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Outfit Studio/Bodyslide 2 CBBE Conversions

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Not a single word, huh?

Speaking or the minimal amount of basic politeness must really wear on you.


So, what exactly did you want us to do with that link?


A person of very few words :D

Maybe he just liked the screenshot and wanted to show it off!


Anyways...that one seems pretty complicated to convert. I gave it a shot the other day.

But could not figure out how to convert it since it has HDT parts in it. It just explodes in Nifskope. And instant crash skyrim.

Doesnt work to convert the normal way.

Maybe someone else has better luck


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A person of very few words :D

Maybe he just liked the screenshot and wanted to show it off!


Anyways...that one seems pretty complicated to convert. I gave it a shot the other day.

But could not figure out how to convert it since it has HDT parts in it. It just explodes in Nifskope. And instant crash skyrim.

Doesnt work to convert the normal way.

Maybe someone else has better luck




That someone else is me, I just didn't copy the bone weights. I had already finished it when I called him out. I don't like "outfits" like that since I like more outfit on my outfits but I wanted to try to get the HDT to work on a conversion.

It looks weird if the nipples aren't as far apart as in the original though since the chain either dangles more or it dangles less, it doesn't change the lenght, naturally.


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That someone else is me, I just didn't copy the bone weights. I had already finished it when I called him out. I don't like "outfits" like that since I like more outfit on my outfits but I wanted to try to get the HDT to work on a conversion.

It looks weird if the nipples aren't as far apart as in the original though since the chain either dangles more or it dangles less, it doesn't change the lenght, naturally.




Yup im still pretty new to outfit studio. I tried to preserve the weights on the HDT parts and just copy the bone weight on the non hdt parts but didnt work for some reason. I was going left and right testing out weights and weight paint but didnt get anywhere.

Its just good information to know for the future incase i run into other HDT armors.

Anyways good job :D


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Hey Fakenet wanted to thank you for all the conversions you have been doing recently have helped a great deal. With your  Cross fire fox conversion however, i am getting the invisible hands and boots glitch for this outfit and was wondering if you had the same issue if not then it must be something on my end. If you could check it out whenever you get a chance would be great thanks 

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Hey Fakenet wanted to thank you for all the conversions you have been doing recently have helped a great deal. With your  Cross fire fox conversion however, i am getting the invisible hands and boots glitch for this outfit and was wondering if you had the same issue if not then it must be something on my end. If you could check it out whenever you get a chance would be great thanks 


Got the same, no idea what it is, the body shape doesn'T even remotely look like mine, maybe becasue they didn't enable the weightscaling.


I hate those idiots who only make one size....


Just forget it, I have no idea what's the problem. Would have to do it all from scratch again.

i thought the name of the thread provides the context


And do I look like some kind of conversion slave to you?

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i thought the name of the thread provides the context


the name of thread does provide context but, just posted a random link without saying anything doesn't help either. For all anyone knows your just posting a link to post a link.



there i fixed it, still don't understand how "posting a link to post a link" it's the first thing anyone thinks of; i did post a link, but i did it in a thread that has 200 pages worth of conversation about conversions and requests and suggestions and the like, you'd think i keep with the program

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Help me people , i can't find Wicca Hunter 1.1 main files,maybe someone have them?

check your pm



Can you give the link too?



or you could just type it into the search function for this thread, someone already posted the original + bodyslide.



Thanks! sorry for the problems :)




Help me people , i can't find Wicca Hunter 1.1 main files,maybe someone have them?

check your pm



Can you give the link too?





Thank you so much! Sorry for the problems :)


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 I had already finished it when I called him out. I don't like "outfits" like that since I like more outfit on my outfits but I wanted to try to get the HDT to work on a conversion.



Nice. Will you post it?



All someone had to do is ask.

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 I had already finished it when I called him out. I don't like "outfits" like that since I like more outfit on my outfits but I wanted to try to get the HDT to work on a conversion.



Nice. Will you post it?



All someone had to do is ask.



wow, really? that's mean man, so all that over-exaggeration was because i didn't ask, as in posted it as a question? even the "slave" part?


if you still think i'm rude or anything that's fine, but look here http://www.loverslab.com/topic/69192-jrconversions-uunp-hdt/?p=1731839


see? i never ask, as in formulate a request or suggestion as a question, just saying; and if you look around that list you'll see that my link didn't get converted, but that's fine, the guy didn't want to do it and that's where it all ended. He never had a problem with how i posted that, he didn't go ballistic because it wasn't a question.



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All someone had to do is ask.



wow, really? that's mean man, so all that over-exaggeration was because i didn't ask, as in posted it as a question? even the "slave" part?


if you still think i'm rude or anything that's fine, but look here http://www.loverslab.com/topic/69192-jrconversions-uunp-hdt/?p=1731839


see? i never ask, as in formulate a request or suggestion as a question, just saying; and if you look around that list you'll see that my link didn't get converted, but that's fine, the guy didn't want to do it and that's where it all ended. He never had a problem with how i posted that, he didn't go ballistic because it wasn't a question.



That's like totally your problem.


I am not responsible for how other people act and I don't care about your anecdotal "evidence".


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indeed, considering out of all the people only you had a problem with the way i post things...


anyway since i brought that other post up, if anyone is interested in converting this http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51401/? , not all of it thought just this https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/110/images/51401-1-1393089585.jpg , because i think i vampire character would look great in that,  that would be great. Note: this armor has HDT moving parts.


Thank you for considering this post. Cheers!

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EDIT: Added the Accessories. Anklets and Armlets, the collar and rings should already work for CBBE. And i didnt touch Heels.


You need the original from http://gomaperopero.tumblr.com/post/159262075880/%E6%88%91%E3%81%8C%E3%81%97%E3%82%87%E3%81%86%E3%82%82%E3%81%AA%E3%81%84minibikini-mod%E3%82%92update%E3%81%97%E3%81%BE%E3%81%97%E3%81%9F

Here it is. MB 4 and MB 5 + Accessories.





Gomas Picture







Updated the File with a few of the Accessories. Anklets and Armlets. Like the picture at the bottom of the spoiler.

Rings and collar already work for CBBE. Did not convert Heels yet.


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Found a working link - http://kp4068.tistory.com/1674



Does not compute.


Why do they need to split it into two parts? the second part is only 120 KB big. It's almost like they don't want people to use their mods.




Aaaaannnd of course it's a custom body shape.


Here you are..all files :P



Thanks, I already managed to get the files together on my own. Still a custom shape though.

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