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Vor 12 Stunden sagte kyubi3002:

Könnte ein separates vorgefertigtes Addon für eine Succubus-Rasse erstellt werden, um sich mit Horn, Schwanz und Flügel bei der Transformation zu registrieren? Das wäre schön zu haben. Ansonsten sieht das nach einer tollen Arbeit aus.


such mods already exist - e.g.


I used these for a few years

but if you start to change the given design (body present) of the succubus form, it will be very difficult for many users to implement it

With the "CoL" mod this is much easier to do - so I can e.g. create a quite "slim" girl for the human form

but select a very voluptuous body for the demonic (succubus) form.

You can also use different face templates - this gives me a lot more freedom in the design.

But more freedom also means that you have to do more yourself.



solche Mods gibt es ja bereits - wie z.B.



diese habe ich einige Jahre verwendet

wenn man aber anfängt die vorgegebene Gestaltung (Körper-Present) der Succubus-Form zu verändern wird es für viele User schon sehr schwer das umzusetzen


Mit dem "CoL"-Mod ist dies viel einfacher zu bewerkstelligen - so kann ich z.B. eine recht "schmales" Mädchen für die menschliche Form erschaffen

aber für die dämonische (Succubus) Form einen sehr üppigen Körper auswählen.

Man kann auch verschiedene Gesichtsvorlagen verwenden - dadurch habe ich wesentlich mehr Freiheiten in der Gestaltung.

Mehr Freiheit heisst aber auch dass man mehr selbst machen muss.



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48 minutes ago, phalancks said:

I don't use that mod. What sort of integration would you want?

SL Hormones adds a succubus transformation and events that currently hook into Deadly Drain and PSQ. Not sure if it would be possible for you to provide similar functionality or if DBF would have to do that in an update to SL Hormones.

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Vor 16 Stunden sagten Phalanken:

Ich benutze diesen Mod nicht. Welche Integration wünschen Sie sich?

Since you don't know this mod, I want to write a few things about it - because I've used it quite extensively.

"SL-Hormone" is a quite complex mod that causes physical changes based on a variable hormone level.

Some changes are reversible - such as the growth of the breasts or the circumference of the buttocks and hips.

Other changes are irreversible like a sex transformation from male to female - or the aforementioned succubus change.

You have to distinguish between two things here:

a) the "normal" transformation between "human" form and "daedric/demonic" form

b) the transformation of an ordinary (female) human into a succubus - which then gets the ability to transform.

and b) then runs like a "disease" or "curse" - i.e. you get infected with it -> during sex with (introduced by the mod author) "Dremora Outcast" NPC

So you no longer have to set the succubus status via MCM (which you can also do with SL hormones) - but has a trigger that you can integrate into your "roll-play".

for me personally this was the best (most convincing) solution so far how to go from a "mortal" player to an "immortal" sex demon.

and now unfortunately the shortcoming -> a)

the succubus form implemented by the mod author is unfortunately not very appealing and it is infinitely complicated for normal mod users to use their own succubus version - you have to "unscrew" the BSA and make the changes there

To get to a point:

In order to "get the best" from both mods (from my point of view) you needed a patch - which allows the mod "SL-Hormone" to set the flag "I'm succubus yes/no" of your mod

But at the same time, the transformation from the "human to the "demonic" form in the "SL-Hormone" mod must be prevented there - so that there are no conflicts in the transformation process

But there is also a completely different way:

The author of "SL-Homone" stores his body files from the Succubus form in such a way that we users can replace them with the files from "Children of Lilith".

I hope I've expressed myself clearly enough.



Da Sie diesen Mod nicht kennen möchte ich einige Dinge dazu schreiben - denn ich habe ihn recht umfänglich benutzt.


"SL-Hormone" ist ein recht komplexer Mod der körperliche Veränderungen auf Grundlage eines variablen Hormon-Spiegels verursacht.

Dabei sind einige Veränderungen reversibel - wie z.B. das Anwachsen der Brüste oder des Po-Hüft-Umfanges.

Andere Veränderungen sind unumkehrbar wie eine Geschlechts-Transformation von "Männlich" in "Weiblich" - oder die erwähnte Succubus-Veränderung.

Wobei man hier zwei Dinge unterscheiden muss:

a) die "normale" transformation zw. "menschlicher" Form und "daedrischer/dämonischer" Form

b) die Verwandlung eines gewöhnlichen (weiblichen) Menschen in einen Succubus - der dann die Fähigkeit zur Transformation bekommt.


und b) läuft dann wie eine "Krankheit" oder "Fluch" ab - d.h. man steckt sich quasi damit an -> beim Sex mit (vom Mod-Autor eingefühten) "Dremora-Outcast"-NPC

man muss also den Succubus-Status nicht mehr per MCM setzen (was man auch bei SL-Hormone kann) - sondern hat einen Auslöser den man in sein "roll-play" integrieren kann.

für mich persönlich war das bisher die beste (überzeugenste) Lösung wie man von einem "sterblichen" Spieler zu einem "unsterblichen" Sex-Dämonen werden kann.


und nun leider das Manko -> a)

die von dem Mod-Autor implementierte Succubus-Form ist leider nicht sehr ansprechend und es ist unendlich kompliziert für normale Mod-Nutzer seine eigene Succubus-Version zu nutzen - man muss die BSA "aufschrauben" und dort die Veränderungen vollziehen


Um zu einem Punkt zu kommen:

Um das (aus meiner Sicht) optimalste aus beiden Mods "herauszuholen" benötigte man einen patch - der es dem Mod "SL-Hormone" erlaubt dass das Flag "bin ich Succubus ja/nein" Ihres Mods gesetzt werden darf

Aber gleichzeitig muss dann im Mod "SL-Hormone" die dortige Transformation von der "menschlichen in "dämonische" Form unterbunden werden - damit es zu keinen Konflikten beim Verwandlungsprozess kommt


Es gäbe aber auch einen komplett anderen Weg:

Der Autor von "SL-Homone" lagert seine Body-Dateien von der Succubus-Form so aus - das wir User diese durch die Dateien von "Kinder von Lilith" ersetzen können.


Ich hoffe ich habe mich verständliche genug ausgedrückt.


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@Miauzi Thank you for the in depth explanation. I think that just triggering the change into a succubus with the SL Hormones disease wouldn't be that hard. Preventing the physical change may be a bit harder and will depend on how it's implemented in SL Hormones. Is it a one time change when you become a succubus, or does it give a power like CoL does?


An additional potential problem is the dynamic changes to the physical form. They may or may not persist over CoL's transformations between succubus and human form. It kind of depends on how RaceMenu handles it, since I'm assuming SL Hormones is using NiOverrides to do it. 


So, basic integration should be possible from my side, but the transformation may be a bit buggy with the dynamic changes added by SL Hormones.

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Vor 1 Stunde sagte phalancks:

@Miauzi Vielen Dank für die ausführliche Erklärung. Ich denke, dass es nicht so schwer wäre, nur die Umwandlung in einen Sukkubus mit der SL-Hormon-Krankheit auszulösen. Das Verhindern der körperlichen Veränderung kann etwas schwieriger sein und hängt davon ab, wie sie in SL-Hormonen implementiert wird. Ist es eine einmalige Änderung, wenn du ein Sukkubus wirst, oder gibt es eine Kraft wie CoL?


Ein zusätzliches potentielles Problem sind die dynamischen Änderungen der physischen Form. Sie können über CoLs Transformationen zwischen Sukkubus und menschlicher Form bestehen bleiben oder auch nicht. Es hängt davon ab, wie RaceMenu damit umgeht, da ich davon ausgehe, dass SL Hormones dafür NiOverrides verwendet. 


Eine grundlegende Integration sollte also von meiner Seite aus möglich sein, aber die Transformation kann mit den dynamischen Änderungen, die durch SL-Hormone hinzugefügt wurden, etwas fehlerhaft sein.

The physical change in S-hormones is really much more complex than in all previous Succubus mods (such as PSQ)

It works on two levels:

a) the direct transformation - i.e. the exchange of the body templates - from the "human" appearance to the "daedric" and back again

the whole thing is controlled by a "power" or the assigned button - similar to your mod or others

b) I call it "sexual deficiency syndrome" - the succubus has little sex (regardless of whether it is in "human" or "daedric" form) its body sags - among other things, the breasts and buttocks become smaller - the skin shows "aging" symptoms - this is controlled by a kind of "hormone framework".

if you have a lot of sex, on the other hand, the opposite happens - full breasts - round buttocks - "youthful" skin etc.

point b) is not compatible with any currently existing (cbbe) body template


SL-Hormone also works with "race-menu" - such as the "Tussi" or "Bimbo" transformation, but there is a permanent race change


I'll link the mod - he has quite extensive descriptions



 Die körperliche Veränderung in S-Hormone ist wirklich deutlich komplexer als bei allen bisherigen Succubus-Mods (wie z.B. PSQ)

Es arbeitet auf zwei Ebenen:

a) die direkte Transfomation - also der Austausch der Körpervorlagen - von der "menschlichen" Erscheinungsform in die "daedrische" und wieder zurück

das ganze wird mittels einer "Kraft" bzw. der zugewiesenen Taste gesteuert - also ähnlich wie Ihr Mod oder andere

b) ich nenne es "sexuelles Mangel-Syndrom" - hat der Succubus wenig Sex (egal ob in "menschlicher" oder "daedrischer" Form) erschlafft sein Körper - u.a. werden die Brüste und Po kleiner - die Haut zeigt "Alterungs"-Erscheinungen - das wird mittels einer Art "Hormon-Framework" gesteuert

hat man dagegen viel Sex kehrt sich das um - volle Brüste - runder Po - "jugendliche" Haut usw.

der Punkt b) ist aber nicht kompatibel mit jeder derzeit vorhandenen (cbbe) Körpervorlage


SL-Hormone arbeitet ja ebenfalls mit "race-menu" - wie z.B. die "Tussi"- bzw. "Bimbo"-Transformation  da erfolgt aber ein dauerhafter Rassen-Wechsel


ich verlinke mal den Mod - er hat ja recht umfängliche Beschreibungen




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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, amazing mod, been enjoying it for quite a while now, but I was wondering if I could ask for a feature from PSQ. I'm using the LewdMarks overlay for womb tattoos and PSQ had a feature where the overlay would fade with the amount of energy you had remaining. Would it be hard to implement it to here also? And if yes, could it be done in a way so that let's say, only the glowing fades and the tint remains, or even just an option for both to fade.


Thank you for this wonderful mod again!

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On 9/28/2022 at 10:46 AM, Arthurj650 said:

Thanks for the wonderful mod.  I’m trying a play through with this and BV. When I do the Succubus transformation the vampirism gets lost on BV side of the mcm.  It says I’m a vampire but do not have undead tags.  Any help or ideas?

You may need to resave your "mortal" and succubus appearances after becoming a vampire.


On 9/29/2022 at 7:14 AM, _Syri00n_ said:

Hey, amazing mod, been enjoying it for quite a while now, but I was wondering if I could ask for a feature from PSQ. I'm using the LewdMarks overlay for womb tattoos and PSQ had a feature where the overlay would fade with the amount of energy you had remaining. Would it be hard to implement it to here also? And if yes, could it be done in a way so that let's say, only the glowing fades and the tint remains, or even just an option for both to fade.


Thank you for this wonderful mod again!

Should be possible, not sure when I'll get to it.


On 9/29/2022 at 7:38 AM, Melissa_69 said:

Nice mod by the way. Another feature from PSQ would be the Succubus Soul Trap after draining someone to death would be nice to have in this mod too.

Currently planned as part of the Path of Domination

On 10/2/2022 at 2:09 PM, kyubi3002 said:

Just can't play this mod because I have no means to initiate sex scene with npc forcefully or otherwise xD

There are a lot of other mods that add ways to initiate sex, I'd recommend one of those.

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On 7/16/2022 at 1:40 AM, phalancks said:

1.5.0 Update

There may have been some scope creep in this version.


Vampire feeding is working with most of the popular vampire overhauls that I could think of, but if you use any that aren't listed please test it and let me know if it works. If it does I'll add it to the list. If it doesn't, I'll see if I can make it work. I also added support for SLSO due to popular request.


The new perks were because as I was playing I realized I really didn't have a reason to want to transform. Now your transformation can be a bit more powerful.


Next up is the Quest, but I still need to learn how to make it work. So any bugs that turn up in 1.5.0 will have priority for fixing.


I have also made diagrams explaining my current thoughts on what the 3 Paths will look like. They are subject to change depending on what I can make work, but please let me know if you have any feedback or ideas for powers.


Path of Sanguine/Seduction

Path of Molag Bal/Domination

Path of Vaermina/Subterfuge


Be sure to vote in the next feature poll here

I read over the paths you plan to add eventually, and I noticed you had some skills unnamed. I could not stop myself from thinking up some potential names for these skills.


Path of Molag Bal/Domination

  • ??? --> Essence Extraction (or The Gud Succ) - Soul Trap victim before draining to death.

*My headcanon for the lore behind it: The Player steals the NPC's vitality. This could potentially tie in with your planned Physical Drain feature.

Path of Vaermina/Subterfuge

  • Mind Wipe --> Compelling Gaze - Grant power that when cast on an object, changes its ownership to the player. Costs Energy.

*My headcanon for the lore behind it: Infatuated by The Player's beauty, the NPC bestows The Player with a gift of the Player's choosing.


  • ??? --> Magic Touch (or Skilled Hands) - Grant power to unlock door/container. Costs Energy.

*My headcanon for the lore behind it: Constantly extracting energy caused The Player succubus or incubus to become skilled with their hands.


  • ??? --> Imposed Arousal - Sneak while transformed to become invisible. Drains Energy.

*My headcanon for the lore behind it: In the Player's real form, they emit a strong, titillating aura that overstimulates nearby NPCs, disorienting them (i.e., becoming invisible to them).



I am really enjoying this mod. Thank you.

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5 hours ago, Xtywllgyd said:

I read over the paths you plan to add eventually, and I noticed you had some skills unnamed. I could not stop myself from thinking up some potential names for these skills.


Path of Molag Bal/Domination

  • ??? --> Essence Extraction (or The Gud Succ) - Soul Trap victim before draining to death.

*My headcanon for the lore behind it: The Player steals the NPC's vitality. This could potentially tie in with your planned Physical Drain feature.

Path of Vaermina/Subterfuge

  • Mind Wipe --> Compelling Gaze - Grant power that when cast on an object, changes its ownership to the player. Costs Energy.

*My headcanon for the lore behind it: Infatuated by The Player's beauty, the NPC bestows The Player with a gift of the Player's choosing.


  • ??? --> Magic Touch (or Skilled Hands) - Grant power to unlock door/container. Costs Energy.

*My headcanon for the lore behind it: Constantly extracting energy caused The Player succubus or incubus to become skilled with their hands.


  • ??? --> Imposed Arousal - Sneak while transformed to become invisible. Drains Energy.

*My headcanon for the lore behind it: In the Player's real form, they emit a strong, titillating aura that overstimulates nearby NPCs, disorienting them (i.e., becoming invisible to them).



I am really enjoying this mod. Thank you.

Thanks for the suggestions! I like these names and will likely use some/most/all of them.

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On 9/18/2022 at 3:27 PM, Miauzi said:


The physical change in S-hormones is really much more complex than in all previous Succubus mods (such as PSQ)

It works on two levels:

a) the direct transformation - i.e. the exchange of the body templates - from the "human" appearance to the "daedric" and back again

the whole thing is controlled by a "power" or the assigned button - similar to your mod or others

b) I call it "sexual deficiency syndrome" - the succubus has little sex (regardless of whether it is in "human" or "daedric" form) its body sags - among other things, the breasts and buttocks become smaller - the skin shows "aging" symptoms - this is controlled by a kind of "hormone framework".

if you have a lot of sex, on the other hand, the opposite happens - full breasts - round buttocks - "youthful" skin etc.

point b) is not compatible with any currently existing (cbbe) body template


SL-Hormone also works with "race-menu" - such as the "Tussi" or "Bimbo" transformation, but there is a permanent race change


I'll link the mod - he has quite extensive descriptions


  Reveal hidden contents

 Die körperliche Veränderung in S-Hormone ist wirklich deutlich komplexer als bei allen bisherigen Succubus-Mods (wie z.B. PSQ)

Es arbeitet auf zwei Ebenen:

a) die direkte Transfomation - also der Austausch der Körpervorlagen - von der "menschlichen" Erscheinungsform in die "daedrische" und wieder zurück

das ganze wird mittels einer "Kraft" bzw. der zugewiesenen Taste gesteuert - also ähnlich wie Ihr Mod oder andere

b) ich nenne es "sexuelles Mangel-Syndrom" - hat der Succubus wenig Sex (egal ob in "menschlicher" oder "daedrischer" Form) erschlafft sein Körper - u.a. werden die Brüste und Po kleiner - die Haut zeigt "Alterungs"-Erscheinungen - das wird mittels einer Art "Hormon-Framework" gesteuert

hat man dagegen viel Sex kehrt sich das um - volle Brüste - runder Po - "jugendliche" Haut usw.

der Punkt b) ist aber nicht kompatibel mit jeder derzeit vorhandenen (cbbe) Körpervorlage


SL-Hormone arbeitet ja ebenfalls mit "race-menu" - wie z.B. die "Tussi"- bzw. "Bimbo"-Transformation  da erfolgt aber ein dauerhafter Rassen-Wechsel


ich verlinke mal den Mod - er hat ja recht umfängliche Beschreibungen




if this gonna be added as a way to legitmate turn into succubuc as a quest it would do good for the mods

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