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@richard19840706:  Thanks for the quick follow up.  My position is basically what TheOtherGuy said execept I use IMCN. IMCN already does all of what you're describing in terms of very complex and dynamic metabolism.  IMCN has a complex tracking system for food calorie and nutrient intake.  It takes account of your char's height/weight stats, inventory load,  what they're doing during the day  (like sneaking, riding on horseback, sleeping) etc. and dynamically adjusts whatever  calories/nutriets intake your char eats during that day.  Also as one of the oldest food mods on Nexus/Steam, it's featured on GEMS, and has a substatial following from the immersion gaming community.  Consequently, a good amount of the food modding community (with popular food mods like wooferoo, Babbette's feast etc) are aware of it.  Which is why I suspect IMCN works so seamlessly with all the food recipes I've encountered to date.


Regardless, just as a head up to your improvements on PN: note IMCN's popularity is largely due to it's ability to recognize/use nutrients and buffs in just about any food recipe mod that I've seen to date on Nexus and Steam.  This also involves speciality foods/drugs like caffine, moon sugar, skooma, alcohol.  IMCN is also compatible with drug mods like Cannabis, Herbal Teas, and SkyHighrim.  So that may be something you may need to consider for future compatiblity with PN perhaps.   Personally, my Nord is a food (and drug) connossieur, so the more food/drug compatiblity he can get with the new PN 3.0  the better! :D


Anyhow, that's why I was concerned about the new version of PN combing eating, sleeping scripts with the existing bathing and other basic needs ones.  It's good to know you're considering making these modular/independent since  I'm close to the max mod limit.  I did reserve esp slots for ZaZ (which is a wasted esm/esp slot because I don't use it unless running PN scripts) and PN ones. So I'm hoping the updated PN 3.0 won't add any more esms or esps than what's currently there.  Also since I'm close to the max,  I regrettably had to drop Stroti's outdoor toilet resource esp to conserve esp space. I also had to disable the defecation PN module which had become somewhat glitchy after this and was spamming my papyrus log.  :-/  But after turning off that feature in MCM, I began expereincing infinite urination issues with the peeing module.  :lol:


So I'm extremely leery of tweaking mods in MCM as I've discovered MCM can be extremely finnicky with my more script intensive mods.  I ended up having to restart a whole new game from Helgen as a result of disabling PN modules in MCM.  Which gives me a lot of concern for the new PN 3.0.  Because even if you make the hygenic/peeing/defacating needs independent of the new ones you're adding, the integrated mod could create potential issues in MCM :s .  I currently tested the Eat, Bathe, Sleep mod which had a similar independent esp setup in MCM.  In theory, the mod author designed this mod so you could disable the modules you didn't want in MCM, and only use the ones you wanted.  But in reality, doing this created spam from the mod constantly updating and checking for whether the scripts had been re-enabled in papyrus.  I have major script intensive, overhaul mods like CWO, Immersive Patrols, Wet and Cold and Frostfall.  So running these concurrently led to a shit load of lag, fps drop, and eventually CTD in my heavily script intensive game. :(


Then I came on here and found out you were planning on a PN 3.0 version.  So since then, I've had to restart another new game without PN/Zaz.  But unfortunately, doing this has left a huge black hole in my gaming immersion experience :-/   I guess I'll hold off until the new version comes out and do a test game.


Thanks again for all your hard work on this terrific immesion mod.



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Adding: here is a suggestion on what you said about the water functionality in PN:


consider simplifying the scripting in how PN's is able to detect water.  Why not just have it detect all water as natural water/dangerous water as you indicated?  When the player's char uses the bath power to interact with any water body (to include those from mods) have a popup window menu come up.  This would allow the player to decide which option they want to take in the hygene module.  For example


Regardless of where your char happens to be (i.e. in the wilderness, underground, or in an interior like an inn/residence/cave etc), as long as the mod detects a water body is present (and the player isn't actually swimming at that time) then the character would get a pop up menu window which says:


Would you like to :


- wash hands and face?

- sponge bath?

- full bath (with or without soaps. Soaps will automatically be used if in players inventory)


And instead of having the script check for restrictive constraints like nearby waterfall, 2cm deep water etc. etc.  simply allow the player DECIDE which bathing animation they want to execute. 


the wash hands and face option  this would check for a sink like object in the room or cell. This option would be most likely for scenarios like inside an inn/tavern room/player home/building or residence which have no baths/showers for the player to sit in. But the vanilla inn rooms (and other mod room interiors) do contain have vanilla sink objects (which I've never seen used by modders to date). So being able to interact with this object would give the player say 10% to 25% hygiene points.


the sponge bath option would be for scenarios where player has access to a man made water container. (e.g. bucket, blacksmith trough, fountain, well, etc) or a natural (but small and/or shallow) natural water body like a stream outdoors (think of the stream water flowing by the Whiterun smith's forge or just outside whiterun stables area). Player char would recover say 25% to 50% hygiene points for using this option.


the full bath option would be for man made (eg from player based bath mods) or natural water bodies where the player could fully/partially immerse themselves at least waist deep and do the current bathing animaition.  Player would recover 100% bath points for using waist deep or deeper natural water bodies or man made ones (like the fountain pool area outside Dragon's Reach).


* example natural body waters: water in areas like in the wilderness near a waterfall, in the volcanic hot springs at Darkwater Crossing, by a river, rapids, lake, stream, or frigid glacial waters of the SOG. This also includes underground water bodies found in caves/dungeons etc.


* example man made collection system waters: areas like in bath immersive mods like N. Bath houses, Skyrim Showers, custom player homes like Gentester's Candle Pond Ranch and Aspen manor (which have fully customized bathing facilities). Sku11M0nkey's Breezehome Fully Upgraded etc.  This also includes man made water collection systems like the Ragged Flagon & Cistern areas in the TG, the accessible secret sewer area just outside Riften docks, any vanilla or mod created cave/dungeon or underground building areas.


I think doing this would remove a lot of checks/constraints the mod's script would need to do before the player would be allowed to bathe.  As of now, my char can't bathe anywhere unless a waterfall is close by. This restricts him to bathing in the Whiterun/Riverwood area.  He can no longer stand on the bottom ladder rung anywhere in Riften and take a bath there due to the water fall constraint.  The only other place where he's been successfully able to bathe is inside the Cistern (next to the waterfall area by your assigned bed) and the Solitude shower room.  <--- although I suspect that my WATER 2 Redux mod is likely to be a contributing factor to the bath functionality being broken in PN.


Before the 1.9 base game update and before the last update to the existing PN mod, my char was able to bathe just about anywhere as long as the water was at least 2cm deep.  :-/ So I think removing the waterfall and water depth constraints would allow the character to gain partial to full hygene points (like bathing from a bucket/trough or in a lake) depending on their environmental circumstances.

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Thought I would throw this out there.  Currently, with Richard's support, I am adding outhouses for Private Needs to Solstheim world and for the Dawnguard locations.  He advised me that once the new scripts are done and the new version is out I will have to change the scripts.  Not a problem.  So, with that being said, anyone interested in the Solstheim outhouses mod?  That one is finished and working just fine.  Also, anyone interested in the Dawnguard version? 

 If I can get permission (which I doubt will happen) will work on one for the Falskaar mod.

 Let me know via a PM or post on here. 

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why do the bowels never feel full?

bladder gets full and i turned up the bowel fill rate in the menu to the heightest but it still would never fill up.. did this feature simply get removed or is it unfinished?


It has to do with the settings in MCM.  Recheck them and also reread the info on PN's MCM settings.  I have no problems.

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Thought I would throw this out there.  Currently, with Richard's support, I am adding outhouses for Private Needs to Solstheim world and for the Dawnguard locations.  He advised me that once the new scripts are done and the new version is out I will have to change the scripts.  Not a problem.  So, with that being said, anyone interested in the Solstheim outhouses mod?  That one is finished and working just fine.  Also, anyone interested in the Dawnguard version? 

 If I can get permission (which I doubt will happen) will work on one for the Falskaar mod.

 Let me know via a PM or post on here. 


sounds great. i'm definitely interested in both versions. :)

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Thought I would throw this out there.  Currently, with Richard's support, I am adding outhouses for Private Needs to Solstheim world and for the Dawnguard locations.  He advised me that once the new scripts are done and the new version is out I will have to change the scripts.  Not a problem.  So, with that being said, anyone interested in the Solstheim outhouses mod?  That one is finished and working just fine.  Also, anyone interested in the Dawnguard version? 

 If I can get permission (which I doubt will happen) will work on one for the Falskaar mod.

 Let me know via a PM or post on here. 


sounds great. i'm definitely interested in both versions. :)



Here ya go.  I also use the Bayview house mod which is placed above the Skaal village.  nice mod.  might add an outhouse to that as well.

Should have the Dawnguard version completed in a couple of days or so.


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I also have versions for each of the Hearthfire homes.  They are placed behind the stables for each.  They are separate files as I do not have the scripting techniques and knowledge to make them appear once the stables are built.  If anyone can tell me how to do that I would love to do it. 

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Don't really know what I can do to improve the puddles honestly. However, suggestions are welcome.


Also, just finished coding stuff related to food, so just need to finish up bowels.


Perhaps later you could create a patch for Realistic Wildlife Loot and Recipes?  Or have you already incorporated something similar?

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Don't really know what I can do to improve the puddles honestly. However, suggestions are welcome.


Also, just finished coding stuff related to food, so just need to finish up bowels.


Perhaps later you could create a patch for Realistic Wildlife Loot and Recipes?  Or have you already incorporated something similar?



Perhaps. However, I'm taking a short break from modding to deal with RL. I'm expecting to get back to modding next weekend.

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Thought I would throw this out there.  Currently, with Richard's support, I am adding outhouses for Private Needs to Solstheim world and for the Dawnguard locations.  He advised me that once the new scripts are done and the new version is out I will have to change the scripts.  Not a problem.  So, with that being said, anyone interested in the Solstheim outhouses mod?  That one is finished and working just fine.  Also, anyone interested in the Dawnguard version? 

 If I can get permission (which I doubt will happen) will work on one for the Falskaar mod.

 Let me know via a PM or post on here. 


sounds great. i'm definitely interested in both versions. :)



Here ya go.  I also use the Bayview house mod which is placed above the Skaal village.  nice mod.  might add an outhouse to that as well.

Should have the Dawnguard version completed in a couple of days or so.



thx. i always hated it going to piss behind the retching netch. :lol:



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I posted link to a modification of this mod that seemed to have used other textures, perhaps that may help. I dont know, I'm just trying to help.


It would have been nice to know which post you were talking about, since there are many topics being discussed.  I gather though that you were discussing the puddles, etc.

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Little help, for some reason my characters bowels don't seem to fill up at all, even after eating tons of food and waiting for a day. 


Though the bladder seems to fill up normally, even when I don't drink anything. xD

activate bowels and set bowels point per hour 0 leave mcm menu then open it again choose your favorit points per hour and it should work

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Little help, for some reason my characters bowels don't seem to fill up at all, even after eating tons of food and waiting for a day. 


Though the bladder seems to fill up normally, even when I don't drink anything. xD

activate bowels and set bowels point per hour 0 leave mcm menu then open it again choose your favorit points per hour and it should work



Didn't work.


Though I appreciate the quick reply.

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Little help, for some reason my characters bowels don't seem to fill up at all, even after eating tons of food and waiting for a day. 


Though the bladder seems to fill up normally, even when I don't drink anything. xD

activate bowels and set bowels point per hour 0 leave mcm menu then open it again choose your favorit points per hour and it should work



Didn't work.


Though I appreciate the quick reply.



Try deactivating and activating again the defecation need, I do that every time that happens and it works. If it dosent works at the first try just keep doing it.

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I thank you for this amazing mod, I appreciate. Im here to make a suggestion you may think of. I use Requiem, RND, Frostfall and couple of mods that make Skyrim much more realistic, one of them is Perseids Inns and Taverns. That mod changes the prices of inns and adds some unique features as well as a hot bath tub. Maybe you can integrate your bathing feature with the perseid's bathtub? Would be amazing! And I got a question about bathing. Can you clarify the bathing debuffs unkempt etc? I really did not understand what impact they have. Thanks, please keep working on this essential mod!

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