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SmallerTalk version 1.2.6 - updated 2-3-13

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Don't wan't this mod to have Sexout as dependencie, as the base mod come's without any explicit content. it's statet enough in it, so it's most obious (mainly due to the fact that i post here ^^) that adult content will added by an addon.

So, whoever want's the mod, but no sex in it (not likely, but possible) could run it without Sexout in the background or with sexout being installed and supported as far as it's needed for an "no sex" experience.


As for the mannequins, they are not only in my main mod, but in my House mod too. And this definitly needs no Sexout master.

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The faction is in SmallerTalk, not Sexout. So it wouldn't have Sexout as a master. What I mean is that you should add them as a Faction temporarily in the GECK to see if that solves the problem or not. You obviously can't do it in the release version because you don't want SmallerTalk as a master either.

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Adding the NPC's to the ingnoreFaction using the ModSupport script (the one, that we were talking about some posts earlier) works flawless, but needs a known ref.

The Mannequins and some NPC's are spawnable/spawned, but need to be excluded from SmallerTalk, so adding them to the faction must be done in a different way.


So i can tell, adding to the faction solves the problem with SmallerTalk kicking in.

No need to make a static test using the GECK. Tell me if i'm wrong and things are handled differently between "added using GECK" or "added using BuildRef".



P.s.: i got no problem with adding SmallerTalk as a master, but for now i try to avoid it as it would force the user to have it installed, just so the mod can exclude itself from it. :/ This would just be strange...

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New script, with a save game that has no mannequin in it, i'm just starting in the same cell, the test mannequin is placed.


ScN NBdMannequinFactionTS

Short TAdded
Short modi
Ref modL
Ref Mannequin

Begin OnAdd
Set Mannequin To GetContainer
if ( Mannequin != 0 )
	PrintToConsole "Nervous Breakdown: Faction Token added to %n." Mannequin
	Set TAdded To 1
	PrintToConsole "Nervous Breakdown: GetContainer failed !!!"

Begin GameMode
Set Mannequin To GetContainer
if ( Mannequin != 0 )
	if ( TAdded == 1 )
		if ( isModLoaded "SmallerTalk.esp" == 1 )
			PrintToConsole "   SmallerTalk found -> checking faction dependencie for %n [Token]..." Mannequin
			Set modi To GetModindex "SmallerTalk.esp"
			Set modL To BuildRef modi 37281
			if ( Mannequin.GetInFaction modL == 0 )
				PrintToConsole "      Adding %n to IgnoreFaction..." Mannequin
				Mannequin.AddToFaction modL 0
				if ( Mannequin.GetInFaction modL == 0 )
					PrintToConsole "      ERROR adding %n to Faction !!!" Mannequin
		Set TAdded To 0
		if ( GetGameLoaded || GetGameRestarted == 1 )
			if ( isModLoaded "SmallerTalk.esp" == 1 )
				PrintToConsole "   SmallerTalk found -> checking faction dependencie for %n [GameStart]..." Mannequin
				Set modi To GetModindex "SmallerTalk.esp"
				Set modL To BuildRef modi 37281
				if ( Mannequin.GetInFaction modL == 0 )
					PrintToConsole "      Adding %n to IgnoreFaction..." Mannequin
					Mannequin.AddToFaction modL 0
					if ( Mannequin.GetInFaction modL == 0 )
						PrintToConsole "      ERROR adding %n to Faction !!!" Mannequin
	;PrintToConsole "Nervous Breakdown: GetContainer failed !!!"

Even tho the token activated AddToFaction says assigning was not successfull, the GameLoaded/GameRestartet (that ofc kicks in too, right after the token AddToFaction, as both is done on game load in case of my savegame) token activation doesn't try to add it again, as it checks if the NPCref is already in the list. Guess what? This script works and i got absolutly no clue why. Was about to include an 0.5s timer before adding to faction takes place.


Someone able to explain to me why the script now works, besides it's "game load" save?

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I'd be willing to bet that AddToFaction would rarely add the NPC to the faction in the same frame of script execution unless the script engine was extremely idle. Checking to see if they're in the faction immediately after adding them is likely to fail quite often. You may want to consider allowing a frame or two to pass before checking.


Your code, despite having many superfluous == 1 checks, is syntactically correct as far as I can tell.

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Already gave it a try with a delayed check and delayed AddToFaction. AddToFaction after 1.0s and check if it's added after another 2.0s.

it still tells me it fails and sometimes it really does and SMallerTalk kicks in.

The check in the mod dependencie script is run right after adding too and never tells me it fail unless i specified something wrong.

AddToFaction including check in an "if ( GetGameLoaded || GetGameRestarted == 1 )" block never fails too.


[deleted as it was total nonsense]


Those are my 2 cents and my last try wasn't working as well (that's why the [deleted] is there ^^).


Thanks for replying and this way proving that my thoughts are not completly false.


My today's last thought about solving it: Run an add and check script periodicly und stop it, if the GetContainer ref is added ... finally.

Not a fan of such scripts, but i don't see any other way atm.

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Already gave it a try with a delayed check and delayed AddToFaction. AddToFaction after 1.0s and check if it's added after another 2.0s.

it still tells me it fails and sometimes it really does and SMallerTalk kicks in.

The check in the mod dependencie script is run right after adding too and never tells me it fail unless i specified something wrong.

AddToFaction including check in an "if ( GetGameLoaded || GetGameRestarted == 1 )" block never fails too.


[deleted as it was total nonsense]


Those are my 2 cents and my last try wasn't working as well (that's why the [deleted] is there ^^).


Thanks for replying and this way proving that my thoughts are not completly false.


My today's last thought about solving it: Run an add and check script periodicly und stop it' date=' if the GetContainer ref is added ... finally.

Not a fan of such scripts, but i don't see any other way atm.



By superfluous == 1 checks I simply meant they aren't needed.

As an example:

if ( GetGameLoaded || GetGameRestarted == 1 )

can be written:

if ( GetGameLoaded || GetGameRestarted )

with no change in functionality.


Are the NPC's being added to the faction temporary references or permanent references? (i.e. when clicked on in the console, do they begin with the mod's index or FF?). If they begin with FF and are temporary references, you should set them up as a template with a base npc and put the base NPC in the faction and have the templated NPC inherit factions. That may be a good plan even if they aren't temporary references (though highly unlikely to be needed as non-temporary refs shouldn't have any issues with receiving a faction assignment).

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i know what you meant by superfluous. ^^

Still won't stop using this syntax... don't ask me why.

it's not like, it's my personal preference or so.

Maybe it's because it's makes my code easier to read for me. Don't know.

it's like prideslayer, who has his own style and who would prefer:

if ( 1 == GetGameLoaded || GetGameRestarted )

if i write GECK scripts, i think batch. if ErrorLevel == 255 GoTo SORulez. :D


But to be honest: i finally updated my AutoSorterScriptBuilder with the long needed NVSE BuildRef funtionality and followed your suggestion. The generated script are non-superfluous. Credits are given in the mod's description. if you don't want someone to see you're mentioned there, don't worry. Nexus users don't seem to read descriptions, readmes, changelogs or anything else. Just my experience.

ASSBuilder V0.0.4@FONVNexus


Nvm, the solution. Already found a solution. Sorry that i didn't post it already.

Was so reliefed that i got it working, i finally moved on to the small details and forgot about it.

The fix was done by changing the quest priority back to standard and it works as far as i can tell.

Edit: i moved all the token code into a quest, which reads a formlist, where every mannequin add's itself to and removes itself from. The quest does the same with the faction list.

Check still fails, but that's a problem within the game engine, as such things seems to be queued. Maybe SmallerTalk start's kicking in again after a longer while, then what i tested. But i don't think the game is so trying to freak me out, that it happens after my 30 minutes testing time... i hope.


But thanks anyway, as you already helped alot by pointing my thoughts in different directions.


Edit: The NPC's (Mannequins) are spawned, not permanent/persistent.

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I prefer the 1 == Value syntax as well over the Value == 1 syntax. It has the major advantage of not compiling if you forget to type two ='s instead of one (thereby catching that typo immediately instead of after an hour of staring at what you think is good code ;) ).

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i know exactly what you're talking about. :/

Like my mistake, to untick the messagebox checkbox (fcking dictionary made me click there i think) in a message and then wondering why my mod started to make the game crash. Even worse than a typo in my eyes, as it took me the whole day, uncommenting a whole lot of scripts, just to notice it crashes the game when i call ShowMessage. -.- Frustrating.


i think i'll switch to to the syntax pride and you are using then, as i didn't know the compiler would catch this typo earlier then. A good reason in my eyes. Not many p-languages left, that utilize 2 equal sign's, making it easy to forget about it in GECK.

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I prefer the 1 == Value syntax as well over the Value == 1 syntax. It has the major advantage of not compiling if you forget to type two ='s instead of one (thereby catching that typo immediately instead of after an hour of staring at what you think is good code ;) ).

I always assumed ther was a good reason all you professional coders did that, I tried it for a bit but it cunfuses my brain to think that way after 30 years of coding habits started from the old Apple IIe & VIC20 Basic.

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I prefer the 1 == Value syntax as well over the Value == 1 syntax. It has the major advantage of not compiling if you forget to type two ='s instead of one (thereby catching that typo immediately instead of after an hour of staring at what you think is good code ;) ).

I always assumed ther was a good reason all you professional coders did that' date=' I tried it for a bit but it cunfuses my brain to think that way after 30 years of coding habits started from the old Apple IIe & VIC20 Basic.



It's basically a requirement in C base languages. Other (better :)) languages will not let you compile if inverting comparison and assignment.

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  • 1 month later...

When you want caps from an npc in exchange for sex' date=' how is the amount of caps calculated?



As far as I know, that isn't a feature of SmallerTalk.


That type of thing is dictated by the dialogue script so you'll need to ask the creator of the mod providing the actual dialogue topic asking for caps.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 7 months later...

I see that an attempt has been made to rectify the AI for some NPCs locking up, and sorry if this is a known problem but I am still getting some AI lockup. 


EDIT: I checked the NPC's inventory and a reset token is there, its just not doing anything. Hope this helps. 


UPDATE: I found the problem, it wasn't smallertalk. It was another mod SexoutCrowdsB, tried loading smallertalk lower in the load order but Crowds seem to lock up NPC AI after the animation. 

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  • 3 months later...

I've had this mod installed for a while now but I've never seen it kick in.

Actually forgot about it until a short while ago. Tried moving it to the very bottom of my load order (just above my merged patch) and still nothing.




NSkies URWLified.esm
ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esm
ELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esm
NVEC Complete + NVCE.esm
NosCo Companion System.esm
More Perks.esm
drgNV - Melissa Companion.esm
qSkillPerks - More Perks.esp
Novac Public Library.esm
Tales from the Burning Sands.esm
The New Bison Steve Hotel.esm
Afterschool Special.esm
Daughters of Ares.esp
NSkies URWLifiedDM.esp
The Mod Configuration Menu.esp
JIP Realistic Weapon Overheating.esp
Max Level 100.esp
clean paper trash remover.esp
Sinclair Edition.esp
TFH HD Gauss Rifle.esp
E-88 Plasma Rifle.esp
Jaguar MSX200 LMG NV.esp
SCS - CombatArmour.esp
NVRefugee Outfits.esp
Liberty Loft.esp
Classic energy weapons.esp
Odins Magazines.esp
HellFire Armor.esp
AWOP Interior Music.esp
AWOP - Balance and Cleanup.esp
NVEC Complete NVCE AWOP Patch.esp
T45d Power Armor Replacement.esp
T-51b Retexture.esp
XV Enclave Remnants.esp
Bouncing Natural Breasts.esp
Wsex - Disable STD and Effects.esp
NVEC Complete NVCE Lings Patch.esp
Paradise Lost.esp
Freeside GunRunners.esp
High Roller Suite.esp
Area 51 - Project Roswell.esp
Area 51.esp
desmond companion.esp
drgNV - Melissa Companion (Lings Hairstyle Add-On).esp
Vurt's WFO.esp
AllCompanionsEssential 2.0b.esp
NSkies URWLifiedOWB.esp
Jasmmine sexy time.esp
Daughters of Ares - Lings Patch.esp
Daughters of Ares - CouriersStash.esp
Merged Patch.esp

Total active plugins: 127
Total plugins: 129



Edit: Nevermind it just occurred to me that this needs the Keyboard button 'E' to be pressed.

lol It'll never work on mine as I use a joypad. :(

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On a joypad?

I use an xbox 360 pad on my pc so it's...


The 'A' button on that... If that helps.

Tried holding that down for the three seconds etc but it won't activate smallertalk. Went to options-controls and switched to keyboard. Bingo, smallertalk kicked in. So it's just a joypad issue, the mod is working perfectly.

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