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Need Help with Installing mods [Sexlab]

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Nothing usually change ingame when I install any new mods. The only thing I've noticed is that Sexlab & Zac Animations does show up in MCM. But I can't do anything with only these two mod. And a new dialogue: Hey Stud > I need a fuck > Male undress himself > Nothing happens.


I do have SKSE, SKYUI & FNIS.


There is nothing new in MCM when I copy any mod to Skyrim/Data and launch game( Exept the ones mentioned above ).

I've noticed an other thing that I don't understand at all. If I open Data Files from steam launcher and close it again, the game will crash ( CTD ) next time i start it. And the only way to fix it is to open Data Files again, and disable the mods that I tried to activate.


Some mods says that I have to activate esm file, which I do not really understand. I tried to add esm file to NMM once but it did not work.


I can give you two examples:

-I tried a mod calledSexLab Z since it sounds simple. So I downloaded it and just as it says I added the files to Skyrim/Data. But there were no new spells in game like it was supposed to be. ( Maybe you have to find or buy spell book? )

-Next mod I tried was SexLabWorkingGirl. Just like the one above it is a simple mod. I downloaded it and repeated the same steps as I mentioned above. But there were nothing new added to the dialogue.



How I install mods:


-Download Mod, ofc.

-Open it in WinRar.

-Make sure I have all Required mods.

-Copy content to Skyrim/Data.

-Launch Game from SKSE launcher.


I added 3 pics that shows which mods I currently use, if it helps.









I can't come up with something else that I need to post/tell you.

Please tell me if you want me to mention something else or post an other picture.






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1. Remove the quote bit as it is exactly the same as the section underneath.

2. This is a technical support request so it should be in the Skyrim Technical Support section, I'll get someone to move it.

3. For the love of god, please do not submit screenshots for a load order, it's messy and difficult to analysis a load order if it is picture.


To get your load order as text which you can copy and paste into a post, use Wrye Bash.



To get your load order with Wyre Bash (Skyrim): Just right click anyway in the middle section of the program, select list mods, a new window will open, copy it and paste it here.
NOTE: Use the spoiler code when posting load orders!!!! (see bottom of post for spoiler code)

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Hey, how did you fix this? i am having the same problem.


Which problem? You can't get the a mod to work, any mods to work, can't see the MCM menu, don't know how to use NMM to install the mods (best advice is don't use NMM). Describe exactly what issue you are having, post your load order, what utilites and versions (skse,FNIS, etc.) and what mod(s) you are having problems with and someone may be able to help you.


You can also check out this and you may be able to solve it yourself if not we are happy to help

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  • 1 month later...

I am having a similar problem. (Please note i am new to the modding community) My mods, though I know at least most are working, do not appear in MCM or Data Files (in launch interface). I suspected the Regedit filepath was incorrect but everything checked out. I know SKSE is working, so is Skyui. I know SexLab was installed properly because it shows up in FNIS' Generate for Users. Please help, I would really appreciate it.

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I am having a similar problem. (Please note i am new to the modding community) My mods, though I know at least most are working, do not appear in MCM or Data Files (in launch interface). I suspected the Regedit filepath was incorrect but everything checked out. I know SKSE is working, so is Skyui. I know SexLab was installed properly because it shows up in FNIS' Generate for Users. Please help, I would really appreciate it.


Please create a new thread here rather then hijacking one.


Please provide your Papyrus log and load order in PLAIN TEXT NOT A SCREENSHOT.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 months later...

im kinda new to this im trying to download the minou glossy skin texture.

I download it from this website and it opens up and theres nothing in the folder so confused I just want to learn how to download mods manually anybody? I put all the mods in the data folder but lets be honest theres so many folders in the data folder like skin texture actor meshes im so confused......

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