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@ban10 Very impressive mod thank you, having alot of fun even with how OP it is.


Coding question you might've come upon and hoping you can help with.

I'm trying to do a couple of custom court positions, for my trait_devoted_group domitan married wives. The difficulty is all court positions are scoped to liege, and I'm not the direct liege of some of my wives, they're sub vassals to my other wives.


Do u know of a way around this for court positions please?

My closest guess didn't work

	is_shown_character = {
		scope:employee = {
			AND = {
				is_female = yes
				AND ={
					any_consort_of = liege_or_above
					has_trait = devoted_trait_group


I'm assuming not, in that being part of the court is an actual hard coded aspect of being eligable for a job, just like being an adult is. Thought I'd ask tho, on the off chance you've found some genius work-around!! :tounge_wink:

Edited by Dwjliel
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On 1/9/2024 at 9:52 AM, Konstrukter2 said:

I read the planned activity(?) with travel to a female ruler to beguile. Which reminded me that i always missed a option to missionize myself. It did happen that a king converted another king. Like famously the Russian Vladimir the Great. A personal/hostile scheme might really be to simple and shallow, but an official visit, a whole event?


Also, it would be nice to upgrade the head-of-religion title to kingdom and afterwards to empire rank. The pope is king rank, so it is possiple. I just would like to keep it as my Primary. Now with the religion also having culture and a "World" version, it makes sense to use that title more worldly.

Maybe when we consecrate the bloodline it goes up to kingdom? But getting a holy site is easy with starting position/character (but then again, we can also just start as an emperor). Maybe add having at least one king rank title to the "consecrating bloodline" decision and a similar decision when we have all holy sites to upgrade to empire title.

I looked into this, but problem is that you can't "upgrade" a titles rank, its hardcoded to stay the same forever.

eg, the papacy is k_papacy, so it starts at king rank.
I could make a custom RM head of faith titles and "switch" over to it when you do certain decision etc
It might work, I'll have to look into it some more.

On 1/13/2024 at 11:01 AM, jcjonesacp76 said:

So every time my character marries the game crashes, I have tested this with new saves with only the required three (RM, Carnalities, and CBO) in the game and it seems like only the mod is the issue.

Very strange! Marriage is quite core to this mod and I've never had it crash on me before.
Do you have a save file you can send to me?

On 1/13/2024 at 4:16 PM, JankinT said:

does this mod not work with physical attributes?

The Mutare corpus option to change genitals works with Carn traits, but not physical attributes, it requires refactoring a bunch of code to ensure RM works with both.
See Issue here

On 1/16/2024 at 11:27 PM, bos4523 said:

Hi, can anyone here tell me if the vassal wife cheating problem has been address in some degree? I noticed there have been changes to regula_adultery_events a month ago, but I couldn't find any information about it further. If it has not, are there any plans to expand the cheating mechanic further mod author? like adding a trait to prevent cheating? In the old files, I noticed there were attempts at preventing cheating with the devoted trait, however, I am not sure if that trait is still in the game or not. 


Thanks for the hard work to the mod author and anyone who has contributed! this one mod is the biggest reason why I keep coming back to CK3!

We overwrite the vanilla adultery events to have RM adultery events instead,
Basically it deals with three scenarios
1. Lovers cannot be created out of thin air, this effect/event is completely ignored
2. Lovers to your charmed spouses causes an event for male or female lovers
3. "Flings" (They had sex but no lovers) cause a slightly different as well, again a different event for a male/female fling

Defiantly an area I need to really sit down on and heavily refactor, as its quite spaghetti code.

I think I need to refactor these events, and also have a game rule for how RM deals with lovers / the adultery event chain
Famuli never get Lovers
Famuli can get female lovers
Famuli can get any lovers

8 hours ago, Dwjliel said:

@ban10 Very impressive mod thank you, having alot of fun even with how OP it is.


Coding question you might've come upon and hoping you can help with.

I'm trying to do a couple of custom court positions, for my trait_devoted_group domitan married wives. The difficulty is all court positions are scoped to liege, and I'm not the direct liege of some of my wives, they're sub vassals to my other wives.


Do u know of a way around this for court positions please?

My closest guess didn't work

	is_shown_character = {
		scope:employee = {
			AND = {
				is_female = yes
				AND ={
					any_consort_of = liege_or_above
					has_trait = devoted_trait_group


I'm assuming not, in that being part of the court is an actual hard coded aspect of being eligable for a job, just like being an adult is. Thought I'd ask tho, on the off chance you've found some genius work-around!! :tounge_wink:

Sadly, I don't think this works, I'm pretty sure that you sub-vassal is in the court of your vassal, so they can never become a member of your court.
I'm pretty sure its hardcoded that way, eg if I am a king, and have a duchess and countess, the countess can never be a court/council position for me.

Edited by ban10
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@ban10 Fair enough thanks for the reply!

Gameplay question: how do you envisage Magisteri Army most efficient gameplay? Should I be building Temples and upping their levies? Obvs the base game is knights knighhts knights, but RM is opposite to that, so wondering how best to amass forces - even though best route is obviously magic powers to overthrow countries.


Oh and should I make my major vassals theocratic or keep 'em Feudal?


Edited by Dwjliel
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On 1/20/2024 at 12:18 PM, ban10 said:

I looked into this, but problem is that you can't "upgrade" a titles rank, its hardcoded to stay the same forever.

eg, the papacy is k_papacy, so it starts at king rank.
I could make a custom RM head of faith titles and "switch" over to it when you do certain decision etc
It might work, I'll have to look into it some more.

Thanks for answering and no hurry. Mechanically speaking this would be just aesthetic. Though, come to think, there is "de jure drift".

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Hey, I've been looking for a way to increase the amount (not size) of Virgo regiments locally for me, but I can't for the life of me figure out how I'd do that. I can't find a limit or unlimit akin to max_regiments and I can't find how house guards are limited to 1 regiments in the first place.

Please help?

I think I remember it was once possible, like a year ago (?) there was a cap in the rm men at arms types file, but it no longer exists.

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On 1/20/2024 at 10:32 PM, Dwjliel said:

@ban10 Fair enough thanks for the reply!

Gameplay question: how do you envisage Magisteri Army most efficient gameplay? Should I be building Temples and upping their levies? Obvs the base game is knights knighhts knights, but RM is opposite to that, so wondering how best to amass forces - even though best route is obviously magic powers to overthrow countries.


Oh and should I make my major vassals theocratic or keep 'em Feudal?



Generally, I think CK3 wars are pretty easy to win at, as once you have a solid patch of land you can develop as a player much faster then the AI. A better economy leads to a better army, which leads to more land and etc etc.

In RM, its even easier to win wars once you are setup. This might be due to how Virgo are pretty damn busted, or it might just be that CK3 is not a super difficult game and RM adds lots of (fun!) tools to deal with other realms.


Instead, army composition is mainly upto how you want to play your RM empire. If you prefer a large force of Famuli women, go with mass regiments of light infantry, archers, etc.
If you prefer highly trained warriors, go for the regional Famuli regiments (eg Valkyrie, Gallowlasses and Virgo) and boost up your knights using Mutare corpus.
Your Palace holding in particular has two military buildings that specialise in either the elite warriors or mass infantry routes.

Both sides are represented pretty well by default I think, as you can grab a regiment of Virgo and Pedites as your starting set of regiments pretty easily, before deciding on how you want to specialise your army further.

For vassals, I actually use Clan government mainly, I try to move my family eg my wives, daughters and sometimes even my daughter-in-laws as my vassals, ensuring that eventually (through succession) my dynasty ends up as the rulers of every scrap of land in my realm. But again, its just upto how you want to play.


5 hours ago, Driakod said:

Hey, I've been looking for a way to increase the amount (not size) of Virgo regiments locally for me, but I can't for the life of me figure out how I'd do that. I can't find a limit or unlimit akin to max_regiments and I can't find how house guards are limited to 1 regiments in the first place.

Please help?

I think I remember it was once possible, like a year ago (?) there was a cap in the rm men at arms types file, but it no longer exists.

In the file "Regula_Magistri\common\men_at_arms_types\regula_maa_types.txt" look for the block called "virgo"
There is a value inside that block called max_sub_regiments = 5, this value forces the max number of sub-regiments of Virgo to five, and also forces the max number of regiments total to one (as a side-effect).

Edited by ban10
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Man there's so much to this mod, have you ever though about collating all the info /your posts into a  read.me (please!)?

Bet some of us aint enjoying half of what this mod has to offer.


Unrelated EDIT: what happened to the Decipere interaction/travel event please, decide against it?


FURTHER Unrelated EDIT: Potestas non Transfunde, regula_character_interactions_court.txt DID work in BLOCKING me from converting a none neighbouring country, u have a #comment saying it doesn't but it did for me:


It was actually quite annoying at first as I didnt know why I couldnt do it after hitting the prestige goal, as was greyed out but didn't inform me why, so i looked at the code lol.

I was the pink HRE Blob, she was Estonia:


Edited by Dwjliel
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hey @ban10 Im experiencing a soft incompatibility with another mod (empty council position notification is stuck) Ive compared the two relavent files and cant spot the issue/the fix would you mind advising me? The mod in question is Elf Destiny (they are aware if this mod but obviously being a LL mod, finding support for anything related to RM is a little difficult) No worries if not  

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I'm loving the recent changes/additions!

Is there a way to prevent automaticly getting married/concubines? Or at least prevent the children from being tied to my family line?

I enjoy the subterfuge stage a lot more than the global conquest, so the cucking stage of kings and emperors is a lot more fun than actually stealing their wives.

Is there a way to do so?

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Hello , great mod ! i would like to report some problems +give some suggestion.
-the french localization for the palace building are all missing , its strange because there is fully translated description of buildings in the mod folder but they don't appear in game .

-i like the magistri culture to speed up early game but can you change her patrimony to be latin and not greek(so that we can form the roman empire with it)
-do you know if it's possible for a culture to have multiple style of clothing at the same time ? I know it's possible with hybrid culture but i don't know if it's possible as a starting culture (i propose that because if you do decera cultura , that make all of your wives look the same so this could had a little more variety)
 -can you add a pop up who said when one of your paelex if 45+years old ?so that you can turn them into ex-paelex 
Also i think that the most urgent thing to change is the problem of having hundreds of children of your dynasty who make your game lag so i have thinked of different feature whick (i think) would not ask for a lot of work and would stop the problem (these mechanics could unlock themselves when you conquer a certain holy site like the infecta for example).


-the first is having an interaction "send somewhere as emissary of the magister" with mulsa of you dynasty  which will make them "disappear without a trace" (virtually killing them) the lore idea is to send them as agent of your will in the populace with a fraction of your power so they can increase your influence .
In gameplay that could things like increase your piety , convert one random province of a nearby country into your religion , increase development of a province , etc...
If we push the idea we can also make things as the bonus change according to their education skill .For example
diplomat :  increase your prestige/piety
Martial: give army bonus in province of your realm
Stewardship: boost reproduction in one of your province making it more developped
Intrigue: she go seduce an hostile ruler and with that give him an std (i think it's fun)
Learning: convert one random province into your religion

-The second idea is a decision you can take like "research new knight" who could be "create an army" where a great portion of your single daughter would "engage themselve in an army" (virtually killing them" and one of them become leader of this army and try to conquer an hostile kingdom of your choice (like vikings do in the game)

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changed this line so that the bloodline would auto resolve rather than asking if every single kid needed to be charmed. i was getting 100 kids a month needing me to manually say 'charm' etc popups


            else_if = {   # If the teen has the obedience trait. Guaranteed success
                limit = {
                    has_trait = regula_obedience_bloodline
                global_var:magister_character = {
                    trigger_event = fascinare_outcome.2311


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19 hours ago, phoggey said:

changed this line so that the bloodline would auto resolve rather than asking if every single kid needed to be charmed. i was getting 100 kids a month needing me to manually say 'charm' etc popups


            else_if = {   # If the teen has the obedience trait. Guaranteed success
                limit = {
                    has_trait = regula_obedience_bloodline
                global_var:magister_character = {
                    trigger_event = fascinare_outcome.2311



You can already change that in the Regula settings in the decisions tab, regarding notifications. 

Edited by Ankduck
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On 1/22/2024 at 3:40 AM, Dwjliel said:

Man there's so much to this mod, have you ever though about collating all the info /your posts into a  read.me (please!)?

Bet some of us aint enjoying half of what this mod has to offer.


Unrelated EDIT: what happened to the Decipere interaction/travel event please, decide against it?


FURTHER Unrelated EDIT: Potestas non Transfunde, regula_character_interactions_court.txt DID work in BLOCKING me from converting a none neighbouring country, u have a #comment saying it doesn't but it did for me:


It was actually quite annoying at first as I didnt know why I couldnt do it after hitting the prestige goal, as was greyed out but didn't inform me why, so i looked at the code lol.

I was the pink HRE Blob, she was Estonia:


Yeah, I think I might look at making tutorials or better ways to show the player the interactions they can do.
The Decipere interaction is located under the diplomacy tab, 
I'll also look at the Regula Vassalize option as you mentioned.

On 1/22/2024 at 6:36 PM, byehi said:

hey @ban10 Im experiencing a soft incompatibility with another mod (empty council position notification is stuck) Ive compared the two relavent files and cant spot the issue/the fix would you mind advising me? The mod in question is Elf Destiny (they are aware if this mod but obviously being a LL mod, finding support for anything related to RM is a little difficult) No worries if not  

Unfortunately I had a look but I can't see how to fix it, I've also been tinkering generally with the GUI stuff for the past few days but I can't quite seem to get everything working nicely.

On 1/24/2024 at 8:02 AM, ruyin said:

I'm loving the recent changes/additions!

Is there a way to prevent automaticly getting married/concubines? Or at least prevent the children from being tied to my family line?

I enjoy the subterfuge stage a lot more than the global conquest, so the cucking stage of kings and emperors is a lot more fun than actually stealing their wives.

Is there a way to do so?


Hmm, it would require some heavy modifications to vanilla code (giving birth events), along with a Regula game rule to decide how babies should be born
Could you describe what you mean by automatic marriage/concubinage? Some examples would help me understand what you would want to happen.


On 1/24/2024 at 4:13 PM, MonsieurMessi said:

Hello , great mod ! i would like to report some problems +give some suggestion.
-the french localization for the palace building are all missing , its strange because there is fully translated description of buildings in the mod folder but they don't appear in game .

-i like the magistri culture to speed up early game but can you change her patrimony to be latin and not greek(so that we can form the roman empire with it)
-do you know if it's possible for a culture to have multiple style of clothing at the same time ? I know it's possible with hybrid culture but i don't know if it's possible as a starting culture (i propose that because if you do decera cultura , that make all of your wives look the same so this could had a little more variety)
 -can you add a pop up who said when one of your paelex if 45+years old ?so that you can turn them into ex-paelex 
Also i think that the most urgent thing to change is the problem of having hundreds of children of your dynasty who make your game lag so i have thinked of different feature whick (i think) would not ask for a lot of work and would stop the problem (these mechanics could unlock themselves when you conquer a certain holy site like the infecta for example).


-the first is having an interaction "send somewhere as emissary of the magister" with mulsa of you dynasty  which will make them "disappear without a trace" (virtually killing them) the lore idea is to send them as agent of your will in the populace with a fraction of your power so they can increase your influence .
In gameplay that could things like increase your piety , convert one random province of a nearby country into your religion , increase development of a province , etc...
If we push the idea we can also make things as the bonus change according to their education skill .For example
diplomat :  increase your prestige/piety
Martial: give army bonus in province of your realm
Stewardship: boost reproduction in one of your province making it more developped
Intrigue: she go seduce an hostile ruler and with that give him an std (i think it's fun)
Learning: convert one random province into your religion

-The second idea is a decision you can take like "research new knight" who could be "create an army" where a great portion of your single daughter would "engage themselve in an army" (virtually killing them" and one of them become leader of this army and try to conquer an hostile kingdom of your choice (like vikings do in the game)

I think this is a really good idea!
A nice flavourful way to "sacrifice" members of your dynasty to lessen the population and also achieve some ingame effects. Could also use it to spend prestige which doesn't currently have a way to be used by RM.

On 1/26/2024 at 2:29 PM, phoggey said:

changed this line so that the bloodline would auto resolve rather than asking if every single kid needed to be charmed. i was getting 100 kids a month needing me to manually say 'charm' etc popups


            else_if = {   # If the teen has the obedience trait. Guaranteed success
                limit = {
                    has_trait = regula_obedience_bloodline
                global_var:magister_character = {
                    trigger_event = fascinare_outcome.2311


As mentioned by Ankduck, you can find an option to do this via the "Read Regula Magistri" decision. Then choose settings and notification settings, Then you can disable ward charming events (and also disable regular charm events) which cuts down on event spam, especially once you have the Obedience bloodline trait.

Also, new update is out, mostly just minor bugfixes and small changes to fix balance issues.
I'm going to most likely take a break from modding RM (aka major features) for a while, though I'll probs keep updating the mod when I play CK3 with minor bugfixes and balance changes.

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Just want to say @ban10 I love the way you mod, they way you interact and respond with the comments is wonderful, and your change logs are *chefs kiss*, just phenomenal. I really appreciate the detail, and the thought behind them. Thanks man.

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Something weird: Does Sanctifica Serva not require a cooldown? I can use it immediately after the former ritual is completed instead of 5 years later, and the events and the given nicknames are completely the same? Is it because I don't have any holy sites?

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On 1/28/2024 at 5:49 PM, ban10 said:

Hmm, it would require some heavy modifications to vanilla code (giving birth events), along with a Regula game rule to decide how babies should be born
Could you describe what you mean by automatic marriage/concubinage? Some examples would help me understand what you would want to happen.

As in, I love the idea of my character having hundreds of women for himself, but I enjoy it more if they remain married to their own husbands, with my character being the 'secret father' of their children.

That or, only really accept/see my character and his wife's children in the family line, instead of the million of bastards of concubine/other wife children. 
Like, keep the family line pure and compact.

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On 1/28/2024 at 11:49 AM, ban10 said:

As mentioned by Ankduck, you can find an option to do this via the "Read Regula Magistri" decision. Then choose settings and notification settings, Then you can disable ward charming events (and also disable regular charm events) which cuts down on event spam, especially once you have the Obedience bloodline trait.

I noticed a possible error with this setting and the obedience bloodline. The way the coding is set up when the pop up is disabled is it checks for the obedience bloodline last so if the ward has other devoted as their guardian the charm event can fail and since the bloodline is checked last it doesn't trigger and the ward doesn't get charmed. I did a quick fix for it with my game by flipping the obedience bloodline and other devoted so that other devoted is last. Game play wise the guardian should try to charm the ward and if the ward has the obedience bloodline it really should always succeed so maybe editing the other devoted event to always succeed when the ward has the obedience trait could be a better fix and then the obedience bloodline event trigger could act as a final catch for wards without devoted guardians.







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On 1/29/2024 at 12:15 PM, nlihahaha said:

When establishing a fusion culture, the game crashes in versions 2.8 and 2.9. The impact of other mods ck3_20240129_124431.rarhas been ruled out. Attached log.

I can't replicate this crash, would you be able to get a crash log with just Carn and Regula Magistri running and send it to me?

On 1/29/2024 at 2:40 PM, Dwjliel said:

Just want to say @ban10 I love the way you mod, they way you interact and respond with the comments is wonderful, and your change logs are *chefs kiss*, just phenomenal. I really appreciate the detail, and the thought behind them. Thanks man.

I love reading changelogs of other games I play, so I really try to capture as much I can into them for those who like reading them.

On 1/29/2024 at 7:01 PM, DarthGan said:

Something weird: Does Sanctifica Serva not require a cooldown? I can use it immediately after the former ritual is completed instead of 5 years later, and the events and the given nicknames are completely the same? Is it because I don't have any holy sites?

Sanctifica serva is due a rework, but right now no, the main "cost" of the ritual is your life.
It shoudn't give you the same event though, thats a bit of a bug.
My plan is to tie the ritual to having holy sites, with each holy site unlocking the "Goddess" of that particular attribute.

On 1/29/2024 at 8:29 PM, ruyin said:

As in, I love the idea of my character having hundreds of women for himself, but I enjoy it more if they remain married to their own husbands, with my character being the 'secret father' of their children.

That or, only really accept/see my character and his wife's children in the family line, instead of the million of bastards of concubine/other wife children. 
Like, keep the family line pure and compact.

Ah, yeah that makes sense, 

17 hours ago, jimmybeans said:

Game over when freeing the Keeper. No other mods enabled. Save attached.

Observer mode afterwards seems to indicate King Murchad having become the theocratic leader of Insularism somehow.


Petty_King_Murchad_of_Munster_1075_03_01.ck3 10.09 MB · 0 downloads

It looks like you started your game, then installed RM, as I can't see any of the RM faiths "loaded" in your save.
Restart, and check the faiths list for the Regula Magistri faiths. 

1 hour ago, merrick1031 said:

I noticed a possible error with this setting and the obedience bloodline. The way the coding is set up when the pop up is disabled is it checks for the obedience bloodline last so if the ward has other devoted as their guardian the charm event can fail and since the bloodline is checked last it doesn't trigger and the ward doesn't get charmed. I did a quick fix for it with my game by flipping the obedience bloodline and other devoted so that other devoted is last. Game play wise the guardian should try to charm the ward and if the ward has the obedience bloodline it really should always succeed so maybe editing the other devoted event to always succeed when the ward has the obedience trait could be a better fix and then the obedience bloodline event trigger could act as a final catch for wards without devoted guardians.







Good spot, I'll take a look at this

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I play the newest version of CK3 with no DLCs on Steam. Tested the RM2 mod with Carnalitas installed only. I can not get it running or in other words, it repeatedly causes ctd. Any hint is appreciated. Thank you for reading.

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7 hours ago, lovaalava said:


I play the newest version of CK3 with no DLCs on Steam. Tested the RM2 mod with Carnalitas installed only. I can not get it running or in other words, it repeatedly causes ctd. Any hint is appreciated. Thank you for reading.


More detail, when does it crash? Initial loading when u launch the game? When you click new game? When the games running? A hazy guess would be you have the game rule on to use the "lewd CoA's", but dont have the lewd COA's mod installd and active.

Edited by Dwjliel
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On 1/31/2024 at 9:16 AM, Dwjliel said:


More detail, when does it crash? Initial loading when u launch the game? When you click new game? When the games running? A hazy guess would be you have the game rule on to use the "lewd CoA's", but dont have the lewd COA's mod installd and active.


It crashes on loading screen after a while. There has never been an opportunity to choose any rule or option yet. However, I will install COA too and try it again.

Yours gratefully

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On 1/31/2024 at 9:16 AM, Dwjliel said:


More detail, when does it crash? Initial loading when u launch the game? When you click new game? When the games running? A hazy guess would be you have the game rule on to use the "lewd CoA's", but dont have the lewd COA's mod installd and active.



Tried it with COA installed (before RM) but it still crashes on startup.


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