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Project Sugar Cake (Sex and Stat Framework + Gameplay Mod)

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Hello there,


I have some questions and ideas about using “One of a Kind” to assign not simply a new model or texture, but also animations for interacting with the pals.  So basically, the idea that went through my head was the following.

If it is possible to assign new meshes and textures to pals based on their traits or condenser levels, is it not also possible to assign an animation?  Would it be possible to let’s say, use “burly body” to have the pal use a busty mesh, and have the relaxation animation be like playing with its boobs while in the sauna? Better yet, could we make an algorithm that assigns a weight to these traits and the pal index number and have it interact with the player during the “pet” action or the “feed” action in a unique way. IE “feeding” a busty pal – a pal with “burly body” - will play a tit-fuck animation rather than the normal one in game.  While feeding a non “burly body” pal will play an oral scene.  Furthermore, is it possible to assign a value to the player’s gender and status?  Maybe, male is 0 while female is 500.  Thus, enabling the creation of a unique animation packet to be called when the check is performed. An example would be:


[ Pal reference number] x 1000 [ a scalar number so you can create a recognizable series ] + 500 [ if player is female + 0 if player is male]+ [ 250 / (0 if male or 250 if female)] + [Trait numerical value] = [animation reference number for the pal]


For those who want English not math


You take the pal reference number and multiply it by let’s say 1000. This enables you to have 1000 unique ids to call in reference to the original pal. You then divide that up by half, so you can use half of those id’s to create unique interaction with male or female players. You then divide those 500 ids in half so you can have unique interactions with male and female pals. From here you get more specific by adding in the numerical value to assign for each trait.  Thus, ending up with a totally unique reference number for that specific interaction.  That reference number can then be used to play that unique animation when you conduct the “feed” or “pet” action.


I will also be making this question a separate thread as I am genuinely curios about this as a concept and if it is even possible to implement.

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*Annoyed cat entered the chat

Sorry for no updates in a bit on here, been posting progress over on Discord as I work diligently on getting things down while sorting some issues elsewhere (been in a bit of a tussle lately lol). Thought I'd leave an update here for people that don't follow the Discord. ^-^

So, I want to say I'm REALLY close to a release, but every time I 'think' I'm there I run into another issue and it ends up taking much longer to fix than expected. This latest issue is pretty annoying too, it turns out both my validation system and storage solution for animations will not actually work once in a live game. Everything for importing and playing animations is built with the exception of position correction and the AI component. In isolation each system works as intended, however once they are stringed together and brought into a game with function it starts to break down. I have identified a couple of potential causes and it has to do with the validation methods I mentioned previously.

My current plan is to go back to the original 'super stripped down' version release as 0.0.1 DEV which will just have the player character working with compatibility/some validation steps skipped. This means I can release a version for people to use sooner but it won't support Pals themselves right away, just the player with sample animation I'll release along side it (haven't made the animation yet, but it'll most likely not be very good, just a proof of concept >.<). Once this version is out I can start releasing smaller updates regularly that add functionality over time.


My current road map right now...


(The import SDK currently works without issue, so at any time, if an animator is interested just contact me and I can get you set-up ^-^)

1 ) Initial release with single player animation, animation import system functioning, triggered via hotkey

2 ) Fix validation systems to ensure compatible animations are called properly

3 ) Implement placeholder stat system without persistence to ensure climax systems work and can be used
4 ) Finish position correct system and implement Pal on Pal (or with player), triggered via hotkey

5 ) Release sample pal animation and proper SDK tutorial
6 ) Implement basic UI with some settings control

7 ) ???


I could list other plans, such as investigating dynamic model swapping and such, but I know there's other mods that are somewhat working on that so I think I'll hold off for a bit. I do have some ideas for adding 'equipment' to pals for animation purposes (think SoS for Skyrim) but the system would be VERY time intensive, so I may hold off on that and focus on getting the framework properly functioning above all else.


Either way, sorry for no super amazing news or anything, just slowly chipping away at this thing and getting stuff going! I made some good progress but until a proper release there's really not much to show for it unfortunately. If anyone has any questions about progress and stuff, don't be afraid to ask over in our Discord! ^-^ (or here, but my response may be delayed >.<)

I'm going to go full-force on this thing over the weekend with the goal of getting roadmap part 1 completely but I can't predict what issues I'll run into so no promises. I'll of course post it here in the thread when there is a proper release version. ^-^


On 2/12/2024 at 5:38 AM, IkuKitsune said:

how can i follow the project live? i checked the discord and there was nothing related to the palworld mod that i was aware of tbh

I've been posting progress in the R18_Modding channel, and I talk about my work in the weekly updates posted in content_releases. If you ever have questions about what's going on or where progress is, you can always ask! I work on a computer all day, so I tend to have Discord available to answer questions. ^-^

On 2/12/2024 at 5:17 PM, VixieYote said:

... drew it from a different angle so you can see the ribbed underside better...

This is a great start! Hopefully we can get a lot more variety in the way Pals are lewded, currently I'm not super impressed with most implementations (though there's some good sheaths going on out there). If you ever have time, I hope you do try to 3D model these yourself, it's not quite as difficult as you'd think (though for beginners it can be very time consuming >.<).

On 2/14/2024 at 5:52 PM, RagingGInger said:

...I have some questions and ideas about using “One of a Kind” to assign not simply a new model or texture, but also animations for interacting with the pals.  So basically, the idea that went through my head was the following...

Since we can dynamically change meshes/textures, you should be able to just detect any stat and use that to switch them around, similarly you could have a module for SCake that could change animations based on those same stats. As for the reference system, my solution is using structs with references and tag awareness, with this system there is no limitations outside actually setting things up, the problem is the sheer number of interactions proposed here, which would take a VERY long time to fill. Interesting concept however, just a very difficult idea to execute because of how long it would take to build the assets.

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Really cool to see so much progress! Looks great!

Will it be possible to get this to work on linux dedicated servers? UE4SS doesn't seem to have linux version as far as I know.

Its totally ok if not I am just curious in advance what sort of framework it will require, etc for planning.

Edited by Dat Cake
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On 2/17/2024 at 4:39 AM, Spirit_Shard said:

I could list other plans, such as investigating dynamic model swapping and such, but I know there's other mods that are somewhat working on that so I think I'll hold off for a bit. I do have some ideas for adding 'equipment' to pals for animation purposes (think SoS for Skyrim) but the system would be VERY time intensive, so I may hold off on that and focus on getting the framework properly functioning above all else.

An SOS equivalent would be amazing. As much as I love having a giant horse dong around, I don't really want it in my face when I'm crafting lol

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I've updated the main post with the Initial Release Info for Project Sugar Cake! I've still got a lot of work to do and documentation to complete, but the framework is now public and usable! (with some limitations >.<)

Referencing plans from my previous post

1 ) Initial release with single player animation, animation import system functioning, triggered via hotkey

2 ) Fix validation systems to ensure compatible animations are called properly

3 ) Implement placeholder stat system without persistence to ensure climax systems work and can be used
4 ) Finish position correct system and implement Pal on Pal (or with player), triggered via hotkey

5 ) Release sample pal animation and proper SDK tutorial
6 ) Implement basic UI with some settings control

7 ) ???

I actually did both of 1 and 2, with part of 3. There's still some validation skipped but I did finish what I had planed for step 2 so I call that a win (will expand validation systems over time as is required, there's a lot of logic that needs to be implemented elsewhere for them to matter anyways so doing it now felt like a bit much). Roadmap is still basically the same, just going to really focus on making multi-actor animations work properly first (need to finish positioning and AI systems, actually decided to recreate both effectively from scratch as I found some new methods that may be easier to work with).

The animation I included with the pak is just a solo female player animation, it's extremely basic but acts well as a proof of concept. Some community members in the discord asked if the face could be animated as well, so thought I'd confirm that yes, it can be! I just didn't for time's sake... >.<


On 2/18/2024 at 5:13 AM, Dat Cake said:

Really cool to see so much progress! Looks great!

Will it be possible to get this to work on linux dedicated servers? ...

Thanks for the compliment! ^-^
I don't know what's required to get things running on a linux server, so I can't say for sure if SCake will support it or not, and the mod relies entirely on UE4SS for implementing the code/systems. I am focusing entirely on Single Player support first until the framework has some systems fully implemented, that way it doesn't slow down development. I'm not a networking persons, so this is an area I'm not really equipped to handle yet and would take a lot of research.

15 hours ago, zileteh said:

An SOS equivalent would be amazing. As much as I love having a giant horse dong around, I don't really want it in my face when I'm crafting lol

Would also help with not needed every pal to have a nude model, just a slong to plop on! ^-^

2 hours ago, Medieval Genie said:

...wondering if there is any possibility of urination/wetting functionality in your mod framework? Perhaps it could work as an optional part of the Pal Desires and utilise the animation framework you mentioned.

This would be possible as a module once the API is implemented, a module could track its own stats and states, then use the API to call and manage different animations with certain tags or even inject arbitrary string data for further mod functions. I don't have any plans to work on this module personally however, but maybe another modder that's interested can reach out and we can collaborate! ^-^

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Sorry if this particular question has already been answered, but is the intent for our player character to have the ability to become pregnant by our pals with a subsequent egg carrying and birthing system, or would pregnancy just be a cosmetic factor?

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On 2/15/2024 at 6:09 AM, Verasmile2 said:

I just found this post from the official page, do you think they meant the "breeding pal farm" to breed pals with other pals, or they meant actually breeding with them?


Holy shit... no way... probably a fade to black style for npcs or players. Either that or a troll.



I wonder what spirit_shard thinks.


20 hours ago, Spirit_Shard said:

I've updated the main post with the Initial Release Info for Project Sugar Cake! I've still got a lot of work to do and documentation to complete, but the framework is now public and usable! (with some limitations >.<)

Referencing plans from my previous post

1 ) Initial release with single player animation, animation import system functioning, triggered via hotkey

2 ) Fix validation systems to ensure compatible animations are called properly

3 ) Implement placeholder stat system without persistence to ensure climax systems work and can be used
4 ) Finish position correct system and implement Pal on Pal (or with player), triggered via hotkey

5 ) Release sample pal animation and proper SDK tutorial
6 ) Implement basic UI with some settings control

7 ) ???

I actually did both of 1 and 2, with part of 3. There's still some validation skipped but I did finish what I had planed for step 2 so I call that a win (will expand validation systems over time as is required, there's a lot of logic that needs to be implemented elsewhere for them to matter anyways so doing it now felt like a bit much). Roadmap is still basically the same, just going to really focus on making multi-actor animations work properly first (need to finish positioning and AI systems, actually decided to recreate both effectively from scratch as I found some new methods that may be easier to work with).

The animation I included with the pak is just a solo female player animation, it's extremely basic but acts well as a proof of concept. Some community members in the discord asked if the face could be animated as well, so thought I'd confirm that yes, it can be! I just didn't for time's sake... >.<


Thanks for the compliment! ^-^
I don't know what's required to get things running on a linux server, so I can't say for sure if SCake will support it or not, and the mod relies entirely on UE4SS for implementing the code/systems. I am focusing entirely on Single Player support first until the framework has some systems fully implemented, that way it doesn't slow down development. I'm not a networking persons, so this is an area I'm not really equipped to handle yet and would take a lot of research.

Would also help with not needed every pal to have a nude model, just a slong to plop on! ^-^

This would be possible as a module once the API is implemented, a module could track its own stats and states, then use the API to call and manage different animations with certain tags or even inject arbitrary string data for further mod functions. I don't have any plans to work on this module personally however, but maybe another modder that's interested can reach out and we can collaborate! ^-^



What do you think of the post mentioned, spirit? Could this be legit, and if so, could it help?

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1 hour ago, SAMarcus said:

The sample videos are promising... although... the chick's hands, OMFG... those fingers! That's like Shaq's fingers on a 4' nothing Oriental chick! I think a quarter of body weight is in her hands! LOL

Hopefully Spirit or another modder can fix the proportions to something more appealing, because I do agree that they are a bit jarring. My guess is not only was it the artistic style, but the devs also found it easier to fit in the clothing models.

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hello! i'm confused on how to get this mod working, i have all the files suggested downloaded, have all the proper folders, have them all in the proper folders, am clicking the buttons i have hotkeyed to the keyboard buttons(am on steam deck so i dont have a direct keyboard rather keyboard binds) and when i press the buttons mentioned i get nothing. maybe an in depth tutorial would be nice and links to animations i need if not everything is provided?

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also also, can there be male player model jackoff animations/sex animations(possibly including male on male)?(dont think female on female would work unfortunately but you never know lol) i am very interested to see how much this improves or if it just drops off like a bunch of other promising mods

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5 hours ago, Jamesflaaa111 said:

hello! i'm confused on how to get this mod working, i have all the files suggested downloaded, have all the proper folders, have them all in the proper folders, am clicking the buttons i have hotkeyed to the keyboard buttons(am on steam deck so i dont have a direct keyboard rather keyboard binds) and when i press the buttons mentioned i get nothing. maybe an in depth tutorial would be nice and links to animations i need if not everything is provided?

If you join the discord linked in the original post, you can find instructions with images if that helps. Make sure you have UE4SS 3.0v or above inside the Palworld folder sections in the proper place. 

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Quick and minor update
From the Discord 
"Palworld Mod - Project Sugar Cake 0.0.1 DEV (Alternate keybinds)
Got a report that the keybinds weren't working on some EU keyboards, so I have a build changing them to V G and Z so it should be more compatible. I'm investigating better universal keybinds for the next build. Sorry for any inconveniences. >.<"

I've uploaded this build to the main post! X.x

On 2/19/2024 at 5:38 PM, Lognatz said:

...is the intent for our player character to have the ability to become pregnant by our pals with a subsequent egg carrying and birthing system, or would pregnancy just be a cosmetic factor?

Yes to the former, I would like to implement proper full breeding for all combinations if possible, though I still haven't fully investigated in-game breeding mechanics so I'm not sure how much I'll be able to implement. (Initially the plan is to just spawn an egg on 'insemination' but in the future have a birth timer till the egg is created, think of like how the breeding pen works)
For the cosmetic side I'm not sure what I can do on that front yet as it would require custom models and bones so that may be up to another modder with a custom module.

On 2/19/2024 at 6:10 PM, Lordchaosc said:

...Cant wait for player x pal animations if it is planned

Is planned and currently what I'm working on ^.-


20 hours ago, SAMarcus said:

The sample videos are promising... although... the chick's hands, OMFG... those fingers! ...

When I started animating I had to double check my model wasn't messed up, I didn't realize just how big they really were until I started making this pose! I imagine in the future if Palworld modding keeps up pace we'll have custom models with different proportions for people that want it, dynamic body swapping and custom skeletons is possible but requires a lot of work right now. >.<


19 hours ago, HellCharmer said:

... Either that or a troll.

It's just a meme, Palworld has the breeding pen already, which fills this requirement.


6 hours ago, Jamesflaaa111 said:

... i'm confused on how to get this mod working, i have all the files suggested downloaded ... (am on steam deck so i dont have a direct keyboard rather keyboard binds)...


UE4SS only works on Windows at the moment, so you'd need to run through a translation layer like Wine to have it function properly, if that is the case then make sure the mod is installed properly, you should get messages on the left side of the screen in pink text saying what's going on (says Project Sugar Cake is running and should show messages when animations are registered). If it's installed but still not playing it may be a keybind issue, as stated above I didn't know about some EU keyboards having different keycodes and not being compatible so this may be the issue? I haven't tested on platforms like the Steam Deck yet, though I do have an ROG Ally I could try loading it up on, see if keybinds are disabled while stuck to gamepad on those platforms or something.

From the main post
(_) How to install (_)
- Unzip the archive and place the mod in "Pal\Content\Paks\LogicMods"
- Install the proper version of UE4SS (3.0 or later with updated Palworld) - https://github.com/UE4SS-RE/RE-UE4SS
[Optional, sort of]
- Must install animation packs to have anything play in-game, for the "SCake_BasicsAnimPak" also place this in the "Pal\Content\Paks\LogicMods" folder if you wish to install these animations
- Follow the install instructions for future animation packs you wish to install

6 hours ago, Jamesflaaa111 said:

...can there be male player model jackoff animations/sex animations ...
i am very interested to see how much this improves or if it just drops off like a bunch of other promising mods

People can make and implement any animations they would want, they just have to be made! I'm focused on developing the framework itself so I only made a single animation as a proof of concept, preferably animators would make animations to add into the framework but if there's interest I can always make more animations once the framework has advanced a bit farther. >.<

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On 2/20/2024 at 4:07 PM, HellCharmer said:

Holy shit... no way... probably a fade to black style for npcs or players. Either that or a troll.



I wonder what spirit_shard thinks.




What do you think of the post mentioned, spirit? Could this be legit, and if so, could it help?

to be honest they might just make it easier to add sex into the game I cant imagine a dev adding proper sex to a game there's a reason lovers labs is a thing after all


but ya I could imagian maybe some basic shit like lovers like the small villages and maybe some more id be shocked if they did proper nsfw instead of public release content

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1 hour ago, hunterthewolf said:

to be honest they might just make it easier to add sex into the game I cant imagine a dev adding proper sex to a game there's a reason lovers labs is a thing after all


but ya I could imagian maybe some basic shit like lovers like the small villages and maybe some more id be shocked if they did proper nsfw instead of public release content

We can always hope, maybe they could add a NSFW DLC specifying the explicit content and that even after installing it there would be options to enable, like by default only the fade to black but by enabling you can add the actual animations, PC + pals, pregnancy for PC and so on

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5 hours ago, Innersight said:

At the risk of displaying my stupidity:

I've been wondering if someone could simplify what this project is about? I kind of got overwhelmed by the level of information.

That's because the scope is kind of huge. It'd be like one skyrim mod trying to be sexlab, FINS, SoS, and multiple mod / animation packs all the time same time. I'm not super confident they will be able to do EVERYTHING themselves, or do everything well. Sometimes picking one thing and doing it well - Like how SoS just does making penises go in or come out at the right time - is actually better than trying to do <everything>

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On 2/21/2024 at 6:13 PM, Spirit_Shard said:

"Palworld Mod - Project Sugar Cake 0.0.1 DEV (Alternate keybinds)
Got a report that the keybinds weren't working on some EU keyboards, so I have a build changing them to V G and Z so it should be more compatible. I'm investigating better universal keybinds for the next build. Sorry for any inconveniences. >.<"

Would it be possible to change the V key, since that's the default pick up Pal key, and for some reason the devs does not let us rebind that particular key.


Edit: Disregard this, the latest update fixed the keybind issue.

Edited by Lognatz
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