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Skyrim AE for Beginners - V 2.0.0 (3BA / HDT-SMP / HPH)

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3 hours ago, wollboi said:

I'm less concerned with actually getting in and more with the gameplay flow. Why is a novice student expected to pick an expert lock? I just figured Tolfdir would hand the player a key. It just seems very strange from a gameplay perspective.


Because nobody made a compability patch yet ?


53 minutes ago, ddfde said:

Might I suggest using Weapon Speed Mult Fix?


Skyrim Races Rejuvenated gives attack speed bonuses for some races, but doesn't set the weaponspeedmult to 1 before applying them. So you end up with a Bosmer that fires a bow at 20% speed instead of 120% speed. The fix should also work with the speed bonuses given by Ordinator as well.

There is a Synthesis patch for that too

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Ouch, so much within one day off.



I'll add those immediately to the last update and the guide.


Corrected Lavender and Thistle. Had accidently linked to the wrong mods.

Hopefully got the last doublette.

Expanded the instructions for 'Seasonal Landscapes'.


Immersive Fallen Trees Patch

Unofficial Skyrim Creation Club Content Patches  Reminder: Looks like i now have to make an overview...


Now rerunning DynDOLOD #54

Edited by Aylis
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@Jessica_Degurechaff Yeah, I played with the settings and just ended up turning everything back to the way it was before, but with the character moved to the side a bit. I didn't like having the crosshair disappear, so it just might as well have not been there at all so I tossed it. I was using the Modern Camera preset. I dunno, it just didn't sit right with me. I have the same opinion on A Matter of Time. It's pretty until I have to start moving everything around to become more usable and then I figure out that I don't really use any of the features anyway.

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That is what I love about this game and the flexible modding scene. We are all so different. I have been using SmoothCam for a long time. I like it. I have a few presets. Gotta look later which one I am using now. It's probably Modern Camera. I did have to tweak some very annoying things, but can't remember what.


I do want the cross-hairs to always be there, though.


Also, I can't imagine playing without something like A Matter of Time. I got the settings the way I want, then used the Settings Loader to remember the settings for future play throughs.


I see this guide has AMOT and the Settings Loader, but I could not find any camera mods. Did I miss one? Are we waiting for Improved Camera to be ready for AE? That is taking a while...

Edited by trgdolors
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@Aylis Looks like the newest version of DynDOLOD will complain and ask you to turn off Terrain Tamriel. Probably worth mentioning in the DynDOLOD instructions.


It's odd that it warns you when the online documentation says that you should turn it off before playing the game but it's fine if you don't, but the actual application won't let you run it with it on anyway.

Edited by wollboi
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12 hours ago, trgdolors said:

Are we waiting for Improved Camera to be ready for AE?

Exactly ;)



1 hour ago, wollboi said:

@Aylis Looks like the newest version of DynDOLOD will complain and ask you to turn off Terrain Tamriel. Probably worth mentioning in the DynDOLOD instructions.


It's odd that it warns you when the online documentation says that you should turn it off before playing the game but it's fine if you don't, but the actual application won't let you run it with it on anyway.

Couldn't find anything in the documentation about that. Will see what happens once i've run the update...



43 minutes ago, Jessica_Degurechaff said:

Hidden Hideouts of Skyrim  In MO2 says that the file its totally empty, opening it on file explorer also shows empty folder

There should be an ESP. Have you tried redownloading the file?




We're using the LE version.

Edited by Aylis
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2 hours ago, axz2 said:


You linked to the LE mod page.  SE is https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2625


Which version (not just LE or SE, but which specific download file) do you see as an empty folder?


2 hours ago, Aylis said:

There should be an ESP. Have you tried redownloading the file?


Im pretty sure we are using LE ver, and i see both the main and DLC file empty, tried to donwload them, will try as manual download since sometimes MO2 gets confused when the game files are not the one he expects (LE to AE in this case), but for now gotta sleep




PD: why arent we using the quest: Maelstrom? it used to work just fine, maybe not AE compatible yet?


Edited by Jessica_Degurechaff
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I see there are some Mods with Parallax in their name, I don't know much about that, should I enable parallax on the ENB ini settings or just leave it disable?


Also, does anyone knows of any Vanilla Armor Replacer with a more Fantasy like style? Realistic and Immersive style are not really my thing.


Just found about this new guide 2 days ago, until before I was using the previous one thinking there was nothing new and I was using it for a whole year whiout noticing there was a link to this one, feel so dumb.

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13 minutes ago, Jessica_Degurechaff said:

In what part should i place Custom Races like Tera Elin Remastered  or Half Dragon? In fact i just plant to use those two and one of them just for a succubus playthougth lol


My gut feeling tells me that i should place them just Under the "pc" area along with personal stuff, but i never really dared to use custom races on such a big modlist

I saw another big list of mods and they had some custom races, they put at the bottom of the PC section. So I guess that should be a good place maybe.

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Just adding setting your dyndolod/textgen output directory to your repo folder to save time is a horrible horrible idea since it wipes every single file in that folder.  Which if you can get a file recovery software and don't use the drive enough that it'll overwrite sectors, you can recover most of that data, but still.

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43 minutes ago, sinph said:

Just adding setting your dyndolod/textgen output directory to your repo folder to save time is a horrible horrible idea since it wipes every single file in that folder.  Which if you can get a file recovery software and don't use the drive enough that it'll overwrite sectors, you can recover most of that data, but still.

The same can be said about the other folders used during the process of DynDOLOD. So the easy solution is to simply not use a recovery software in the folders.




Yep, 'PC' it is (near the bottom of the group).

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Had the output folder set to where I store all the mod .zip/rar/7zip/whatevers for mo2 for keeping track of versioning/reinstalling. Ran texgen and that nuked the entire repository, whoops. Wasn't about to re-dl like 50gb+ of stuff so luckily recovery software was able to restore everything cept the past 24 hours. But yea I originally was like I could just set the output to that folder so I can right click reinstall from mo2 and not have to move it over, but nope.  Though alternatively you could have mo2 point to the output directory file in a separate location since there's no versioning on it anyways and you'll need to gen on lod changes anyways.


Not 100% sure if dyndolod is worth without the grass lods (on gog ae so .net prevents ngio), but some of the stuff on the list did come a long way to improving the fidelity of SE to compete with LE. LE looked way better with less mods and asset resources for whatever reason, tossing a few more stuff on this list helped a bit.

Edited by sinph
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39 minutes ago, sinph said:

Had the output folder set to where I store all the mod .zip/rar/7zip/whatevers for mo2 for keeping track of versioning/reinstalling. Ran texgen and that nuked the entire repository, whoops.[...]


That sounds like user error. My output is set to a different drive because I do not want a gazillion of read/write ops on a single drive at the same time.

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1 hour ago, alaunus01 said:


That sounds like user error. My output is set to a different drive because I do not want a gazillion of read/write ops on a single drive at the same time.

Read/writes on an hdd is negligible, they're far less affected by writes. Writes on an SSD will kill it's life span, though mid-high tier ssd will have high enough endurance where you shouldn't even care. Take for instance sabrent rockets are rated for 1650TB total writes, that's 165TB you can write every year for 10 years, that along with mechanisms to write to each cell evenly you won't even notice performance loss to wear.  Though if you're more concerned about performance over lifespan, an SSD will handle read/writes far better than an HDD which has to physically retrieve the location of the file.


But yea, user error, don't select a folder you care about, it will get nuked.  If you do accidently set it, a file recovery software will help provided you run it as soon as you can and don't write to that drive too much before you do it.

Edited by sinph
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Question: Was going through the list on the first post and downloading/installing in order, got to the Billy animations and I notice according to the Group animation pack you're supposed to have Threesome Animations Pack load before it. Could this be the cause to why the note of "Doesn't seem to work in full automatic mode." exists? I've not gotten around to trying myself, for now I'll change the order and see if it does work later when I get around to actually testing.



EDIT: More reading, the Compatibility patch for OpenSex in the guide is outdated and this one is instead recommended as it supersedes the current linked one. It also lists OpenSex Addon Hub as requirements, on that page I found this 




This mod needs to be loaded after OpenSex and before animation packs that require it!

Recommended load order of all known animation packs (you can simply copy this exact order and ignore the notes below):

Billy Lesbian 3P animation pack for OStim NG
Billy Threesome animation pack for OStim NG
Billyy Animations Pack Ostim Port
Lesbian Animation Pack for OStim NG
Nibbles Animation pack for OStim NG
OSex L'amour Rose Animation Pack
OStim Feet Animation Pack
Billyy Group Animations OStim Port
NCK30 Animations Pack OStim Port

OpenSex Standalone - Adult Animations for OStim NG
OpenSex Addon Hub

OpenSex Anal Animations Add On
Drago Foot Animation Add on for Opensex

OpenSex Compatibility Patch - Addon Hub version
Billyy Furniture Pack for OStim NG
Moon Lovemaking Compendium for OStim NG

The blue ones are optional, their order doesn't matter, except that the Billyy Group Animations need to go after the Billy Threesome animation pack and the NCK30 Animations Pack needs to go after the Billy Animations Pack. All of these have to come before anything else. If you have at least one of these you also need the Compatibility Patch.

The red ones are hard requirements. You need these. Their order does matter.

The yellow ones are optional, their order does matter and they need to go after OpenSex Standalone.

The green ones are optional, their order doesn't matter, but they need to go after everything else.


I'll be going after this list (minus the NCK30, Drago and Moon Lovemaking) and see what happens ?



Edited by ElementalWatcher
New info, corrections
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Same reason i didn't add M'rissi. After you finish their quest they become more or less 'dumb' standard followers. So far we have Daegon, Serana and Vayne with an expanded dialogue for locations and quests in the guide. I might later check other companions (like Inigo).



Updated the OSex part of 'Sex Mods' for the changes of the OA.

Reworked the instructions for NEMESIS.

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25 minutes ago, axz2 said:

You can do this manually, so you really don't need the mod, also for now it only covers Inigo, Lucien, Sofia, Vilja, and Kaidan (although more will be added later), still some people might find SPID - NFF - Add Ignore Token to CustomAI Followers modestly useful.


Already updated to add Recorder, M'rissi, Nessa, Remiel, Daegon, Buxom Wench Yuriana, Misty Skye, Mirai, Lilissa the Druid, Vayne - The Dunmer Spy, Coralyn The Bosmer Shaman, Vixi Talax, Karla Raven, Aviendha, and Seductress Faye.


Edit - And looking at the mod file its very simple to add any follower you want. 


The entries look like this


; Inigo
; https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1461
Item = 0x1CFC8D~nwsFollowerFramework.esp|Inigo

; Lucien - Immersive Fully Voiced Male Follower
; https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/20035
Item = 0x1CFC8D~nwsFollowerFramework.esp|Lucien Flavius


Anything in a line starting with ; is just documentation and is ignored.  You just add the line starting with item, and at the end change the name of the follower.  Not sure what would happen if you have two followers of the  same name.  My first guess is they would both get a token, but its possible neither would or even that the whole process would fail.

Edited by axz2
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I've gone through the whole list modlist, believe I've done things correctly (first time using DynDOLOD and such a massive amount of mods) and after running DynDOLOD to create the LODs, it finished and also gave me a summary of messages. I looked it over and I've got warnings and errors but I'm not sure if any of them are supposed to be there or if I need to resolve it.

I've attached the summary as a 7z, and anyone that knows better and willing to help me understand is appreciated. ?


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