much as I possibly could of his life, so I could understand him better. This included finding as many of his family, friends and co-workers as possible and - with them believing I was him - find out what they thought about me, about him, about the two of us, about women, about life, about everything that they might say to him that they wouldn't say to me, and then store that knowledge away for future use. I also said I would want to wait until it was my time of the month before we made the swap. He soon decided this wasn't a fun game any more! :lol:


Everybody's different, though. I know a lot of men who I have more in common with than plenty of women. Experiencing what it's like to be a woman for a day wouldn't tell you what it's like to be a woman. Just that one woman. And even then, it would still be you, a guy, just in a different body. Everything throughout your life that had made you who you are would still apply. All you'd find out was how the world reacts to her, the individual, and maybe a little bit about how the world reacts to the other gender.


But I will say that I do ask myself these kinds of questions sometimes. I would probably swap with a guy if it could be done (and I knew for absolute certain it was temporary.) No offence to guys, but I'm happy the way I am ;)

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Receptionist: I can't resist! You usually move through here so quickly and I just have so many questions I want to ask you. You have no idea what your work means to me.

Melvin Udall: What does it mean to you?

Receptionist: [stands up] When somebody out there knows what it's like...

[place one hand on her forehead and the other over her heart]

Receptionist: ... to be in here.

Melvin Udall: Oh God, this is like a nightmare.

[Turns around and presses the elevator button multiple times]

Receptionist: Oh come on! Just a couple of questions. How hard is that?

[Scampers up to Melvin]

Receptionist: How do you write women so well?

Melvin Udall: I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability.

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I disagre, most of this difference are coming from social programming.

People think different, not genders.

Just by checking the testosterone level of unborn infants you can already predict if they will later show typical masculine or feminine behavior. E.g. kids with a high testosterone level tend to have an higher interest in systems and how they work, but their social skills mature slower.

Infants as young as 12 months already show a significant preference for toys typical for their sex.

Surveys have shown that there's a huge gap of the occupation preferences between men and women, but hardly any differences between men and women of different countries or cultures. So, either kids in India, Sweden, Canada, etc. receive the same "social programming", or it has a negligible influence on our interests.


The base frame of our character is already construction before we are even born, and our sex has a huge influence on how it's structured.



For this to be accurate you would have to take "socially sterile" children, because they are influenced from everywhere - commercials, people, ect.  Learning is part of growing up, even people with high testosterone can be very emphatic. What you learned, and learning process makes YOU, you. So I stay with my initial believe.


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Well, this is getting off topic, as it is written : What does it takes to be a woman ?


Differences between men and women are slightly physiological, as (more or less) only the reproduction function is different, but heavily spiritual, as men and women think (generally speaking) differently.


A good example is the post of Mord Sif.


My real question here is : What does a woman do/want/think to be/feel like a woman ?


And as I can see not many girls answer here. This is an interesting fact, as men always get firsts to talk about themselves and analyze what they do think and it looks like girls don't.


So, what IS a woman ? talking by experience because you are one or just giving your opinion because you are not.

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Oh boy, this is going to be fun.


First off, let me say the question isn't a stupid one. As a teacher, I don't admonish anyone for asking questions, and encourage curiosity wherever I see it. And it's certainly not a new question; men and women have pondered the nature of gender for centuries, with as much progress into understanding it as we have now. Hell, I've often wondered what it's like to be a man, and not just for the ability to pee standing up.


Are there differences? Obviously. Beyond the physical differences of our dangly bits, there are hormonal differences that do affect everything from mood to desires, and help determine some of the directions we take in life. It's in our genes, forged over countless millennia of evolution to help us survive in the wild. We're a lot less wild these days, but evolution has left us with a lot of tools in our tool bags whether we want them there or not. For some, those tools are completely useless and run contrary to who they are as individuals. Certainly the transgendered among us understand that better than anyone.


The good news is we're not tied to the paths our genes have laid out for us. We have free will, we can do whatever the hell we want. But the roles we have now are there because of those evolutional tools. People look at a tool and see it as only good for its intended use, never considering it can be used a multitude of ways. It comes down to cultural differences, gender roles that society has decided are "correct", and anything that falls out of that norm is considered wrong, or at the very least "unnatural". Which is why you get people balking at women in positions of power, or men in positions of nurturing.


So to answer your question, there is no answer. Or at least, there's no single answer. Even us gals can't agree. Ask a hundred women, you'll get a hundred different responses. Because everyone is different, everyone has their own idea of what it means and how to do it. You might as well ask "What does it take to be human?", for all the consistency of the answers it will bring you. Sure, there's basic stuff that tends to be the same across the board, but those are usually biological in nature and are less important in the grand scheme of things. Being a woman isn't all about having a vagina or getting your period.


Personally, I think being a woman means I get to decide what being a woman means for me. The same goes for manhood, or adulthood, or really any role you set out for yourself. Its yours, you own it, and no one can tell you your way is wrong unless you're being a real dick about it by trying to force that role on others. In the end, I suppose the more important question should be, "What does being a woman mean to me?" and go from there. Even if you're not a woman, you'll be on par with all us gals. We ask ourselves that question every friggin' day.

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Oh boy, this is going to be fun.


First off, let me say the question isn't a stupid one. As a teacher, I don't admonish anyone for asking questions, and encourage curiosity wherever I see it. And it's certainly not a new question; men and women have pondered the nature gender for centuries, with as much progress into understanding it as we have now. Hell, I've often wondered what it's like to be a man, and not just for the ability to pee standing up.


Are there differences? Obviously. Beyond the physical differences of our dangly bits, there are hormonal differences that do affect everything from mood to desires, and help determine some of the directions we take in life. It's in our genes, forged over countless millennia of evolution to help us survive in the wild. We're a lot less wild these days, but evolution has left us with a lot of tools in our tool bags whether we want them there or not. For some, those tools are completely useless and run contrary to who they are as individuals. Certainly the transgendered among us understand that better than anyone.


The good news is we're not tied to the paths our genes have laid out for us. We have free will, we can do whatever the hell we want. But the roles we have now are there because of those evolutional tools. People look at a tool and see it as only good for its intended use, never considering it can be used a multitude of ways. It comes down to cultural differences, gender roles that society has decided are "correct", and anything that falls out of that norm is considered wrong, or at the very least "unnatural". Which is why you get people balking at women in positions of power, or men in positions of nurturing.


So to answer your question, there is no answer. Or at least, there's no single answer. Even us gals can't agree. Ask a hundred women, you'll get a hundred different responses. Because everyone is different, everyone has their own idea of what it means and how to do it. You might as well ask "What does it take to be human?", for all the consistency of the answers it will bring you. Sure, there's basic stuff that tends to be the same across the board, but those are usually biological in nature and are less important in the grand scheme of things. Being a woman isn't all about having a vagina or getting your period.


Personally, I think being a woman means I get to decide what being a woman means for me. The same goes for manhood, or adulthood, or really any role you set out for yourself. Its yours, you own it, and no one can tell you your way is wrong unless you're being a real dick about it by trying to force that role on others. In the end, I suppose the more important question should be, "What does being a woman mean to me?" and go from there. Even if you're not a woman, you'll be on par with all us gals. We ask ourselves that question every friggin' day.




Thank you for your answer, Queen Bee.


Interesting pov. And now I'm going to ask you the question Mord Sif did answer (without even being asked) : What would you do if you were a man for a day ? (and you have the right to choose the man you can be)

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Thank you for your answer, Queen Bee.


Interesting pov. And now I'm going to ask you the question Mord Sif did answer (without even being asked) : What would you do if you were a man for a day ? (and you have the right to choose the man you can be)

What would I do? I'd pee standing up. I dunno, 24 hours isn't much time to do much of anything. Maybe I'd just go someplace public and talk to strangers, see exactly how different they'd treat me. Maybe chat up some women at a bar, see what that's like. I doubt I'd get to experience sex as a man in 24 hours, unless I was a really hot guy, or if I somehow convinced Boyfriend to let me fuck him.


Of course, I'd masturbate. I'm really curious how that feels as a man.


Edit: Boyfriend says he'd totally let me fuck him as a guy. So there's that.

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Thank you for your answer, Queen Bee.
Interesting pov. And now I'm going to ask you the question Mord Sif did answer (without even being asked) : What would you do if you were a man for a day ? (and you have the right to choose the man you can be)

What would I do? I'd pee standing up. I dunno, 24 hours isn't much time to do much of anything. Maybe I'd just go someplace public and talk to strangers, see exactly how different they'd treat me. Maybe chat up some women at a bar, see what that's like. I doubt I'd get to experience sex as a man in 24 hours, unless I was a really hot guy, or if I somehow convinced Boyfriend to let me fuck him.

Of course, I'd masturbate. I'm really curious how that feels as a man.

Edit: Boyfriend says he'd totally let me fuck him as a guy. So there's that.





Thanks ! You naughty thing !  ;)

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