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sexlab is overwriting the scrips from papyrusUtil, do I need to put papyrus avobe sexlab or keep sexlab higher?


I'm using sexlab version 159c and papyrus 3.0.


Switch to SL 1.6 and then it's not important anymore, as SL 1.6 provides PapyrusUtil 3.

If you want to stay with SL 1.59, then I would recommend to let PapyrusUtil 3 overwrite anything, as it being more up-to-date than the one provided by SL 1.59



Ok I got it, thanks :)

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I've been having a crash on load problem every once in awhile after installing 3.0. I'm still using SL 1.59.

I make multiple saves per play session, and can play for long periods without any issue or crashes. There is no indication there is a problem, and when reloading the game and the last save I made, I get CTD. Sometimes it's not just the last save I made, a few of the sequential saves I made. 

The hdtSkyrimMemPatch.log shows storageutil.dll as the cause, and I never saw this with 2.8. I've attached a file with the htdSkyrimMemPatch log and dump, plus my papyrus.log.



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I've been having a crash on load problem every once in awhile after installing 3.0. I'm still using SL 1.59.


I make multiple saves per play session, and can play for long periods without any issue or crashes. There is no indication there is a problem, and when reloading the game and the last save I made, I get CTD. Sometimes it's not just the last save I made, a few of the sequential saves I made. 


The hdtSkyrimMemPatch.log shows storageutil.dll as the cause, and I never saw this with 2.8. I've attached a file with the htdSkyrimMemPatch log and dump, plus my papyrus.log.




Main log I'd need to is papyrusutil's, which you can find in the main Skyrim folder named "PapyrusUtilDev.log"

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I guess that should have been self evident :o

Here is all the logs and the dump again.




It's happening during package override loading, as the last line is:



This is an issue specifically fixed in 3.0, are you 100% positive you're running the newest version? Even if you are, install it again and make sure it's not at a lower priority than sexlab 1.59c if you're using mod organizer.


And if you don't mind sticking around and helping hash this problem out asap, it would be much appreciated as I was planning in a hour or two to release a SexLab update along with updating PapyrusUtil to 3.1, would prefer to fix this issue if it's still actually present in 3.0 though.

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I guess that should have been self evident :o

Here is all the logs and the dump again.




It's happening during package override loading, as the last line is:



This is an issue specifically fixed in 3.0, are you 100% positive you're running the newest version? Even if you are, install it again and make sure it's not at a lower priority than sexlab 1.59c if you're using mod organizer.


And if you don't mind sticking around and helping hash this problem out asap, it would be much appreciated as I was planning in a hour or two to release a SexLab update along with updating PapyrusUtil to 3.1, would prefer to fix this issue if it's still actually present in 3.0 though.




No problem, I'll reinstall 3.0 and report back right away.

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Reinstalled and loaded the test save that just crashed (the last set of logs), and it loaded ok. Played through the quest to get the silverblood mercenaries to leave that mine (used SL Solutions) then saved at the exit of the mine. Trying to load that save after restarting the game resulted in a crash, logs attached.

The Storageutil.dll I am using is 827kb, if that is any help.

Load Order:


00  Skyrim.esm
01  Update.esm
02  Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp  [Version 2.1.3]
03  Dawnguard.esm
04  Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp  [Version 2.1.3]
05  HearthFires.esm
06  Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp  [Version 2.1.3]
07  Dragonborn.esm
08  Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp  [Version 2.1.3]
09  Skyrim Project Optimization - Full Version.esm
0A  Campfire.esm
0B  Havok Breast Physic.esm
0C  hdtHighHeel.esm
0D  ApachiiHair.esm
0E  ApachiiHairFemales.esm
0F  AzarHair.esm
10  EFFCore.esm
11  daymoyl.esm
12  SexLab.esm  [Version 1.59b]
13  SexLabAroused.esm
14  CreatureFramework.esm  [Version 1.0.0]
15  ZaZAnimationPack.esm
16  Devious Devices - Assets.esm  [Version 2.8.3]
17  Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm
18  BeeingFemale.esm  [Version 2.4]
19  Devious Devices - Integration.esm
1A  Devious Devices - Expansion.esm
1B  HighResTexturePack01.esp
1C  HighResTexturePack02.esp
1D  HighResTexturePack03.esp
1E  Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp  [Version 1.1.9]
1F  SMIM-FarmhouseFlickeringFix.esp
20  SMIM-DragonbornTernFix.esp
21  SMIM-DungeonsCliffsIceSkirts.esp
22  FNISspells.esp
23  NoTint.esm
24  FISS.esp
25  Devious Deviants.esp
26  Havok Breast Physic.esp
27  Havok Breast Physic Dragonborn.esp
28  Havok Breast Physic Dawnguard.esp
29  StrapOnbyaeonv1.1.esp
2A  EC Clothes.esp
2B  Ursine Armor Pack.esp
2C  Sotteta Huntress Armor.esp
2D  Sotteta Necromancer Outfit.esp
2E  WildHuntress.esp
2F  Tembtra Thief Armor.esp
30  Merta Black Rose Armor.esp
31  Merta Assassin Armor.esp
32  EliteRogueArmour.esp
33  AncientDraugr.esp
34  CharmingHighHeels.esp
35  MashupUNP.esp
36  FollowerDistanceTest.esp
37  Weapons & Armor Fixes_Remade.esp
38  Weapons & Armor_TrueOrcishWeapons.esp
39  Weapons & Armor_FasterArrows.esp
3A  Weapons & Armor_DragonPriestMasks.esp
3B  Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp
3C  Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp
3D  AlternativeCraftingSystem.esp
3E  SkyUI.esp
3F  SkyTweak.esp
40  SkyrimSpeeds.esp
41  UIExtensions.esp
42  TradeBarter.esp
43  Blacksmith Chests.esp
44  Populated Cities Towns Villages.esp
45  Immersive Followers.esp
46  High Level Enemies.esp
47  High Level Enemies - Dawnguard.esp
48  High Level Enemies - Dragonborn.esp
49  High Level Enemies - Raised Ability Caps.esp
4A  Feminine Females.esp
4B  Brawl Bugs CE.esp
4C  UnreadBooksGlow.esp  [Version 2.2.0]
4D  Auto Unequip Ammo.esp
4E  Auto Unequip Helmet.esp
4F  AutoPV.esp
50  Smelter_Riften & Solitude.esp
51  ImprovedHearthfireLighting.esp
52  Skyrim Shadow Striping Fix.esp  [Version 2.1]
53  Remove Interior Fog V2 - Full Version.esp
54  LPSleep.esp
55  Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp  [Version 3.0.4]
56  BetterQuestObjectives.esp  [Version 1.5.4]
57  BetterQuestObjectives-DBForevertoMisc.esp
58  BetterQuestObjectives-AlternateStartPatch.esp
59  NotSoFast-MainQuest.esp
5A  Better Stealth AI for Followers.esp  [Version 3.4]
5B  Better Favor Jobs.esp
5C  daymoyl_DawnguardAddon.esp
5D  da_alternate_start_extension.esp
5E  mjhReducedGoldRewards.esp
5F  LFGCustom.esp
60  Run For Your Lives.esp  [Version 2.0.5]
61  Cidhna Mine Expanded.esp
62  Devious Cidhna.esp
63  Immersive Horses.esp
64  RaceMenu.esp
65  RaceMenuPlugin.esp
66  RaceMenuOverlays.esp
67  RaceMenuPantyhose.esp
68  RaceMenuMorphsUUNP.esp
69  XPMSE.esp
6A  Improved Freckles Skyrim.esp
6B  lovelyhairstylesce.esp
6C  LovelyHairstylesLITE.esp
6D  VioLens.esp  [Version 2.1]
6E  NonSexLabAnimationPack.esp
6F  Cloaks.esp
70  Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp
71  No Axe or Pickaxe required.esp
72  Chesko_WearableLantern.esp
73  Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer.esp
74  Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer - Dawnguard.esp
75  Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer - Dragonborn.esp
76  SexLab Eager NPCs.esp
77  Schlongs of Skyrim.esp
78  SOS - Smurf Average Addon.esp
79  SOS - VectorPlexus Muscular Addon.esp
7A  SOS - VectorPlexus Regular Addon.esp
7B  SOS - Carloss32 Horse Addon.esp
7C  SOS - Leito Addon.esp
7D  SOSRaceMenu.esp
7E  SSLToys.esp
7F  SexLab_Solutions.esp
80  SexLabSkoomaWhore.esp
81  xazPrisonOverhaul.esp
82  SexLab_Solutions_PO_Patch.esp
83  TemptressVixen.esp
84  SexLab-AmorousAdventures.esp
85  SexLab-AmorousAdventures-ArousalTriggers.esp
86  dD-No Spinning Death Animation Merged.esp
87  dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp
88  dD-Dragonborn-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.esp
89  dD-Reduced Splatter Size.esp
8A  ShowersInInns.esp
8B  Bathing in Skyrim - Main.esp
8C  iNeed.esp
8D  iNeed - Dangerous Diseases.esp
8E  BeeingFemaleBasicAddOn.esp
8F  adcSexlife.esp
90  SexLabDangerousNights2.esp
91  SexLab TDF Aggressive Prostitution.esp
92  sexlab_WearAndTear.esp
93  SexLab Cumshot.esp  [Version 1.6]
94  sr_FillHerUp.esp
95  SexLab Romance.esp
96  LoversComfort.esp
97  MF_SpectatorCrowds.esp
98  SexLab STDs.esp
99  SexLabDefeat.esp
9A  SexLab Aroused Creatures.esp
9B  MoreNastyCritters.esp
9C  SexLabNudeCreatures.esp
9D  SexLabNudeCreaturesDG.esp
9E  SexLabNudeCreaturesDB.esp
9F  SexLabWerewolves.esp
A0  SexLabWerewolvesMB.esp
A1  xazPrisonOverhaul - Patch.esp
A2  Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp
A3  Morwen.esp
A4  mjollfacelift-v4-1-Blonde.esp
A5  Jenassa Makeover.esp
A6  Ysolda.esp
A7  LydiaPrettyFace.esp
A8  AelaSylvanMK.esp
A9  Working Dog.esp
AA  Dual Sheath Redux.esp
AB  Dual Sheath Redux Patch.esp
AC  EFFDialogue.esp
AD  BetterQuestObjectives-EFFPatch.esp
AE  Throthgar Follower.esp
AF  xMiscFixes.esp
B0  SmeltersNavMesh.esp
B1  CFireCCOPatch.esp
++  Remodeled-SOS-Patch.esp
++  SOS - no underwear for beast races.esp
++  Unlimited Jewelry For Dawngurad & Dragonborn.esp
++  Weapons & Armor_TrueWeaponsLvlLists.esp
++  Complete Crafting_TrueWeaponsLvlLists.esp
B2  Bashed Patch, 0.esp
B3  Elephant'sScriptLatencyTester.esp

Link to comment

Reinstalled and loaded the test save that just crashed (the last set of logs), and it loaded ok. Played through the quest to get the silverblood mercenaries to leave that mine (used SL Solutions) then saved at the exit of the mine. Trying to load that save after restarting the game resulted in a crash, logs attached.


The Storageutil.dll I am using is 827kb, if that is any help.


Load Order:




00  Skyrim.esm
01  Update.esm
02  Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp  [Version 2.1.3]
03  Dawnguard.esm
04  Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp  [Version 2.1.3]
05  HearthFires.esm
06  Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp  [Version 2.1.3]
07  Dragonborn.esm
08  Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp  [Version 2.1.3]
09  Skyrim Project Optimization - Full Version.esm
0A  Campfire.esm
0B  Havok Breast Physic.esm
0C  hdtHighHeel.esm
0D  ApachiiHair.esm
0E  ApachiiHairFemales.esm
0F  AzarHair.esm
10  EFFCore.esm
11  daymoyl.esm
12  SexLab.esm  [Version 1.59b]
13  SexLabAroused.esm
14  CreatureFramework.esm  [Version 1.0.0]
15  ZaZAnimationPack.esm
16  Devious Devices - Assets.esm  [Version 2.8.3]
17  Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm
18  BeeingFemale.esm  [Version 2.4]
19  Devious Devices - Integration.esm
1A  Devious Devices - Expansion.esm
1B  HighResTexturePack01.esp
1C  HighResTexturePack02.esp
1D  HighResTexturePack03.esp
1E  Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp  [Version 1.1.9]
1F  SMIM-FarmhouseFlickeringFix.esp
20  SMIM-DragonbornTernFix.esp
21  SMIM-DungeonsCliffsIceSkirts.esp
22  FNISspells.esp
23  NoTint.esm
24  FISS.esp
25  Devious Deviants.esp
26  Havok Breast Physic.esp
27  Havok Breast Physic Dragonborn.esp
28  Havok Breast Physic Dawnguard.esp
29  StrapOnbyaeonv1.1.esp
2A  EC Clothes.esp
2B  Ursine Armor Pack.esp
2C  Sotteta Huntress Armor.esp
2D  Sotteta Necromancer Outfit.esp
2E  WildHuntress.esp
2F  Tembtra Thief Armor.esp
30  Merta Black Rose Armor.esp
31  Merta Assassin Armor.esp
32  EliteRogueArmour.esp
33  AncientDraugr.esp
34  CharmingHighHeels.esp
35  MashupUNP.esp
36  FollowerDistanceTest.esp
37  Weapons & Armor Fixes_Remade.esp
38  Weapons & Armor_TrueOrcishWeapons.esp
39  Weapons & Armor_FasterArrows.esp
3A  Weapons & Armor_DragonPriestMasks.esp
3B  Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp
3C  Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp
3D  AlternativeCraftingSystem.esp
3E  SkyUI.esp
3F  SkyTweak.esp
40  SkyrimSpeeds.esp
41  UIExtensions.esp
42  TradeBarter.esp
43  Blacksmith Chests.esp
44  Populated Cities Towns Villages.esp
45  Immersive Followers.esp
46  High Level Enemies.esp
47  High Level Enemies - Dawnguard.esp
48  High Level Enemies - Dragonborn.esp
49  High Level Enemies - Raised Ability Caps.esp
4A  Feminine Females.esp
4B  Brawl Bugs CE.esp
4C  UnreadBooksGlow.esp  [Version 2.2.0]
4D  Auto Unequip Ammo.esp
4E  Auto Unequip Helmet.esp
4F  AutoPV.esp
50  Smelter_Riften & Solitude.esp
51  ImprovedHearthfireLighting.esp
52  Skyrim Shadow Striping Fix.esp  [Version 2.1]
53  Remove Interior Fog V2 - Full Version.esp
54  LPSleep.esp
55  Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp  [Version 3.0.4]
56  BetterQuestObjectives.esp  [Version 1.5.4]
57  BetterQuestObjectives-DBForevertoMisc.esp
58  BetterQuestObjectives-AlternateStartPatch.esp
59  NotSoFast-MainQuest.esp
5A  Better Stealth AI for Followers.esp  [Version 3.4]
5B  Better Favor Jobs.esp
5C  daymoyl_DawnguardAddon.esp
5D  da_alternate_start_extension.esp
5E  mjhReducedGoldRewards.esp
5F  LFGCustom.esp
60  Run For Your Lives.esp  [Version 2.0.5]
61  Cidhna Mine Expanded.esp
62  Devious Cidhna.esp
63  Immersive Horses.esp
64  RaceMenu.esp
65  RaceMenuPlugin.esp
66  RaceMenuOverlays.esp
67  RaceMenuPantyhose.esp
68  RaceMenuMorphsUUNP.esp
69  XPMSE.esp
6A  Improved Freckles Skyrim.esp
6B  lovelyhairstylesce.esp
6C  LovelyHairstylesLITE.esp
6D  VioLens.esp  [Version 2.1]
6E  NonSexLabAnimationPack.esp
6F  Cloaks.esp
70  Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp
71  No Axe or Pickaxe required.esp
72  Chesko_WearableLantern.esp
73  Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer.esp
74  Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer - Dawnguard.esp
75  Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer - Dragonborn.esp
76  SexLab Eager NPCs.esp
77  Schlongs of Skyrim.esp
78  SOS - Smurf Average Addon.esp
79  SOS - VectorPlexus Muscular Addon.esp
7A  SOS - VectorPlexus Regular Addon.esp
7B  SOS - Carloss32 Horse Addon.esp
7C  SOS - Leito Addon.esp
7D  SOSRaceMenu.esp
7E  SSLToys.esp
7F  SexLab_Solutions.esp
80  SexLabSkoomaWhore.esp
81  xazPrisonOverhaul.esp
82  SexLab_Solutions_PO_Patch.esp
83  TemptressVixen.esp
84  SexLab-AmorousAdventures.esp
85  SexLab-AmorousAdventures-ArousalTriggers.esp
86  dD-No Spinning Death Animation Merged.esp
87  dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp
88  dD-Dragonborn-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.esp
89  dD-Reduced Splatter Size.esp
8A  ShowersInInns.esp
8B  Bathing in Skyrim - Main.esp
8C  iNeed.esp
8D  iNeed - Dangerous Diseases.esp
8E  BeeingFemaleBasicAddOn.esp
8F  adcSexlife.esp
90  SexLabDangerousNights2.esp
91  SexLab TDF Aggressive Prostitution.esp
92  sexlab_WearAndTear.esp
93  SexLab Cumshot.esp  [Version 1.6]
94  sr_FillHerUp.esp
95  SexLab Romance.esp
96  LoversComfort.esp
97  MF_SpectatorCrowds.esp
98  SexLab STDs.esp
99  SexLabDefeat.esp
9A  SexLab Aroused Creatures.esp
9B  MoreNastyCritters.esp
9C  SexLabNudeCreatures.esp
9D  SexLabNudeCreaturesDG.esp
9E  SexLabNudeCreaturesDB.esp
9F  SexLabWerewolves.esp
A0  SexLabWerewolvesMB.esp
A1  xazPrisonOverhaul - Patch.esp
A2  Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp
A3  Morwen.esp
A4  mjollfacelift-v4-1-Blonde.esp
A5  Jenassa Makeover.esp
A6  Ysolda.esp
A7  LydiaPrettyFace.esp
A8  AelaSylvanMK.esp
A9  Working Dog.esp
AA  Dual Sheath Redux.esp
AB  Dual Sheath Redux Patch.esp
AC  EFFDialogue.esp
AD  BetterQuestObjectives-EFFPatch.esp
AE  Throthgar Follower.esp
AF  xMiscFixes.esp
B0  SmeltersNavMesh.esp
B1  CFireCCOPatch.esp
++  Remodeled-SOS-Patch.esp
++  SOS - no underwear for beast races.esp
++  Unlimited Jewelry For Dawngurad & Dragonborn.esp
++  Weapons & Armor_TrueWeaponsLvlLists.esp
++  Complete Crafting_TrueWeaponsLvlLists.esp
B2  Bashed Patch, 0.esp
B3  Elephant'sScriptLatencyTester.esp





I might see where the issue would occur now, here's a possibly fixed version: v31_prerelease.zip

Overwrite your install of 3.0 with it and try again. Whether it works or not post your PapyrusUtilDev.log again afterwards, as I set it to print out a little bit more relevant information for debugging purposes.

Link to comment


I might see where the issue would occur now, here's a possibly fixed version: attachicon.gifv31_prerelease.zip

Overwrite your install of 3.0 with it and try again. Whether it works or not post your PapyrusUtilDev.log again afterwards, as I set it to print out a little bit more relevant information for debugging purposes.



Tested it a few times and it seems to be loading alright with the one you uploaded.



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Feature request for JsonUtils:


string[] function GetFileList(string path) global native
Background - for my Bob The Builder engine (persistent user cell edits) I store one construction plan per cell in a special sub folder of StorageUtilData.
During startup I collect all construction plan filenames (filename contains cell identifier).
Whenever a user enters a cell I check if there is a construction plan filename - and process the construction plan and remove the filename from the filename list.
Currently I have to store the filename list in an extra file but it is error prone because I have to keep this list and the files in sync.
The returned strings should contain the name that can be used in this way:
JsonUtil.GetStringValue(path + filename[0],"NameOfValue")
Link to comment

A list of json filenames without file extension and without prefix path that was given in the function call.

prefix path is always relative to StorageUtilData

string[] planfilenames = JsonUtil.GetFiles("ConstructionPlans")

int i = planfilenames.Length
while i>0
    i -= 1
    string valueFromPlan = JsonUtil.GetStringValue("ConstructionPlans/" + planfilenames[i] , "Key")

Link to comment

The "GetFiles" function you are proposing looks to me like a search function for the file system.

At this point, if Ashal does it exactly as you describe, then you may get fines from others mods too.


Two options (if Ashal decides to do something for this):

* Use a simple pattern matching technique: string[] result = JsonUtil.GetFiles("ConstructionPlan*")

this should return all the file, including the sub-path, for something that starts with "ConstructionPlan". Only one wildcard acceptable to minimize the complexity of the pattern matching.

* Change the function to "GetFilesInFolder(String folderName)", and then use for sure sub-folderds, of just one level, where you get everything inside.



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I looked at SKSE wiki - it seems it is not possible to return arrays (https://github.com/xanderdunn/skaar/wiki/Registering-Functions) - so it must be done with StorageUtil arrays. Too bad - I need this function very much and tried to add it to my own SKSE plugin...

Yes you can return arrays.

VMResultArray<BSFixedString> foo(StaticFunctionTag*){
    VMResultArray<BSFixedString> list;
    list.resize(2, 0);
    list[0] = BSFixedString("hello");
    list[1] = BSFixedString("world");
    return list;
Link to comment


I looked at SKSE wiki - it seems it is not possible to return arrays (https://github.com/xanderdunn/skaar/wiki/Registering-Functions) - so it must be done with StorageUtil arrays. Too bad - I need this function very much and tried to add it to my own SKSE plugin...

Yes you can return arrays.

VMResultArray<BSFixedString> foo(StaticFunctionTag*){
    VMResultArray<BSFixedString> list;
    list.resize(2, 0);
    list[0] = BSFixedString("hello");
    list[1] = BSFixedString("world");
    return list;

OMG  thank you! So the wiki is outdated "Although it isn't possible to return an array from an SKSE function that's exported to Papyrus"

Link to comment

Is the source code of PapyrusUtils available anywhere? I might be able to provide a patch for the GetFiles function...


There's an old copy of the source somewhere in this thread for like version 2.6 or something, but nothing recent. No recent version of it posted anywhere, mostly out of laziness but also a bit out of embarassment as this was my first foray into C++ and I'm not exactly proud of a lot of it's code as I've grown to learn it better. I can post the source if there's really enough demand for it. I do plan on rewriting a lot of the older code in it eventually though, and would gladly post the source then.


I plan on adding the functions next release in any case, not that hard to make. I've also recently added these 2 functions, which are pretty different from most of the other functions in PapyrusUtil so far, and some people might find a lot of use in. Only done some light testing with them so far, and will definitely need to more thoroughly test them before releasing: 

; // Get a list of all living actors within a distance of given object/actor's current cell, optionally also filter results by a provided keyword.
Actor[] function ScanCellActors(ObjectReference CenterOn, float radius = 5000.0, Keyword HasKeyword = none) global native

; // Get a list of all objects of a given form type within a distance of given object/actors's current cell, optionally also filter results by a provided keyword.
ObjectReference[] function ScanCellObjects(int formType, ObjectReference CenterOn, float radius = 5000.0, Keyword HasKeyword = none) global native
Basically a function to help get a list of relevant actors or objects for processing. Could be used as a simple replacement for cloak effects and such, the downside being you'd lose the threaded nature of doing such stuff in a cloak effect or other such techniques.




The "GetFiles" function you are proposing looks to me like a search function for the file system.

At this point, if Ashal does it exactly as you describe, then you may get fines from others mods too.


Two options (if Ashal decides to do something for this):

* Use a simple pattern matching technique: string[] result = JsonUtil.GetFiles("ConstructionPlan*")

this should return all the file, including the sub-path, for something that starts with "ConstructionPlan". Only one wildcard acceptable to minimize the complexity of the pattern matching.

* Change the function to "GetFilesInFolder(String folderName)", and then use for sure sub-folderds, of just one level, where you get everything inside.


It would take a a folder argument and an optional recursive switch, then JsonUtil version would limit the results to only .json files with the starting directory being the same as other files made using JsonUtil, then I'd also add another version in PapyrusUtil or MiscUtil that returns files by extension, and the starting directory be the root Data folder instead.


Don't see any trouble with it, though I might also restrain it's searching so you can't look outside the Skyrim folder for security purposes.

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An actor search with keyword filter is not as useful as a faction filter - for example you can add a NPC per script into a faction but you cannot do this with keywords - for that you need an alias - so you can't assign a keyword to a large group.

For other things like a spectator call I need a combination of keywords and factions (Exclude Guards, Childs, Innkeeper, Bards), Animals). Sometimes I need to include, sometimes I need to exclude things.

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I have implemented the Getfiles (thanks to b3lisario) in my MESKSEUtils plugin now - but I would prefer to see it in your utils package - I give you the source code, if you want. 

I added also a MoveFile function - because my Bob-The-Builder will move invalid or broken plans into a quarantine to speed up next startup time.

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  • 3 weeks later...

about to make use of ClearFloatListPrefix(String PrefixKey)... but is is there an objected version that i am totally blind to see?


FloatListClearPrefix(Form ObjKey, String PrefixKey)

UnsetFloatValuePrefix(Form ObjKey, String Prefix)


the global "all the things" versions are good and perfect and i already made use of that for "uninstall all the things" - but having it available to be scoped to specific forms would be pretty useful as well. i didn't notice these weren't a thing in any form until i started writing my ResetActor method. if there are no plans for this, i'm going to be looking at about a 50 lines of code to clear out the cosave data for specific forms upon player request.

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I looked at SKSE wiki - it seems it is not possible to return arrays (https://github.com/xanderdunn/skaar/wiki/Registering-Functions) - so it must be done with StorageUtil arrays. Too bad - I need this function very much and tried to add it to my own SKSE plugin...

Yes you can return arrays.

VMResultArray<BSFixedString> foo(StaticFunctionTag*){
    VMResultArray<BSFixedString> list;
    list.resize(2, 0);
    list[0] = BSFixedString("hello");
    list[1] = BSFixedString("world");
    return list;

OMG  thank you! So the wiki is outdated "Although it isn't possible to return an array from an SKSE function that's exported to Papyrus"


It wasn't possible at the time, it's possible now after I decoded what the game does with the "new x[y]" instruction.


There were some odd special cases I had to account for, I tried to maintain the templating schema, it isn't perfect.


The VMResultArray is essentially just an STL vector wrapper, when the implementation of your function is run, the virtual function of the NativeFunction will call your implementation, return a list, then create a VM array and copy your contents over (Packing)


The problem with this implementation is your array is probably going to be copied 3 times. Once to populate it, once to copy it to the parent function from the return value, then again to move the contents into the actual VM type. Though I think the benefit of convenience and maintaining the template specs outweighs the lost instructions from multiple copies, nobody should really be creating arrays large enough for it to be a serious issue.

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  • 3 months later...

Uploaded v3.2, changelog:


3.2 - 01/04/2016

  • Many fixes for various CTD and performance issues
  • JsonUtil New Functions:
    • Unload() - Unloads a file from memory that has been used by JsonUtil, optionally saving changes first
    • IsPendingSave() - Checks if the given Json file has been modified since it was last loaded/saved
    • IsGood() - Checks if the given Json file is currently loaded or not and has no errors
    • GetErrors() - Returns a formatted string of any Json parsing errors, if any
    • JsonInFolder() - Returns an array of all Json files in a given directory.
  • StorageUtil New Functions:
    • CountObj<type>Prefix() - counts the number of keys that start with string on a specific object
    • ClearObj<type>Prefix() - removes any values with keys that start with string on a specific object
  • MiscUtil New Functions:
    • FilesInFolder() - Returns an array of all files, or with a given extensions, contained in a folder.
    • ScallCellActors() - Get an array of nearby actors in a cell matching criteria.
    • ScanCellObjects() - Get an array of nearby objects of specific form type in a cell matching criteria.
    • WriteToFile() - Readded after having removed in previous update.
    • ReadFromFile() - Readded after having removed in previous update.
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