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[REQ] Leaking

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It would be nice to have a mod that lets you have a sort of "just had 5 orgasms at once" look for both males and females.And I think it would be easy to do (Probably not.I have no knowledge of mod creation, at all) What do you guys think?It would go along great with Wet Schlongs.

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It's kind of a dumb rule, though. Sure the majority of REQ threads wind up dead and buried, but occasionally they do yield a WIP, and that's a lot easier to do when your request isn't shoved into a one-size-fits-all request cluterfuck thread that's hard to follow properly. It's not like asking for an existing mod (What Mod is This? thread) where once someone links you, the thread is done.


Frankly locking these things isn't really reducing the imaginary thread spam anyway, it's just littering pages with locked threads instead of threads that might actually produce something.

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