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"What mod is this?" and Adult requests

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Not sure if there are any blogs that have any TGND there are some on LL there are some on the nexus as well. These 2 links are links to TGND conversions that I did. http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/1088-outfits-and-armors/ - http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/451-mabinogi/ 


Nessa also has a bunch TGND outfits. http://www.loverslab.com/user/99-nessa/

Maybe someone will come here and tell us. :) I found a few outside of nexus, but not ran into those what you linked. Thanks!

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Not actually an adult request, more like a question, Are there any mods that increase ALL weapon attack speeds? I don't like how long it takes a sword to swing, or maybe there is a console command?


Weapon speeds are part of the item's base stats. There are no console commands available to increase your own speed, and the best way you could alter attackspeed for the player exclusively is via a script that swaps out the weapon for an alternative one whenever it's added to the player, then swaps it back when it's removed from the player's inventory (like the DMRA player-only replacer).


If you're looking to increase the speed for everyone, then that's much easier (just alter the base weapon records to increase the number by as much as you'd like).


I believe attackspeed is capped at a certain number, but it shouldn't be relevant if you don't want something silly like ten attacks per second.



Isn't this how MOBS and its variants (OMOBS for OOO, for instance) work? They surely change weapon stats like damage and durability, perhaps also attack speed. Inspecting an esp could reveal this information. Aside from that, I think that increasing attributes and actor values like Strenght, Agility and Fatigue could have an impact on the actual attack speed.

Lightweight weapons in general (daggers, shortwords...) are faster but deliver less damage. Quest Item weapons (Honorblade of Chorrol, Umbra, OOO's Light of Dawn) are zero weight, so in theory they should allow faster strikes AND higher damage.

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HI, could you help me to create a list of mod with this: player kidnapping; Survey of sexual adventures; escape or die; or another situations where you need to escape or run away from dungeons, prisons, etc.?


For example:


Damsel in distrees - (good but the prisoner is free and not chained)

player slave encounters

shivering isles

chain best

secret santuary

kendo girl

lovers dark lesson







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@ hellgate95 - I believe it was a private release and never made public.



I don't think it was private as doing a reverse search of the picture leads to a site with a mediafire download but the link leads to a Invalid or Deleted File page. http://danlamgame.net/threads/20885-the-elder-scrolls-iv-oblivion-ban-luan-hoi-dap-ve-moi-thu-tap-5.html/page19 



I remember reading a post on Nexus forums about it and another set as being private.


That mediafire link needs a DL key added as part of the URL, it's not actually dead. So I get a sense it is a private share only.


Thanks for the informations. :D

It's really a nice armor, but sadly I couldn't get my hand on it :|

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