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Penis display setting missing?

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Lovers v1.2 penis tells me that it's missing a plugin, I used to use this with Futa X Girl stuff before but I have no idea which plugin it needs, can anyone help?


Also, on the subject of help, lovers prostitute won't work, in bash it's an exclusion group [orange box] it's below it's masters but won't active, any ideas why?

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Sounds like you didn't install LPK correctly to me.  Reinstall the Resource pack and then the base pack and finally reinstall any plugins.


If you still have trouble then you will need to read the pinned thread at the top of this section and provide ALL the information it asks for or we can't help you.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am also incapable of using the "Lovers v1.2" penis


Which files does LPK need to successfully read in order to activate it, as opposed to the others?


My first guess is that I have a bad modification date and need to make use of the touch command to make something load.



What?  None of that makes any sense.  

Re-install the resource pack and the base pack and you can select the 1.2 penis setting just fine.

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Related question... What mesh does LPK use for the penis setting? I tried all three available ones, Lovers 1.2, Robert v3 and v4 (sorry if I got the versions wrong), and there is a gap between the lower and upper body on males. Using the MuscAth version of Robert's v5.2 OMOD, but the seam is present even in the Average version. Is there a version I can get that works specifically with this body?

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You've answered your own question !

In the Setting you can choose Robert v3 and v4. And you use Robert's v5.2. Why is there a grap between the lower and upper Body ?


You can take a Robert's v5 lowerbody nif, open it in NifSkope, delete the flaccid penis. Open the Lovers Robert's v4 lowerbody (NifSkope) and copy (Copy branch) the erect penis and paste it in the Robert's v5 nif.

! ! ! This does not work with the new animated penis meshes ! ! ! (NormalAnimPenis.nif and HugeAnimPenis.nif)

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The meshes that lovers uses (all lovers resource packs) are based on the muscular version of Robert's male body.  

The meshes for 1.2 penis setting can be found here:


The meshes for v3\4v penis setting can be found here:


The meshes for v5 penis setting (sloth's) can be found here:



As Fejeena stated you can swap out the male lower body to use whatever one you prefer so there is no gap using nifskope.



The animated penis body used is also the muscular version of Robert's male body and I have already made a alternate body pack for it of some of the body types.  It can be found in the lovers animated penis resource pack download page.  It is NOT to be used for v1.2 or v3\v4 penis replacements as it is setup differently.

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Slof's Boners v5 has Robert's male Body 4 ( if I'm not mistaken.) In Lovers is no Robert's v5 Body.

Better use Robert's v4, most clothes and armors are made for this Body. If you use v5 Body and wear  v4 lowerbody clothes but no upperbody clothes you have a gap between lower and upper Body. 

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You've answered your own question !

In the Setting you can choose Robert v3 and v4. And you use Robert's v5.2. Why is there a grap between the lower and upper Body ?


You can take a Robert's v5 lowerbody nif, open it in NifSkope, delete the flaccid penis. Open the Lovers Robert's v4 lowerbody (NifSkope) and copy (Copy branch) the erect penis and paste it in the Robert's v5 nif.

! ! ! This does not work with the new animated penis meshes ! ! ! (NormalAnimPenis.nif and HugeAnimPenis.nif)


Thanks for the reply. I guesed LPK uses Robert's v3 or v4 meshes, but I was hoping someone had already made a conversion for V5. I don't know how to use nifskope, but I guess I will give it a try.

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Fejeena, you are in fact mistaken.  When I started revising things over a year ago for lovers plugins, I changed ALL resources packs to use the muscular version Roberts Male body 5.


Here is the mod that I obtained the muscular lower body from:  http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/40532/?


Gaps will occur if have clothing items that were not made with Roberts muscular body version 5 and are otherwise nude in the other slots.  


It is possible to convert any clothing\armor to match via Gerra6's blender clothing lattice generator script that can be found here:  http://www.loverslab.com/topic/10396-clothing-bodytype-converter-v42b/

The above script can do the bulk of the work to convert clothing\armors from one body version to another.  It works especially well for men and does a better job when "enlarging" rather than "shrinking" body types.

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Shit, I never would have noticed. I delete the "as" and "asbonersv5" Lovers Folders before I create a Omod, because I have both Slof's Boners Mods (many meshes changed to v5 Body).

Sorry z4m0lx3s for the misinformation. So download the new Resource-pack or  a alternate body pack.

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Shit, I never would have noticed. I delete the "as" and "asbonersv5" Lovers Folders before I create a Omod, because I have both Slof's Boners Mods (many meshes changed to v5 Body).


That was EXACTLY why I made the changes.  It made little sense to me to have different body types randomly for the different penis settings.  So I made them uniform to one body and chose the middle of the road body type (muscular).  



On a slightly related note, if you notice (or haven't) the animated penis uses a modified version of a slof's boner (large version).    ;)

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  • 7 months later...

I just discovered Lovers, and installed the latest version (LAPF 1.5, no separate base and resource packs) and it works fine, but I'm having the same issue mentioned above with the lovers 1.2 penis option not working. Slof's v5 works ok but it doesn't quite line up with some animations (it bends up a little too high) and Slof's v3/v4 is way too big. Does the Lovers 1.2 penis address either of these and if so is there a way to get it working? I looked at the mesh files and at a glance the file looks identical to the Slof's v5 normal.


Alternatively, are there any other penises available I could use that better align with the animations?

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  • 2 weeks later...

The penis is not too big. You see in your Picture the Hand of the male is not on the head of the female. You must use the number keys and move the female slightly to the rear, then the Hand is on the head and the penis does not stuck through the head.

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only female on female? that weird.

Have installed the Skeletons again ? First Growlf's Universal skeleton: http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/37596/

Then the LAPF Skeleton (unpack LAPF in a empty Folder, open meshes\characters\_male and copy Skeleton.nif and skeletonbeast.nif and paste both in your game Folder  data\meshes\characters\_male.

Have you set archive invalidate via Bsa Redirection ? In Oblivion Modmanager or WyreBash  http://cs.elderscrolls.com/Oblivion_Mods_FAQ#BSA-redirection  and http://www.loverslab.com/topic/15185-xeo-sp/?view=findpost&p=496940

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Perhaps the Person is busy ( sitting, performs an Animation,  unconscious,...)

Can also be a load order issue.

have you sort your Mods ?

Run BOSS, then sort the Mods BOSS did not sort manually in the Mod manager(clothes Mods to sorted clothes Mods, Quest Mods to sorted quest Mods, .....Sort them in about alphabetically within the categories)

Then sort your Lovers Mods (Boss does not sort Lovers Mods right) Load order here in the Spoiler http://www.loverslab.com/topic/4487-please-read-before-posting-here/


BOSS http://boss-developers.github.io/


Test it after you sorted your load order, if you still have Problems post your load order here.

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  • 4 months later...

You have installed a Mod that has overwriden your LAPF Skeleton or you don't have set archive invalidate so the game use the original Skeleton without penis bones.

Read the Link below. Skeleton for bouncing animations (BBB)  and archive invalidate:

heh, thats a prob. the skeletons are 95kb as u said in earlyer posts and i have correct achieve invalidate


P.S i can`t see link below (i think due my membership)

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