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Some issues with the ThreadController functions

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	sslThreadController Controller
	actor[] actorList
	int lengthOfActorList
	Controller = SexLab.HookController(argString)
	lengthOfActorList = Controller.ActorCount
	int i = 0
	while i < lengthOfActorList
		actorList[i] = Controller.GetActor(i)
		i += 1
	if actorList.Length > 0
		debug.Notification("actorList is not empty.")
		debug.Notification("actorList is empty!!!!!")

When using the code above I get an empty actorList. How do I have to change the code so I get all the current participants of a SexLab animation into said array?


Also the function .GetActorS would be nice to have.

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and while this is completely useless since you can just use the Positions property in it's place:

int i = 0
while i < lengthOfActorList
	actorList[i] = Controller.GetActor(i)
	i += 1

Wouldn't work because you haven't sized the actorList array. So it will always return as none until you do, as any attempts you make at filling it's non existent indexes will fail.

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You don't need a .GetActorS(), you can just access the Positions property.

actor[] actorList = Controller.Positions


Ah, I've seen the Positions variable but I didn't noticed it was a property; you should add that to the "Property List" here: http://git.loverslab.com/sexlab/wikis/sslthreadmodel-script


Wouldn't work because you haven't sized the actorList array. So it will always return as none until you do, as any attempts you make at filling it's non existent indexes will fail.

Oh, didn't know that; thought Papyrus would automatically make the array as long as the latest non-None entry.
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Wouldn't work because you haven't sized the actorList array. So it will always return as none until you do, as any attempts you make at filling it's non existent indexes will fail.

Oh, didn't know that; thought Papyrus would automatically make the array as long as the latest non-None entry.



If only.


The fact that it doesn't is exactly why the xxxPush and xxxArray functions exists in the sslUtility script. http://git.loverslab.com/sexlab/wikis/sslutility-script


In the case of what you were trying to do with the loop, this would've worked:

int i = 0
while i < Controller.ActorCount
	actorList = sslUtility.PushActor(Controller.GetActor(i), actorList)
	i += 1

Or just more simply just use the Positions property.

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