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ZBG - ZeX BodyGen & LooksMenu Morphs

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2 hours ago, vaultbait said:

That doesn't look like a valid preset file. Try saving a preset with LooksMenu and then compare it with yours. I think your JayNakedBody key needs to be renamed to BodyMorphs and put inside an associative array (wrapped in an extra level of curly braces).


Fixed it. Presets are working now :)


I tried your method of corpse fixing, but I am not sure it is working. Here's what I did.


I found the ID of a corpse that is bugged (e.g. the Settler body in the parking garage of Fort Hagen). The ID (not BaseID) is 0020f04c. I added the following line to my morphs.ini: 

In my templates.ini, I have: 
I then run the in-game console command cgf "BodyGen.RegenerateMorphs" 20f04c 1
Nothing happens. I save and reload. Nothing happens. Body is still invis.
What am I doing wrong?
Edited by jayblah
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2 hours ago, jayblah said:

I'm surprised your file doesn't have the Sanctuary bridge drifter corpse in it or the corpse outside the museum in Concord with the laser musket. :)


It wasn't intended as a complete list, merely an example. It was fixing a handful of corpses around West Everett Estates and Medford Memorial Hospital because I'm playtesting a super mutant related mod under development and it has exits to those camps.

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1 hour ago, jayblah said:

Fixed it. Presets are working now :)


I tried your method of corpse fixing, but I am not sure it is working. Here's what I did.


I found the ID of a corpse that is bugged (e.g. the Settler body in the parking garage of Fort Hagen). The ID (not BaseID) is 0020f04c. I added the following line to my morphs.ini: 

In my templates.ini, I have: 
I then run the in-game console command cgf "BodyGen.RegenerateMorphs" 20f04c 1
Nothing happens. I save and reload. Nothing happens. Body is still invis.
What am I doing wrong?


The configuration needs the base (form) ID which defines the corpse NPC, the console command requires the reference ID of the instance which is spawned in that location. If you use Better Console, it will show you the formID in addition to the refID when you toggle on the additional details for a selected reference.

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28 minutes ago, vaultbait said:


The configuration needs the base (form) ID which defines the corpse NPC, the console command requires the reference ID of the instance which is spawned in that location. If you use Better Console, it will show you the formID in addition to the refID when you toggle on the additional details for a selected reference.



Is ID the same as Ref ID?


So I put that BaseID value into my morphs.ini as Fallout4.esm|ad3a2=CorpseFix  ?

Then in game, in the console, I type cgf "BodyGen.RegenerateMorphs" 9813f 1 
And then I save, then I reload, and the body should no longer be invisible?
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10 minutes ago, jayblah said:



Is ID the same as Ref ID?


So I put that BaseID value into my morphs.ini as Fallout4.esm|ad3a2=CorpseFix  ?

Then in game, in the console, I type cgf "BodyGen.RegenerateMorphs" 9813f 1 
And then I save, then I reload, and the body should no longer be invisible?


Correct, though you shouldn't need to save and reload, the regeneratemorphs function should instantly reset that corpse NPC's morphs to your CorpseFix template.


I don't know that it will undo an invisible body you're already seeing though, since by that time the game had already decided to disappear the body, so may only get corrected after the game unloads and reloads the reference. You might try to disable and enable in the console with that reference picked, or you can remove a piece of armor or clothing from their inventory which is generally sufficient to kick the game engine into re-rendering them.

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Ok, just read through 5 pages of this thread and all I got to say is DAYUM! 

So what I have gathered so far before I activate the esp is to get BetterConsole and find BaseIDs of all randomly invisible corpses


Question, how do I differentiate a placed corpse from a dead NPC?


Second, how does Bodygen interact with say RadMorphs and Unhealthy Cravings? I presume that's what the 'RMR + Highest Morph' option is for. I.E. I have a Chubby Preset loaded in my Morph.ini for X with Body Fat set to say 50, because the values  added by RadMorphs are say only 10 these values they will be ignored until the values added by RadmMorphs thru Unhealthy Cravings reaches 60?


@vaultbait Btw, thank you for your contributions not only to modding but your knowledge and general willingness to help others across all the threads!


Edited by Nichoice
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59 minutes ago, Nichoice said:

So what I have gathered so far before I activate the esp is to get BetterConsole and find BaseIDs of all randomly invisible corpses


Well, they won't be invisible if the plugin isn't enabled, since BodyGen won't be trying to morph them. But more generally, if you find the occasional disappearing body on corpses really annoying, it might just be easier to disable BodyGen's random morphing configuration, or configure it to only apply to specific actors rather than to every NPC. It's a longstanding bug in LooksMenu/BodyGen, and there's only so much that can be done to work around it.


59 minutes ago, Nichoice said:

Question, how do I differentiate a placed corpse from a dead NPC?


You don't really. Placed corpses are just placed NPCs with the "starts dead" option set on their reference. The game engine treats them the same. The problem seems to arise when BodyGen attempts to morph an NPC that's dead, which generally doesn't happen if they started out alive when they first loaded in.


59 minutes ago, Nichoice said:

Second, how does Bodygen interact with say RadMorphs and Unhealthy Cravings? I presume that's what the 'RMR + Highest Morph' option is for. I.E. I have a Chubby Preset loaded in my Morph.ini for X with Body Fat set to say 50, because the values  added by RadMorphs are say only 10 these values they will be ignored until the values added by RadmMorphs thru Unhealthy Cravings reaches 60?


Usually you wouldn't have RMR and BodyGen random morphs acting on the same NPC. For example, I configure BodyGen to not generate morphs for the player character (nor to the AAF doppleganger that gets used in animations in place of the player). I suppose it might come up if you turned on RMR's option to morph companions, though that doesn't make a lot of sense in the context of Unhealthy Craving.


As far as how they interact, BodyGen is technically what RMR uses to apply morphs to actors... well, more specifically, it calls into BodyGen's API to set values for whatever sliders you've configured in RMR. There are some configuration options in RMR you can use to determine how it deals with existing morphs on the same sliders, but that's probably better discussed in the RMR support topic.

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23 minutes ago, vaultbait said:

Well, they won't be invisible if the plugin isn't enabled, since BodyGen won't be trying to morph them. But more generally, if you find the occasional disappearing body on corpses really annoying, it might just be easier to disable BodyGen's random morphing configuration, or configure it to only apply to specific actors rather than to every NPC. It's a longstanding bug in LooksMenu/BodyGen, and there's only so much that can be done to work around it.


That's the thing! I know that its speculation only but its happening irrespective of whether I have the ESP activated or not! But thought I might as well give this 'workaround' a try seeing as I am going to eventually activate it once I have my preferred presets all setup. 


When you say disable BodyGen's Random Morphing, how would I do that other than to just not have the ESP as active? And are the Sliders dependent on ESP? Cause I am not seeing any sliders available via Looksmenu? TBH its a minor inconvenience given I have RadsMorph anyway.


23 minutes ago, vaultbait said:

You don't really. Placed corpses are just placed NPCs with the "starts dead" option set on their reference. The game engine treats them the same. The problem seems to arise when BodyGen attempts to morph an NPC that's dead, which generally doesn't happen if they started out alive when they first loaded in.


Well... Poo!


23 minutes ago, vaultbait said:

Usually you wouldn't have RMR and BodyGen random morphs acting on the same NPC. For example, I configure BodyGen to not generate morphs for the player character (nor to the AAF doppleganger that gets used in animations in place of the player). I suppose it might come up if you turned on RMR's option to morph companions, though that doesn't make a lot of sense in the context of Unhealthy Craving.


As far as how they interact, BodyGen is technically what RMR uses to apply morphs to actors... well, more specifically, it calls into BodyGen's API to set values for whatever sliders you've configured in RMR. There are some configuration options in RMR you can use to determine how it deals with existing morphs on the same sliders, but that's probably better discussed in the RMR support topic.


Understood, but then back to my first question... How do I disable BodyGen's Random Morphing? Because right now I have a Morph.ini set as:



#Exclusion List



And Templates.ini as:



Fusion-ZeroSliders=Bum Round@0.00

BT3-Zero=BTAbDefinition@0.0, BTBack@0.0, BTBackArch@0.0, BTBallSize@0.0, BTBiceps@0.0, BTButt@0.0, BTButtWidth@0.0, BTCalves@0.0, BTChest@0.0, BTChestSmoothing@0.0, BTFootSize@0.0, BTHips-In@0.0, BTNippleSize@0.0, BTPectorals@0.0, BTRibcage@0.0, BTShoulders@0.0, BTStomach@0.0, BTStomachFat@0.0, BTStomachSmooth@0.0, BTThigh@0.0, BTToeSmaller@0.0, BTTraps@0.0, BTWaist-In@0.0, BTWaist-Smoothing@0.0



Edited by Nichoice
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8 minutes ago, Nichoice said:

How do I disable BodyGen's Random Morphing?


It looks like you've already configured everything to use zero slider templates, so in theory there shouldn't be any morphs getting applied from that. My guess is that you have more morphs.ini files getting loaded in other subdirectories of Data\F4SE\Plugins\F4EE\BodyGen (any directory name which matches a plugin enabled in your load order will cause BodyGen to use the morphs.ini and templates.ini inside them).

Edited by vaultbait
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39 minutes ago, vaultbait said:


It looks like you've already configured everything to use zero slider templates, so in theory there shouldn't be any morphs getting applied from that. My guess is that you have more morphs.ini files getting loaded in other subdirectories of Data\F4SE\Plugins\F4EE\BodyGen (any directory name which matches a plugin enabled in your load order will cause BodyGen to use the morphs.ini and templates.ini inside them).


I thought the same as well, but I checked.


I use Vortex as well for FO4 and from the file structures and I see no other Morph.ini present in the F4EE folder

Edited by Nichoice
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1 hour ago, Nichoice said:

I thought the same as well, but I checked.


I use Vortex as well for FO4 and from the file structures and I see no other Morph.ini present in the F4EE folder


And you're not using anything that might try to morph corpses, like the body morphs option in Random Overlay Framework?

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8 minutes ago, vaultbait said:


And you're not using anything that might try to morph corpses, like the body morphs option in Random Overlay Framework?


Nope, I know of Random Overlay Framework and its not currently installed nor ever in my current playthrough.


Just out of curiosity, if I have my template.ini set as folllows:



It should ignore all sliders yea?

Edited by Nichoice
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19 minutes ago, Nichoice said:


Nope, I know of Random Overlay Framework and its not currently installed nor ever in my current playthrough.


Just out of curiosity, if I have my template.ini set as folllows:



It should ignore all sliders yea?


That's been my observation, but also I get the same behavior if I use a slider name that's actually relevant to the body in use too as long as it's set to 0, so I wouldn't expect it to make a difference.

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5 minutes ago, vaultbait said:


That's been my observation, but also I get the same behavior if I use a slider name that's actually relevant to the body in use too as long as it's set to 0, so I wouldn't expect it to make a difference.


Perfect! Cause this will set a good basis to start to add more presets whilst I fine tune each specific NPC to my liking. 

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Do you happen to know what Invictusblade is saying to do here? 



BodyGen_DeadBodies - Raw

so hands up, if you have the disappeared dead body bug,

this is cause by using BodyGen to generate different shaped bodies

and when it reads a dead body, it freaks out and doesn't update it

(at least, this is what I think it does)


so here is my patch to prevent that

Raw (you will have to source the clothing yourself)


but there is a few steps before this works

1. copy and rename from \Data\Meshes\actors\character\characterassets

MaleBody to MaleBody_dead

FemaleBody to FemaleBody_dead



2. find an assorted clothing mod (such as Eli's or GrafPanzer's Classy Chassis Outfits)

Build them to NOT have Body morphs

and put the leveled lists into the Dead_bah_LL in the mod"


I went into my D:\Games\Game Mods\Fallout 4\mods\Bodyslide Files\Meshes\actors\character\characterassets\ folder and copied MaleBody.nif and FemaleBody.nif. I pasted them and gave them the names MaleBody_dead.nif and FemaleBody_dead.nif. Even with DeadBodies_Raw.esp enabled, I still have the invis corpse-body issue.


What do they mean by their instructions in Step 2? I have no idea how to build a bodymorph without a slider unless they're asking for "CorpseFix=0.0" in templates.ini. If so, how do you put that in "Dead_bah_LL"? What is that? I don't see any such entry in xEdit.


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14 minutes ago, jayblah said:



Do you happen to know what Invictusblade is saying to do here? 


That mod has its own support topic, why haven't you asked for clarification there?


But if you read the last few posts in its support topic, you'd see the author says it wasn't really a good solution to the problem.

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2 minutes ago, vaultbait said:


That mod has its own support topic, why haven't you asked for clarification there?


But if you read the last few posts in its support topic, you'd see the author says it wasn't really a good solution to the problem.

I wasn't able to find it, but thanks for the clarity. I will uninstall it then.

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1 minute ago, jayblah said:

I wasn't able to find it, but thanks for the clarity. I will uninstall it then.


On every mod's (file) page just below the "Download this file" button there's a button labeled "Get Support" which will take you to its support thread. All mods on LL have one.

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  • 3 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Baal Netbek said:

How do I give my Player Charakter and a few followers a body preset I have in Bodyslide? I found morphs.ini and templates.ini, but what do I need to add?


You're mixing a few concepts there. BodySliide and LooksMenu (which provides the BodyGen system) are different mods that use completely different file formats to describe body shapes. You can use something like BodyConvert to convert a BodySlide preset into a BodyGen template (or into a LooksMenu preset for that matter), and then either configure BodyGen to apply those slider values to specific characters or use the LooksMenu interface in-game to apply presets to different characters.


I recommend reading the instructions on the LooksMenu file page to get a better understanding of how BodyGen is configured if you're thinking of going that route.

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Thank you for this mod.

I only had one issue that has haunted me for very long and that is why do some mods refuse to have correct
translations in for example looksmenu.


Even this mod suffers from it, so I had to make a personal overwrite patch for it and some other mods where this occurred.


Your "FusionGirl_en.txt" and "BodyTalk_en.txt" are saved in a wrong format they are standard ANSI Textfiles.
All translation files should be saved in unicode, "UCS-2 LE BOM" to be exact.
If using a texteditor like Notepad++ that same Encoding is called "UTF-16 LE BOM". In plain windows Notepad its called "UTF-16 LE", haven't tried save it in notepad though but it is what notepad says it is saved as.
My best guess why this is so, is probably to cover all languages with multi-char characters and just settle with one format for all.


A similar thread here on LL brought this up:


Second the fields are separated by a <TAB> character.

$FG-BackArch<TAB>Back Arch
$FG-BackArch<SPACE>Back Arch

Looked like the BT file was ok with tabs, just not saved in the right format.


Two entries are also wrong in the translation file I found out:

"$FG-BellyBig Stomach Big"
should be
"$FG-Belly Big<TAB>Stomach Big"


"$FG-SeveNBaseBombshell SeveNBase Bombshell" 
should be
"$FG-SeveNBase Bombshell<TAB>SeveNBase Bombshell"

I happy I finally understand why I see those $_names in Looksmenu and similar mods.
Only wished to highlight the issue, thank you.

I'll try attach my modified files here if possible.

BodyTalk_en.txt FusionGirl_en.txt

Edited by Taryth
Spelling and some info
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4 hours ago, Blastradius1217 said:

How can I use this mod just for BT3? I have CBBE installed and I don't like how FusionGirl looks. I don't want it to mess with CBBE tho FYI.


I just use FG and BT3 together since they rely on the same skeleton, but I gather people who need separate skeletons have luck with the Discrete Female Skeleton mod for that.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have so many performance issues, as in very severe stuttering when loading into new areas, zones, etc. Any area that has NPC's in it. The stutters are often as long as 10 seconds with the screen frozen. I monitor my fps with an app.


My PC is not a potato. RTX3080, Intel I7-8086K (top binned I7-8700K) and 16GB 3200mhz DDR4.


All other games run silky smooth 100% of the time at 144 fps on my Asus 43" 4K monitor.

My question is - Can I delete the bodygen folder from the archive and still use the looksmenu sliders without issue? Will this break the .esp?


I am certain it is bodygen that is causing my sever stutters.

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45 minutes ago, nIn nIn nIn said:

I have so many performance issues, as in very severe stuttering when loading into new areas, zones, etc. Any area that has NPC's in it. The stutters are often as long as 10 seconds with the screen frozen. I monitor my fps with an app.


My PC is not a potato. RTX3080, Intel I7-8086K (top binned I7-8700K) and 16GB 3200mhz DDR4.


All other games run silky smooth 100% of the time at 144 fps on my Asus 43" 4K monitor.

My question is - Can I delete the bodygen folder from the archive and still use the looksmenu sliders without issue? Will this break the .esp?


I am certain it is bodygen that is causing my sever stutters.


Yes, removing the morphs.ini and templates.ini files will effectively disable that BodyGen configuration (really just removing morphs.ini is sufficient but you might as well do both). If you don't want it undone on upgrades or reinstallation, make a simple mod that just contains blank versions of those files and set your mod manager to overwrite with it.


Just be careful not to remove the Data\F4SE\Plugins\F4EE\Sliders\ZeX-BodyGen.esp\sliders.json file since that contains the LooksMenu sliders.

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