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Overpopulation and how to stop it


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Hitler and the Reich had very good ideas on controlling population...

Romans had more nice ideas... they use something called The Arena, where people fought to the death for masses' amusement


Now seriously, theres almost nothing human that could be done. Every possible solution involves left brain insensitive thinking. Practical mind. Does not care for humanism. Practical does whatever it takes to survive. Not humanist at all. Could end badly


Thankfully we can always rely on Nature to maintain balance and make the hard decitions for us. Eathquakes, Meteorites, Tsunamis, Plague... take your pick


The only human things that could be done

Education. Education in sexual habits and behavior. Teaching ways to live a healthy sex life. A better educated population does not fuck like beasts and aim at everything that moves, but prefer a quiet natural sex life

Incentives. Monetary ones for a life of stability



Prosperity is the biggest anathema to overpopulation - the richer and more educated people become, the less children they have, and the older they are when they do. A common phenomenon across much of the Western world, as it has also been among the richer classes of society, and this is something that has historically transcended both time and societies everywhere. The poor - farmers, peasants, manual labourers and workers tend to have more children. Just look at developing countries, south and southeast Asia, etc.


Ergo, to kill two birds with one stone - aim for prosperity. The rest solves itself. 


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Since when is overpopulation a problem? I mean, if a warlord in Africa confiscates his people's food are we saying there's starvation based on overpopulation? Or is 'overpopulation' just another political buzzword? I live in the southern USA and hell if its just as underpopulated as it gets. Drive on the interstates for hours with no civilization (aside from gas stations at some exits) or fly over to see hundreds of thousands of square miles of forest, Forest, FOREST.


I think when people are talking about overpopulation, what they're really talking about is population CONTROL. Authoritarians are all the same.

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Most people in the first world think there isn't a population problem. They don't realize how much they import from other, less rich countries to sustain their lifestyle. If the entire world was first world level of comfort and current consumption, there would be massive famine and drought because there's no way the Earth alone could support nearly 10 billion people that way. There;'s no way the economy could, for that matter.

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How to stop overpopulation? Continue to live in a consumer-orientated society. The way things are in the west, I give it fifty years before everything collapses into total anarchy.


Or poison the water for immediate results.


See, I don't understand the whole "That's awful! You're horrible" attitude towards the culling of humans. Homo Sapiens have done it to practically every frikin' species on the planet. 'Tis only fair we get our turn. We drove wolves to extinction (By we, I mean my scottish ancestors. Ah'm a scot) because they enroached on our land and roads.

Now, humans have burst into the habitat of species that were once plentiful; the result being that the same species is near extinction.

We need a mass-purge.



...Though, to be totally honest, my preffered method would be alien invasion. I want Mars Attacks to be real, dammit!

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@Fat Kyubey Actually china alone could produce enough food to feed 1 maybe even 2 billion people. The thing is, not only dose some 50% of all food produced get wasted (due to human greed and wastefulness) but the amount of food produced is not even 20% of what it could be. 


The sad fact is if we did not wast so much food, did not do stupid things like hunt animals to extinction for there tongs and hides (*hint hint* the buffalo) or spill 1.3 million gallons of oil into the sea there would be enough food for everyone and them some.


But humans are not smart enough to figure that out and the none humans don't give a damn...

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Ban the porn.

:angry:  :@  :angry:  :@  How dare you incite such blasphemy!!!!!  :@  :angry:  :@  :angry:


There's really no ethical way to prevent overpopulation except for doing what China did with the 1 child policy. Or we could just watch as the world goes further into shit, the earth reaches its carrying capacity and the poor die of starvation. Since I'm middle/upper class in a country with an abundance of resources and very little population vs landmass, I'm pretty much set for my lifetime. So screw everyone else I'll just gorge on my abundance of food and get fat on my greed while the poor and less fortunate cry. Then I'll drink their tears and... wait where was I?

Oh right, we're pretty much screwed.  :sleepy:

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I would prefer if we had the ability to build cities underwater or get to outer space before everything goes to shit, but then I would be asking for a miracle because all the people in charge of planning and resource management don't seem to give a damn about people on this rock as a whole anyway. I don't blame them, there are people that should stay here for their own and other peoples safety or to prevent waste of resources. We wouldn't have to reduce the population if we could just get off this marble. I hope we can be like the terran empire or the imperium of man someday so we don't destroy ourselves or everything on the planet because of squabbles. Give us the chance to become the glorious united empire of mankind so we can then go out and conquer or overpopulate the rest of the galaxy or universe.


Here's to hoping that the people in the future will have a cooperative goal like this in mind because it seems like no one right now  takes it seriously or is able get enough people interested in another space race.


Woot Woot


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Man you could cut the misanthropy levels here with a knife.

I'm often amused at how the first solution that comes to the mind of many to solve overpopulation is "cull everybody except me and those I care about".


Wishing for a virus to solve our population problems is as ridiculous as wishing for lions to be released in every major population center. After all, predators are "nature's population control" too.

I'm sorry but this kind of pseudo hippie "nature has a plan" horeshit is what allows crap like The Happening to pollute our culture.

I hate to break it to some, but humanity is not an alien species, we are just as much a part of nature as a tree or a termite. Our overpopulation is both a testament to and the curse of the success of our species within nature. Thus we can't expect "nature" to somehow weed us out with a supervirus or plant c'thulu or whatever, we're here to stay.


Anyway, the best way to stop people from excessive breeding is education and protection, something which much of the third world still lacks due to poverty and certain organizations with their own agenda of spreading ignorance.

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It's simple:


All out Nuclear War. There are enough Nuclear weapons to completely wipe out all life on earth, and then some. But that all comes down to every Nuclear Power launching everything they have.


People overestimate nuclear weapons capabilities, could they destroy the modern world as we know it? Yes, but wiping out all life on Earth is absurd.

There were more than a thousand nuclear tests done in the last 60 years and we are still here, even if all the world nukes were used at once which they wouldn't because any country would quickly lose its logistical ability to do so, we would at worst get a nuclear winter for a couple of years.

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Ive been working on this deadly zombie virus...

Its still experimental, but I think it could do the trick....

Anyone interested?


C'me on!!


Don't need a virus for zombification. Just develop subliminal control messaging for cell phones, MP3 players, and 'social' media devices, flood Twitter and all the rest with the same MO, and watch as your messages 'zombify' millions into apathetic, highly suggestible drones. Make them eager to serve, and you'll have your own army, workforce, and sex servitors, ready to do whatever you ask of them (hint: to keep them servile, use words like Synergy and other corporate 'L33T 5p3ak', tell everyone 'we' are 'moving/going forward' a lot, and your minions will brainwash themselves).

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I really think sexy androids is the way to go about reducing overpopulation. They could come in various forms. You could even model one of your body to sell for a hefty price. Any android like the one in Mezzo Forte that can take so many loads could stop wars for all we know.

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Only WAR progresses humanity like no other.


WAR promotes survival

WAR gets rid of Stupidity 

WAR improves economies.

WAR advances technology

WAR allocates economics wisely to things that matter (fuck your FB updates and click to help African children)

ergo WAR will take us where no man/woman has been before , other planets and shit like that.



ok I am done. :P

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I really think sexy androids is the way to go about reducing overpopulation. They could come in various forms. You could even model one of your body to sell for a hefty price. Any android like the one in Mezzo Forte that can take so many loads could stop wars for all we know.




I'll take a KOS-MOS, please.









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