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Rape Tattoos Continued

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This mod gives non-consensual sex acts a chance to apply a tattoo from the SlaveTats mod.


Disclaimer: The tattoos featured in the screenshots are from various tattoo packs available for SlaveTats. Credit (and massive kudos) to all the artists that have contributed tattoos!


xj47 has very kindly given me permission to post my updates to the original Fade Tattoos and Rape Tattoos mods. There are several new features in these new versions (especially Rape Tattoos), and I have a few other ideas for things to add in future updates.


Warning: I only build and test this mod against Skyrim SE, and will not guarantee compatibility with LE. However, you may be able to use 2.x.x versions with Skyrim LE with some manual installation required. See the compatibility section below.


What does the mod do?


Rape Tattoos Continued allows non-consensual sex acts to apply tattoos to characters (the player and optionally NPCs). By default, applied tattoos will fade out over time using Fade Tattoos Continued (or the original Fade Tattoos mod), but there are also options to make tattoos permanent. The mod is quite configurable, and there are options in the MCM to configure and group your tattoos to try to keep some semblance of coherence (or not, if you like the messy look ?).


What's new in Rape Tattoos Continued?


A whole load of stuff! Here's the full changelog:


More color configuration options for tattoos


This is the big feature, and the reason I ended up updating the mod to begin with! There are now more comprehensive options for configuration of tattoo color, glow and gloss in the MCM. You can pick from a fixed color (like in the original Rape Tattoos), a competely random color, a custom weighted color scheme (see below), or no override (using whatever color the tattoo comes with).

  • There is now a slider controlling the probability for a tattoo to be given a gloss effect. Set it to 0 to never get glossy tattoos, and 100 to always get them (or anywhere you like in between).

  • Color and glow can also be customised with a weighted set of colors by providing your own JSON config file (or using one of the templates provided with the mod).

  • The mod now ships with a basic color configuration file as its default behaviour, and provides a few presets which you can use as drop-in replacements

  • See the rapeTattoos/colorConfigs/README.md file included in the mod or this gist to learn how to create your own color configurations


Responsiveness & performance


The MCM is now much more responsive - your tattoo sets are no longer automatically loaded whenever you open the MCM. This used to take an awfully long time if you had thousands of tattoos installed. There is now a "Load tattoo config pages" button in the MCM which you can click to load the tattoos and assign them groups as you could before. On the other hand, if you've already configured all of your tattoos (via the MCM or just editing the JSON config file), then you no longer need to spend 10 minutes waiting for the MCM to load just to tweak a few options at the start of a playthrough.


I also made a fair few small performance optimizations and code cleanups throughout the mod - probably nothing too noticeable (as far as I can tell, the main performance bottleneck at the moment is SlaveTats itself), but every little helps.


Multiple tattoo support


You can now configure minimum and maximum tattoo counts for rape events in the MCM to spice things up a little! Note that this doesn't affect tattoos triggered by other mods (unless they trigger a rape event) to preserve backwards compatibility (otherwise mods like SL Survival could end up adding a lot more tattoos than they intend!).


Actor-dependent tattoo settings


RTC adds more fine-grained control over tattoo chances, counts, permanence, duration, and lock state depending on whether the target is the player, an NPC, or (optionally if you have Zaz Animation Pack installed) a Zaz slave (part of the zbfFactionSlave faction).

  • This behaves similar to Monoman1's tweaked version of Rape Tattoos, but with some additional configurability

  • Note: One important difference to be aware of - if you (the player) get added to the Zaz slave faction at any point, the mod will consider you to be a slave, and the settings you have chosen for Zaz slaves will now apply to you!


Additional debug options

  • There is a new debug hotkey ('Y') which can be pressed when in debug mode to trigger a post-rape event (this includes the random roll factor, so it may or may not result in tattoos being applied)
  • The debug hotkeys will now apply to the character currently under your crosshair (or yourself if no one is under your crosshair)

  • There is now a debug MCM option to configure how many tattoos should be added when you press the 'N' key. You can set this up to 20, although SlaveTats can take a while adding that many tattoos at once - YMMV.

  • Lots more logging. You'll notice that when you have debug mode enabled, the mod will spam your notification feed whenever it does anything. There's also a lot more trace-level logging under the hood, which should help to identify any potential issues from Papyrus logs. I'd highly recommend not turning debug mode on for an actual playthrough.


For Modders


Additional functionality has been added if you want to make calls to Rape Tattoos from your mod. Most notably:

  • RTC should be fully backwards compatible with Rape Tattoos - if your mod was making calls to the common Rape Tattoos functions (notably doTattooAction and doTattooActionFor) before - they should still be there, and if you were sending a RapeTattoos_addTattoo mod event - that still works too

  • The doTattooActionFor function now has an optional second count argument, which allows you to specify the number of tattoos to add. This should allow you to add multiple tattoos in one go without having to go round the SlaveTats synchronization loop every time. RTC adds however many tattoos you want, then does one tidy synchronize to apply them.

  • There is a new RapeTattoos_addTattooV2 mod event which allows you to specify the target of the tattoo(s) as well as the number of tattoos to add. This effectively means that you can do everything that you can with doTattooActionFor in a mod event instead. There is a usage example in the source, but, it's pretty standard stuff:


int handle = ModEvent.Create("RapeTattoos_addTattooV2")
if (handle)
	ModEvent.PushForm(handle, target) ; target should be an Actor reference
	ModEvent.PushInt(handle, count)



Upgrading from Rape Tattoos


This mod is a standalone replacement for the original Rape Tattoos (the original mod is not required). As you can probably imagine from the changelog, quite a bit has changed. It should in theory be relatively safe to upgrade and overwrite, but I'd recommend installing this into a new game. If you want to try installing it into an ongoing game which already had the original Rape Tattoos mod running, I'd strongly recommend making a clean save:

  1. Disable RapeTattoos.esp
  2. Make a new save
  3. Clean that save with ReSaver or similar
  4. Install Rape Tattoos Continued
  5. Load your save, configure RTC's MCM to your liking, and go find some bandits ?




  • Zaz Animation Pack - if installed you will be able to configure settings for characters in the Zaz slave faction separate from player/NPC settings. If you get added to this faction via a mod - this will include you!


Configuration Tips


Increasing the maximum number of tattoos your game supports


This may be necessary if you're using multiple mods that make use of NiOverride overlays (for example, if you're using YPS Immersive Fashion). By default, the maximum number of tattoos on each body part is set quite low. To increase this, you will need to modify the INI file located at <Data Directory>/SKSE/Plugins/skee.ini - specifically, you're looking for the following sections:

[Overlays/Body] ; "Body [Ovl#]" and "Body [SOvl#]"
; Determines how many body overlays there should be
iNumOverlays=6 ; Default[6]
iSpellOverlays=1 ; Default[1]

[Overlays/Hands] ; "Hands [Ovl#]" and "Hands [SOvl#]"
; Determines how many hand overlays there should be
iNumOverlays=3 ; Default[3]
iSpellOverlays=1 ; Default[1]

[Overlays/Feet] ; "Feet [Ovl#]" and "Feet [SOvl#]"
; Determines how many feet overlays there should be
iNumOverlays=3 ; Default[3]
iSpellOverlays=1 ; Default[1]

[Overlays/Face] ; "Face [Ovl#]" and "Face [SOvl#]"
; Determines how many face overlays there should be
iNumOverlays=3 ; Default[3]
iSpellOverlays=0 ; Default[1]


In each section, change iNumOverlays to the desired maximum number of overlays on each body part. I run my game with 30 set for the body overlays, and 10 for the others (but cranked the values up for some of the screenshots on this page). As far as I'm aware, there's no hard limit to what you can set these to, but be aware, that the higher you set them, the more of a performance impact it will have on SlaveTats - if your SlaveTats is taking ages to process tattoos on characters, consider reducing these values.



Configuring tattoo groups


Rape Tattoos allows you to configure a "group" for each tattoo in order to try to preserve some coherence in your character's appearance when several tattoos have been added. You can configure these groups through the MCM (by hitting the "Load Tattoo Config Pages" button and waiting for the configuration pages to load), or by editing the configuration file at <Your home directory>/Documents/My Games/Skyrim Special Edition/JCUser/rTats/settings.json.


Rape Tattoos will never add more than one tattoo from the same configured group. So if you have multiple tattoos configured to the "left breast" group, Rape Tattoos will only ever apply one of those tattoos (until it fades out, at which point Rape Tattoos may apply another "left breast" tattoo). There are two exceptions to this rule:


The special "(unassigned)" group

There is no limit (aside from the associated overlay limit) to the number of tattoos that can be added if you have marked them as unassigned - multiple tattoos from this group can be added.


The special "(excluded)" group

This group indicates that the tattoo will never be applied by Rape Tattoos. Use this to mark tattoos which you may have installed, but never want Rape Tattoos to use.


For more details, see the configuration section on the original mod page.


Configuring tattoo colors


If you select the "Custom" color modes in the Rape Tattoos MCM, Rape Tattoos will apply custom user-defined rules for colors (and glow) when applying tattoos. There is a detailed configuration guide for how to configure this over on my Github. The mod also comes with a couple of configuration presets that you can try - again, see the guide for details of how to use these.




Skyrim LE

Partially compatible - see notes


I only build and test this mod against Skyrim SE, and therefore cannot guarantee compatibility with Skyrim LE. However, you may be able to use this with LE by doing the following:

  • Install this mod as usual
  • Copy the RapeTattoos.esp file only from the original Rape Tattoos mod, and overwrite this mod's ESP with it

In version 2.x.x, I've not changed any of the script names, so this should work - I can offer support on this, but I won't go too far out of my way to try to fix problems you're having if you try to run this in LE.

However, from version 3.0.0 onwards, the mod will explicitly not be compatible with LE (although you may create a backport if you're familiar with the necessary tools, but I won't be offering support if you try to do so).


SlaveTats Performance Patch by Sejra

Not compatible


I only build and test this mod against the official SlaveTats mod, so cannot guarantee compatibility with any mods which overwrite SlaveTats script files. The Sejra SlaveTats patch makes changes to public API functions of SlaveTats which Rape Tattoos relies on, and is therefore not compatible with Rape Tattoos Continued.


I'd recommend investigating whether you really need the patch - it's based on an old build of SlaveTats, and SlaveTats has received a number of official fixes since the patch was released. If your load order works without the patch, then I'd recommend not using it. If you included the patch to try to mitigate the load speed issues of the Rape Tattoos MCM, those issues should now largely be addressed in version 2.0.2 of RTC (with further improvements to come in future versions).


Monoman's Rape Tattoos Tweaked

Not compatible


This mod already incorporates most of the changes made by Monoman's tweaked version of Rape Tattoos, and many substantial changes to the MCM have been made since the original Rape Tattoos 1.4. Therefore, overwriting this mod with Monoman's tweaked version will overwrite most of the changes and improvements made by this mod since the original version, and I can't guarantee things won't break.


In short, there should be no need to use this together with Monoman's tweaked version, and they are not compatible. You should either use Rape Tattoos Continued on its own, or if for whatever reason you'd prefer to use Monoman's tweaked version, use it with the original Rape Tattoos version 1.4, not Rape Tattoos Continued.


Mods which made use of the original Rape Tattoos


I've been careful to maintain backwards compatibilty in version 2, and Rape Tattoos Continued should be compatible with any mod that had soft or hard dependencies on the original Rape Tattoos mod. In future versions, I am planning on making some potentially breaking changes (including moving to an ESL-flagged ESP), although this should still be compatible with most of the mods that I'm aware of which make use of Rape Tattoos. If you are aware of any specific compatibilities, please do let me know.


Future Plans


There are still a handful of things I'd love to add to the mod. At the moment, things on my radar (which I may or may not do) are:


  • An MCM lockout option if you have any tattoos applied
  • Potentially, support for easily switching between multiple color configurations in the MCM
  • The ability to configure the mod to permit more than one tattoo per group, for people that like the extra-messy look
  • A tattoo enchantment/magic effect system (i.e. "cursed" tattoos). SlaveTats already has some support for "magic tattoos" (i.e. ones which dispatch events to other mods). I'm considering some kind of system that lets plugin mods register with RTC, to add various effects which could be applied to tattoos added by RTC. Still a lot to figure out before we get there though!
  • More optimizations as I find them - I'm running a potato (it was high-end 10+ years ago ?), so every ounce of performance I can squeeze out of my load order is precious!


I'm always open to suggestions (although I do obviously reserve the right to pick and choose what I actually implement) - so let me know if you have ideas!


Information for modders



There are a handful of ways to trigger tattoo events from RTC: you can call functions directly by grabbing the rapeTattoos quest from RapeTattoos.esp ( 0x000D62 ), then calling:

  • rapeTattoosQuest.doTattooAction() - This will add a single random tattoo to the player, respecting the MCM's color/lock/permanence settings
  • rapeTattoosQuest.doTattooActionFor(target, count) - This will add tattoos to the provided target (an Actor). The count argument (an int) is optional. If you provide it, RTC will add that many tattoos to the target. If omitted, it will default to 1 tattoo.


Alternatively, you can also trigger tattoos via mod events:


You can trigger a simple single tattoo addition on the player using the RapeTattoos_addTattoo event which was present in the original mod:




Or you can trigger multiple tattoos on any target actor using the new RapeTattoos_addTattooV2 SKSE mod event:


int handle = ModEvent.Create("RapeTattoos_addTattooV2")
if (handle)
	ModEvent.PushForm(handle, target) ; target should be an Actor reference
	ModEvent.PushInt(handle, count) ; count should be an int - the number of tattoos to add





As a first port of call for troubleshooting, make sure you have all of the dependencies (and the correct versions of them) listed above, and make sure that you have no mods overwriting files from SlaveTats or JContainers (some mods can ship with old JContainers versions - in those cases, make sure that JContainers is overwriting those mods in your mod manager).


Tattoo configuration is not getting saved after exiting the MCM/game


There are potentially a few reasons for this:


  • The mod writes tattoo configuration to the following directory within your user home directory: Documents/My Games/Skyrim Special Edition/JCUser/rTats
    You will probably find files named settings.json and colorConfig.json in there.
    If these files, or any of the directories in the above path, are read-only, the mod will not be able to save tattoo configuration changes. Ensure that the permissions of all of the above directories and files have appropriate permissions.
  • One user has mentioned that the settings.json inside their JCUser/rTats directory was in fact a directory rather than a file, which caused tattoo configuration not to be saved properly. I've not identified any ways in which this mod could create that directory, but if you find that you have a directory named settings.json, do the following:
    • Delete/move the directory
    • Start Skyrim
    • Enter the Rape Tattoos MCM
    • Exit the Rape Tattoos MCM
    • Wait a few seconds
    • Exit the game
    • Verify that you now have a file named settings.json in your JCUser/rTats directory



If you're having other issues, and are not able to resolve them, please use the mod's support thread and I'll try to assist where I can. If you're reporting an issue, the more of the following you can provide, the more likely I am to be able to help you:

  • What you were doing when the problem occurred and whether you can reliably reproduce the issue (be as specific as possible)
  • Papyrus logs from the session in which you encountered the problem
  • Crash logs if you game crashed - I highly recommend running Crash Logger on any modded setup - it's incredibly helpful in diagnosing CTDs



  • xj47 - the creator of the excellent original Rape Tattoos mod
  • murfk - the creator of the SlaveTats mod
  • Everyone who has contributed tattoo packs and config files to make the SlaveTats ecosystem awesome!


  • Submitter
  • Submitted
  • Category
  • Requires
    SexLab, SlaveTats, Fade Tattoos Continued, Fade Tattoos, powerofthree's papyrus extender
  • Regular Edition Compatible


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35 minutes ago, Garfieldcat said:

Didn't get to try it yet, but sounds awesome!
I loved the original mod - still using it, but I always had to be very picky with slavetats cause it often just froze and wouldn't work :( 
Here's hoping this changes things!


Thanks! Let me know how you get on!


At the very least, the MCM should be a lot more responsive. If you want to assign groups to your tattoos through there, you'll still need to click the "Load tattoo config pages" button and go get a cup of tea while you wait for it all to load, although you might find it quicker to do that by just editing the JSON files themselves (planning on posting some documentation on how to do that at some point, but there's some explanation in the original mod description). It should also generally be a little more performant than before during gameplay, but probably not enough to really notice - I've found that a lot of the slowness tends to come from SlaveTats itself at the moment (which is something I'd like to look into at some point to see if there's any way of improving it).

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17 minutes ago, keymaster1965 said:

under slave tats what would this be listed as? I have a bunch so I cant figure out which one it is


I'm not sure I quite follow you? This mod isn't a tattoo pack if that's what you're asking. It just adds mechanics to allow tattoos from SlaveTats to be applied on rape - it doesn't come bundled with any tattoos itself - you'll need to install tattoo packs separately and configure them (or grab the configuration files for them - several have Rape Tattoos configs in their downloads) - the mod also comes preconfigured for several of the tattoo packs from the SlaveTats downloads.

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18 minutes ago, 51offthescale said:

Is this compatible with the config for the original mod?


Yes, it is. If you already had a file in your user directory (<home dir>/Documents/My Games/Skyrim Special Edition/JCUser/rTats/settings.json), it'll read the tattoo group configuration from there just like the original.

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4 hours ago, elliesec said:


I'm not sure I quite follow you? This mod isn't a tattoo pack if that's what you're asking. It just adds mechanics to allow tattoos from SlaveTats to be applied on rape - it doesn't come bundled with any tattoos itself - you'll need to install tattoo packs separately and configure them (or grab the configuration files for them - several have Rape Tattoos configs in their downloads) - the mod also comes preconfigured for several of the tattoo packs from the SlaveTats downloads.

I got you now, I misunderstood, thank you for your quick reply :)

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My suggestion:

A way to make a tattoo set, for some common look you want to achieve. And if possible a permanent option for a tattoo set

Or a way to have only some of the tattoos be permanent (permanent option per tattoo). 


That way you can build a 'definitive base tattoo look' that can have some variations.

Like using some of the Zaki packs as an example, for an permanent slut/ furry / amputee tattoo focused set.

As someone that likes the permanent tattoo options, the randomness often gets in the way of that common tattoo look that you want to be achieved, for certain characters.

And picking it all by hand kinda gets time consuming, once you start doing it.








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1 hour ago, Loki15kun said:

My suggestion:

A way to make a tattoo set, for some common look you want to achieve. And if possible a permanent option for a tattoo set

Or a way to have only some of the tattoos be permanent (permanent option per tattoo). 


That way you can build a 'definitive base tattoo look' that can have some variations.

Like using some of the Zaki packs as an example, for an permanent slut/ furry / amputee tattoo focused set.

As someone that likes the permanent tattoo options, the randomness often gets in the way of that common tattoo look that you want to be achieved, for certain characters.

And picking it all by hand kinda gets time consuming, once you start doing it.


Ooh, I see what you're saying. Idea being that you eventually trend towards a particular set of tattoos? I'd need to have a think about how best to achieve that in a nice way, but I like the idea. I've got some ideas about cleaning up the MCM tattoo configuration pages (and removing that massive wait time whilst it loads), and I think being able to set permanence on a per-tattoo basis would fit reasonably well into that - thanks for the suggestions - I'll keep them in mind!

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4 minutes ago, Talesien said:

One question though, seeing that this is SE specific, any reason why the esp's are not compacted? Each has only four records, way too few to waste a regular slot on.


Mainly just because I haven't really touched the ESPs from the LE version - all the changes have been script-based, and I clearly had enough room in my load order that I didn't think of it! Good call though - I'll ESL-ify them for the next releases.

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28 minutes ago, elliesec said:


Ooh, I see what you're saying. Idea being that you eventually trend towards a particular set of tattoos? I'd need to have a think about how best to achieve that in a nice way, but I like the idea. I've got some ideas about cleaning up the MCM tattoo configuration pages (and removing that massive wait time whilst it loads), and I think being able to set permanence on a per-tattoo basis would fit reasonably well into that - thanks for the suggestions - I'll keep them in mind!


FWIW, the page load time ( I have 7 or so pages of tats) is MUCH shorter than that of the original mod, and for that alone, I'd say a big 'Thank You!'


I went for the 'clean save' changeover, but interestingly, the MCM load up showed the mod as having 'updated sucessfully' - or words to that effect. 


And existing tats carried forward OK (I meant to remove them first before removing the original, but forgot!) and the new mod incorporated them fine, and has worked nicely since with the additioanl features performing well


So, from here, a big 'Thank You' for the update to the original



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6 minutes ago, DonQuiWho said:


FWIW, the page load time ( I have 7 or so pages of tats) is MUCH shorter than that of the original mod, and for that alone, I'd say a big 'Thank You!'


I went for the 'clean save' changeover, but interestingly, the MCM load up showed the mod as having 'updated sucessfully' - or words to that effect. 


And existing tats carried forward OK (I meant to remove them first before removing the original, but forgot!) and the new mod incorporated them fine, and has worked nicely since with the additioanl features performing well


So, from here, a big 'Thank You' for the update to the original




Great to hear! You shouldn't need to worry about the version update message - pretty sure that's because if you're on a fresh install of the mod, SkyUI initializes the MCM version to 0, then checks that against the current version (now 2) to trigger an update event - shouldn't be a sign of anything hanging around after the uninstall. I should probably look into making it a little smarter about telling the difference between first-time installs vs. updates in the future.

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Would you consider adding a feature where only way of removing tattoos is by paying someone?


Basically in fallout 4 version of this mod, tattoos are permanent and the only way to remove them is by talking to a dude in diamond city and paying caps.

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3 hours ago, kamithemoon said:

I like the idea of being able to apply and expand upon the abuse tattoos from Apropos, especially since Apropos is limited only to the tattoos it comes with.  But are there packs with more abuse tattoos?  I recall looking before but finding very little.

I'm not sure I'm aware of any personally. I know the SlaveTats AIO installer has an option to SlaveTat-ify this Apropos texture replacer package, which would make it work with Rape Tattoos (with appropriate group configuration). But I'm not too heavily into the cuts & bruises thing, so probably don't have the best knowledge of what's out there in terms of overlays.


3 hours ago, NiX10 said:

Would you consider adding a feature where only way of removing tattoos is by paying someone?


Basically in fallout 4 version of this mod, tattoos are permanent and the only way to remove them is by talking to a dude in diamond city and paying caps.


I definitely would, and it's something I've had a few ideas about. I am aware of this mod, although I've not tried it personally, and have no idea how well it works nowadays in SE/against more modern versions of SlaveTats. If I were to do something similar, I'd likely aim to release it as a separate mod, rather than building it into Rape Tattoos, as I'd like to keep RTC as lightweight as possible - right now it's more of an API for adding random player-configured tattoos, with a one bit of "gameplay functionality", which is the post-rape hook, and I'd favour keeping it that way.

In the shorter-term though, I'm focusing on some improvements to FTC/RTC - planning on releasing a new 3.0 version of each, which will be ESL-flagged and include some pretty substantial reshuffles of the code (that'll be new-game-required territory for sure, although I am aiming to keep them as compatible with existing mods as possible), which should make them more stable & useable (and hopefully performant) in terms of third-party mod integration in the longer term.

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Thanks for this great mod! But I encountered a very tricky problem: The config pages for each tattoo are not displayed in my MCM. Although I have already clicked "Load tattoo config pages" and even waited for 3 hours for it, unfortunately, those pages never popped up. I upgraded from the old version to this new one, and this issue has not appeared in the legacy version. I am completely unsure how this issue arose. Is it a compatibility issue?

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6 hours ago, elliesec said:

I'm not sure I'm aware of any personally. I know the SlaveTats AIO installer has an option to SlaveTat-ify this Apropos texture replacer package, which would make it work with Rape Tattoos (with appropriate group configuration). But I'm not too heavily into the cuts & bruises thing, so probably don't have the best knowledge of what's out there in terms of overlays.


Apologies, I know it's not your thing but I just saw a post from Shadowman2777 that ZaZ has additional cuts and bruises overlays. I just checked and they're already setup for slavetats in the mod as well.  Just responding in case anyone else is looking for something similar.  Though there is still only a handful of these.

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On 7/18/2023 at 6:43 PM, Schatten517 said:

Thanks for this great mod! But I encountered a very tricky problem: The config pages for each tattoo are not displayed in my MCM. Although I have already clicked "Load tattoo config pages" and even waited for 3 hours for it, unfortunately, those pages never popped up. I upgraded from the old version to this new one, and this issue has not appeared in the legacy version. I am completely unsure how this issue arose. Is it a compatibility issue?


That sounds odd - not something I've run into. I'm running ~3500 tattoos, and they take a while, but do load - I'm pretty sure I've not changed any of the logic around the loading of those pages either, apart from shifting it behind the button press. Would be interested to hear if anyone else is running into the same issues. A few questions/things to try:

  • How many tattoo packs do you have installed (and roughly how many tattoos does that make in total)?
  • Is this on the same game as a previous Rape Tattoos installation (i.e. did you upgrade from Rape Tattoos without starting a new game)?
  • Does the issue still occur on a brand new game?
  • Does the issue still occur when you have only 1 small tattoo pack installed (one of the ones from the SlaveTats downloads section for example)?

I do actually have a very quick hack which for me reduces the load time down from ~5 minutes to a couple of seconds, but I've not released it yet - I'm planning on an overhaul of those menu pages in version 3, but there's still quite a bit to be done before that's released.

In the meantime, you (and anyone else that wants to try it) are welcome to try this, which is essentially the current version, but with my hack included:


<File removed - superseded by version 2.0.2 on the main download page>



Let me know how you get on.

Edited by elliesec
Removed redundant file
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1 hour ago, Schatten517 said:

Thanks for this great mod! But I encountered a very tricky problem...


In fact, a couple of other questions on top of that to help narrow it down:

  • Can you provide papyrus logs for the issue?
  • Do you already have an existing configuration file in your user directory (that'll be at <your home directory>\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\JCUser\rTats\settings.json). Can you post it? Might be you have a bad config file - you could try deleting (or renaming) it and loading up the game again to see if that fixes the issue.
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12 hours ago, elliesec said:


That sounds odd - not something I've run into. I'm running ~3500 tattoos, and they take a while, but do load - I'm pretty sure I've not changed any of the logic around the loading of those pages either, apart from shifting it behind the button press. Would be interested to hear if anyone else is running into the same issues. A few questions/things to try:

  • How many tattoo packs do you have installed (and roughly how many tattoos does that make in total)?
  • Is this on the same game as a previous Rape Tattoos installation (i.e. did you upgrade from Rape Tattoos without starting a new game)?
  • Does the issue still occur on a brand new game?
  • Does the issue still occur when you have only 1 small tattoo pack installed (one of the ones from the SlaveTats downloads section for example)?

I do actually have a very quick hack which for me reduces the load time down from ~5 minutes to a couple of seconds, but I've not released it yet - I'm planning on an overhaul of those menu pages in version 3, but there's still quite a bit to be done before that's released.

In the meantime, you (and anyone else that wants to try it) are welcome to try this, which is essentially the current version, but with my hack included:


Rape Tattoos Continued 2.0.1-speed-patch.7z 35.13 kB · 3 downloads


Let me know how you get on.

Thank you for your help! In fact, after I tried to replace the configuration file created by this MOD with the one I saved from the legacy version, all the trouble miraculously disappeared! By comparing two files, I found that the new one does not have the names of the tattoo packs I installed in it, which might be the reason why those pages never showed up.
In case someone suffers the same, I could provide some other details:
·I only installed about 750 tattoos.
·I followed the instructions to start a brand new game and used ReSaver to do a save cleanup before updating.
·Before I inexplicably solved the problem, I tried to start many new games, but each time the tattoo config pages failed to display successfully.
·I did not attempt to test whether this issue still occurs even when only 1 tattoo pack is installed.
·I tried to delete the configuration file generated by this MOD, but it did not solve the problem.

Edited by Schatten517
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6 hours ago, Schatten517 said:

Thank you for your help! In fact, after I tried to replace the configuration file created by this MOD with the one I saved from the legacy version, all the trouble miraculously disappeared! By comparing two files, I found that the new one does not have the names of the tattoo packs I installed in it, which might be the reason why those pages never showed up.
In case someone suffers the same, I could provide some other details:
·I only installed about 750 tattoos.
·I followed the instructions to start a brand new game and used ReSaver to do a save cleanup before updating.
·Before I inexplicably solved the problem, I tried to start many new games, but each time the tattoo config pages failed to display successfully.
·I did not attempt to test whether this issue still occurs even when only 1 tattoo pack is installed.
·I tried to delete the configuration file generated by this MOD, but it did not solve the problem.


Thanks for the info. Sounds like there might be something going on with the intial config file generation. I'll investigate and see if I can reproduce. Out of interest - sounds like it, but did you move/delete your original config file before installing this mod (i.e. when you loaded the game with this mod for the first time, did a config file already exist, or did it generate a new one)?

Edited by elliesec
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8 hours ago, Schatten517 said:

Thank you for your help! In fact, after I tried to replace the configuration file created by this MOD with the one I saved from the legacy version, all the trouble miraculously disappeared! By comparing two files, I found that the new one does not have the names of the tattoo packs I installed in it, which might be the reason why those pages never showed up.


Okay, I've done a bunch of testing to try to reproduce the issue, and I'm afraid I'm not having any luck ?. The only other thing I can think of is that you may have had a local template config file overwriting the one that comes with RTC (in <data directory>\rTatsSettingsTemplate.json) when there was no user-level config file, although I'm still not entirely convinced that'd cause the issue you were seeing. If you can send me the working & not working config files, I'll dig a bit deeper, but otherwise, I'm going to chalk it up to some one-off setup-specific problem for now, unless anyone else is experiencing the same issue.

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4 hours ago, elliesec said:


Thanks for the info. Sounds like there might be something going on with the intial config file generation. I'll investigate and see if I can reproduce. Out of interest - sounds like it, but did you move/delete your original config file before installing this mod (i.e. when you loaded the game with this mod for the first time, did a config file already exist, or did it generate a new one)?

Hmmm... I suddenly realized that when I first updated the MOD, the configuration file was already there. However, the tattoo config pages did not successfully pop up at that time. Then, I tried to delete that file and have the MOD regenerate a new one, but it also failed. In the end, I reinstalled the legacy version for regenerating configuration file and copy&paste it, and that solved the problem?.

Edited by Schatten517
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