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Sex Screenshots - Post your ingame adventures here!

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ive been using this mod for awhile and ive never seen those positions, how do i get them? or if i have them, how do i implament them?


(Side note: i want to make it so that the female rape moans play everytime there is sex happening, consentual or not, anyone know how to do this?)

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Me too, but if no one is posting screenshot at all like has been for days maybe people will think fallout is dead, skyrim atleast is more active then this part of the forum.


Will also make me lose interest creating new stuff like robots animations and new creature stuff and release for oblivion or skyrim instead.


Dog in action:








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Me too, but if no one is posting screenshot at all like has been for days maybe people will think fallout is dead, skyrim atleast is more active then this part of the forum.


Will also make me lose interest creating new stuff like robots animations and new creature stuff and release for oblivion or skyrim instead.


Dog in action:




Is that archive of screenshots from your adventure or a more interesting dogsex mod?

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I've been a member from a good while here, but haven't shared in this thread... so here we go!

(I apologize for the BMPs and not embedding the images. Not sure how it works...)

Took a trip to the Goodsprings Cave during the Afterschool Special quest.





Then I paid a visit to the NCRCF to do a few quests for the Powder Gangers,




Willow decided to have a little fun with one of the NCR troopers before I killed them all.



I had a bottle of absinthe on my way out of the NCRCF after a dozen or so Powder Gangers had their way with me, this is what it looked like.




Courtesy of one of my favourite mods, Drugs Are Bad Mmkay. That mod works surprisingly well with the drugs from BrutalRapers.

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or a more interesting dogsex mod?


Not sure what you mean by this but they are just new animations not a mod they where added to sexout.esm directly to test in game.



the archive is a movie clip showing the animation in game. Nothing more. you need programm like media player or videolan to view correctly.

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I can't believe that 1) I missed this thread and 2) this thread hasn't seen more action!


I'm shocked and disappointed in all of you :(


So to follow in Loogies fine example, allow me to reintroduce my current character Koko, the Mohave Nympho


If activity picks up we'll see about posting more later.


hey so is this mod for pc or xbox 360??

thank you!

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So here we are again. This update won't be of Koko however. There is no cause for alarm though, Koko just needed a bit of a break after her time up in Jacobstown. (Which 1)wasn't as eventful as I'd had hoped and 2) I broke her save game with the addition of a new mod, but I fixed it.)


In the meantime, I've grabbed my bubbly twin spitfires Candy and Kitty by the asses and finally got them moving in game. You've been introduced to the twins in one of my earlier posts, but Candy had red hair. I since changed her to blonde to better match Kitty's look. And yes, its the same Kitty I use in Koko's game.


Originally this "Dirty Pair" was going to be the party girl group. I was planning on having as many female companions as possible and just zerg everything. The Twins, Sunny, Veronica, Cass and any other female groupie companion I can find. I figured the group would be at least 6 strong plus the dog. Obviously that might be a pain in the ass to keep under control, so for now the twins are just going to keep the company of each other.... they're tight like that ;)


Sadly, no real story telling like I do with Koko. The Twin's pics are sort of scattered. If they become a fan favorite like Koko has, I'll take more care when it comes to screen shooting these two. For now, some early game randomness. Enjoy!



The Twins Candy and Kitty are not Loli. They are using an unmodified Type 3 Alice or Cali body with a player scale of .99. I used a young looking race because the girls are supposed to be at that 18-19 age, but the standard races make them look way too old even at the youngest settings. So. When in doubt... note the tits and hips. Underage Lolis don't have tits and hips :@ 





With no real way to repay Doc for him medical attention, Candy suggests an alternative payment method. Only if all Healthcare worked like this....







After Doc deposited his own payment into Candy's ass for services rendered, he suggested to speak with Sunny over in the saloon. This is about when the Twins noticed that they'd fit right in with the locals.







The saloon owner, Trudy, take particular pride in making sure her patrons are properly entertained and have something to look at while throwing back some homemade moonshine.







After proper introductions and small chat about big tits, the girls learn of a situation town and are sent to fetch some equipment from some prominent community members.  Sunny is easy and jumped right on board, but Chet, the local shopkeeper, required a bit of negotiation. Thankfully he was open to the same alternative payment method Doc was interested in.







Things went off without a hitch, until the Twins ran into old Easy Pete. Be it senility, incompetence or the guile cunning of an old man, Easy Pete proved to be anything but easy and the girls spent the better part of their afternoon searching for his dynamite. The only thing he seemed to find though was his stash of Viagra.








This is where things get random and jump around.


After the ordeal at Goodsprings was cleaned up, life went back to normal and the Twins felt it was a good time to head out and explore. It wasn't long before the girls learned that the desert was filled with interesting locales.




Kitty: Wow look at that!! Want to head over there and check it out?

Candy: Hmm, yea, defiantly. :heart:

Kitty: Good I... wait.. huh? We talking about the memorial right?

Candy: Oh. No. There is a small abandoned shack off the left there that looks like the perfect place for the two of us to keep each other warm ;)

Kitty: Sis.... its hot as fuck out here... and you want to crawl into a small, metal shack to make out?

Candy: :P

Kitty: Why do I put up with you?

Candy: Because you're as horny as I am?

Kitty: (sighs heavily) Fiiiiiiiiiiiiine.

Candy: :wub:







Well you know what they say.

Sisters who stay together...



....play together










The Twins find themselves in Primm where the fun continues.


Candy: I don't care what the robot wants, just watch for his wife damnit.







So that's it for the Twins at the moment. Next time when the Twins return, we'll see more of this....







And some of this maybe?




Candy: I don't know what I just found.. but it cant be good....well.. maybe?  No.. no can't be good. She's in a coma.





Koko will make her return to her regularly scheduled ass-fuckery in my next update. I got that little mod problem fixed. I tried a mod that allowed Marcus to become a follower. I figured it would be fitting after "Koko Does Jacobstown", but it was acting funny and he isn't detected as a valid Sexout partner, so it was sort of pointless.


Until next time! Like it if you do. Its the only reason I bother doing these.

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