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 LMAO! Thought Thulas would get a kick outta that as it now gives ground for more shit talk. :sleepy:


Dude, seriously? :D


And yes, we are all here for the porn, aren't we? Foodporn for ever! ;)


There should be some official new races, or atleast they wanted to add some.

But what do you mean with the side mission?

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Well, simple missions like find and rescue missions, for example. A person waits for you and then, bam! You get there to find one of the more impressive bosses waiting for you! After you kill the boss and it's horde, safely take the person to a camp...or something. Eventually, modding for this travesty could get as deep as getting said "person" onto your ATV or into your car and driving them to safety. Sounds pretty cool to me. B)


Edit! Wouldn't it be cool to drive-by kill people!? Maybe rig your ride with explosives and leap out at top speed while aiming your vehicular bomb at a crowd of hated mofuckas?

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Well, simple missions like find and rescue missions, for example. A person waits for you and then, bam! You get there to find one of the more impressive bosses waiting for you! After you kill the boss and it's horde, safely take the person to a camp...or something. Eventually, modding for this travesty could get as deep as getting said "person" onto your ATV or into your car and driving them to safety. Sounds pretty cool to me. B)


Edit! Wouldn't it be cool to drive-by kill people!? Maybe rig your ride with explosives and leap out at top speed while aiming your vehicular bomb at a crowd of hated mofuckas?


You can overrun the mobs with your car. But other players would be kind of stupid, because there would be many trolls that wouldn't do anything but driving around and kill other players.


Well, there are some rescue missions already. When you drive around you may find some farms where you can fend of some waves from time to time to safe the farmers or you have to free hostages. Not the same, but it's the same direction.

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You can kill players with cars. But for now only in shadow wars.


Which are infested with hacking sons of bitches, right?

I honestly haven't even looked if any updates were made in the last days. I work on a project instead which hopefully turn out as I want. Gonna be a lot of work, so I doubt that I will play much, atleast if I don't have to cancel it.

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Maybe a sexy-adventure DLC for AwfulArchdemon, he'd be really grateful for that. But I fear that there will be 20 bucks for a new race that is nothing more than a simple retexture of the human race. And then von Bach comes again, revealing that he is possesed by the matrix and emidietly gets your bullet to the had. Totally worth it... not.

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I really would like to see DLC containing new city like in Defiance episode 2 (old St. Louis ) this would be perfect for Defiance theme and for this is how San Fran should look like.








Damn, looking good. That's what I expected to see in Defiance in the first place.


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Now your talking! I would indeed like to see old St. Louis in the game. That place holds many fun PvP opportunities. I'd prefer it not to be limited to PvP, but I kinda doubt they'll have it in both 1 p and MP. Just a feeling. This isn't ME 3, afterall (not even close, but comparing games to ME is not fair to other games. It still reigns supreme).

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Hahah true.

I started to play Anomaly Warzone to farm achivs :P  And I'm more anticipating for new episode of Defiance to come out than game DLC lol. I think I will get back to Defiance when they will fix most of the problems (reloading glitch....) and add some new content since for now there really nothing for me to do there than leveling weapon skills and Ego level.


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I started to play Anomaly Warzone to farm achivs :P


That's how I know you :D


I wonder if I'd be still playing Defiance if I had found an usable LMG; or atleast one, that looks like one and isn't a bad assaultrifle with 15 rounds more in each magazine. Seriously, this wonderful type of weaponary is quite the joke in Defiance.

Well, probably I'd only had played a few days longer.

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For most time I was using the Bolt Sniper Rifle + Pump up Shotgun, but whole weapon leveling system is a joke.

Let's say you found uber weapon you level it up (max exp ) and now this weapon is basically usless since you won't get any more exp to your weapon skill so you have to start using some other weapon from the same category if you want to raise weapon skill.


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You can still use it but you won't get anymore exp to overall skill weapon.

So if you let's say use Pistols you maxed out exp on your current weapon you have to use new pistol with (0/xxxxxx exp ) if you want to raise your Pistol skill level.


Really don't know who thought that was good idea -_-

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Man, even if someone did make mods for Defiance, I'd had an awfully hard time finding them. Every engine tells me about the standard weapon mods. They're all over the web. What a pain. Why must they be called weapon "mods"? lol Still tryin. Doubt I'll find shit, but still tryin.

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Sniperscopes overall seems to ruin most of the non sniper weapons since what use do you have from machine gun when you have to use scope to fire lol.

Good luck with that on pvp


I needed to learn first how to use these kind of scopes (in BO2) and now I'm quite good with them. But still their zoom is too high, because eather you are way too close on your target or you miss 50% of your shots because the recoil pumps your aim into the air. And in Defiance it's just the same.


Best. Weaponmod. Ever.

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