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Custom Race Ears Not Working well :(


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Quick few questions regarding custom race ears.

I have been working up a custom race recently.

I have not really found any useful guides on how to do this.


For instance I made ears, but which are the settings needed to export them correctly?


The other question would be how do I set their location? I've imported several different ear models and seen them go in all different types of locations besides where I expected them to go. 


I also tried to use Conformeter and the game crashes when I use the Tri and or EGM's made there.


Also the other issue is when I just take other models Tri/ EGM files the ears just are not showing.


Also to note, everything looks good in CS.


Can anyone help me with my confusion on how ears work? :(


-HappySparkles X_X

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Ear meshes should be at the ground position, and the orientation of the object should be the center. 'Ground position' is Z -11.2441 and Y 1.1187 from 'typical' head position. It is needed when you conformulate things, otherwise the conformulator will fail. So, just set the center same as the head mesh and then snap the ears object to the global center.

Using other ears' tri file isn't a good idea because the vertex order is important for tri morph. Though not tried this myself, editing other ears should be possible (without adding/removing any vertice).

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