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Oblivion Birth animation resource

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A small modder's resource I salvaged from the old Lovers Born 2 mod that was superseded by Tamgo Club.


This file contains a basic birthing animation that allows you to see the fetus being born.


Can be used either in a pregnancy mod or as a screen shooting prop.


Also includes a havocked baby world object ported from fallout 3.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

How do you get born animation started? I want to view at least in the game. 


Just make a clothing item which occupies the tail slot and select the 'baby.nif' file as the female mesh, then equip the item on your female character in-game



I understand all what to do till...

while playing the 'born.kf' idle through a pose mod (replace an existing pose with the 'born.kf' file.
You can either use this as a modder's resource for a pregnacy mod or just for screenshooting purposes.
I have also included a ported baby mesh from the fallout 3 DLC 'The Pitt' which has been converted to oblivion and is fully havoked (has havok physics like any clutter item)



What pose mod do I use? 


I wish a script wizard would came along and release a revised version of Hiyoko and Tamogo club. With Skyrim out I don't think it's going to happen.  :lol:



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  • 2 weeks later...

I wish someone would combine this with the LoversHiyokoShooter mod. Right now there's a birth animation that looks like the person is having sex with an invisible person. I'm just not good enough at coding to do it. :/


it looks like your having sex with an invisible person because that is exactly what your doing with it and there are no animations made for it, that could be an easy fix after some proper birth animations are made but it will still count has a sex act and just one of the things that HiyokoShooter needs worked on to make it 100% awsome

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  • 3 years later...



The original hiyoko shooter had the child invisible and the mother and child would have sex to simulate birth animation, causing all children born non-virgins.


The link above is the hiyoko shooter I put out. It actually plays a birth animation (not the squatting one here, a different one) then the child appears, born a virgin.

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Depends on if you fast travel. ver a has no fast travel changes, ver b has changes to stop birth from happening during fast travel, which would normally result in a ctd


I honestly can't say how well the fast travel changes work, as that is disabled completely in my game. Otherwise, they're the same.


As for doing child reset, not really sure, but better safe than sorry.

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  • 8 months later...

So did anybody ever fix the problem nightshad was having? I had the same problem and was hoping to have more legitimate births in my game.


Also, are there any compatible mods that utilize an infant child? I can't get the haunting image of an adolescent child painfully pushing through the birth canal, out of my head.  I play a male pc so it wouldn't even have to be pc compatible.

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  • 10 months later...
2 hours ago, Dr_Taco_311 said:

Just out of morbid curiosity does anyone have a download link for lovers born 2? or a link to some forum post about it? ive been looking everywhere and i can only find 2 or 3 mentions of it.

Do you have a very old Lovers System installed ? Think to find a old Lovers version that will work with  lovers born will be almost as hard as find Lovers born.

Lovers Born need MBP !


I never used it, it was part of a Mod pack.

Lovers Born 2.7z

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On 11/14/2018 at 11:13 PM, fejeena said:

Do you have a very old Lovers System installed ? Think to find a old Lovers version that will work with  lovers born will be almost as hard as find Lovers born.

Lovers Born need MBP !


I never used it, it was part of a Mod pack.

Lovers Born 2.7z

in all honesty i was mainly just curious if the mod even still existed somewhere. prior to looking for it i had never seen something so thoroughly nuked from the internet.

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