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Fertility Mode+ - Immersive Effects

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1 hour ago, Chaos_Master said:

Okay, With enough digging and looking up how cloaking spells work I finally figured out what triggers the spells. It's FM Fixes and Tweaks _jsw_sub_schdupdthlpr.psc, which has a condition for FMEPresent to be 1.0

And since I installed FME on an existing save the global variable FMEPresent was set to 0.0 and there is no check after init to see if the mod is present. I set it to 1.0 manually through Resaver, and now the scripts are triggered as expected.

I also found a solution to the script not working on NPCs.
I added this to the Overlay script, which I took from the EFF code and added a chck for playerRef
The EFF code also has a check to remove the Overlays again, but I didn't bother with that.

If akActor != playerRef && SKSE.GetPluginVersion("skee") >= 1
	If !NiOverride.HasOverlays(akActor)



If you tell me at what point you added it in the overlay script, I can add it to the source!

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1 hour ago, w234aew said:


If you tell me at what point you added it in the overlay script, I can add it to the source!

I didn't really put much thought into where I put it, I was just throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks
This will apply it only to pregnant characters, but if you add an MCM option to choose Stretch and Areola features and someone disables Areola then this won't run.
It would probably make sense to have the pregnancy faction check before calling AreolaUpdate to not have to duplicate the check in StretchmarkUpdate.

I'm also wondering about the duplicate assignment of RCT2 and LastTime2, this can probably be simplified.

Function AreolaUpdate(Actor akActor)
    RCT2 = akActor.GetFactionRank(GenericFaction)
    LastTime2 = akActor.GetFactionRank(FMELastRank)
    If akActor.IsInFaction(FMELastRank) && akActor.IsInFaction(GenericFaction) && akActor.Is3DLoaded()
        RCT2 = akActor.GetFactionRank(GenericFaction)
        LastTime2 = akActor.GetFactionRank(FMELastRank)
		If akActor != playerRef && SKSE.GetPluginVersion("skee") >= 1
			If !NiOverride.HasOverlays(akActor)
        If (RCT2 >= 1 && RCT2 < 67 && LastTime2 != RCT2)

I also noticed this, which looks like it might be unintended. I think the 0xffd6d6 should be ColorInt2

        If (RCT2 >= 1 && RCT2 < 67 && LastTime2 != RCT2)
            float AlpFloat2=((RCT2 as int)/67.0)
            int ColorInt2=InitializeColors(akActor,0,RCT2,1)
            ActorOverlayRemove2(akActor, "body", "darkernip", true)
            ActorOverlayAdd2(akActor, "body", "darkernip" , "speckle 1 medium",true,0xffd6d6, AlpFloat2)
        elseIf (RCT2 >= 67 && RCT2 <= 100 && LastTime2 != RCT2)


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7 hours ago, Chaos_Master said:

I'm also wondering about the duplicate assignment of RCT2 and LastTime2, this can probably be simplified.


Nope, that double assignment is in there specifically to minimize the number of NiO updates/calls made by the mod.


LastRank is a "cache" to check when the last NiO calculation and update were carried out for that particular actor.


It allows an overlay update (not reapplication, but pigment/alpha change) when there will actually be a color change.


If they're equal, forcing an update would create unnecessary NiO calls and script overhead (it would just unapply and reapply the same color tat).


I'll add that EFF tweak as an enable-able option.


For those without that EFF problem such calls are redundant, I don't use EFF and the overlays work fine on NPCs for me, but I understand why it's necessary for those with EFF.


7 hours ago, Chaos_Master said:

I also noticed this, which looks like it might be unintended. I think the 0xffd6d6 should be ColorInt2


Nope, that one's supposed to be there, color change for areola is as follows:


1% (start of pregnancy) - 67% (end of 2nd trimester)  = Same color, just increase alpha (opacity)

67% - 100%  = Actual color change

Recovery start - Recovery End = Decrease alpha



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14 hours ago, w234aew said:


Nope, that double assignment is in there specifically to minimize the number of NiO updates/calls made by the mod.

What I mean is that the variables RCT2 and LastRank are loaded from the faction rank. Then inside the first if statement they're loaded again with the same values.
That second variable definition for both RCT2 and LastRank is redundant, the variables were already defined with the same values right before the if statement.


14 hours ago, w234aew said:

Nope, that one's supposed to be there, color change for areola is as follows:


1% (start of pregnancy) - 67% (end of 2nd trimester)  = Same color, just increase alpha (opacity)

67% - 100%  = Actual color change

Recovery start - Recovery End = Decrease alpha

That's why you set the colorState paramater in that if block to 1 and calculate the alpha value rather than setting it to 1.0 like the other if blocks, no?
            float AlpFloat2=((RCT2 as int)/67.0)
            int ColorInt2=InitializeColors(akActor,0,RCT2,1)


with 0xffd6d6 it looks fine on Nord skin, but on darker skin like Dark Elf it's much too bright.

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2 hours ago, Chaos_Master said:

What I mean is that the variables RCT2 and LastRank are loaded from the faction rank. Then inside the first if statement they're loaded again with the same values.
That second variable definition for both RCT2 and LastRank is redundant, the variables were already defined with the same values right before the if statement.


Ah, I see what you mean, yeah the exterior one is the only one that's needed I think, I'll try it.


2 hours ago, Chaos_Master said:

That's why you set the colorState paramater in that if block to 1 and calculate the alpha value rather than setting it to 1.0 like the other if blocks, no?
            float AlpFloat2=((RCT2 as int)/67.0)
            int ColorInt2=InitializeColors(akActor,0,RCT2,1)


with 0xffd6d6 it looks fine on Nord skin, but on darker skin like Dark Elf it's much too bright.


You are 100% right, I get what you mean now!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Can someone help me? I'm trying to install this mod and I tried both the original post latest version (0.8PRE) and the latest one I found in this discussion (0.9.2) but idk if i'm doing something wrong or not cause the only thing that happens to my game is a empty MCM menu showing up and nothing else. The nipples don't get darker, I can't see any stretch marks... idk about the other effects tho.



What do I do to make those features work? I've installed all of the mod's requirements and FM+ by itself works perfect (Fertility Adventures included). 

Is there an installation guide or something? I'm running the latest Skyrim 1.5.97.

Does it need a fresh new game for it to work? There's no way of installing it using my current save?



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  • 4 weeks later...

hello, im a noob at modding, so im sorry if this is a stupid question, but in my playthrough the stretch mark and dark nipple doesnt affect NPC at all. It works with my PC. i have installed all the requirments, do i have to set something up in the file?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Love the idea of the mod (and many of the existing features), and I'm currently getting back into the modding saddle and thinking of giving the most recent version a go. Last time, I found the Cravings feature a little bit jarring due to using a version of iNeed and essentially materialising food tended to make the eating part of that mod pretty trivial. Do you foresee any potential problems (as in, the rest of the mod breaking or something that would threaten the longevity of a new save) if I were to simply remove the associated script after installing the mod (but, of cource, before actually starting said new save).


While certainly a blunt instrument kind of solution, this has previously worked quite well for me with some mods that had problematic scripts (looking at you, XPMSE). Again, thanks for the mod! If suggestions are welcome, I'd like to see the later stages experience a much more noticeable decrease in, say, movement speed. The features that this mod adds makes the whole FM experience affect gameplay a bit more already (really, there should be a significant incentive to take a break from adventuring once you're getting along enough. Great opportunity to do some spell research or modded, time-consuming training!), which is what makes it so appealing even in this beta stage.

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21 hours ago, Frozenpasties said:

Love the idea of the mod (and many of the existing features), and I'm currently getting back into the modding saddle and thinking of giving the most recent version a go. Last time, I found the Cravings feature a little bit jarring due to using a version of iNeed and essentially materialising food tended to make the eating part of that mod pretty trivial. Do you foresee any potential problems (as in, the rest of the mod breaking or something that would threaten the longevity of a new save) if I were to simply remove the associated script after installing the mod (but, of cource, before actually starting said new save).


While certainly a blunt instrument kind of solution, this has previously worked quite well for me with some mods that had problematic scripts (looking at you, XPMSE). Again, thanks for the mod! If suggestions are welcome, I'd like to see the later stages experience a much more noticeable decrease in, say, movement speed. The features that this mod adds makes the whole FM experience affect gameplay a bit more already (really, there should be a significant incentive to take a break from adventuring once you're getting along enough. Great opportunity to do some spell research or modded, time-consuming training!), which is what makes it so appealing even in this beta stage.


The problem is that the cravings spell is called by the "Random Effect Chooser", so IDK if it would like that script just being flat-out removed.


It might still cause the other spells to cast, but there is a chance the "random effect chooser" chooses the non-existent craving effect every time.


That, or it crashes when Skyrim can't find the spell requested by the effect.


TBH, I never intended it to be realistic with iNeed; I intended it to be realistic with Weightmorphs/RnD (gradual pregnancy weight gain that sticks around afterward).



And yes, suggestions are still welcome!



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12 hours ago, w234aew said:


The problem is that the cravings spell is called by the "Random Effect Chooser", so IDK if it would like that script just being flat-out removed.


It might still cause the other spells to cast, but there is a chance the "random effect chooser" chooses the non-existent craving effect every time.


That, or it crashes when Skyrim can't find the spell requested by the effect.


TBH, I never intended it to be realistic with iNeed; I intended it to be realistic with Weightmorphs/RnD (gradual pregnancy weight gain that sticks around afterward).



And yes, suggestions are still welcome!



Hi is it possible to turn off these effects {cravings, stumblings, throwing ups), I really like the mod, just not a fan of the constant notifications, weird expressions.

Edited by saddad1
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On 5/25/2023 at 11:06 AM, w234aew said:


Cravings: Depends on the previous users findings

Stumblings: yes, from within the JSON

Throwing up: No.

Hi Thanks for the reply, but I just dont like the weird expression stuck on my characters face.


Dont know if you can compile these scripts for me, I removed the sections for applying fa cial expressions.Downloads.zip

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Are there any plans in the works to expand a system around menstruation? Immersionwise that's the only part of FM that is missing compared to BF. 

Some light to adopt features base on a simple spell event to start with could be:

-Random messages like "your period gives you a painfull abdomen" or "you sigh as you feel the onset of another panful period"

-Random small damage effects to health and stamina. Accompanied with small messages like "the period cramps are starting to hurt".

-Perhaps also a (small) constant reduction/penalty in stamina while on a period?


Some more advanced but quite unique features would be to make the napkin system of BF. So if you don't have a napkin you get a "splash of red" on the PC's crotch. While I don't personally like this that much as it can be ver immersion breaking depending on the clothing worn it would be a nice to have.


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  • 4 weeks later...

OK I found this quite by accident..  still being worked on?  Hope so, Beeing Female had a lot of features that fertility mode is lacking and it doesnt look like the main fertility mode has been updated in ages.


I haven't tried it yet, but I too use Ineed, and a work around may be just not to use the auto eat feature and auto drink until some kind of integration maybe?


Pain in the butt but not big deal to have the auto eat/drink turned off.


Another thing I would like to see is the child growth NOT tied into recovery time.  Child growth speed should be able to be set by the player.  Example:  I have recovery time set to 52 days, and in 52 days the baby will be a full grown?  is that what that means?  Unless there is a technical reason for it I dont see why that needs to be tied together like that.  If a player wants a fully grown adult child in a matter of days thats OK, but if  a player doesnt, then they should be able to set growth as slow as they want. 


I haven't download this yet, plan on it, but definatly would like to see most, if not all of BF type features added in.

Edited by Boceifus
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13 hours ago, Boceifus said:

OK I found this quite by accident..  still being worked on?


I admit, I haven't had as much time to work on it as I did before, but yes.


13 hours ago, Boceifus said:

Hope so, Beeing Female had a lot of features that fertility mode is lacking and it doesnt look like the main fertility mode has been updated in ages.


FM - Fixes and Tweaks is more up-to-date, and has some of the features you're asking about (i.e. separate child growth and recovery times).


13 hours ago, Boceifus said:

Pain in the butt but not big dead to have the auto eat/drink turned off.


Gonna be honest, I'm thinking of just putting a JSON setting that lets people turn it on/off.


I don't have the problem with iNeed complaining at me that other people have.


Plus, that feature wasn't built with "Need" mod as its focus; it's meant to allow WeightMorphs to work in conjunction with FM.



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5 hours ago, w234aew said:


I admit, I haven't had as much time to work on it as I did before, but yes.



FM - Fixes and Tweaks is more up-to-date, and has some of the features you're asking about (i.e. separate child growth and recovery times).



Gonna be honest, I'm thinking of just putting a JSON setting that lets people turn it on/off.


I don't have the problem with iNeed complaining at me that other people have.


Plus, that feature wasn't built with "Need" mod as its focus; it's meant to allow WeightMorphs to work in conjunction with FM.



I have the tweaks, but not seeing the separation, when I adjust recovery time the growth time adjust by itslef automatically, could be an installtion issue?  Should I merge it with FM?

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2 hours ago, Boceifus said:

have the tweaks, but not seeing the separation, when I adjust recovery time the growth time adjust by itslef automatically, could be an installtion issue?  Should I merge it with FM?


Sounds like you installed it possibly incorrectly, though don't merge it; that could break it too.


You should have separate (but dependent) sliders for Growth and Recovery time if FM+ is working.


You can take a look at some of the earlier pages in this thread to determine what was wrong.


If you have any of the ESPs from Fertility Mode's original setup other than the basic ESM, you've done something wrong


2 hours ago, BlueBobik said:

I have SL Utility Plus, SLSO, FHU, Brush Where Aroused


I am currently playing with SL Utility Plus and SLSO installed, they work fine.


As for Blush When Aroused, I have played with it installed previously; I found that it interfered with more mods than was worthwhile to keep around (if there are any face overlays or expressions in a mod, BWA will interfere; that applies not only to mods like conditional expressions, but it can also interfere with SlaveTats or Racemenu Face Overlays like tattoos).


FHU I've tested previously, but not recently. I'll check it for what is incompatible.


If this is all down to "Facial Expression" features, I can add a JSON to turn that off.


2 hours ago, BlueBobik said:

I would also be happy if you cleaned this mod from unnecessary functions such as auto power


Those auto powers and items (like "ShamWow", the dynamic overlay updater, random effect chooser, and the normal map spell) are what drive the effects (both screen visual effects, dynamic overlay and map changes, etc.) , and will not be removed.


I can disable particular random effects if you'd like (ex. Auto Eating, part of the "Cravings" effect), but if you have the mod installed, the random effect chooser is cast by FM+, and is intrinsic to the operation of the mod.


I can make the powers hidden if that's what people prefer, but I'd do a poll for that (since that's intrinsic to the ESP, and I don't want to mix them up), and I do have some other code speedups planned (removing dependence on JSONs).



Edited by w234aew
Remove rudeness
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37 minutes ago, w234aew said:




You should have separate (but dependent) sliders for Growth and Recovery time if FM+ is working.





I double checked my installation, its all in order.  Yes the sliders are there, I think maybe you might have misunderstood what I was trying to say or I didn't explain it clear enough. Moving one still affects the other, they should be independent of each other,   If I have my recovery time set at 31 days, there should not be a full grown adult in 30 days.  No matter which one I adjust, the other automatically adjust.  I dont understand the reasoning behind this honestly, like I said, its fine if somebody wants a full grown adult in a months time, but the settings should work independently so those that dont want that can set it to be a slow as possible.  Beeing Female had those features work independently of each other.  Thats what I am looking for.

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17 minutes ago, Boceifus said:

 If I have my recovery time set at 31 days, there should not be a full grown adult in 30 days.


Oh THAT'S what you mean!


So, I think that's down to the "Adopt vs. Follower" system that FM+ uses.


Instead of using children slots for "Biological Children", It kind of just goes baby->follower.


I actually don't mess with that part of FM+ (I only deal in effects), so this is actually a question for @sub-human as to whether the sliders could be made independent.


However, the problem of baby->fully grown follower still stands; maybe a placeholder child/children (2/6 HMA slots) if HMA is detected?

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