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New Clothing Body Style Converter Beta v0.89f (10-26-2014)

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hooray (= good on ya.


Now . . . how do I force log/output on mesh rigger? It's nto even getting started on what I'm trying to do and I don't know why.

Just close the console window, that should automatically shut it down.


nono . . . I make the settings, click "Start" and everything closes down and I'm left with a dos window "press any key" with no output or run.

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nono . . . I make the settings, click "Start" and everything closes down and I'm left with a dos window "press any key" with no output or run.

Sorry, I misread that.


Well...it *should* be automatically outputting to the log file. Unfortunately, my current approach to logging sucks and often fails to capture the final fatal error.


One thing you can do for now is run the scripts only version of the tool. Simply open a console window first and then load the tool from the command line.

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That's a very real possibility. I had to add some really questionable text parsers to compensate for some of the very weird and thoroughly awful ways that tkinter was passing file paths back to the tool.


In particular, depending on the version of Python and the particular tkinter window open routine, I might get any one of the following string formats (as well as a few others I don't remember off the top of my head).





{path} {path} {path}


So my tools are a bit touchier about file paths that I would really like them to be.

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I have no idea what's going on.


Here's what I did:

  • chose an outfit that works well enough as source for mesh rigger.
  • ran Mesh Rigger using the rig from tera cbbe xenocite to put on Seraphine CBBE v3
  • ran Make Lattice between cbbe and my bodyslide variant (ffw)

results the exact same as my previous pic.


I then discovered that my xpmsE install would cause CTD on save load. Once i redownloaded it, I discover that my bodyslide mesh has flattened breasts when using it. Using xpms 1.92, the body is fine...


But that mesh was supposedly created (in bodyslide) with xpmsE because Bodyslide uses that as a source, unless I'm mistaken.



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If you check the save folder, what does the log look like?



Loading Lattice

Lattice Successfully Loaded

Building Vertex Dictionary

Building Vertex Dictionary

lattice.morph_key None

dirpath {C:/Tools RC_85_a/Tools RC_85_a/SKINNYwear5/SK-6 AlexJeans.nif}

Checking Directory Path for Nifs and Tri files

['C:\\Tools RC_85_a\\Tools RC_85_a\\SKINNYwear5\\SK-6 AlexJeans.nif']

['C:\\Tools RC_85_a\\Tools RC_85_a\\SKINNYwear5\\SK-6 AlexJeans.nif']


Processing C:\Tools RC_85_a\Tools RC_85_a\SKINNYwear5\SK-6 AlexJeans.nif

init bones

initializing bones

init_nif True

**********Bones Initialized**********

initializing meshes

b'Jeans{}2{}' : Initializing Vertices

b'Jeans{}2{}' : Vertex Initialization Complete

b'default' None

b'Jeans{}2{}' : Initializing Skin

b'Jeans{}2{}' : *Initializing Skin Bone Transforms

b'Jeans{}2{}' : *Calculating world Coordinates

b'Jeans{}2{}' : Skin Initialization Complete

Building Vertex Dictionary

initializing faces

**********Meshes Initialized**********



Incorrect Gender: C:\Tools RC_85_a\Tools RC_85_a\SKINNYwear5\SK-6 AlexJeans.nif

Closing C:\Tools RC_85_a\Tools RC_85_a\SKINNYwear5\SK-6 AlexJeans.nif



Well that made the problem rather obvious. Fixed. Though I'm not sure how that came up exactly as they're both female bodies.





Why are you trying to use the SKINNY 6 BodyReplacer for Fallout New Vegas by Humannature66 to convert The SKINNYwear Shop NewVegas by Humannature66_LadyMilla to the SKINNY 6 BodyReplacer for Fallout New Vegas by Humannature66 ? I'm asking because the The SKINNYwear Shop NewVegas by Humannature66_LadyMilla already uses the SKINNY 6 BodyReplacer for Fallout New Vegas by Humannature66.


I'm not. I was just linking the body and clothes in case someone was able to just look at them and say why it isn't working. I tried to convert to two different bodies. Small version of this one mostly: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/55528/? and the other is no longer available.

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Well that made the problem rather obvious. Fixed. Though I'm not sure how that came up exactly as they're both female bodies.

Well, there aren't any direct methods to detect the gender of a nif, so my tool attempts to infer the likely gender using a few different methods (texture path, nif file path, block names, bone types, etc) that don't always work.


Since most of my testing has been with Oblivion and Skyrim nifs, it's entirely possible that I missed some of the gender identifiers available in fallout nifs.

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So I tried that version you gave me.


Started with CBBE from "I Love cleavage"








I made a lattice "from cbbe to ffw" (my bodyslide variant) using the newest cbbe 3.3 at the source. UV Search; 3, 10, 2


The resulting outfit:









Any ideas?

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PM me the from and to nude nifs you're using to make the lattice, the lattice, and the nif that you are trying to convert. I'll see if I can get a better idea of where things are going south.


Working on a specific example of something that's not working right might motivate me to get cracking on this.

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At almost all stages, I was doing multiple selections in the file dialogs. For make lattice, i was selecting both the _0 and _1 as the source. and then selecting the _0 & _1  at conversion time. 
I thought to myself "hm what if I just ran the _0 and _1 lat's separately?
And yeah, now it's all perfect. Probably why mesh rigger wasn't working right for me either.

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Oh yeah.


In fact, you may want to only do *either* the _0 or _1 nif for the From/Template nif and run the tool on the corresponding to nif.


My tools will check the folder for both the _0 and _1 nif and ensure that they get created properly as needed.


Now, for Mesh Rigger, I generally recommend doing it that way, so that both re-rigged nifs will end up with 100% identical weight painting.


For clothing converter, it's a bit more complicated and it's really more of a case by case thing whether you are better off creating a single _0 lattice that will generate both _0 and _1 conversions or a separate _0 and _1 lattice.


What you *don't* want to do is generate a single lattice from both the _0 and _1 nifs. As you have noted...it makes nothing but uglies.

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Question, how close do the "From" "To" body nif's have to match? I'm getting some real uglies LOL

Also do the bodies have to be like CBBE or UNP/UNPB or Sevenbase but not custom variants of said bodies?

The reason I ask is that any time I try to make a CBBE to anything Lattice I get some rather strange outcomes in conversions (crotch drops to feet, butts look punched in, legs have wierd deformities, breasts end up larger then they should). I have a range of lattices I've done but they are all between UNP,UNPB,7BBS,7BCleavage UNP Topmodel. any time I go near CBBE from or to it goes south.

am I missing something in my settings? I usually don't touch anything just straight up make a lattice with default settings.


It's tough to say.


I posted an update to the tool package over in the Mesh Rigger thread: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/24797-mesh-rigger-skyrim-fallout-oblivion-beta46-3-23-2014/?p=949527


That *may* introduce some new bugs, but should also have some significantly improved code to compensate for weird differences in rigging/skinning between the meshes.


Since you're converting Skyrim bodies, make sure that you are being very careful with how you convert _0 and _1 nifs.  I talk a bit about approaches to handle that in some recent responses in this thread and the Mesh Rigger thread.


As far as body compatibility goes, there are three basic situations.


1. Two bodies that can use identical textures.  This means that the bodies are UV compatible.  When you create the lattice, enable UV search for best results.  The bodies can be very similar, or extremely different.  Assuming that the UV maps are fully compatible, the tool should be able to do a good to excellent job for most conversions, although for best results a relatively small amount of manual tweaking in a 3D program may be desired.


2. Two similar bodies that require different textures.  The bodies are *not* UV compatible.  When you create the lattice, disable UV search.  The quality of the final result will depend on the initial similarity between bodies.


3. Two very different bodies that require different textures.  The bodies are *not* UV compatible.  The tool will do a terrible job.


OK...so, let's say you want to do a conversion that fits into case 3.  Well, it's been an off and on topic of conversation in the thread.  At some point, I'll have a functional UV conversion library that will be able to use UV mapping to convert between known UV standards.  But that's really waiting until I feel some serious inspiration, so unfortunately I don't have a timeline on that one.


For now, you have to get a bit creative.


Lest assume that you are want to convert from BodyA1 to BodyB1.  BodyA1 uses a UV standard we'll call UVA, and BodyB1 uses a UV standard we'll call UVB.


You want to create the best lattice possible to convert from BodyA1 to BodyB1.  We'll call it LatA1B1.  So how do you do it?


Step 1. Find a UVA body and a UVB body that are as similar as possible.  Exact match would be ideal, but the closer the better.  I'll call them BodyA2 and BodyB2


Step 2. Create a lattice that converts BodyA2 into BodyB2. UV Search is *OFF*. I'll call it LatA2B2


Step 3. Create a lattice that converts BodyB2 into BodyB1.  UV Search is *ON*.  I'll call it LatB2B1


Step 4. use LatA2B2 to convert BodyA2 into BodyB2's shape.  I'll call it BodyA2B2


Step 5. use LatB2B1 to convert BodyA2B2 into BodyB1's shape.  I'll call it BodyA2B1


Step 6. Create a lattice that converts BodyA1 into BodyA2B1.  UV Search is *ON*.  This gives us LatA1B1, the lattice we want.


Now, you can use LatA1B1 to convert any BodyA1 compatible equipment into BodyB1 shape.


I know it's a bet step intensive, but once you've finished making LatA1B1, conversions should be easy.


Now, once you've managed to successfully create a lattice that can generate high quality conversions between a pair of incompatible nifs, I would encourage you to post it over in the Clothing Converter Lattice Library


If enough folks add hard to make lattices to the library, we can hopefully all save each other a fair amount of work.

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Here. . . let me try


A bit of replace-text and it's a bit more understandable. (=


Lets assume that you want to convert from UNP-Skinny to ADEC-Carribean.  UNP-Skinny uses a UV standard we'll call UNPtex, and ADEC-Carribean uses a UV standard we'll call Atex.

You want to create the best lattice possible to convert from UNP-Skinny to ADEC-Carribean.  We'll call it Skinny-to-Carib.  So how do you do it?

Step 1. Find a UNPtex body and a Atex body that are as similar as possible.  Exact match would be ideal, but the closer the better.  I'll call them UNP-Blessed and OrigADEC

Step 2. Create a lattice that converts UNP-Blessed into OrigADEC. UV Search is *OFF*. I'll call it UNPB-to-ADEC

Step 3. Create a lattice that converts OrigADEC into ADEC-Carribean.  UV Search is *ON*.  I'll call it ADEC-to-Carib

Step 4. use UNPB-to-ADEC to convert UNP-Blessed into OrigADEC's shape.  I'll call it "UNPB>ADEC body"

Step 5. use ADEC-to-Carib to convert "UNPB>ADEC body" into ADEC-Carribean's shape.  I'll call it "UNPB>ADEC>Carib body"

Step 6. Create a lattice that converts UNP-Skinny into "UNPB>ADEC>Carib body".  UV Search is *ON*.  This gives us Skinny-to-Carib, the lattice we want.

Now, you can use Skinny-to-Carib to convert any UNP-Skinny compatible equipment into ADEC-Carribean shape.



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has anyone EVER created a working UNP to CBBE? 


I was basically going to do what you are suggesting there, creating intermediate shapes, but the resulting UNPB to CBBE lat was a pretty bad result. Not sure you can get much more similar shapes than that. Resulting boobs are all misshapen and there's dimples everywhere. And yes I only did 1 size at a time.


There's so few options that I'm kinda at a loss as to how to do it.


Also, how does the tool deal with the existing body mesh? If the outfit is skimpy, and, like most outfits, have the body IN the outfit, does the tool do anything abotu that?

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What I have done before for bodies with BBP/TBBP because they tend to come out weird for conversions from CBBE to UNPB/BBP/TBBP is to first make a copy of the CBBE armor and place it into target folder then load it up into nifskope and use the block - remove branch option to remove all armor/outfit pieces from the nif then save as. Then make a copy of the CBBE body from the target folder and place it into from folder.


Then make a lattice convert from CBBE body to UNPB body save and name the lattice/ini to something like CBBE to UNPB test. Then convert once done take the converted CBBE body that is now converted to UNPB and place it into the to folder and place the original CBBE body into the from folder.


Place the CBBE armor into the target folder and run a new lattice and save and name the lattice/ini to something like original CBBE body to converted CBBE/UNPB convert test. Once done run the converter and the body should come out looking a lot better.


I have also had better conversions with CBBE to UNP and others as well is if you change the texture paths in the CBBE body for the template and armor to that of the UNP or to whatever body that you are using. One thing that will stay with CBBE to UNP conversions even if you change the texture paths to UNP is that even though a CBBE body has been converted to a UNP body and has a UNP body texture the CBBE converted body will still have those nasty ass hip marks so after a conversion you may have to delete the CBBE body branch out and replace it with a UNP body and then probably use mesh rigger to add BBP/TBBP to it.

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but wait a second...


How did you get it? I mean what process? I understand the process you describe for conversion, but there's looots of steps there. And even with all the settings maxed out, the unpb > cbbe that I wind up with still has non-trivial issues.


So, based on the desc of the process above that I reworded, it's step 2... and the conversion from the most similar bodies is still visibly distorted. that pretty much screws the entire process. 


Have I missed something?

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I just took a look at that pair of meshes, and no UV maps (long story).  I'll see what I can come up with.  Shouldn't take too long.


Hmm...the slim nif and the cbbe body nif use different triangle systems...looks like it's going to fail my current vertex index search.  I may have to do a quick little bit of coding.

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Well...this is what I get for taking a burn-out break from coding for so long.


I *thought* I had a pair of fully functional meshes (CBBE and UNP) with identical body styles laying around for whenever I finally got around to building the UV converter.


Hmm...Either I'm utterly failing at finding it, or the interconversion meshes don't have UV maps.  Somehow.  Sigh.


To Blender I go.


Man, I haven't fired up Blender in ages.

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Well...this is what I get for taking a burn-out break from coding for so long.


I *thought* I had a pair of fully functional meshes (CBBE and UNP) with identical body styles laying around for whenever I finally got around to building the UV converter.


Hmm...Either I'm utterly failing at finding it, or the interconversion meshes don't have UV maps.  Somehow.  Sigh.


To Blender I go.


Man, I haven't fired up Blender in ages.


On the one hand, it's good to hear that you're workin on it.


On the other hand, you don't have to do it for li'l ole me. I'm just trying to convert some bandaids to my bodyslide. 

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I happen to have 7B TBBP mesh in CBBE shape, and UNP mesh in 7B TBBP shape lying around somewhere.  These can be used in very good precision conversion between CBBE <-> UNP/UNPB/7B, I believe.


Once I can get myself out of my sickness, I will see if I can share some lattices.

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I happen to have 7B TBBP mesh in CBBE shape, and UNP mesh in 7B TBBP shape lying around somewhere.  These can be used in very good precision conversion between CBBE <-> UNP/UNPB/7B, I believe.


Once I can get myself out of my sickness, I will see if I can share some lattices.


That'd be great.


There's a thread linked in the op, just for such an occasion.

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Hi, I was wondering if anyone could guide me or give me tips in how to convert full-body \ one-piece armors in oblivion.

I tried to convert these 2 meshes (attached) and the main problem I had was that these meshes cover the entire body, and not having a mesh for the lower body and another to the upper body separately.

Also the legs in those meshes are "cut".


Basically what I tried was to make a mesh in blender that is made of my target body's both lower and upper body. But that didn't work. 


I am a total noob at those things so I'm probably missing something here... Any help is appreciated !

BU Blood Illusion1.nif


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