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Devious Devices - Captured Dreams Shop v4.15 - files removed

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What's left before you feel ready to release v4?  I'd honestly settle for the old content but with the new MCM framework.  New content would be nice, but not having to deal with the various bugs would likely shut people up for a few weeks.  Any complete sections would be nice, but not required.

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What's left before you feel ready to release v4?  I'd honestly settle for the old content but with the new MCM framework.  New content would be nice, but not having to deal with the various bugs would likely shut people up for a few weeks.  Any complete sections would be nice, but not required.


At a minimum I have to finish the parts that I have started, update items affected by the new parts and make changes/additions to existing dialogue. Currently these would be:


Final updating-

Chaste Life

Chaste Spouse

Expansion Main

Package Delivery

Player Slavery - Property (not including Manor slave section)

Device Removal scripts


Initial Testing- most intensive part

Customer Assist 02

Manor Slave section of Player Slavery


Needs Updating- most are minor, typically being dialogue and/or script updates

Exp Quest 01 - new trigger, minor dialogue

Exp Quest 02 - first phase of reworking

Exp Quest 03 - new trigger and options

Exp Quest 04 - new trigger and options

Free Trial - general updates

Confiscation - script updates

Punishment 01 - script updates

Punishment 02 - general

Punishment 03 - general


There is a good chance that once these are done I will do beta testing then release so I can focus on smaller/faster content releases.

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What's left before you feel ready to release v4?  I'd honestly settle for the old content but with the new MCM framework.  New content would be nice, but not having to deal with the various bugs would likely shut people up for a few weeks.  Any complete sections would be nice, but not required.


At a minimum I have to finish the parts that I have started, update items affected by the new parts and make changes/additions to existing dialogue. Currently these would be:


Final updating-

Chaste Life

Chaste Spouse

Expansion Main

Package Delivery

Player Slavery - Property (not including Manor slave section)

Device Removal scripts


Initial Testing- most intensive part

Customer Assist 02

Manor Slave section of Player Slavery


Needs Updating- most are minor, typically being dialogue and/or script updates

Exp Quest 01 - new trigger, minor dialogue

Exp Quest 02 - first phase of reworking

Exp Quest 03 - new trigger and options

Exp Quest 04 - new trigger and options

Free Trial - general updates

Confiscation - script updates

Punishment 01 - script updates

Punishment 02 - general

Punishment 03 - general


There is a good chance that once these are done I will do beta testing then release so I can focus on smaller/faster content releases.


As an idea can you update this list from time to time so we know how progress goes... just for us... so we can calm our nerves and expectations.


And I miss your updates with pictures... those were fun for some reason

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What's left before you feel ready to release v4?  I'd honestly settle for the old content but with the new MCM framework.  New content would be nice, but not having to deal with the various bugs would likely shut people up for a few weeks.  Any complete sections would be nice, but not required.


At a minimum I have to finish the parts that I have started, update items affected by the new parts and make changes/additions to existing dialogue. Currently these would be:


Final updating-

Chaste Life

Chaste Spouse

Expansion Main

Package Delivery

Player Slavery - Property (not including Manor slave section)

Device Removal scripts


Initial Testing- most intensive part

Customer Assist 02

Manor Slave section of Player Slavery


Needs Updating- most are minor, typically being dialogue and/or script updates

Exp Quest 01 - new trigger, minor dialogue

Exp Quest 02 - first phase of reworking

Exp Quest 03 - new trigger and options

Exp Quest 04 - new trigger and options

Free Trial - general updates

Confiscation - script updates

Punishment 01 - script updates

Punishment 02 - general

Punishment 03 - general


There is a good chance that once these are done I will do beta testing then release so I can focus on smaller/faster content releases.



So 14 minorish parts and 3 major parts?  I remember you saying that Customer Assist 2 is important.


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What's left before you feel ready to release v4?  I'd honestly settle for the old content but with the new MCM framework.  New content would be nice, but not having to deal with the various bugs would likely shut people up for a few weeks.  Any complete sections would be nice, but not required.


At a minimum I have to finish the parts that I have started, update items affected by the new parts and make changes/additions to existing dialogue. Currently these would be:


Final updating-

Chaste Life

Chaste Spouse

Expansion Main

Package Delivery

Player Slavery - Property (not including Manor slave section)

Device Removal scripts


Initial Testing- most intensive part

Customer Assist 02

Manor Slave section of Player Slavery


Needs Updating- most are minor, typically being dialogue and/or script updates

Exp Quest 01 - new trigger, minor dialogue

Exp Quest 02 - first phase of reworking

Exp Quest 03 - new trigger and options

Exp Quest 04 - new trigger and options

Free Trial - general updates

Confiscation - script updates

Punishment 01 - script updates

Punishment 02 - general

Punishment 03 - general


There is a good chance that once these are done I will do beta testing then release so I can focus on smaller/faster content releases.



So 14 minorish parts and 3 major parts?  I remember you saying that Customer Assist 2 is important.




The Manor Slave portion will use Customer Assist 02 and there will be several 'special' sessions added to it though they may not make it into this release. The amount of content in Customer Assist 02 currently is light but the supporting parts are in place so it just needs scenarios added. I have 9 generic scenarios planned but only a few have the dialogue structure built that runs them.

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Fantastic work on this mod! I've been having a lot of fun with it as I work through the proper installation and use of all these different mods. I am somewhat of a newb to all of this, but I've learned a lot recently.
I'm posting here because I've run into an issue in the questline. When going to the Thalmor embassy, my character goes through the dialog up until the Thalmor mistress commands the guard to take my character to the solar. The screen fades to black, and then comes back with everyone still standing around. I've made sure the masturabate on belt removal option is turned off, I have Fus Roh D'oh, I don't have SexLab Attack, and I don't have control during this. I can look around, but that's it. Let me know if there's any obvious mistake I made.

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Fantastic work on this mod! I've been having a lot of fun with it as I work through the proper installation and use of all these different mods. I am somewhat of a newb to all of this, but I've learned a lot recently.

I'm posting here because I've run into an issue in the questline. When going to the Thalmor embassy, my character goes through the dialog up until the Thalmor mistress commands the guard to take my character to the solar. The screen fades to black, and then comes back with everyone still standing around. I've made sure the masturabate on belt removal option is turned off, I have Fus Roh D'oh, I don't have SexLab Attack, and I don't have control during this. I can look around, but that's it. Let me know if there's any obvious mistake I made.


Switch to first person view, that worked for me in a recent test.



just out of curiosity, is there any part of the thread that outlines what the new features do? I don't recognize some of the things you mentioned.


It is probably pretty far back at this point though a few things have changed. I will try to post something a little later.



This thread has dragged on too long for effective searching.  It the forum arcitecture can support it, I would recomend spinning off a new one.  Considering the differences, I think we can argue that v4 can be considered a new mod.


Considering the number of posts that may be a good idea. I will likely keep this open until v4 is ready to release, start a new thread and have this one locked.

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I'd recommend that you finish the following and then release. The minor parts are a good candidate for a 4.1 or 4.2 (given that 4.0.1+ are bug fix releases)

  • Chaste Life
  • Chaste Spouse
  • Expansion Main
  • Package Delivery
  • Player Slavery - Property (not including Manor slave section)
  • Device Removal scripts
  • Customer Assist 02
  • Manor Slave section of Player Slavery
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I got sidetracked wondering about the first two you mentioned and Techpriest repeated:

Chaste Life

Chaste spouse.

please standby while I search my brain for real-world examples....

Can't mention them,

nope, mmm--mmm.

OK but people who want to be chaste in a game (forget reality)

want to be rewarded, or why would it be called a "game".

Forgive me, I'm just trying to understand.

LIke (ooh, I've got one)

in the "sims", one of the creators thought it would be PC and fun

for a player to sit and watch their NPC turn the pages of a book for ten minutes.

The payoff was supposed to be that the NPC learned a skill,

the EA (educational authority) would be pleased because the game mentioned reading,

and (there is no 'and', I typed this hoping I'd think of one by now).

So the chaste thing is very PC, especially for reformed, um, debauchees.


(I forgot to type a question but it's in there)


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Chaste Life is for a role play situation where you want to stay chaste until marriage so it is meant to protect the player's virginity (female only on this). For the most part it is an extension of the Protector belts but you have less control over the belt and other items. I had a few requests for something like this and have done this sort of role play in a few games myself. This will have an effect on the Player Slavery questline as Master likes virgin girls apparently. Chaste Life is entirely optional and must be enabled in the MCM menu to start it.


Chaste Spouse is a follow up to Chaste Life that allows for a slave / master relationship between you and your spouse. What position you take is determined by your disposition score, if it is in the middle it will be random (though I may let you choose). This can be used without using Chaste Life first and also requires it to be enabled in the MCM menu for it to start.


At some point I will make it so you can use the bondage furniture without using Chaste Life.

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Here is what will be in v4:


Main additions / changes-

Player Slavery- Player becomes a slave to the Master either voluntarily or as involuntarily as property.

-- Property slave: 14 phases in all which includes 1 bad ending, 4 quests (2 repeatable and 2 not), Manor Slave which leads to good ending

-- Relationship slave: asked to become a slave, currently has basics in place.

Customer Assist 02- Assist guests in a slave/master scene

-- Generic guests currently has 2 scenarios, 3 more have basics in place and another 4 are planned

-- Specific guests (named npc's) have not been made yet

Reworked Expansion- the 4 quests will be separate from the expansion of the shop

-- the 4 quests will be optional

-- quest 2 (embassy quest) will have added dialogue options

Chaste Life- live with a belt (and other items if requested) until you get married, however long that takes.

Chaste Spouse- enter into a master/slave relationship with your spouse, you can be in either role.

-- ZAZ furniture can be purchased for your home for use by you or your spouse

Reworked device removal- the Master now handles the removal of all items (including some items from Cursed Loot)


Other details-

Expanded dialogue- added dialogue to most all npc's

NPC guests in VIP house- guests (session and non session) will arrive and stay a few days before leaving

Device adjustments- more items on npc's will be replaced with ones without scripts to reduce the number of items Integraion has to equip

Lighting adjustments- remove shadow lighting outside


I expect dialogue line count to be at least double v3 and the npc count is now at nearly 100 in all.


I wanted more quests but the complexity of the parts needed for the Player Slavery and Customer Assist 02 along with health issues took its toll. Unfortunately most of the quests I wanted to do will tie into either the Player Slavery (will have non-slavery options as well) and Customer Assist 02.

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Fantastic work on this mod! I've been having a lot of fun with it as I work through the proper installation and use of all these different mods. I am somewhat of a newb to all of this, but I've learned a lot recently.
I'm posting here because I've run into an issue in the questline. When going to the Thalmor embassy, my character goes through the dialog up until the Thalmor mistress commands the guard to take my character to the solar. The screen fades to black, and then comes back with everyone still standing around. I've made sure the masturabate on belt removal option is turned off, I have Fus Roh D'oh, I don't have SexLab Attack, and I don't have control during this. I can look around, but that's it. Let me know if there's any obvious mistake I made.


Switch to first person view, that worked for me in a recent test.


Thank you for your response! I went through the entire event in first person and unfortunately I encountered the same error. I don't know if it would help, but I attached a screenshot of after the screen fades to black and then comes back with everyone in the same places


After several tries of uploading the screenshot picture directly or elsewhere and linking it, I've given up. 




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Fantastic work on this mod! I've been having a lot of fun with it as I work through the proper installation and use of all these different mods. I am somewhat of a newb to all of this, but I've learned a lot recently.

I'm posting here because I've run into an issue in the questline. When going to the Thalmor embassy, my character goes through the dialog up until the Thalmor mistress commands the guard to take my character to the solar. The screen fades to black, and then comes back with everyone still standing around. I've made sure the masturabate on belt removal option is turned off, I have Fus Roh D'oh, I don't have SexLab Attack, and I don't have control during this. I can look around, but that's it. Let me know if there's any obvious mistake I made.


Switch to first person view, that worked for me in a recent test.


Thank you for your response! I went through the entire event in first person and unfortunately I encountered the same error. I don't know if it would help, but I attached a screenshot of after the screen fades to black and then comes back with everyone in the same places


After several tries of uploading the screenshot picture directly or elsewhere and linking it, I've given up. 



Use the console to move the guard closer to you, he may be out of range of the force greet package.

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Use the console to move the guard closer to you, he may be out of range of the force greet package.


That didn't seem to do it either. Could it be an issue with another DD mod?


Here's my mod load order, if that helps






Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp=1


Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp=1


Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp=1


Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp=1

Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm=1




Devious Devices - Assets.esm=1







Devious Devices - Integration.esm=1

Devious Devices - Expansion.esm=1




Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp=1



dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp=1





Schlongs of Skyrim.esp=1

SOS - Smurf Average Addon.esp=1

SOS - VectorPlexus Muscular Addon.esp=1

SOS - VectorPlexus Regular Addon.esp=1


SD Cages.esp=1

Captured Dreams.esp=1







Devious Cidhna.esp=1


SOS - Shop.esp=1



Sneak Tools.esp=1

Sneak Tools Vanilla Masks.esp=1

Sneak Tools Vanilla Hoods.esp=1






Deviously Enslaved.esp=1

Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp=1



Thieves Guild Redone.esp=1





Gildergreen Regrown.esp=1

Rebirth Monster.esp=1



FA Guard Helmet.esp=1


SexLab Submit.esp=1

Deviously Cursed Loot.esp=1


Devious Deviants.esp=1





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Use the console to move the guard closer to you, he may be out of range of the force greet package.


That didn't seem to do it either. Could it be an issue with another DD mod?


Here's my mod load order, if that helps






Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp=1


Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp=1


Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp=1


Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp=1

Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm=1




Devious Devices - Assets.esm=1







Devious Devices - Integration.esm=1

Devious Devices - Expansion.esm=1




Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp=1



dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp=1





Schlongs of Skyrim.esp=1

SOS - Smurf Average Addon.esp=1

SOS - VectorPlexus Muscular Addon.esp=1

SOS - VectorPlexus Regular Addon.esp=1


SD Cages.esp=1

Captured Dreams.esp=1







Devious Cidhna.esp=1


SOS - Shop.esp=1



Sneak Tools.esp=1

Sneak Tools Vanilla Masks.esp=1

Sneak Tools Vanilla Hoods.esp=1






Deviously Enslaved.esp=1

Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp=1



Thieves Guild Redone.esp=1





Gildergreen Regrown.esp=1

Rebirth Monster.esp=1



FA Guard Helmet.esp=1


SexLab Submit.esp=1

Deviously Cursed Loot.esp=1


Devious Deviants.esp=1





The only mod I see that may be an issue is Simple Slavery if it has dialogue options with it. If it does see if they can be disabled temporarily, I don't use it so I am not sure if it does.


Do the following:

Use the console to check your inventory and see if your items have been moved (likely have if the fade out happened). If they have then you can advance the quest manually:

Setstage CDxExpQuest02 150

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Do the following:




Use the console to check your inventory and see if your items have been moved (likely have if the fade out happened). If they have then you can advance the quest manually:

Setstage CDxExpQuest02 150



That worked! Thank you very much, Veladarius. Do you have a place where I can donate to you for all the work you've done?

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Do the following:




Use the console to check your inventory and see if your items have been moved (likely have if the fade out happened). If they have then you can advance the quest manually:

Setstage CDxExpQuest02 150



That worked! Thank you very much, Veladarius. Do you have a place where I can donate to you for all the work you've done?



I have a paypal account, the email address associated with it is at the bottom of the first post of the thread ( Veladarius@Fioptics.com ).

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I have really been enjoying this mod. thank you for creating it i find it in turns exciting and amusing and surprising. Sure i have had a few bugs here and there but nothing i havn;t been able to muddle through by reloading here and there (i'm looking at you Thalmore!)


I have yet another task for master, the village is looking great, but all of sudden after countless visits i find i can no longer fast travel to the shop.


In fact i have found i cannot fast travel any where even near the shop: examples- the mill, animal mansion, etc...


I have found i can fast travel to Falkreath or the stones, but if i try to hoof it to the CD shop i get a CTD as soon as i'm close.


Any suggestions?

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I have really been enjoying this mod. thank you for creating it i find it in turns exciting and amusing and surprising. Sure i have had a few bugs here and there but nothing i havn;t been able to muddle through by reloading here and there (i'm looking at you Thalmore!)


I have yet another task for master, the village is looking great, but all of sudden after countless visits i find i can no longer fast travel to the shop.


In fact i have found i cannot fast travel any where even near the shop: examples- the mill, animal mansion, etc...


I have found i can fast travel to Falkreath or the stones, but if i try to hoof it to the CD shop i get a CTD as soon as i'm close.


Any suggestions?


The only thing I can think of is script overload when devices are being activated on npc's but if that was the only issue it would have started happening before the Embassy quest (all the npc's are out at that point). If you are using SexLab Nude Creatures check the arousal and cloak rate in the Creature Framework MCM menu, the default is 5 seconds but I found it caused instability with a high script load. I increased these to 30 seconds as I didn't see any reason to check every creature/actor every 5 seconds.

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What do the devices use to show as unremovable? My free trial quest broke and even commandline removals don't work, they just reset.


There should be a debug option in the MCM menu to remove them, I think the one that resets the debt slavery will remove all CD items but my memory is failing me.


I think it was at the bottom of the reset page, you need to scroll down to see it.

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What do the devices use to show as unremovable? My free trial quest broke and even commandline removals don't work, they just reset.


There should be a debug option in the MCM menu to remove them, I think the one that resets the debt slavery will remove all CD items but my memory is failing me.


I think it was at the bottom of the reset page, you need to scroll down to see it.



There should be a reset for the Free Trial in the options on the Reset page and the reset for any quest that adds items will remove them as well. The new MCM menu will also have a new option to remove any CD device in case something happens during removal as well.

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What do the devices use to show as unremovable? My free trial quest broke and even commandline removals don't work, they just reset.


There should be a debug option in the MCM menu to remove them, I think the one that resets the debt slavery will remove all CD items but my memory is failing me.


I think it was at the bottom of the reset page, you need to scroll down to see it.



There should be a reset for the Free Trial in the options on the Reset page and the reset for any quest that adds items will remove them as well. The new MCM menu will also have a new option to remove any CD device in case something happens during removal as well.



The option wasn't working for me. But disabling the mod, doing a quicksave/quickload, then re-enabling it worked. Yay scripting!


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