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Well the game itself is rather dull scenaristically wise, as it is more like an overcooked fan service from the first part of the original game.

The staging is awkward in the japanese way, girls are oversexualized in their behavior while the main character is a caricatural japanese virgin emo...


However it is a pure beauty on the graphic side, quite well optimised on PC, gameplay is ok. The nude mods are numerous and on average quite good looking, and with all of them plus the posters for the slums, it's pretty fun. (if you like sexualisation in games but if you are here, obviously you do)


For 30 bucks I say take it.

Edited by felixcat75
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41 minutes ago, juanpiolavago said:

When I open the umodel_FFVII_intergrade_v3 and select the path where I have the game installed, this appears:

It asks me for a key to something to continue

Enter this:

I don't recall where I initially found the encryption key online, so I can't give credit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Made some tweaks to mods I already liked for tifa and aerith while I was teaching myself how to use blender. It's pretty amateur all things considered but I think they're mostly ready to share. I take no credit for the original work whatsoever.


Original Tifa mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/finalfantasy7remake/mods/1183?tab=description (only base file included, needs a skin from the mod page)

Made breasts and nipples larger

Waist thinner

Hips wider

Thighs larger

Butt larger, weight painted rudimentary butt physics

Hair longer


Original Aerith mod: https://twitter.com/RochesteDorm/status/1580670670312452096


Edited only the standard outfit, others are completely unchanged

Made breasts larger

Edited butt mesh so it no longer clipped into itself

Weight painted rudimentary breast and butt physics





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10 hours ago, feikah said:

Made some tweaks to mods I already liked for tifa and aerith while I was teaching myself how to use blender. It's pretty amateur all things considered but I think they're mostly ready to share. I take no credit for the original work whatsoever.


Original Tifa mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/finalfantasy7remake/mods/1183?tab=description (only base file included, needs a skin from the mod page)

Made breasts and nipples larger

Waist thinner

Hips wider

Thighs larger

Butt larger, weight painted rudimentary butt physics

Hair longer


Original Aerith mod: https://twitter.com/RochesteDorm/status/1580670670312452096


Edited only the standard outfit, others are completely unchanged

Made breasts larger

Edited butt mesh so it no longer clipped into itself

Weight painted rudimentary breast and butt physics




251365339_TifaandAerithmods.zip 181.01兆字节 · 95下载

this tit can fly!


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On 1/13/2023 at 1:57 AM, feikah said:

Made some tweaks to mods I already liked for tifa and aerith while I was teaching myself how to use blender. It's pretty amateur all things considered but I think they're mostly ready to share. I take no credit for the original work whatsoever.


Original Tifa mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/finalfantasy7remake/mods/1183?tab=description (only base file included, needs a skin from the mod page)

Made breasts and nipples larger

Waist thinner

Hips wider

Thighs larger

Butt larger, weight painted rudimentary butt physics

Hair longer


Original Aerith mod: https://twitter.com/RochesteDorm/status/1580670670312452096


Edited only the standard outfit, others are completely unchanged

Made breasts larger

Edited butt mesh so it no longer clipped into itself

Weight painted rudimentary breast and butt physics




251365339_TifaandAerithmods.zip 181.01 MB · 130 downloads


These look great! Is it possible to separate the breast/butt mods? ie, just the bigger breasts, or just the bigger ass/thighs.

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Probably not, all of the edits were made to a single file and saved as I went, so I don't have a jumping off point to revert any parts of the mesh back to the original. You could maybe extract both the edit and the original and conform parts of the mesh in blender, but I also added extra vertices to tifa to make her dumb proportions smooth so I don't think that would work either.

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On 1/13/2023 at 7:47 PM, snipe007 said:



The body mod I shared in these pictures is out on the nexus, I will also be sharing the color customization options soon as a separate mod.


Finishing up my Tifa customize mod any other skin, hair, or eye color options any of you want to see?

Edited by snipe007
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On 1/16/2023 at 3:28 AM, randommanlablover said:

High heels and short hair...stopping at the top of her shoulders...like this short hair mod.


Hmmm I was really talking about skin hair and eye colors, but i'll see what I can do lol.


So far I have skin: tan, tan dark, tan semi-dark, tan light, tan semi-light, blue, red, green, pink, purple, vampire


hair: black, blood red, blonde, blue, brown, dark blue, dark green, dark purple, ginger, goldem, green, light brown, light blue, miku green, pink, purple, red, white


eyes: aqua, black, blue, brown, brown light, gray, green, light green, pink, purple, scarlet, golden, yellow, mako


any other colors you guys would be interested in?

Edited by snipe007
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On 1/18/2023 at 12:17 PM, snipe007 said:

Hmmm I was really talking about skin hair and eye colors, but i'll see what I can do lol.


So far I have skin: tan, tan dark, tan semi-dark, tan light, tan semi-light, blue, red, green, pink, purple, vampire


hair: black, blood red, blonde, blue, brown, dark blue, dark green, dark purple, ginger, goldem, green, light brown, light blue, miku green, pink, purple, red, white


eyes: aqua, black, blue, brown, brown light, gray, green, light green, pink, purple, scarlet, golden, yellow, mako


any other colors you guys would be interested in?

can you do wet looking skin and wet looking hair?

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On 1/14/2023 at 11:50 AM, feikah said:

Probably not, all of the edits were made to a single file and saved as I went, so I don't have a jumping off point to revert any parts of the mesh back to the original. You could maybe extract both the edit and the original and conform parts of the mesh in blender, but I also added extra vertices to tifa to make her dumb proportions smooth so I don't think that would work either.

Ah no worries, thanks for the mega mod regardless =D


Is it possible to remove the heels? I think the base ND mod has a barefoot version as well.

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On 1/18/2023 at 1:17 PM, snipe007 said:

Hmmm I was really talking about skin hair and eye colors, but i'll see what I can do lol.


So far I have skin: tan, tan dark, tan semi-dark, tan light, tan semi-light, blue, red, green, pink, purple, vampire


hair: black, blood red, blonde, blue, brown, dark blue, dark green, dark purple, ginger, goldem, green, light brown, light blue, miku green, pink, purple, red, white


eyes: aqua, black, blue, brown, brown light, gray, green, light green, pink, purple, scarlet, golden, yellow, mako


any other colors you guys would be interested in?

Is is possible for you to make heart shaped eyes for Tifa? image.jpeg.74bc2a47dea6cac08af59d97af90c703.jpeg


For hair color suggestions- you could try to do mixed color variations like Black/Red, turquoise blue/purple, any other combination you like. 

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On 1/16/2023 at 12:38 AM, snipe007 said:


Finishing up my Tifa customize mod any other skin, hair, or eye color options any of you want to see?

Pubic hair and tanline options would be pretty great.
If you're able to modify the body shape, a chubby or curvy body type would be awesome.



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