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Santana-Red's Sim Collection

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Santana-Red's Sim Collection

Welcome to the freakshow... uhh I mean, hi!! Hello everybody, this is the place where you will be able to download my Sims. I don't have a whole lot of own Sims, but that's maybe for the better. Some Sims will have specific CC which I will point out.


Some Sims I have played more with than others, therefore not everybody will have a lot of story to them or better said, some will have less story. If you have any questions feel free to ask. If I forget to add something please let me know, we're humans after all, we all make mistakes.


Since these questions get asked time and time again, dear NEW MEMBERS and/or NEW SIMMERS:

  • Files from the Mods folder go to your Mods folder (always check for doubles!)
  • Files from the Tray folder go to your Tray folder
  • Enable Custom Content on your library
  • If you download an older Sim and you can't find them, try searching by ID
  • Download by clicking "View File" at the top.


I also use the following mods (patreon version) which are not necessary to use my Sims but maybe if you don't have one of these you may miss out on some things:


As for my Sims body I use the following:


Breasts by: 


You might also wanna check out mrrakkonn's cleavage details as many of my female sims use them.



Cecilia Gudjohnsen

Dixie Collins

Sofia Bjergsen

Gudjohnsen Family

Fiona Barnett

Anne Gudjohnsen

Ben Gudjohnsen

Marie Gudjohnsen

Collins Family

Wyatt Hall

Vivienne Hartley


Jack Kujo

Tori Vargas

Pack No.1

Zoe Sinclair

Siobhan Fyres

Marquis Brown

Hartley Family

Jacy Hills

Elsa & Clara Bjergsen

Kyle Bloom

Paul Rocca

Pack No.2

Pack No.3

Savannah Gerber + parents

Office NPC's

Adkins Family


Other Mods I use people may find useful:


MC Command Center

More CAS Columns

UI Cheats Extension

Old School CAS Room


New Emotional Traits

New Spa Day Traits

Basemental Addons

Traits by YourFalseHope




If you want to use my Sims in your stories, feel free to do so.  

So have fun, I hope you enjoy my Sims, I hope not to fuck up too hard and always surround yourself with great people!


Edited by Santana-Red
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Cecilia Gudjohnsen



  • Age: 22 (Young Adult)
  • Traits: Good, Genius, Loyal
  • Parenthood Traits: Responsible
  • Other Traits: Night Owl, Independent, Speed Reader, Higher Education
  • Lifestyle: People Person, Techie, Hungry for Love
  • Degree: Computer Science
  • Occupation: Business (4) Assistant Manager
  • Car: Volkswagen Golf Mk7 (Color: Row 1 No. 5)
  • Nationality: Swedish-American USA.png.8544a0fc19b56a70423469d165c64923.png















A very smart girl that grew up in a lovely big family of swedish immigrants to the U.S. Growing up she was always her parents little girl, therefore never got in trouble, always got A's in school and never had a lot of interactions with boys.

Not having a lot of friends in her childhood, she spent most of her time at home, where she found her love for robots, videogames and SciFi. This all changed when adolescence hit her. Soon she would find friends, like Big Eddie, who showed her what "normal" teens tend to do, slowly but surely the ugly little duckling became a gorgeous swan.





The Gudjohnsen family never had a lot of money, except for the oldest daughter Anne, who had already left her parents home.

Anne taught her how to dress up nicely and how to make men do what you want. Cecilia knew that she needed to get a university degree to have success in life, but without money and a powerful last name, chances of being accepted at the Foxbury University seemed low. She also knew there were other ways of getting a scholarship.

One of these new people she met was Malcolm Landgraab Jr, an idiot, but an idiot with money and connections. Using the skills her older sister had taught her, she persuaded Malcolm Jr to get what she wanted, a scholarship. 


During her time at university she got to meet a rotten person, Sofia Bjergsen. Sofia showed her the world of clubbing, taking drugs and going to techno-raves. Cecilia realized very early that this lifestyle didn't suit her so she quit her "friendship" with Sofia not long after that as Sofia came across as a very manipulative and bad person anyway. 





One day during a walk at the park she was hit in the head by a basketball. A young man named Marquis Brown came rushing to her and apologized about a thousand times. To make this up to Cecilia he invited her for a coffe. They quickly realized they were very attracted to each other and became a couple not long after.

Marquis was a man with a lot of passion and enthusiasm, who wanted to become a famous rapper and had big dreams, although at the time he was a nobody who barely had any money. But Cecilia stood by his side and supported him for a long time. One day he got his breakthrough with a small Record Label and is slowly making a name for himself. She was there before the fame and hopes that Marquis won't forget that. 





After Cecilia finished uni, she moved out of her parents house to Marquis' Flat in San Myshuno. Alongside her was another new girl in town: Dixie Collins. 




Cecilia did get her dream job as a computer engineer, however had to leave again after being constantly hit on by her disgusting boss. Anne realized this was a golden opportunity for her to take advantage of Cecilias intelligence. Anne offered Cecilia a job as her assistant with the opportunity to make some minor business-deals, which Cecilia accepted. Although Anne assigned her previous assistant to Cecilia for help, a girl named Savannah Gerber, she's having a hard time making good business deals, thus enraging Anne who is loosing money. She doesn't really like the job but stays in order to pay the huge bills Marquis is bringing home. And also because of Savannah, who has become a great friend of hers.





Make no mistake, although Cecilia is the responsible one in her relationship with Marquis, she also does like to go out and have a good time. And she's meeting alot of people, making more and more friends. 




Office Days:


























Hot Weather



Cold Weather








CeciliaOutfitPics.7zMc-2013 Volkswagen Golf GTI.package


Edited by Santana-Red
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Dixie Collins



  • Age: 21 (Young Adult)
  • Traits: Cheerful, Outgoing, Romantic
  • Parenthood Traits: Good Manners
  • Other Traits: Alcohol Lightweight, Observant, Incredibly Friendly, Fertile, Slut
  • Lifestyle: People Person
  • Wicked Attributes: Adulterer, Cum Slut, Casual Romantic
  • Occupation: Stylist (6) Dedicated Dresser
  • Car: Volkswagen Beetle (Color: Row 2 No. 1)
  • Nationality: American USA.png.7972c051d4d43127a13ce528b53f3be2.png















Southern Belle Dixie Collins! Her character has had quite a change since initially creating her.





Farmer girl Dixie had been on her dad's farm her entire life, it's all she knew. She was always fascinated by those crazy stories of the big scary cities on the news, but was never brave enough to go there thinking a southerner like herself wouldn't fit. 

Always being around her peers, she was very shy to strangers but had a heart of gold to those closest to her.





Since her childhood she and Wyatt had been a couple, promising each other to marry one day. But before Dixie was ready to become a mother, inherit her dad's farm and live a peaceful boring life, she needed to live through some adventures. When she saw Cecilias note on Craigslist that she was looking for a roommate, she knew she had to do it. She finally found courage and went to the big city, ready for all the adventures she was craving for.





Something nobody knew of, is that Dixie has a very perverted mind. However she would NEVER admit it to anybody. She always has sexual fantasies about the people around her, making her feeling so dirty afterwards for having such thoughts since she was a firm believer in the Lord and Jesus Christ. Being a Christian always prohibited her to unleash her inner slut. Now, in the big city where nobody knows her, she can finally let herself go and fulfill her sexual needs.




After some time has passed since leaving her old life, Dixie has completely gotten used to city life. She even found a job she really likes.  In the meantime, her and Cecilia have become best friends, with Dixie telling her everything about her past and her sexual desires, which Cecilia is cool with. She's not the shy girl anymore. But how did she get rid of it? Every time she and Cecilia went out clubbing she forced herself to go to the dance floor and give it everything she's got. Not only did she develop great dancing skills and confidence, but she also got to meet many men by showing them her moves. Dixie absolutely loves this new-found freedom and the new friends she has made. Having such a great time has made Dixie think about her future, coming to the conclusion that she doesn't want to give up this great new life she's got. She will not return to live back home with her family members, she will not live that boring life and she will not marry Wyatt.





On her first vacation she spend with Cecilia she got to meet a very nice and good looking man who she recognized as famous Pornstar Jack Kujo. The two got to talk a lot, like for a while Dixie couldn't even look away from her phone, and they became good friends, even friends with benefits. At first Jack didn't recognize Dixie, but after getting to know each other, they realized who they were. Jack was the guy that bullied Wyatt back in their school days and Dixie was that weird shy girl by his side. They couldn't believe what an amazing coincidence it was. But that didn't stop them from getting to know each other better. They got to know each other VERY well. By this time Dixie had already cheated on Wyatt a couple of times with other men, but now, getting to bang her fiance's highschool bully made her VERY horny, and she didn't stop just with him.





She still had some of her old clothes just for whenever she went back to the farm to pay the family a visit. However Dixie was really tired of doing so. Having to pretend to be somebody she's not anymore, dressing up as something she isn't anymore and pretending to be in love with somebody she isn't anymore made her absolutely sick. But she just couldn't tell her family and Wyatt the truth. She couldn't handle disappointing them. But she realized that sooner or later she would have to. 





Update 2


By now Dixie is fully a "city girl". She has completely put aside her farmer past and is a newborn person. The only thing that gives away she is a southerner is her accent, other than that, just by looking at her you couldn't tell she is. 

Dixie is really climbing the career ladder. Getting a lot of work assignments in a very short amount of time. Her biggest gig this far was Zoe Sinclair! She once had the privilege of styling her for a gala event and it went really well. Fingers crossed Zoe's management hires her back.




She grabbed all of her courage together and arranged a meeting with Wyatt. He was very surprised by the sight of Dixie as he hadn't seen this version of her before and had to get used to her new self first. Here of all places, at the piece of land they had spent so much time together in their youth, Dixie finally broke up with Wyatt. She had no connections left to her past life and has made it official now. The whole conversation lasted less than 5 minutes, that's how much Dixie was done with it. She didn't even tell her family. They had to hear these news from a distraught Wyatt. Naturally, her father Earl who is already a piece of work, disinherited her of any and all property of the Collins family, but Dixie doesn't really care about that. The only person in her family she has talked to since is her sister Lacey who doesn't realize how angry her parents are at Dixie. 




And although it was her who broke up, it did hurt her alot. After having been in a relationship with Wyatt for so long it took her a while to get over it. Even with all the comforting by Cecilia.




In her spare time Dixie loves to either go out partying with her bff Cecilia or going on dates. Many dates. With many many men. She has finally fulfilled her sexual desires and is happier than ever, and she's been with many different kind of men. 




Not only that, but her kinky thoughts have led her to create a profile on Simhub where she started posting a couple of lewd pictures of herself. These became naughtier and naughtier and with some tech help by Cecilia it has garnered quite some interest in her profile, thus generating a nice additional income. 




Dixie's online naughtyness:



























Hot Weather



Cold Weather







DixieOutfitPics.7zB-M 2012 Volkswagen Beetle.package


Edited by Santana-Red
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Sofia Bjergsen



  • Age: 24 (Young Adult)
  • Traits: Clubber, Dance Machine, Hot-Headed
  • Parenthood Traits: Irresponsible, Insensitive
  • Other Traits: Piper, Great Storyteller, Pill Heavyweight, Amphetamine Heavyweight, Secondhand Smoke Immunity, Social Smoker
  • Lifestyle: People Person, Adrenaline Seeker
  • Wicked Attributes: No Underwear, Polyamorous
  • Car: Chevrolet Impala (Color: Row 2 No. 3)
  • Nationality: Danish-American USA.png.3280c551cb8ef35d27d03fdcc597336a.png


















Everybody else's makeover of Sofia is a barbie doll, this is my punk bitch. Sofia's story is linked with another girls' story: Fiona.

In her late teen years Sofia was having more and more anger issues, which she went to anger management for. Being rich the Bjergsens would only have the best for their oldest daughter. But all of the work that was put into her became obsolete when the "oh-so-perfect" family hit rock bottom. Daddy Bjorn was caught cheating on Carla. This put the world of the Bjergsens upside down. 





It was at this moment when Sofia snapped and let her most natural instincts out. Like a wild animal Sofia ravaged this poor young girl Fiona. Bjorn, being the asshole that he is, didn't even admit his fault and wanted everything to stay the way it was. "It was a mistake" he kept shouting as Sofia was beating him senseless.








A teenager with anger issues, slight drug problems and hormones going all over the place. She still loved her mom and would do everything to protect her. But she would never be the same cute girl anymore.





Without a father in the house who served as an authoritarian figure, Sofia quickly developed bad habits. Taking much heavier drugs, getting lots of tattoos, having shady friends, getting breast implants etc. With Clara not being able to control her daughters life, Sofia developed into something her mom never wanted. Later she also dropped out of university.




As the years went by, she changed her entire look. This was the same for that young prostitute Fiona, who saw Sofia a couple of times in town but never said anything since Sofia didn't recognize her. One day she got a text from Fiona asking for a meeting to settle their differences and to make peace, since Clara wasn't the only one who was struggling with life. Fiona also was guilt-tripping. 




Fiona was ready to be smacked in the face once more, but everything came different than she thought. It's one of those crazy things in life, where your biggest enemies become your best friends. Sofia accepted her apology and they started to spend a lot of time together, bonding and telling each other everything about themselves. 




Today, best friends with an inseparable friendship, they couldn't live without each other.

Now, make no mistake about it, do not have any sympathy whatsoever for these 2 ladies, they are still bad and rotten persons. They enjoy having a bad reputation and making other people's life miserable. Both being Bisexual, Sofia and Fiona are very close to each other, but they are not lovers. They are.... BFF's with benefits.




Sofia doesn't have a job and lives off the Bjergsen's fortune. Every now and then she makes some camgirl streams, however those are just for fun and to get a kick out of it. By now she has made enough connections and knows enough people that she started hosting illegal rave parties. Not only does she get to do what she loves the most, partying, but she also earns some money through that. She's also the leader of her little clique. Consisting of Fiona Barnett, Siobhan Fyres, Kyle Bloom, Paul Rocca, Marie Gudjohnsen and her little sister Elsa Bjergsen.





And Bjorn? Well, let's say he's not having a great time.






                                         Extras: Simple Piercings: Silver Nipple Half Ring























Hot Weather



Cold Weather








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Gudjohnsen Family




Ludvig Gudjohnsen



  • Age: 48 (Adult)
  • Traits: Oblivious, Foodie, Good
  • Other Traits: Morning Sim, Heat Acclimation
  • Wicked Attributes: Eternally Faithful
  • Occupation: Manual Laborer (2) Landscaper
  • Car: Jeep Grand Wagoneer (Color: Row 1 No. 1)
  • Nationality: Swedish Sweden.png.affc06007f46f5b23274f6cb89377ee1.png














This is the idiot that lost the family business back in Sweden. Thankfully his children are smarter than him so they saved his ass on more than one occasion. He's kind-hearted but he's not the sharpest tool in the shed.

After Ben had left the house for the military, Ludvig took over his job at the construction site, wreaking havoc at his very first day. 
























Hot Weather



Cold Weather







Hendrik Gudjohnsen



  • Age: 46 (Adult)
  • Traits: Slob, Hot-Headed, Self-Assured
  • Parenthood Traits: Irresponsible, Bad Manners, Uncontrolled Emotions
  • Other Traits: Secondhand Smoke Immunity, Exhibitionist, Cocaine Heavyweight
  • Lifestyle: Junk Food Fiend, Single and Lovin' It
  • Wicked Attributes: Cuckold, Shallow, Polyamorous, Adulterer, Selfish Lover, Window Peeping Enthusiast, Aversive Appearance
  • Occupation: Criminal (2) Petty Thief
  • Car: BMW 535i (Color: Row 2 No. 1)
  • Nationality: Swedish Sweden.png.affc06007f46f5b23274f6cb89377ee1.png









Hendrik thinks he's a really cool and tough guy and a ladies' man. Although you can tell by just taking one look at him that he's a looser.

He's the black sheep of the family and a massive pervert. He believes he could sleep with any woman he'd like to, reality is he gets rejected by almost every woman and he's one of Fionas most loyal "customers".

He and his brother Ludvig don't have a lot of contact anymore. Back when Cecilia was a teenager and she went out to party, she wouldn't go home those nights so her parents wouldn't see her wasted and/or on drugs, so she always went to Hendrik's small appartment in Evergreen Harbor to sleep on his couch. Therefore Cecilia always thought that Hendrik was kinda cool for helping her out all these times. Hendrik however always had that distinct look in his eyes when looking at her. He was always helping her, expecting one day it may pay off... sexually. If it ever happens or not is up to you. 




                                          Penis: Simplegens Lorenzo






















Hot Weather



Cold Weather







Olle Gudjohnsen



  • Age: 69 (Nice... I mean Elder)
  • Traits: Goofball, Bookworm, Family-Oriented
  • Other Traits: Incredibly Friendly
  • Occupation: Author (6) Short Story Writer
  • Nationality: Swedish Sweden.png.affc06007f46f5b23274f6cb89377ee1.png
















Olle is the family's joker. Hiding his depression after the loss of his wife behind a smile, he's always trying to make everybody laugh. He loves his family but is unable to tell them. Always coming up with a stupid joke when an opportunity arrives to bond with his beloved ones to make the situation awkward/uncomfortable. If he'll be able to confess his feelings with his sons before his passing remains to be seen. Today he spents most of his time behind his desk writing short stories for kids. 



                                          Penis: Simplegens Marshall






















Hot Weather



Cold Weather







Brigitte Gudjohnsen



  • Age: 47 (Adult)
  • Traits: Family-Oriented, Proper, Neat
  • Parenthood Traits: Mediator, Emotional Control
  • Other Traits: Morning Sim, Speed Cleaner, Fertile, Vicarious
  • Lifestyle: Hungry For Love
  • Wicked Attributes: Eternally Faithful
  • Occupation: Babysitter (2) Nanny
  • Nationality: Swedish Sweden.png.affc06007f46f5b23274f6cb89377ee1.png
















Brigitte pretty much still lives by the old rules "women stay at home to clean, cook and take care of the children" nonsense. But she raised her 4 children with a lot of love so her relationship with her kids is very good. However her father-in-law is driving her nuts with his constant joking. She loves her family, however secretly she's hoping that old yeller Olle finally bites the dust.


























Hot Weather



Cold Weather







So in case somebody lost track of who is related to whom, here's a family tree:







  • I used google to search for names that are common in Sweden. If somebody here is swedish and would like to confirm or deny that these are common swedish names, please feel free to do so.



GudjohnsenFamilyOutfitPics.7zB-M 1991 Jeep Grand Wagoneer.packageB-M 1993 BMW 535i.package


Edited by Santana-Red
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On 8/21/2021 at 7:02 AM, Santana-Red said:


  • I used google to search for names that are common in Sweden. If somebody here is swedish and would like to confirm or deny that these are common swedish names, please feel free to do so.


Well, Brigitte should be "Birgitta", Ben I've never heard on a Swede, Hendrik is dutch (I think?) and should be "Henrik" and Anneta should probably be "Agneta". 


Cool sims in any case, I'll definatly try to fit them into my world.

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For names try out 





Also has a random name generator



It's a pretty decent site, though it's a bit more limited in some areas than others, and the surnames seem to tend towards beign a bit simplistic at times (I often just let the game generate a surname for me or I find some generator using US census data instead there). 



Also a remark, if they're Swedish-Americans as opposed to just straight up Swedish there's no reason (people might have alterante or foreign spellings of names for any number of reasons anyway) they should strictly follow the convention on how Swedish names are spelled (or even have Swedish names), at least how I see it. 


Edited by mrrakkonn
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Well, since you asked for it in your top post I'll let you know what I came up with for your sims...


I re-jigged the story a fair bit, to be honest. Olle is now a retired judge and non-fiction writer, famous for his fair dealings. I gave the family the big house in Old New Henford that comes with the expansion, so they are pretty much upper class. Ludvig, however, just want a simple life and a farm, so he is doing that instead, while still staying at the mansion. I got Hendrik a place in Oasis Springs, near the stripclub, and moved the two adult sisters into an apartment in San Myoshino. Got rid of the dog...


So basically I set up the family like an rural, and mostly good, version of the Landgraabs (which I've expanded with quite a few original characters of my own), with tentacles everywhere and Hendrik of course being the black sheep.


Even with the family split up the "main" family is still 5 sims with a big farm, so it's pretty hectic just keeping up with it but I got a couple of shots from Ludvig's marriage bed...



Best part about busty sims...




Just scenes from a marriage...





I also added Dixie, in the farm next door. Noooww... In my world the dominant faith is the Faith of the Watcher. It's not as puritan as christianity, so Dixie have had no trouble unleashing her inner slut at any point in her life. In fact, in highschool it was known that she had sucked the dick of pretty much every member of the sportsball team at one point or another. Except Ben's. She is a couple of years older after all, he would have been just 14 when she graduated. Well, he always said he feared nothing, and would join the army straight out of highschool (I have a mod that adds "Send to war", with a 50/50 chance of surviving, and will flip a coin each time I am playing a military sims household to see if they'll deploy that week, so it's actually dangerous...) and she promised that if he did, she'll suck him off too. And well... He couldn't not do it then...



So, the morning after his birthday and subsequent enlistment...




So... Remember what you said in highschool?




Minor Sergeant (grandpa pulled some strings...) Gudjohnsen reporting for blowjob!




You actually did it you crazy bastard...


1053640938_08-29-21_2-43-22AM.png.fd2c4e7e8c98434cbbc8fff1494f1aee.png794713989_08-29-21_2-45-18AM.png.88a90ed84fb9bc5a3b7d281cd29ca06b.png1389395201_08-29-21_2-46-11AM.png.9335c4dd8a8712bca898613b7328c09c.png1611939848_08-29-21_2-47-19AM.png.2fd78f5a648c280f2dc9f5ca691cb631.png314653443_08-29-21_2-48-34AM.png.6780f963be869ec074b27b35b07e38cf.png548487650_08-29-21_2-49-09AM.png.0e5372977a632081fd02bb3fd619b0e8.png2011880785_08-29-21_2-49-39AM.png.7b8a9896d8b38fbc1320fcbb9fc072b4.png08-29-21_2-51-43 AM.png1013705258_08-29-21_2-51-13AM.png.f5c5e6320b187436dbb5988c0a6e352d.png08-29-21_2-52-36 AM.png


I would say, "I love your sims, please make more" but... I don't have room for any more. I have 360 played sims... I think I have two residential lots free now... Both mansions...


So, actually, uh, on second though, I take that back... if you would happen to make an upper-class San Salvadorean or general western-themed family I have room for them in Oasis springs, or just a generally posh family I can put in a modern mansion...?


Edited by Kashked
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Wow that's really good!! Thanks! As of now the only other western/southern themed sim I've got is Dixie's fiance Wyatt but I'm not quite happy with him yet. 




I'd like to upload Fiona next (that blue-haired prostitute from Sofia's story). I've also got some AEP pornstars who I'm gonna work on more and yesterday I actually created a new celebrity sim who was a child actor and then crashed hard like Bella Thorne-eske or something like that. I've only gotten the face done so far so it's probably gonna be a while... 

EDIT: I just realized she looks a bit like Dove Cameron without the plastic surgery, THAT'S a coincidence!


Edited by Santana-Red
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Well, after the Gudjohnsens I wanted to play Dixie as well... I have a mod for 5 traits, so for her two additional ones I gave her Hot and Nymphomaniac. I set the rules that if she at any time had a whim to have sex, I had to make it happen. If someone else offered and she has even a single flirty moodlet active, she has to accept. If she has a embarassed moodlet, she will play a passive, submissive role, and if not I'd go for wild animations.


So just some random shots...



1535300688_08-29-21_7-32-17AM.png.d8013c97bc07958841b6005b35cf5726.png224010195_08-29-21_11-42-25AM.png.d25b6295dd39dc634fda2ac5be06f4bd.png1210729588_08-29-21_11-44-43AM.png.d12209f4e4982bd098d54fa51f14cf90.png2060658917_08-29-21_11-47-31AM.png.a69db8411dbcf59c85105aed623d1e8c.png365589634_08-29-21_11-48-17AM.png.09d1bdac51560743ede685077776e65a.png08-29-21_11-48-52 AM.png538588335_08-29-21_11-48-35AM.png.cd977089658166476913d4cfbe498ccb.png



Of course, I already had a thought from the start who I was going to set her up with in the end... And he just kept on coming over, so it wasn't hard.



Yeah, they just had... chemistry... I guess. Or it was the will of their God, which, of course, is me.




But the deal was really sealed when this happened. So she had a whim. He was there... the fair was going on outside...


Honestly this is probably my favourite "scene" I have ever played in this game. Aside from the curtains that they kept clipping into, it was perfect. The animation, the setting, the sims.... It all came togheter.




As they ended, the fair ended.




She had the whim to get engaged to Ben. I couldn't not do it.




And then the grim reaper came for one of the chickens... god damned this game sometimes...




Ben moved in with Dixie and claimed what is now his in their now common bed.







It's never going to last.


1. I am way to addicted to drama to play out a happy marriage.

2. Her rules still apply. If he isn't around when she has a whim...

3. He's a sex addict AND have the custom trait Quickgetter, which is a combination of romantic and noncommital. He'll bone anything with a pulse (or without if he ever meets Lilith Vatore...).




But it'll be a beautiful trainwreck...


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Fiona Barnett


  • Age: 24 (Young Adult)
  • Traits: Mean, Gloomy, Hates Children
  • Parenthood Traits: Insensitive, Bad Manners
  • Other Traits: Exhibitionist, Amphetamine Heavyweight, Amphetamine Addict, Independent, Secondhand Smoke Immunity
  • Wicked Attributes: Adulterer, Polyamorous, Generous Lover
  • Occupation: AEP (1) Webcam Model
  • Car: Toyota Camry (Color: Row 2 No. 4)
  • Nationality: American USA.png.4d23a82f727727ba4c14e80f5c923b75.png















Life hasn't been easy for Fiona. Being exposed to hard drugs since a very young age due to both of her parents being addicts naturally gravitated her towards that direction as well. She was sent to rehab due to her parents being fed up that Fiona was stealing their drugs for her own use and after she failed rehab due to bad behavior, she got kicked out of her parents' house when she was just a teenager. 




Alone and without any possessions, she needed to find a way to make money to finance her addiction. So she decided to get into the same profession her mom was in since it generated enough money: prostitution. Fiona became depressed because of the decisions she did in life. Failing to beat her drug addictions and selling her body to disgusting people made her life miserable. 




For the longest time she didn't have any friends apart of Sofia Bjergsen, but she's trying her best to sympathise with new people.

Whenever Fiona runs out of cash and she doesn't have any clients waiting, she'll go ask her rich BFF Sofia for some money, which she will happily give her.... in return for something humiliating, like flashing a stranger or go streaking or fucking the next random dude. 




She's got a horrible reputation, which leads to her clients not treating her very well. More often than not, men that used her "services" either beat her up or run away without paying. She's also being constantly molested by Bjorn Bjergsen for loosing everything he had, even though it was his own fault. Her clientele consists mostly of ugly disgusting men that can't get laid otherwise, other addicts who are willing to share a shot with her in return and cheating husbands who are looking for some young p*ssy.




She has a shitty life, appart of the few moments of joy when she's spending time with Sofia. She's like her light in the dark.

Always trying to help her and cheer her up, even though sometimes even Sofia really messes with her, but she's used to people treating her like shit. Slowly she's been trying to make new friends with the people Sofia always brings with her.

It'll take a while, but eventually they'll accept her into the clique. 




She's been thinking on more than one occasion about suicide, but she hasn't completely given up hope that one day life will get better. Her addictions and her loneliness really took a hit on her mental health.




Recently she got an offer from Adult Entertainment Productions for a tryout for some amateur videos.

Is this the path of her future? Will you help her find somebody who can bring her back on track? Or will you abuse her like many before?






Some examples of her clientele:


























Hot Weather



Cold Weather







PS: I'm still waiting for Turbodriver to actually give us the option in WickedWhims to select sims as prostitutes!



FionaOutfitPics.7zMc-FP-1997 Toyota Camry.package


Edited by Santana-Red
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On 9/4/2021 at 7:33 PM, Santana-Red said:




PS: I'm still waiting for Turbodriver to actually give us the option in WickedWhims to select sims as a prostitutes!


FionaOutfits.7z 21.23 MB · 12 downloads



You can do that using Nisa's Wicked Perversions. If you make a sim a prostitute in that mod and then save and upload it their status as a prostitute will carry over in the download as long as the person downloading has the mod active.

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Tried out your new girl and ended up doing some edits of my own to her as I often like to do with sims made by others, hope you don't mind, for instance I'm not super into the smeared makeup look and I tried out a different mouth preset that I personally like more.



image.png.af6ab5814180fd881a5bcf24d9454a98.png    image.png.e764709af5fe311adbf2dbb08dbb4893.png


One thing I'm wondering though, do you happen to know who made her eyeshadow? Because it's in a busted merged package that can't be properly unmerged. At the moment I'm making do with a replacement, but it's not quite right. 

Edited by mrrakkonn
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Holy crap! That looks really good! Can you tell me what you changed apart of her mouth? I don't know why but my faces always end up looking very young, need to work on that. Your face looks exactly the right age.

Also, I don't know how but I found her eyeshadow even though it's in that merged file "COSMETICS, TATTOOS, PIERCINGS" which is really annoying, like you said, you can't properly unmerge it. It's this one by RemusSirion. 

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Well, here's some pictures, maybe you can spot the differences. I didn't change any of the other presets but I did mess around with face shape here and there, I made her cheeks less protrudign is one oobvious one I guess, eyes might also have a slightly different shape. 


image.png.dbbbdc3b1d7621e89a57055a5690202b.png   image.png.7e2a239dee04aa04221425928483d633.png   image.png.a793507a776b3741c6024535d73afab2.png   image.png.7627eea2ab6e976612cd46d744108d68.png


Outside of sculpting, I chagned her eyebrows and made them black, and also applied a different hair roots accessory (also black) and I added eyelash accessories. I've used a skin overlay by Pralinesims that I often find looks good these days, but I also used some of Pyxidis's skin detail set, especially around the nose, giving it some more shading and definition. The skintone is also a different, custom one. from a set I often use. 




In additon to the tamo eyebags you had on her (I may also have accidentally changed the specific swatch of that one) I also used two additional eyebag accessories, somewhat subtle but gives some texture to the face. Speaking of that I also applied a kind of acne scars detail (a faint version of it) to make her skin look less smooth. 

You can also see she's got a sar on her nosebridge and a faint scar on her cheek. 



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  • 3 weeks later...
On 9/9/2021 at 12:47 PM, Santana-Red said:

Yeah... I'm not really a fan of NWP, too much stuff I don't need or want just to have some features I could use.

Sooo... just ignore the stuff you don't want?  You've got CC hairs that are bigger than that entire mod.  And NWP is the reason WW hasn't added prostitution-- Nisa already has it covered, there isn't really a need to duplicate it.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...



Fiona Barnett has been updated and reuploaded


What's new?


Improved face and skin details, aswell as new outfits. 

To see her new outfits check out her Bio 


                                 Old                                                                            New


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