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So I have something in mind...

...because in my current run I'm running a kind of "Raider Reform Scholl" and I'm convincing the captured women to "change sides" by fulfilling their most secret desires...

...well - I recovered extensive research papers from Fort Hagen - from a group of "crazy" scientists (exiles from the institute).

A raider had a wish -> "I want to be a dairy cow"
ok - please here:




as a result, a high-security laboratory was built - since from now on you can also experiment with really dangerous things:









what is really dangerous? -> tentacles

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I wonder if you could add them to the random encounter pool perhaps with hypno ones just like hanging you have to look away from and aggressive ones perhaps hiding until the player to close enough to catch and start a aaf scene and any female followers they have.

Edited by Spaceguest991
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I'll give this a try, but hopefully we see a better system in the future to place them in the world. If I had the know how, I'd try it myself.


A random enemy with a "special" grenade would be cool for combat.

A mat trigger system for settlements would work.

Random spawns like someone mentioned would be amazing as long as you keep them out of Boston area.  FPS would drop so bad. 

If someone implements a spawn system, it should totally start at the alien crash site and branch out from there.

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2 hours ago, rubber_duck said:

Really looking forward to this! I'll surely give it a shot once there's a proper mod that's using/requiring this.


Outstanding work, keep this up!


Also, any plans to implement those tentacles to TWOA? I think it'd fit in quite nicely!

Yes, I plan on adding them in the next update.

1 hour ago, Spaceguest991 said:

I wonder if you could like add them to the random encounter pool perhaps with hypno ones just like hanging you have to look away from and aggressive ones perhaps hiding until the player to lose enough to catch and start a aaf scene and any female followers they have.

25 minutes ago, spicydoritos said:

Oooooh ???


I'm going to try these the very second I return home.  Are you planning to add a spawning system yourself, or will you be leaving that for others to implement?

I plan to leave it up to other modders. (I'm going to use the tentacles in some of my other mods as well.) This is more of a resource for other mods to use/expand on. I might change the plugin to .esm so that it's easier to use as a dependency.


I originally planned to make a small quest for Animated Tentacles as a showcase of the tentacles, but motivation has eluded me and this mod has been pretty much untouched for the last month. So I decided to package up what I had finished and release it. You can go to the WIP quest cell with COC ATResearchInterior ,but just as a warning, this will start an incompletable quest.

Edited by Snapdragon_
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7 minutes ago, Snapdragon_ said:

Yes, I plan on adding them in the next update.

I plan to leave it up to other modders. (I'm going to use the tentacles in some of my other mods as well.) This is more of a resource for other mods to use/expand on. I might change the plugin to .esm so that it's easier to use as a dependency.


I originally planned to make a small quest for Animated Tentacles as a showcase of the tentacles, but motivation has eluded me and this mod has been pretty much untouched for the last month. So I decided to package up what I had finished and release it. You can go to the WIP quest cell with COC ATResearchInterior ,but just as a warning, this will start an incompletable quest.

I lack the know how to really do any modding stuff so I was mostly just posting my ideas in case someone saw it and thought "hey that's a good idea"


My other idea on what to do with some tricky tentacles like this is perhaps find a way to have spawn around harvestable crops as a surprise to unwary gardeners. The rads had a few interesting effects on the plants like pumpkins.

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Unfortunately, doesn't work.

After this mod activation AAF becomes broken and doesn't show list of actors around player like it usually does. Usual animating icon is displayed and after couple of seconds breaks - no windows with actors is displayed. No errors in logs. So I just not able to start any animation.

I use AAF 166 with your NativeSync. Along with SAM Enhanced Animations. And all works fine without tentacles.



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43 minutes ago, Dlinny_Lag said:

Unfortunately, doesn't work.

After this mod activation AAF becomes broken and doesn't show list of actors around player like it usually does. Usual animating icon is displayed and after couple of seconds breaks - no windows with actors is displayed. No errors in logs. So I just not able to start any animation.

I use AAF 166 with your NativeSync. Along with SAM Enhanced Animations. And all works fine without tentacles.




That's odd. Maybe it's a conflict with SAM Enhanced Animations/SAMFormer? Those are the only mods that I don't have installed. Perhaps it's trying to find a SAM skeleton and breaks because there's no SAM definition for the tentacles.

Edited by Snapdragon_
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6 minutes ago, spicydoritos said:

So far works fine for me with a full AAF loadout (also including SAM Enhanced Animations).  ? 


  Hide contents


  Hide contents



Perfect. That means that a custom behavior skeleton (tentacles) for aaf is possible, unlike vanilla ones. Nice nice.

Edited by EngineGaming
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3 hours ago, Snapdragon_ said:

That's odd. Maybe it's a conflict with SAM Enhanced Animations/SAMFormer?

I've found that AnimatedTentaclesMenu was not properly registered.

I'm not sure why it was not registered, but suppose due to wrong combination of menu creation flags. 

I've changed AT:ui script to use default flags, menu can be displayed. But no UI is visible (except cursor) and it doesn't help with AAF. 

It looks like compiled AT:ui script doesn't match source code. I have no idea how zero flags (in source code) might give you correctly working menu. At least it is not possible to save game if MenuFlags hasn't 0x800.


Menu Flags

Extended Flags

Scale mode (movie flags)


Edited by Dlinny_Lag
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58 minutes ago, Dlinny_Lag said:

I've found that AnimatedTentaclesMenu was not properly registered.

I'm not sure why it was not registered, but suppose due to wrong combination of menu creation flags. 

I've changed AT:ui script to use default flags, menu can be displayed. But no UI is visible (except cursor) and it doesn't help with AAF. 

It looks like compiled AT:ui script doesn't match source code. I have no idea how zero flags (in source code) might give you correctly working menu. At least it is not possible to save game if MenuFlags hasn't 0x800.


Menu Flags

Extended Flags

Scale mode (movie flags)



MenuFlags being set to 0 is intentional, it's a valid flag value. I've found in my tests that if the game is saved while the menu is open, it causes issues. Thus, that flag was removed. I suspect the menu failing to register is likely a symptom of an issue higher up in the chain, rather than the issue itself.

Edited by Snapdragon_
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See, now I want to have a mod that gives a chance to summon them when picking plants or flowers like the comment above. .  That or containers. In theory you should be able do it with a script that you drop in the parent object.  This is just from a quick look at how things work. I am not a modder though. I just now scripting logic. assuming a 15% percent chance


Something like this

Int Tentspawn

Int Tentype


tenstpawn = utility.randomint (1,100)

If Tentspawn <= 15

Tentype = Untility.randomint (1,3)

if Tentype == 1 spawn aggressiv

else if tentype == 2 spawn hypnotic

elseif Tentype == 3 spawn Passive

End else


I'm certain I missed as I don't really know the language too much.  I did look to see if they had CASE, which they don't. You could write something for MCM that would let you tweak the chances of them spawning or type.  That is really beyond me though.


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Nice looking mod...


Wishlist for when people start adding them to the world.


1. Corpses... Worm infested.

2. Freshly Killed... Chance for Corpses of killed creatures or enemies to be infested.

3. Implanters... Nora or other people can get Worm filled Pregnancies, drops Worm Infested Corpse.

4. Feral Ghoul Infested... Feral Ghouls infested with Worms, people get pregnant with Worms. Like Clickers, in The Last of Us...

5. Booby Traps... booby trapped chests, that are Mimic Chests, infesting Nora with Worms.



Just some stuff I would like, when people start adding these to the world...

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