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Well, I know the game just came out, but are there or will there be any mods out for it? It's multi-player, so my hopes aren't all that high, but a nude mod is always guaranteed for every game on PC, so here is a wonderful place to post them! Haven't even played it yet, but I'm gonna do so right now. I'll get the ball rolling with a graphics improvement program. I would call it a mod, but program seems more appropriate in this case. From what I've read, this can used on other games that use DirectX. Here you go:


Enjoy! :)  If I find other mods before you do, I'll post those here as well, but feel free to post your own here ,too.

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I am playing Defiance myself, but I have to say that I kind of have mixed feelings about that game. Like TallTailless I am not that big fan of MMOs, still I let me talk into buying it.


The Gameplay is not like any other MMOs or RPGs I ever played; the fact, that you only get small benefits by leveling up. The higher grade weapons for example just get some small improvements, but you get your weapons stronger by adding mods and simply playing with them. Also collecting weapons feels kinda like Borderlands.


Now to the things I don't like: Most quests are simply "clear the area out and save some guys". And most Arcfalls tend to become boring, because you have to do the same thing (surviving waves or destroying crystals) over and over again until finaly a big ass boss appears. Mostly you only got to pull your trigger and tumble a bit during the bossfight. Searching for ammo is the only thing that is kind of troubleing.

The TV-series I'd honestly like to watch, unfortunatly it's only in paytv in my country atm. , so I'll have to wait until I probably don't even want to see it anymore. Yay!


Well, these are my impressions after playing it about a week; there are still some things I haven't tried yet, PvP for example. Not sure if and when I'll take a look on that.


All in all I'd say that 50€/$ aren't worth the game. Got it for 33, and that seems to be a better price for it.


PS: Well, I think I have to try that program you found, too.

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Same here.

Currently Lev/Ego 1160 and kinda getting bored, quests are repetitive same for races and arkfalls (and some of them broken after new patch ) but game is still fun to play as 3-rd person shooter in borderlands theme also  you barely can feel it's mmo which kinda sucks since interface and chat in this game is so far the worst I ever seen lol.



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Well for sure there will be no mods because they ban anyone using 3-rd party programs (some people claim they got banned for using SweetFX )

Game is quite fun and have lot of things to do if you achiv whore :P

I finnaly manage to get my reward for all time trials gold rank :D









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Yep wait a bit till price goes down since now after new patch (around 4GB ) game is bugged as hell.



I only encountered a small bug before the patch; a quest didn't started emidiatly after I accepted it. But now: After starting the whole storry again, the "hellbugs" came. For example the mission on that mutant's sniper mountain didn't even started and the door in the base where the first big mutant appears was open; I even could see behind the map and walk out of it.

Best bugfixes ever.

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I already had problem with 2 quest with the same issue.


1.Project Aegis Part 1 turrets that you have to enable are in the middle on HORDES of enemies but even worse they are already enable lol.

I took me like 1h to find proper way to "enable" them ( via trials and errors )


2.Some quests with collecting some junk scrap 3/4 items no problem but last item took AGES to collect because there was no option to pick it up. Finnaly after running around this item for like 10 min and randomly pressing E my character finnaly pick up the item.



But that's just tip of the iceberg.



"Known Issues for Patch 1.010"



Already 42 pages....

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Whoa, easy guys! I didn't make the game, the patch, or SweetFX lol. I gotta admit, I'm surprised your all having so many bugs. I've yet to find 1. Am I just lucky? I'm anything but lucky, so I suppose I have bugs to look forward to. I've seen the 1st episode of the show, and the game appears to take place right after it. Very weird, since the game came out 1st. Could be wrong, but it seems that way. @HanPL, I sure hope your wrong about people getting banned for using SweetFX. The last thing I wanna do is get people banned by giving them this "mod". In this case, getting banned means you can't play the game at all, since there appears to be no 1 player campaign. That sucks an ass! Anyway, I do have a question: How the heck do you quit the game? Save? Also, I always use a gaming controller if I can, but this game appears to require you to use both the controller AND the keyboard at the same time, so I guess my question is...WTF? But this no quitting stuff is pretty damn rough. I read the puny little manual (bought the disk) and checked all of the in game options, but nothing mentioned quitting or saving at all. I just used CTRL+ALT+DEL and logged off of my computer after a while. Any help there? It's pretty annoying. Also, I noticed I was still taking damage in my "pause" menu. Say it ain't so! AND, when you buy an upgrade for the group, who gets it? I see people everywhere, so I don't know who's even in my group.

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"How the heck do you quit the game?"


Go into your inventory, leadoutmenu or anything like that. Then you'll have to press and hold space; on the top right corner you can exit the game now. You don't have to save by yourself.


"Also, I noticed I was still taking damage in my "pause" menu. Say it ain't so!"


Sorry to tell you, but that's how it is. Since it's a MMO after all, you can't pause the game, just like in any other multiplayer game.


"AND, when you buy an upgrade for the group, who gets it? I see people everywhere, so I don't know who's even in my group."


Normaly people are only in your group when you invite them. Probably they are in your group to, when you play PvP or coop. Everyone in your group should get it.



I honestly was disapointed by San Fran. when I first entered it. I hoped to fight in a destroyed city, much like the ruins of the capital in Fallout 3. And if I don't get my hands on a sweet ass LMG, I'll eat my mousepad. The only LMGs I found yet were pretty much a joke. And I don't like one of my two beloved weapon types to be a joke;)

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Thanks, Thulas  B). Probably wouldn't have figured out how to save on my own, at least not anytime soon. I've only played the normal game. Not PvP or anything yet. Sick of working so damn much! I wanna play this game already, but putting in 24 hrs in 2 days leaves like 0 time to do anything but sleep, and it's like an hour drive to work! Grrrr...anyway, it sucks to hear that no mods will be made for this game, but I suppose playing PvP would certainly suck ass if they had mod weapons and armor and stuff. Not really the kind of mods I was looking for anyway, but walking around with a naked chick would probably get me kicked right out. You can't exactly hide a mod like that. I, however, would approve of it greatly  ^_^! Maybe I'll be surprised and find a mod sometime (or not). If I do, I'll just put here in the thread and post a warning that a ban could be in the future of anyone who uses it. You think Trion will come up with their own mods, or is that only likely on 1 player games?


Edit: Whoops! Sorry HanPL. Somehow missed your post, so thank you too :huh:! Didn't wanna thank just Thulas when you also answered my question. lol (I suck at forums)

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I quess they will release some DLCs as the storry procedes in the series. Probably they will add some weapons to the shop, so you can pay to win. I for myself won't buy anything like that since most outfits (the only interesting thing for me there) are simple retextured versions of outfits you can get via achievments.


Well, I somehow understand why you want some...lets call it "revealing" "outfits". But I am satisfied with the ones that are already in the game, so dont expect me to help you looking for these peaces of allmoust nothing ;)


Don't forget to thank HanPL, btw. , he gave you the same tip, just much shorter.^^

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 But I am satisfied with the ones that are already in the game, so dont expect me to help you looking for these peaces of allmoust nothing  ;)

Dammit! lol Okay, fine... Actually what I was thinking about was more along the lines of modding the outfits that the story NPCs wear. Says "sexual themes" in the content, so I can only assume (no time to play it yet) you get the hookup in some way, or at least find some hot ass chicks or something, so modding their clothes wouldn't hurt anyone. Nobody else would be able to see it, cause it's a cutscene. PCs don't get to see other people's cutscenes, so...yeah, get 'em all naked. Sounds good to me ! :P!

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The only "sexual" thing I entcountered was von Bachs chouvinism and some indicators that Cass Duncar might be a slut. Or atleast it's said that she had many lovers.


And hooking up or getting hooked up? Well, the atmosphere is strange enough since your charakter doesn't even conversate. That would make a cutscene involving an "entcounter" quite strange. Still would be interesting, even more if they add a dialog to the player.


One thing that I really miss btw. is the good old barber. I'd bet my ass that they'll create new options for charakter creation just as they want to add new playable races someday. And then starting at Ego 1 again? No, thanks.

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Btw anyone playing on Europe servers ? :D



I am from Germany, so no, ofc. I don't play on the european servers. That would be stupid as hell.


Well if you as an achievementwhore need someone to get social, then here's the deal: give me a god damn LMG that is worth the trouble. Well, or don't.

Now, what's in there for me, HanPL? ;)

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Well all my weapons are lev 1300-1400 so that might be a problem :D

Also someone with Dodge Challenger or other 2 person vehicle woud be nice to get all the achiv from Roller License since only thing left for me is to ride as passager xD








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Well, I have an orange Dodge. The one that was on sale for 500 scribs.


1400 Ego? I am only 424; not sure if I mentioned it already, but now I have it for sure. Being an achievmentwhore seems to be good for your EGO ;)


Driving you around probably gonna take some time. About 5 minutes maybe; way too much time for me to waste on not getting an LMG:D
Well, still could drive you around a bit.

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Yea I'm trying to do everything possible so Ego levs rise up pretty quickly but I'm more focused on leveling my weapon skills and hoarding cash :P

I'm curious if it would be possible for me to drive you to San Francisco if you didn't make the main story line quest :D (Since you probably saw what's guarding the bride  :D )

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Yea I'm trying to do everything possible so Ego levs rise up pretty quickly but I'm more focused on leveling my weapon skills and hoarding cash :P

I'm curious if it would be possible for me to drive you to San Francisco if you didn't make the main story line quest :D (Since you probably saw what's guarding the bride  :D )



I didn't even enjoyed being in San Fran. The only thing that differed it from the rest of the map was the grey colour. I better hope the second time I do the storry doesn't bores me like the first one. But there might be no hope for that.^^



There are some things I don't really get yet; what is that arcsalvage for? Can I only buy these lockboxes witch the keys? And how do I get the specific currency, like these VBI-points. Or whatever they are called.

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