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Naked Spacesuit

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This mod provides a version of the Constellation spacesuit which leaves the wearer apart from cuffs, boots and helmet. I'm aiming for a classic '50s pulp S/F feel. The suit functions in all ways as a spacesuit - the wearer just looks naked. Think of it as generating a force-field for protection. There are also skin tight latex-like bodysuits for those who want to reserve a modicum of dignity while nevertheless leaving nothing to the imagination.


In keeping with the pulp S/F vibe, there are three fishbowl style helmets included. One of them keeps the flight cap from the constellation helm and will stop long hair from clipping through the helmet. There is also a "no cowl" helmet that shows your character's hair inside the bowl. The third option is a half-cowl which is intended to provide a collar but no hood. Unfortunately I still can't get edited meshes to import correctly, so this option still doesn't work. In particular, this means that the bodysuits have deep, square cut necklines. I'm sure we can all cope for the time being.


The suit uses whatever body mesh and textures you have installed. So you'll need a nude mod, unless you want to explore space in your undies.




  • A nude mod. This mod doesn't provide a naked body, but uses whatever you have installed. I've tested this against CRT - BODY MESH + CRT - SKINS, but anything should work. Alternatively, if you want to run around through space wearing a thong or a bikini, any undies backed into the body mesh should also show up.




Install normally. MO2 recommended, but however you normally install your mods.




For now, you'll need to console add the items. Use player.additem and one of the numbers  from this list. Remember to change the 02 at the start of the number with the mod index for your modlist.




Or type "help NSS 4 armo" into the console and get a list of IDs that way.


The "Va'ruun Dominatrix Edition" is temporarily unavailable, as are Sarah and Andreja's suits.




Just remove the mod. There are no scripts and the worst that is going to happen is that your character's spacesuit will vanish,for real. You might want to make sure you're in a safe place with a breathable atmosphere first.


Upgrading from 0.04a


Just remove naked_spacesuit.esp and activate NSS.esm. Your naked_spacesuit suits will vanish as a result, so as for uninstallation, you might want to do that when you're in a safe place, atmosphere wise.





Narion Space Systems is pleased to offer its first product range in the environmental protection arena. NSS Spacesuits work by adapting the technology used in starship shields to maintain a protective field around explorers in conditions of heat, cold, vacuum, and other hazards routinely encountered by spacefarers.


The protective field is generated by a collar and halter unit and follows the natural conductivity of human skin. Additional cuffs at ankle and wrist ensure the field terminates at the hands and feet and keeps it from dissipating to no effect. To ensure a breathable atmosphere for the wearer, a clear bubble of conductive plastic serves as a guide for the protective field. The "fishbowl" design ensures maximum visibility for the wearer at all times.


Because of the way the field follows skin conductivity, best results occur when the suit is worn naked, or nearly so. However, to spare the modesty of our customer base, conductive body sheathes are available in a variety of colors.


Finally, NSS would like to take this opportunity to deny any collaboration with the so-called Starborn. The Starborn are nothing more than a modern urban myth, and any rumours Starborn using a glowing, high energy NSS suit are entirely without foundation.


Thank you for your time, and we hope you enjoy using NSS producs as part of your exploration program.


To Do


This is very much a work in progress. There's a few things I don't know how to do yet.  Things I want to do:


  • Provide a version that keeps the naked texture, but adds a glow shader to the body to represent a force field. Nishina Emissive Blue is pretty close, if a bit too glowy. Work in progress.
  • Recipes so you can craft the suits.  And modify them.
  • I'm thinking about a cut-down boost pack. Any one will do, and the Constellation one works nicely, but it could be maybe 30% smaller. And maybe some straps or some sort of harness, maybe combine that with a belt of some sort.
  • At some point I want a capture version of the suit which functions like a set of cuffs. And probably a slaved boost pack.
  • At some point high heels and cute little gloves. I'd like this to look fashionable and impractical. Or I might just stick with the bronze cuffs.
  • Variants for other spacesuits with better stats. Legendary versions. Starborn versions. I'm thinking about keeping the Starborn rags that come with the suit, but dialing the alpha way up if I can manage it.




  • There are currently no male versions. That should be rectified with the next release.
  • The suit uses the default Constellation suit's resistances, which may be a bit lacking in protection for high level characters. Feel free to crack open the esm with SF1Edit and adjust the numbers to meet your needs. The "clear" suit has slightly better protection for lore reasons. Or to encourage people to run around the galaxy glossy and naked.
  • "White" and "Clear" are a bit too similar. The white could be a bit less transparent, and the black probably a touch more so.

  • Submitter
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  • Requires
    A Nude Mod of some description. Or not, according to taste.


Edited by DocClox
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Playing around a little:




I already had a clone of the player skin, so I scanned the Starfield esm to get a list of materials, and then picked "white plastic" as a likely texture.





I reckon I can paint the hands the same way and maybe manage to make a collar with a deep toke to cover the area where the head mesh extends down into the chest. Then I'd get a white latex effect.


Not sure what other colors there are that will work.  I'll have a further read of the materials list and see what else is there.

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Tried a black version. Might be some other colors. Fully naked version will continue.





Sadly I can not get edited meshes to show up in game for some reason. So the collar that should hide that square cut neckline remains stubbornly invisible,

Edited by DocClox
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Pretty much from the start, I wanted a red skintight suit for Sarah. This material comes from the little desktop ball toys you can find in-game.




I'm having a harder job finding a suitable shade of blue for a suit for Andreja. This is dark blue/grey, and pretty much indistinguishable from the black suit.




Whereas this is Nishinia Emmisive Blue. I confess, I'm halfway tempted to jiggle the UV map to avoid the grungy bits and call it done. But I want something you can wear and still plausibly sneak . (Speaking of which I've greatly reduced the weight of these suits).




This was another attempt. A tasteful little powder blue, but not terribly "Andreja".




Incidentally, if anyone's interested, there's a list of materials available online: Material List . Once you have the material sorted out, making new colour variants is dead easy. Copy four records in xedit, duplicate and rename three nif files. Change the material path in the nif files strings table to point at the new material; change the AA records to point at the new nifs, and the armor record to point at the new AA records. Job done. I'll write up a proper tutorial if anyone is interested.


Eventually, of course, I want to be able change this stuff from the workbench, but one thing at a time.


What do folks think about changing Sarah and Andreja's default Constellation suits to use these skins? I'm of a mind to do it, but I could be persuaded to leave them alone and let the player equip their gear.

Edited by DocClox
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Hello. Thanks for your work, this is exactly the mod I've been looking for for a long time. But I encountered the error that you mentioned in the mod description and I don't know how to fix it. If I turn on the "hide spacesuit" function in my inventory, the skin textures disappear.




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9 minutes ago, mriexp said:

Hello. Thanks for your work, this is exactly the mod I've been looking for for a long time. But I encountered the error that you mentioned in the mod description and I don't know how to fix it. If I turn on the "hide spacesuit" function in my inventory, the skin textures disappear.

  Hide contents




OK I have a fix for that :)


Turns you there are duplicate biped model slots for spacesuits. I set the new parts to use the correct slots and the problem went away.


I'll post an update when I get home.


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4 hours ago, DocClox said:


Хорошо, у меня есть решение для этого :)


Оказывается, для скафандров есть дубликаты слотов для двуногих моделей. Я установил новые детали так, чтобы они использовали правильные слоты, и проблема исчезла.


Я опубликую обновление, когда вернусь домой.


Great! Version 0.03 solved the problem. Thank you.

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33 minutes ago, Halstrom said:

Don't know if you have seen this and maybe can collaborate :)
Clear Helmet at Starfield Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com)




I hadn't see that. Interesting.


36 minutes ago, Halstrom said:

I love the latex version, only the square open neck looks wrong. Later a zip and belt would be cool.


I agree. The problem I have is that the square neck is part of the head mesh. So I can either

  1. provide a texture that just covers that area
  2. retexture the whole head or
  3. cover it over with something.

The problem with 1 is that it needs me to make a material file to apply the texture. The problem with 2 is that overriding the skin texture blacks out the whole face and does it for everyone/. And in the case of 3, I have a model ready to go, but I can't get the sodding thing to appear in-game.


As soon as I can either make .mat files or work out what I'm doing wrong with the import, I'll fix the problem. Meanwhile ... well it's no worse than having them fully naked :)


I did manage to shrink the neck aperture, so it's at least a snug fit.



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In the mod description there is an error, "06" and "No Cowl" are used twice:

  • XX000801 - The Naked Spacesuit
  • XX000806 - Fishbowl Helmet With Cowl
  • XX000806 - Fishbowl Helmet, No Cowl
  • XX000807 - Fishbowl Helmet, Barefoot
  • XX000809 - Fishbowl Helmet, No Cowl

I just checked it in the game and it turned out like this:

  • XX000801 - The Naked Spacesuit
  • XX000806 - Fishbowl Helmet With Cowl
  • XX000807 - Fishbowl Helmet, No Cowl
  • XX000809 - Fishbowl Helmet, Barefoot
  • XX000809 - Fishbowl Helmet, No Cowl
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1 hour ago, mriexp said:

In the mod description there is an error, "06" and "No Cowl" are used twice:

  • XX000801 - The Naked Spacesuit
  • XX000806 - Fishbowl Helmet With Cowl
  • XX000806 - Fishbowl Helmet, No Cowl
  • XX000807 - Fishbowl Helmet, Barefoot
  • XX000809 - Fishbowl Helmet, No Cowl

I just checked it in the game and it turned out like this:

  • XX000801 - The Naked Spacesuit
  • XX000806 - Fishbowl Helmet With Cowl
  • XX000807 - Fishbowl Helmet, No Cowl
  • XX000809 - Fishbowl Helmet, Barefoot
  • XX000809 - Fishbowl Helmet, No Cowl


Thanks for that. I've double checked, and they should be correct now. Although the "support" page seems to be lagging behind the mod page description for some reason.

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There's a mod on nexus for vanilla transparent spacesuits. They do it by changing the suit material to the one used by those plastic hanging strips. I wanted more of a pulp S/F vibe, which was why I made this one.


Did you want a bit more transparency on the bodysuits here? That's going to be tricky since I'm just retexturing the body mesh. I'd need a body, then something on top of it, and then make that translucent. The easy way would be to duplicate the skin and put a color filter on it. Or just to apply a shader. Neither of which I can do at the moment.


Though I might take a look at the shader issue. The question then would be "how do I restrict it so I don't shade the face too? Or stop it from lighting up the helmet and gloves?

Edited by DocClox
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22 hours ago, DocClox said:

There's a mod on nexus for vanilla transparent spacesuits. They do it by changing the suit material to the one used by those plastic hanging strips. I wanted more of a pulp S/F vibe, which was why I made this one.


Did you want a bit more transparency on the bodysuits here? That's going to be tricky since I'm just retexturing the body mesh. I'd need a body, then something on top of it, and then make that translucent. The easy way would be to duplicate the skin and put a color filter on it. Or just to apply a shader. Neither of which I can do at the moment.


Though I might take a look at the shader issue. The question then would be "how do I restrict it so I don't shade the face too? Or stop it from lighting up the helmet and gloves?

I have seen the Nexusmod, but it has still a lot of clipping issues, but that is the stuff I'm looking for. 

My Idea was to add some glossyness(?) to the Body and then recolour it to make it look like it is covered with a thin transparent material. Would you be so nice to make a full replacer for all female Spacesuits? 

Edited by Pfiffy
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9 hours ago, Pfiffy said:

I have seen the Nexusmod, but it has still a lot of clipping issues, but that is the stuff I'm looking for. 

My Idea was to add some glossyness(?) to the Body and then recolour it to make it look like it is covered with a thin transparent material. Would you be so nice to make a full replacer for all female Spacesuits? 

And.... How about replacing the Standardclothes of Sarah and Andreja with just the Suit so that they just put on the Helmet in space.... 


Edit: I tried to edit the outfits in xedit and now I'm missing the CK. The Idea was to replace Sarahs outfit with your red latex outfit and her Spacesuit with the red latex spacesuit, but I never get xedit to do what I want... 

Edited by Pfiffy
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19 minutes ago, Halstrom said:


Interesting, but it's still just texture files.


If this was Skyrim or Fallout 4, I could change the materials file or texture set, or define a materials swap for the mesh, and there wouldn't be a problem. Currently though, I'm limited to using materials that already exist in the game, or else overwriting existing dds files (which would change the naked skin for all characters regardless of outfit).


It's a conundrum, and one I'm probably not going to solve any time soon.

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The mesh problem could be a biped model mismatch between AA and Armor records. I've been caught out like before in earlier games.


Be funny if I was so busy looking at fancy new reasons why the mesh didn't display that I overlooked a very old one. I'll check when I get home.




Also, I can probably do texture overrides using AVM Data records. No idea what AVM stands for, but it looks to do a material swap sort of role. Also tied into the constructable object system. I might take a punt at that this weeks as well.


And apparently, I should be able to mask marts of a mesh by deleting faces but leaving the verts unchanged. If so, that gives me a good way to hide most of Andreja's body slut. Trouble there is the mesh will still be a mess of hidden faces and double verts, which blow up the exporter. Still worth looking at.


Edited by DocClox
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4 hours ago, Pfiffy said:

It looks pretty cool and it covers the neck... 


It is pretty cool. Thing is, it covers the face as well.


That square neckline is where the head mesh extends down into the chest. If I color the face and head to match the body, the problem goes away. Look at the Va'ruun Dominatrix option to see that working.




As you can see, there's no neckline, but the price for doing that is that the head is also painted black. Which doesn't matter here since the helmet hides it (It also looks horrible without the helmet, since it doesn't hide the head's skin mesh. I should really do that properly - make the skin and the helmet part of a single suit, like with the Starborn suits).


For the rest of them though, I want to see their faces inside those fishbowl helmets


I do have a couple of leads on how to do material swaps, so that might be a way forward.


On 11/21/2023 at 5:11 PM, Pfiffy said:

And.... How about replacing the Standardclothes of Sarah and Andreja with just the Suit so that they just put on the Helmet in space.... 


I've been looking at that, too. Turns out actors have a default outfit and a spacesuit outfit these days., so I could override both. I wonder what happens if I have some thing flagged as using both  BODY and SS BODY slots. Will it exclude itself? Or is the engine smart enough to take that as meaning "works in both roles"? Something else where I need to experiment.

Edited by DocClox
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