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Performance Enhancer Streamline


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I'm sure many of you are already aware of and using this mod and I saw it mentioned in one thread, but I decided to start one anyway to bring it to the attention of anyone who hasn't heard of it. I recently found this mod called Streamline which enhances the performance of the game quite a bit, I don't understand everything about how it works but it does a great job. I have had no issues with it at all and the game now runs smooth as glass on my modest hardware. Here's a link: http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/10400/

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Guest Leonardo W
Streamline saved my life
I use version 2.1, for some reason the version 3.0 or 3.1 crashes my game
My notebook is core5
8gb of ram
onboard video card  :-/
I have no problems with Meshes and Textures
But when some mod puts OBSE plugin folder '
The game is slow
Use only the basic folder OBSE
My Config

;; Streamline 3.1 INI File
;; Profile Name: "Streamline 3.1 Default"
;; -------------------------------------------------------------
;; Profile Author: Jaga Telesin (jagatelesin@gmail.com)
;; Profile Date: January 9th, 2008
;; INI path: \Oblivion\Data\Streamline\INI Files\
;; -------------------------------------------------------------
;; Profile Details: Default profile
;; Developed on: Intel Q6700 @ 3.2ghz, 4x1gb RAM
;; Nvidia Ultra 8800, 6x500gb SATA RAID0

; [Main Features Settings] Toggle Streamline Features (1=on, 0=off)
set SLv.Purging to 1 ; Turn on Streampurge? (cache purging)
set SLv.FPSsmoothing to 1 ; Turn on Streamsmooth? (FPS smoothing)
set SLv.Streamsaving to 0 ; Turn on Streamsaving? (timed autosaves)
set SLv.Streamsight to 1 ; Turn on Streamsight? (FPS enhancer)

; [streampurge Settings] An automated cache-cleaner for Oblivion
set SLh.SLmode to 4 ; Memory Purge Mode (1-6) (Default: 3)
; Lower # = faster, higher # = slower
set SLv.PurgeOnTravel to 0 ; Purge memory on travel & zone?
set SLv.PurgeOnWait to 1 ; Purge memory when character waits?
set SLv.PurgeOnSleep to 1 ; Purge memory when character sleeps?

; [streamsmooth FPS Settings] Acceptable Minimum FPS & Detail Settings
set SLfpsmon.High to 31 ; Highest minimum FPS (top of range)
set SLfpsmon.Low to 26 ; Lowest minimum FPS (bottom of range)
set SLv.maxVLOD to 100 ; Highest overall level of detail (%)
; Default: 100 (Max: 100)
set SLv.minVLOD to 0 ; Lowest overall level of detail (%)
; Default: 0 (Min: 0)
set SLv.CombatFPS to 3.0 ; The number of FPS added to the min/max
; range when combat is happening nearby
set SLv.FPSmoninterval to 6 ; Update interval for FPS smoothing
; (Number of updates per second)
; Faster updates = smoother performance
; Smoother performance = more CPU usage
; Default: 6/sec
set SLv.sensitivity to 7.0 ; Sensitivity to changes (Default: 7.0)
; This is a relative number representing
; how fast Streamsmooth tries to adjust
; details to reach your FPS range.
; Lower numbers = faster changes

; [streamsmooth Visual Categories] What can Streamsmooth change on-the-fly?
set SLv.setDetail to 1 ; LOD Detail, Specular, etc.
set SLv.setGrass to 0 ; Grass density, range, etc
set SLv.setTrees to 1 ; Tree detail, range, etc
set SLv.setLightShadow to 1 ; Shadow number & range, etc.
set SLv.setObjects to 1 ; Actors, Objects & Items distances
set SLv.setWater to 1 ; Water details & reflections

; [streamsave Settings] Streamsave configuration
set SLv.SaveTimer to 10 ; Autosave interval (in actual minutes)
set SLv.NumSaveSlots to 15 ; Number of save slots to use (Max: 60)
set SLv.DuringCombat to 0 ; Allow save during combat?
set SLv.WhileYielding to 0 ; Allow save while yielding?
set SLv.DangerousArea to 0 ; Allow save in dangerous environment?
set SLv.AllowTrespass to 0 ; Allow saving while trespassing?
set SLv.AllowSwimming to 0 ; Allow saving while swimming?
set SLv.AllowSneaking to 0 ; Allow saving while sneaking?
set SLv.AllowWeapon to 0 ; Allow saving while weapon out?
set SLv.AfterCombat to 1 ; Force a save after each combat ends?
set SLv.InteriorOnly to 0 ; Save only when indoors?
set SLv.WhenIdleOnly to 0 ; Save only when character is idle?
set SLv.AfterZone to 0 ; Save after fast-travel or door use?
set SLv.AfterWaitSleep to 0 ; Save after waiting or sleeping?
set SLv.PlaySoundOnSave to 1 ; Play a sound on save?
set SLv.GagAutoSaves to 0 ; Prevent an on-screen save message?
set SLv.SaveReminders to 0 ; Use Save Reminders instead of autosaves?
set SLv.UseLiteReminders to 0 ; Use messages (upper left area of screen)
; instead of message boxes?
; Note: requires SaveReminders enabled
set SLv.SecureAutoSaves to 0 ; Use menumode to produce a secure
; autosave instead of using save slots?
; Note: disables multiple save slots!
set SLv.LowHealth to 0 ; Allow save while health low?
set SLv.LowHealthThreshold to 0.20 ; Don't save when health lower than x%
; 0.20 = 20%
set SLv.SaveBeforeFastQuit to 0 ; Do a Streamsave before a Fast-Quit?
set SLv.PurgeBeforeSave to 1 ; Do a purge before a Streamsave?
; Can help with stability of saving

; [streamsight Settings] Refer to documentation for values
set SLv.MinDistanceFog to 30000 ; Min distance before fog starts (0%)
set SLv.MaxDistanceFog to 136000 ; Max distance before fog ends (100%)
set SLv.MinWaterFog to 0 ; Min distance before water fog starts
set SLv.MaxWaterFog to 2500 ; Max distance before water fog ends
set SLv.WeatherUnsticker to 1 ; Leave set at 1 unless you use a
; scripted weather mod
set SLv.ExtremeClipping to 0 ; Turn on clipping behind distant fog?
; Gains FPS, but can cause some
; clipping of distant mountains
set SLv.ClipMin to 40000 ; Range under which clipping will stop
set SLv.FogUpdateFrequency to 6 ; Speed control for fog updates (1 - 10)
; # of updates per sec (Default: 6)

; [Miscellaneous Settings] Other misc settings for Streamline
set SLv.slFOVauto to 0 ; Can Streamline automatically alter FOV?
set SLfov to 75 ; Field of View (FOV) Angle desired
set SLv.FOVInDialogs to 0 ; Allow FOV changes during chat dialogs?
; Note: FOV changes work in 1st person
; gameplay only
set SLKillCorpses to 0 ; De-crucifies standing, dead actors
set SLv.MinKillDistance to 6000 ; Minimum distance from player a corpse
; needs to be for KillCorpses to work
; on it. (Default: 6000)
set SLdebug to 0 ; Turn on/off debug messages in console
; Debug level 1: Standard messages
; Debug level 2: Detailed messages
; Note: Debug level 2 can adversely
; affect FPS performance, but
; is highly detailed.
; (requires SL's debug esp to work)

; [Hotkey Configuration] Hotkey combination settings for Streamline
; Full list of key codes: http://www.tronan.com/macromachine/scripthelp/VK.htm
; - To disable the modifier key on any key combination, use 0 for the ModKey value
; - To disable a hotkey completely, use 0 for its main key
; - Disabling the Streamline main menu hotkey is *not* recommended
set SLv.TogglePurgeModKey to 18 ; ALT
set SLv.TogglePurgeKey to 80 ; p
set SLv.ToggleSmoothingModKey to 18 ; ALT
set SLv.ToggleSmoothingKey to 70 ; f
set SLv.MenuModKey to 17 ; CTRL
set SLv.MenuKey to 36 ; Home
set SLv.PurgeModKey to 17 ; CTRL
set SLv.PurgeKey to 46 ; del
set SLv.MaxVLODModKey to 17 ; CTRL
set SLv.MaxVLODKey to 221 ; ]
set SLv.MinVLODModKey to 17 ; CTRL
set SLv.MinVLODKey to 219 ; [
set SLv.AutoVLODModKey to 17 ; CTRL
set SLv.AutoVLODKey to 8 ; backspace
set SLv.IncVLODModKey to 17 ; CTRL
set SLv.IncVLODKey to 190 ; .
set SLv.DecVLODModKey to 17 ; CTRL
set SLv.DecVLODKey to 188 ; ,
set SLv.SaveModKey to 0 ;
set SLv.SaveKey to 121 ; (F10=121) (F5=116)
set SLv.MusicModKey to 18 ; ALT
set SLv.MusicKey to 77 ; m
set SLv.FastQuitModKey to 17 ; CTRL
set SLv.FastQuitKey to 0 ; off, suggested key: F12 (123)
set SLv.ForceKillModKey to 17 ; CTRL
set SLv.ForceKillKey to 45 ; insert

; [Detailed Streamsmooth Settings] Individual Settings (for ADVANCED users)
set SLv.AA0 to 1.0 ; Enable?
set SLv.AA1 to 100.0 ; highVLOD - fSpecualrStartMax
set SLv.AA2 to 16.0 ; lowVLOD "The maximum range of Specular
set SLv.AA3 to 2400.0 ; maxVAL lighting effects. Ties in
set SLv.AA4 to 350.0 ; minVAL directly to fSpecularLOD"
set SLv.AC0 to 1.0 ; Enable?
set SLv.AC1 to 100.0 ; highVLOD - fSpecularLOD2
set SLv.AC2 to 16.0 ; lowVLOD "Max range at which Level of
set SLv.AC3 to 2700.0 ; maxVAL detail (LOD) used for
set SLv.AC4 to 300.0 ; minVAL specular lighting effects"
set SLv.AD0 to 1.0 ; Enable?
set SLv.AD1 to 100.0 ; highVLOD - fSpecularLOD1
set SLv.AD2 to 16.0 ; lowVLOD "Min range at which Level of
set SLv.AD3 to 2400.0 ; maxVAL detail (LOD) used for
set SLv.AD4 to 0.0 ; minVAL specular lighting effects"
set SLv.AE0 to 1.0 ; Enable?
set SLv.AE1 to 90.0 ; highVLOD - iMinGrassSize
set SLv.AE2 to 10.0 ; lowVLOD "Grass density (inverse #)
set SLv.AE3 to 80.0 ; maxVAL Larger numbers mean less
set SLv.AE4 to 130.0 ; minVAL grass & higher framerates"
set SLv.AF0 to 1.0 ; Enable?
set SLv.AF1 to 100.0 ; highVLOD - fGrassEndDistance
set SLv.AF2 to 0.0 ; lowVLOD "Max distance at which to
set SLv.AF3 to 7000.0 ; maxVAL display grass"
set SLv.AF4 to 3000.0 ; minVAL
set SLv.AG0 to 1.0 ; Enable?
set SLv.AG1 to 100.0 ; highVLOD - fGrassStartFadeDistance
set SLv.AG2 to 0.0 ; lowVLOD "Distance from player at which
set SLv.AG3 to 6000.0 ; maxVAL grass begins to fade out"
set SLv.AG4 to 2000.0 ; minVAL
set SLv.AH0 to 1.0 ; Enable?
set SLv.AH1 to 75.0 ; highVLOD - iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure
set SLv.AH2 to 30.0 ; lowVLOD "Number of possible textures
set SLv.AH3 to 4.0 ; maxVAL used per grass type"
set SLv.AH4 to 1.0 ; minVAL
set SLv.AJ0 to 1.0 ; Enable?
set SLv.AJ1 to 100.0 ; highVLOD - iActorShadowCountInt
set SLv.AJ2 to 20.0 ; lowVLOD "Number of actor shadows
set SLv.AJ3 to 10.0 ; maxVAL displayed when indoors"
set SLv.AJ4 to 0.0 ; minVAL
set SLv.AK0 to 1.0 ; Enable?
set SLv.AK1 to 100.0 ; highVLOD - iActorShadowCountExt
set SLv.AK2 to 25.0 ; lowVLOD "Number of actor shadows
set SLv.AK3 to 10.0 ; maxVAL displayed when outdoors"
set SLv.AK4 to 0.0 ; minVAL
set SLv.AL0 to 1.0 ; Enable?
set SLv.AL1 to 100.0 ; highVLOD - fShadowLOD2
set SLv.AL2 to 25.0 ; lowVLOD "Max range at which shadows
set SLv.AL3 to 2900.0 ; maxVAL are displayed"
set SLv.AL4 to 400.0 ; minVAL
set SLv.AM0 to 1.0 ; Enable?
set SLv.AM1 to 100.0 ; highVLOD - fShadowLOD1
set SLv.AM2 to 25.0 ; lowVLOD "Range at which a lower level
set SLv.AM3 to 2800.0 ; maxVAL of detail (LOD) starts being
set SLv.AM4 to 200.0 ; minVAL used for shadows"
set SLv.AP0 to 1.0 ; Enable?
set SLv.AP1 to 70.0 ; highVLOD - iShadowFilter
set SLv.AP2 to 20.0 ; lowVLOD "Low/Medium/High shadow
set SLv.AP3 to 2.0 ; maxVAL detail. Alters softness on
set SLv.AP4 to 0.0 ; minVAL edges of shadows"
set SLv.AS0 to 1.0 ; Enable?
set SLv.AS1 to 100.0 ; highVLOD - fLODFadeOutMultActors
set SLv.AS2 to 0.0 ; lowVLOD "Relative range at which
set SLv.AS3 to 15.0 ; maxVAL actors begin to fade out"
set SLv.AS4 to 4.0 ; minVAL
set SLv.AT0 to 1.0 ; Enable?
set SLv.AT1 to 100.0 ; highVLOD - fLODFadeOutMultItems
set SLv.AT2 to 0.0 ; lowVLOD "Relative range at which
set SLv.AT3 to 15.0 ; maxVAL items begin to fade out"
set SLv.AT4 to 1.5 ; minVAL
set SLv.AU0 to 1.0 ; Enable?
set SLv.AU1 to 100.0 ; highVLOD - fLODFadeOutMultObjects
set SLv.AU2 to 0.0 ; lowVLOD "Relative range at which
set SLv.AU3 to 15.0 ; maxVAL objects begin to fade out"
set SLv.AU4 to 4.5 ; minVAL
set SLv.AY0 to 1.0 ; Enable?
set SLv.AY1 to 30.0 ; highVLOD - fTalkingDistance
set SLv.AY2 to 0.0 ; lowVLOD
set SLv.AY3 to 2000.0 ; maxVAL
set SLv.AY4 to 1000.0 ; minVAL
set SLv.AZ0 to 1.0 ; Enable?
set SLv.AZ1 to 100.0 ; highVLOD - fLodDistance
set SLv.AZ2 to 0.0 ; lowVLOD
set SLv.AZ3 to 2000.0 ; maxVAL
set SLv.AZ4 to 250.0 ; minVAL
set SLv.BA0 to 1.0 ; Enable?
set SLv.BA1 to 100.0 ; highVLOD - fFadeDistance
set SLv.BA2 to 0.0 ; lowVLOD
set SLv.BA3 to 15288.0 ; maxVAL
set SLv.BA4 to 9288.0 ; minVAL
set SLv.BE0 to 1.0 ; Enable?
set SLv.BE1 to 66.0 ; highVLOD - bEquippedTorchesCastShadows
set SLv.BE2 to 65.0 ; lowVLOD
set SLv.BE3 to 1.0 ; maxVAL
set SLv.BE4 to 0.0 ; minVAL
set SLv.BK0 to 1.0 ; Enable?
set SLv.BK1 to 40.0 ; highVLOD - fTreeLODExponent
set SLv.BK2 to 10.0 ; lowVLOD
set SLv.BK3 to 1.0 ; maxVAL
set SLv.BK4 to 0.2 ; minVAL
set SLv.BL0 to 1.0 ; Enable?
set SLv.BL1 to 60.0 ; highVLOD - bUseWaterReflectionsMisc
set SLv.BL2 to 59.0 ; lowVLOD "Turns on water reflections
set SLv.BL3 to 1.0 ; maxVAL for Misc objects (rocks etc)"
set SLv.BL4 to 0.0 ; minVAL
set SLv.BM0 to 1.0 ; Enable?
set SLv.BM1 to 30.0 ; highVLOD - bUseWaterReflectionsStatics
set SLv.BM2 to 29.0 ; lowVLOD "Turns on water reflections
set SLv.BM3 to 1.0 ; maxVAL for Static objects (buildings
set SLv.BM4 to 0.0 ; minVAL etc)"
set SLv.BN0 to 1.0 ; Enable?
set SLv.BN1 to 40.0 ; highVLOD - bUseWaterReflectionsTrees
set SLv.BN2 to 39.0 ; lowVLOD "Turns on water reflections
set SLv.BN3 to 1.0 ; maxVAL for Trees"
set SLv.BN4 to 0.0 ; minVAL
set SLv.BO0 to 1.0 ; Enable?
set SLv.BO1 to 50.0 ; highVLOD - bUseWaterReflectionsActors
set SLv.BO2 to 49.0 ; lowVLOD "Turns on water reflections
set SLv.BO3 to 1.0 ; maxVAL for actors (NPCs, monsters)"
set SLv.BO4 to 0.0 ; minVAL

; [streamline Startup Code] *** DO NOT EDIT THIS SECTION ***
StartQuest SLini2

But now I'm happy with my game  :shy:
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i used it, but sometimes it just changed texture settings too often during play and it kept soem stragne priorities, like i want characters on high detail and never changing, but the game kept changing the characters in the first place instead of lowering view distance or other effects.

after fiddlign with the ini a lot, i got it to almost crash my game etc.

i stopped using it, but it might be very useful, if you know what you're doing :D

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Guest Leonardo W

i used it, but sometimes it just changed texture settings too often during play and it kept soem stragne priorities, like i want characters on high detail and never changing, but the game kept changing the characters in the first place instead of lowering view distance or other effects.




I also had this problem at the beginning
And Some tests in Streamline to get the maximum use of in my notebook
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i used it, but sometimes it just changed texture settings too often during play and it kept soem stragne priorities, like i want characters on high detail and never changing, but the game kept changing the characters in the first place instead of lowering view distance or other effects.




I also had this problem at the beginning
And Some tests in Streamline to get the maximum use of in my notebook



i'm not even using MBP or XEO sry, its about uncompressed BSA so well, thanks and i hope it really does have an impact :)

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