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Trails of Cold Steel 3 (Mod Request)

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Musse underwear mod


I was inspired by @fakecheng's excellent underwear mods for Juna and made some similar pkg files for Musse that combine her Coquettish Blue swimsuit with sexy boots:




Files are here.


Also, @PepeLordd, I will probably not know when I am “done” until I have stopped playing the games. I am enjoying modding as I play and am sharing things as I make them. However, I added a compressed file with a bunch of stuff to that post. Enjoy!

Edited by NotAZebra
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I added some updates:

  • 3dmigoto files to port nude mods from @lakovic into CS3 and allow switching between nude and shortened towel with F7
  • pkg files with shortened skirts for more minor characters (Ada, Annabelle, Dorothee, and more)
  • Alisa with a short skirt and slightly unzipped top
  • Probably some other stuff I forgot

Files are here.

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19 minutes ago, amorrow28 said:

You own this thread! Where is all this skill coming from??? ??

I think it mostly comes from ADHD making me unable to just play the game instead of trying every little design that comes to mind (and making me forget large chunks of the plot of CS3 so that I played it again). ?

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I’m such a tease. I forgot to add Fie to the archive file. Oops. It’s in there now, and I added

  • Short skirts for Sharon, Irina Reinford, and all Astraia NPCs
  • Altina’s school swimsuit with enlarged breasts
  • Alfin with nude top from @lakovic and lingerie on the bottom from @amorrow28 (versions with and without red bow included)

The Alfin model needs some work on the neck, but I can’t deprive you of this in the meantime:





Files are here.

Edited by NotAZebra
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On 11/24/2022 at 12:47 PM, Batmayn69 said:

Okay, I got Millium and Towa fixed using Asset injection Thank you @amorrow28for those instructions! Now I just wish there were nude models for all the miscellaneous students like Lenora and others lol


You can do this now!


To help you get started, I am attaching files for (my modified version of) lakovic’s nude model for Alfin. I have already mapped the bones (vertex groups) and joined the mesh to a mesh from Jessica (the hardest part). I am also including texture files (again, made by lakovic) and a file with the material json. For convenience, the files have the same folder structure as the output of ed8pkg2gltf.py. You could use these files to modify Jessica or any of the Thors characters that have the same bones (probably most of them, but I have not checked).



First, look over (and probably work through) the tutorial on making pkg files from @amorrow28. I do recommend starting with an easier application, but you can start with a nude mod if you want.


I am not going to explain everything in great detail because all of this is explained elsewhere. Here is the general procedure with specifics for using the included files:



Prepare files

Extract the model you want and decompile it following amorrow’s instructions.

Place the donor files into the corresponding recipient folder (meshes→meshes, etc.). The files in “shader files for C_CHR___” go into the build folder with a similar name.


Modify metadata.json


Add the material

The AlfinNude_material.json file contains json code that needs to go into the materials section of the recipient metadata.json file. The tutorial from amorrow describes this at the end under “Advanced”, but all you need to do is copy and paste into the right place:

  • Open both files (AlfinNude_material.json and the recipient’s metadata.json)
  • In AlfinNude_material.json, select all* (Ctrl + a) and then copy (Ctrl + c)
  • In metadata.json,
    • Scroll down a little to find "materials": {
    • Place your cursor right after the {
    • Paste what you copied from AlfinNude_material.json (Ctrl + v)

Select all instead of just the lines with code. The line break at the beginning of the AlfinNude_material.json will help keep your metadata.json file organized. However, the line break is not strictly required.


Add the texture files

Add 00.dds and 01.dds to the list of images at the top of metadata.json. amorrow’s tutorial explains how to do this, but the procedure is probably pretty obvious: copy and paste an existing image listing twice and then replace the file names with 00 and 01.


Test compilation

Follow amorrow’s instructions to compile the pkg file.


Modify meshes


If you just want a nude character, you can remove most of the files from the meshes folder. Check in Blender to see what each mesh is and remove the ones that you do not want to show up on the character (the clothes). You will see some meshes that cover many parts of the model and may look ugly or poorly made. These are for producing shadows, and you can probably ignore them until you are more skilled.


For a nude mod, your main concern is getting the donor body to line up with the recipient head. amorrow has a tutorial that covers this, as well. You will almost certainly need to scale the body. Jessica may be taller than Alfin, for example (I scaled the model to be close to the right size, but there is still some adjustment needed). Then the head and body meshes may overlap, so you will need to remove some overlapping vertices (if so, I recommend removing vertices from the head that under the chin).


Fix colors

I struggle with this part. There are differences in skin tone, and the abrupt change at the neck or head may be obvious (especially for Leonora). One thing that helps make this less obvious is having the seem under the chin rather than on the neck. However, to fix the problem, you will need to modify texture files to change the colors (or maybe change the shader in some way I know nothing about).


Compile when done


Edited by NotAZebra
Forgot the shader files
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On 3/16/2023 at 7:55 PM, NotAZebra said:

Shortened skirts and other sexy mods for CS3

pkg Files

CS3_NotAZebra_1.07.7z ← Laura topless with shorts or skirt and grown-up Millium

CS3_NotAZebra_1.06.7z ← More Astraia NPCs, Sharon, Irina, and topless Alfin (and did not forget Fie)

CS3_NotAZebra_1.05.7z ← Added Patiry, Bennet, Astraia NPCs (but forgot Fie)

CS3_NotAZebra_1.04.7z ← Added busty Fie

CS3_NotAZebra_1.03.7z ← Added underwear-like mods for Musse

CS3_NotAZebra_1.02.7z ← Added Rosine, Linde, and a few from Thors branch

CS3_NotAZebra_1.01.7z ← Added Emma, Sara, Maya, Leonora

These go in data/asset/D3D11_us (main game costumes) or data/dlc/asset/D3D11 (DLC costumes).


3dmigoto files

  • Ports the nude mods from @lakovic into CS3 for characters with towels.
  • Enables pressing F7 to switch between shortened towel/microdress mods and nude mods
  • Allows easily changing towel colors by uncommenting the appropriate texture file line
  • You must use my shortened towel pkg files for these to work
  • These files go in bin/x64
  • I think I got all the required files, but I have done no testing on whether the files I included are sufficient  (although they do work with how my system is currently set up)
  • Some of the included nude model files were modified by me, but you could swap them with the original models from @lakovic

Bathing_MicroNudeSwap.7z 23.7 MB · 183 downloads


Shortened towels list

  Reveal hidden contents
  • Juna
  • Musse
  • Altina
  • Aurelia
  • Tita
  • Elise


Shortened skirts list

  Reveal hidden contents
  • Ada
  • Alisa
  • Annabelle
  • Aurier (boots don’t match well)
  • Claire
  • Dorothee
  • Emma
  • Ferris (pretty bad)
  • Irina Reinford
  • Linde
  • Musse (Astraia only)
  • Rosine
  • Sara (switched to blue Thors skirt)
  • Sharon
  • Thors Branch (all?)
  • Minor NPCs
    • Cornette and similar
    • Gina and similar
    • Linley and similar
    • Sabrina and similar (needs better leg texture)
    • Patiry and other receptionists in yellow
    • Astraia girls (all?)
    • Bennet



  Reveal hidden contents
  • Sara with blue Thors skirt and reshaped butt
  • Emma with shirt dress
  • Musse’s Coquettish Blue in red with boots
  • Musse’s Thors uniform without shirt or skirt
  • Arianrhod without armor
  • Slight alterations to a few of fakecheng’s Juna underwear mods
  • Alisa’s top slightly unzipped and short skirt
  • Sexy, busty Fie
  • Topless Alfin
  • Laura
    • Noel’s shorts and topless
    • Noel’s shorts and no shirt under jacket
    • Crossbell Cheer skirt (5 colors) and topless
  • Millium grown up (or “out”, really)
    • Topless
    • 5 options for tops with cleavage




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Alfin topless. The nude top is from @lakovic, and the leg texture is from @amorrow28. Butt, stomach, and breasts substantially reshaped by me (sorry if you wanted her thick).

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Thors branch

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Emma: Shirt dress with 6 options for cleavage:

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Toggle nude models from @lakovic and towel dress with 3dmigoto

  Reveal hidden contents



Laura's shorts and jacket option is just not there, the folder is empty, and Juna's portrait when talking, with the lloyd dlc with skirt edit is just her shoes, and when she levels up with that costume on its just a randomly placed shot. Love the Edits though!

Edited by FaxTM
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On 4/23/2023 at 10:04 PM, FaxTM said:

Laura's shorts and jacket option is just not there, the folder is empty, and Juna's portrait when talking, with the lloyd dlc with skirt edit is just her shoes, and when she levels up with that costume on its just a randomly placed shot. Love the Edits though!

Thanks for telling me! I don’t know if I will fix the bug with Juna because I have no idea what causes it, and it is just a minor annoyance for me. I fixed the omission of Laura.


Also added:

  • More options for boots for Laura
  • Laura in nothing but boots
  • Musse
    • Little black dress (Astraia) with the texture map fixed
    • Nothing but boots
    • Dress cloak with nothing underneath (2 options)
    • Kimono (just the skirt or the skirt with a crop top)
    • Casual clothes with the top removed (a bit weird)
    • Instructor swimsuit with flattened belly
  • Becky reshaped
  • Jessica nude
  • Linde topless
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1 hour ago, NotAZebra said:

Thanks for telling me! I don’t know if I will fix the bug with Juna because I have no idea what causes it, and it is just a minor annoyance for me. I fixed the omission of Laura.


Also added:

  • More options for boots for Laura
  • Laura in nothing but boots
  • Musse
    • Little black dress (Astraia) with the texture map fixed
    • Nothing but boots
    • Dress cloak with nothing underneath (2 options)
    • Kimono (just the skirt or the skirt with a crop top)
    • Casual clothes with the top removed (a bit weird)
    • Instructor swimsuit with flattened belly
  • Becky reshaped
  • Jessica nude
  • Linde topless

Yeah i just ignored the juna issue, looked to good in the edit to care enough. Thx for fixing the missing laura file. I've since beat 3 and have moved onto 4, so I'm curious, do these mods work with 4, and if not, do you intend to make them work?

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9 hours ago, NotAZebra said:

Thanks for telling me! I don’t know if I will fix the bug with Juna because I have no idea what causes it, and it is just a minor annoyance for me. I fixed the omission of Laura.


Also added:

  • More options for boots for Laura
  • Laura in nothing but boots
  • Musse
    • Little black dress (Astraia) with the texture map fixed
    • Nothing but boots
    • Dress cloak with nothing underneath (2 options)
    • Kimono (just the skirt or the skirt with a crop top)
    • Casual clothes with the top removed (a bit weird)
    • Instructor swimsuit with flattened belly
  • Becky reshaped
  • Jessica nude
  • Linde topless

I haven’t had a chance to look, but generally if there are feet in the dialogue box, the .inf file isn’t loading. Probably you ported CS4 costumes to CS3 and the asset tag is wrong?

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On 4/29/2023 at 12:40 AM, amorrow28 said:

I haven’t had a chance to look, but generally if there are feet in the dialogue box, the .inf file isn’t loading. Probably you ported CS4 costumes to CS3 and the asset tag is wrong?

It looks like the problem exists in the original files from @fakecheng. Can you say more about this “asset tag”?


Edited by NotAZebra
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New pkg files here. This is probably my final set of mods for CS3. (Edit: nope.)



  • Alisa
    • Topless in a tiny skirt
    • Topless and bno skirt
  • Juna: nude with Alisa’s boots (replaces Astraia costume)
  • Altina battle suit
    • Sexy and busty with wider hips
    • Topless with 4 options for briefs
  • Minor NPCs with short skirts:
    • Sabrina: improved textures (although someone with experience editing images could do much better)
    • New: Philly and similar

(Altina’s hands were fixed after these pictures)







Edited by NotAZebra
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10 hours ago, NotAZebra said:

It looks like the problem exists in the original files from @fakecheng. Can you say more about this “asset tag”?



Sorry, I actually mean the cluster data pointer (although the asset tag is also important, but if that is wrong it generally leads to the game crashing).  If you look at asset_D3D11.xml inside a .pkg file, it tells the game engine where to find all the resources.  Here is the first few lines of the xml file for Tita's .xml from CS4, for example:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
	<asset symbol="C_CHR027">
		<cluster path="data/D3D11/chr/chr/chr027/chr027.dae.phyre" type="p_collada" />
		<cluster path="data/D3D11/assetconv_temp/dds_dae/D3D11/chr011_c02_02_conv.dds.phyre" type="p_texture" />
		<cluster path="data/D3D11/assetconv_temp/dds_dae/D3D11/chr011_c02_02n_conv.dds.phyre" type="p_texture" />
		<cluster path="data/D3D11/assetconv_temp/dds_dae/D3D11/chr027_00_low_conv.dds.phyre" type="p_texture" />
		<cluster path="data/D3D11/assetconv_temp/dds_dae/D3D11/chr027_01_low_conv.dds.phyre" type="p_texture" />


You can see the asset tag has a attribute called symbol, and it's value is "C_CHR027" - this is how the game actually knows that the listed files belong to Tita's base model.  All the tags inside <asset></asset> therefore should be loaded for Tita.  The first cluster tag, with the type attribute "p_collada" is the model itself, in this case "data/D3D11/chr/chr/chr027/chr027.dae.phyre"


What is very strange about this game engine is that the path matters, even though inside the .pkg file there are no folders.  So the game is pretending that chr027.dae.phyre is in /{CS4 Steam Folder}/data/chr/chr/chr027/ and it will expect that the associated files will also be in that folder.  So chr027.inf must be in /{CS4 Steam Folder}/data/chr/chr/chr027/ and if you go into that folder in your CS4 installation, you will indeed find the .inf file there.


That file has a few things inside it, like tunable physics parameters.  But it also has mappings for locator nodes that the game uses to know where the various parts of the skeleton are, such as the face, hands, DLC attachment points, etc etc are.  The game uses this to know where the face is for the dialogue boxes.  So if the .inf file is missing, the feet appear instead of the face.


Why I'm guessing that you took a CS4 asset and moved it to CS3 is that this is happening with DLC for you.  Assuming that you are not editing the .xml file (which most modders should never touch - my script has been auto-writing that file since v2.1.2), then it's likely there is a discrepancy in the collada/inf path between games.  There are costumes in CS4 with .inf file in {CS4}/data/chr/chr/chr___ which may be in {CS3}/data/dlc/chr/chr/chr___ in CS3.  (and this will be an issue again in Reverie)


Anyways, this can be fixed in two ways.  The more definitive way to fix it (for modders) is to edit the xml and fix the data path.  My script will use the updated path when it rebuilds the xml, so that edit will not be lost.  The quickest way (for mod users) is to just copy the .inf file to the specified path.  So for that costume, copy the .inf file from /data/dlc/chr/chr/chr011 to /data/chr/chr/chr011 and Juna's face will once again show up.  (oh, and I have no idea which .inf file it is, I don't actually own the dlc in cs3, but you can just copy them all, there is no harm in extra .inf files)


PS - Some of you might notice that xml is modded.  It's what I had on hand...

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On 5/4/2023 at 10:02 AM, amorrow28 said:


Sorry, I actually mean the cluster data pointer (although the asset tag is also important, but if that is wrong it generally leads to the game crashing).  If you look at asset_D3D11.xml inside a .pkg file, it tells the game engine where to find all the resources.  Here is the first few lines of the xml file for Tita's .xml from CS4, for example:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
	<asset symbol="C_CHR027">
		<cluster path="data/D3D11/chr/chr/chr027/chr027.dae.phyre" type="p_collada" />
		<cluster path="data/D3D11/assetconv_temp/dds_dae/D3D11/chr011_c02_02_conv.dds.phyre" type="p_texture" />
		<cluster path="data/D3D11/assetconv_temp/dds_dae/D3D11/chr011_c02_02n_conv.dds.phyre" type="p_texture" />
		<cluster path="data/D3D11/assetconv_temp/dds_dae/D3D11/chr027_00_low_conv.dds.phyre" type="p_texture" />
		<cluster path="data/D3D11/assetconv_temp/dds_dae/D3D11/chr027_01_low_conv.dds.phyre" type="p_texture" />


You can see the asset tag has a attribute called symbol, and it's value is "C_CHR027" - this is how the game actually knows that the listed files belong to Tita's base model.  All the tags inside <asset></asset> therefore should be loaded for Tita.  The first cluster tag, with the type attribute "p_collada" is the model itself, in this case "data/D3D11/chr/chr/chr027/chr027.dae.phyre"


What is very strange about this game engine is that the path matters, even though inside the .pkg file there are no folders.  So the game is pretending that chr027.dae.phyre is in /{CS4 Steam Folder}/data/chr/chr/chr027/ and it will expect that the associated files will also be in that folder.  So chr027.inf must be in /{CS4 Steam Folder}/data/chr/chr/chr027/ and if you go into that folder in your CS4 installation, you will indeed find the .inf file there.


That file has a few things inside it, like tunable physics parameters.  But it also has mappings for locator nodes that the game uses to know where the various parts of the skeleton are, such as the face, hands, DLC attachment points, etc etc are.  The game uses this to know where the face is for the dialogue boxes.  So if the .inf file is missing, the feet appear instead of the face.


Why I'm guessing that you took a CS4 asset and moved it to CS3 is that this is happening with DLC for you.  Assuming that you are not editing the .xml file (which most modders should never touch - my script has been auto-writing that file since v2.1.2), then it's likely there is a discrepancy in the collada/inf path between games.  There are costumes in CS4 with .inf file in {CS4}/data/chr/chr/chr___ which may be in {CS3}/data/dlc/chr/chr/chr___ in CS3.  (and this will be an issue again in Reverie)


Anyways, this can be fixed in two ways.  The more definitive way to fix it (for modders) is to edit the xml and fix the data path.  My script will use the updated path when it rebuilds the xml, so that edit will not be lost.  The quickest way (for mod users) is to just copy the .inf file to the specified path.  So for that costume, copy the .inf file from /data/dlc/chr/chr/chr011 to /data/chr/chr/chr011 and Juna's face will once again show up.  (oh, and I have no idea which .inf file it is, I don't actually own the dlc in cs3, but you can just copy them all, there is no harm in extra .inf files)


PS - Some of you might notice that xml is modded.  It's what I had on hand...

Thanks! Problem solved (and quite easily, too). Of course, I only fixed the one DLC model from @amorrow28 that I modified.




Files with the bug fix uploaded here.


I also added three options for Juna’s apron costume:

  • nude with boots
  • nude with boots and apron
  • nude with boots and just the top of the apron (like a shirt)



Edited by NotAZebra
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I would like to have oddly specifc request.


Could I ask for a save file of ToC III during Chapter 1 on day 4/21 (Before you meet Laura), and during Chapter 2 on day 5/20 (Before you meet Alisa)? Preferrably with vanilla game.


Sorry for oddly specific request. I would like to check the cutscenes with the mods applied.

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10 hours ago, ddtddt said:

I would like to have oddly specifc request.


Could I ask for a save file of ToC III during Chapter 1 on day 4/21 (Before you meet Laura), and during Chapter 2 on day 5/20 (Before you meet Alisa)? Preferrably with vanilla game.


Sorry for oddly specific request. I would like to check the cutscenes with the mods applied.

Have you beaten the game? You can use the debug save to see any cutscene in the game.

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On 3/17/2023 at 7:55 AM, NotAZebra said:

Sexy mods for CS3


pkg Files

  • CS3_NotAZebra_1.11.7z ← Fixed Juna underwear bug and added Juna nude with apron shirt
  • CS3_NotAZebra_1.10.7z ← Juna nude in Thors boots and nude with apron
  • CS3_NotAZebra_1.09.7z ← Alisa nude, Juna nude, Altina grown out and nude, a couple minor NPCs with short skirts
  • CS3_NotAZebra_1.08.7z ← Fixed Musse’s little black dress texture, nude Musse in boots, nude Laura in boots, topless Linde, topless or nude Jessica in boots, Becky reshaped
  • 1.07 ← Laura topless with shorts or skirt and grown-up Millium
  • 1.06 ← More Astraia NPCs, Sharon, Irina, and topless Alfin (and did not forget Fie)
  • 1.05 ← Added Patiry, Bennet, Astraia NPCs (but forgot Fie)
  • 1.04 ← Added busty Fie
  • 1.03 ← Added underwear-like mods for Musse
  • 1.02 ← Added Rosine, Linde, and a few from Thors branch
  • 1.01 ← Added Emma, Sara, Maya, Leonora

These go in data/asset/D3D11_us (main game costumes) or data/dlc/asset/D3D11 (DLC costumes).


3dmigoto files

  • Ports the nude mods from @lakovic into CS3 for characters with towels.
  • Enables pressing F7 to switch between shortened towel/microdress mods and nude mods
  • Allows easily changing towel colors by uncommenting the appropriate texture file line
  • You must use my shortened towel pkg files for these to work
  • These files go in bin/x64
  • I think I got all the required files, but I have done no testing on whether the files I included are sufficient
  • I reshaped the nude models, but you could easily swap them with the original models from @lakovic

Bathing_MicroNudeSwap.7z 23.7 MB · 320 downloads


Shortened towels list

  Reveal hidden contents
  • Juna
  • Musse
  • Altina
  • Aurelia
  • Tita
  • Elise


Shortened skirts list

  Reveal hidden contents
  • Ada
  • Alisa
  • Annabelle
  • Aurier (boots don’t match well)
  • Claire (casuals)
  • Dorothee
  • Emma
  • Ferris (not great)
  • Irina Reinford
  • Linde
  • Musse (Astraia only)
  • Rosine
  • Sara (switched to blue Thors skirt)
  • Sharon
  • Thors Branch (all?)
  • Minor NPCs
    • Cornette and similar
    • Gina and similar
    • Linley and similar
    • Sabrina and similar (needs better leg texture)
    • Patiry and other receptionists in yellow
    • Astraia girls (all?)
    • Bennet



  Reveal hidden contents
  • Sara with blue Thors skirt
  • Emma with shirt dress and 6 options for cleavage
  • Musse
    • Coquettish Blue in red with boots
    • Thors jacket with Coquettish Blue in black as underwear
    • Nude with boots (shirt costume)
    • Dress cloak with nothing underneath
    • Kimono with just short skirt and no top or short skirt and crop top
    • Casual clothes with no top
    • Instructor swimsuit with flattened belly
    • Astraia little black dress (texture map is fixed!)
  • Juna
    • Astraia costume: Nude with Alisa’s boots
    • Slight alterations to a few of fakecheng’s Juna underwear mods
    • Apron costume:
      • Nude with boots
      • Nude with apron and boots
  • Alisa
    • top slightly unzipped and short skirt
    • Topless in short skirt
    • Topless and no skirt
    • Skirt and jacket (no shirt)
  • Laura
    • Noel’s shorts and topless
    • Noel’s shorts and no shirt under jacket
    • Crossbell Cheer skirt (5 colors) and topless with 3 options for boots
    • Nude with 3 options for boots
  • Sexy, busty Fie
  • Topless Alfin
  • Millium grown up (or “out”, really)
    • Topless
    • 5 options for tops with cleavage
  • Altina
    • Battle suit with more mature proportions
    • Battle suit topless
    • Academy swimsuit: more mature proportions
  • Jessica topless or nude
  • Becky with different proportions
  • Arianrhod without armor



All nude models are modified versions of models from @lakovic. My modifications are minimal compared to their great work creating the original models. Many of my non-nude mods also use the body models from @lakovic. Astraia lingerie textures are from @amorrow28, who also made the many scripts and tutorials that make these mods possible.




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Juna (magical girl hair uses 3dmigoto mod in Hajimari thread)

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Altina (I have since fixed her hands)

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Alfin topless

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Thors branch

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  Reveal hidden contents


Emma: Shirt dress with 6 options for cleavage:

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Angry Becky

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Toggle nude models from @lakovic and towel dress with 3dmigoto

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Excuse me,about the "Bathing_MicroNudeSwap", it don't work normally on my computer. Do you know why?

ed8_3_PC 2023-05-14 13-02-25.jpg

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On 5/18/2023 at 9:36 AM, hnanoha said:

Excuse me,I have tried to use the new version, but the problem is not solved.

ed8_3_PC 2023-05-18 22-30-36.jpg

Can you tell me what you are doing to use this? Where are you putting files? The error messages mention two files. Are those two files in the location the error mentions?


Does the mod work with other characters?


Also, what is that costume? Juna does not have that bow in the bathing clothes costume in my game, so it looks like you are using some modified costume.

Edited by NotAZebra
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Hi all, I was wondering if anyone's been able to apply these mods to the switch version with atmosphere? 

Taking a note from how the english patch worked for the first two cold steel games, i created the directories on my sdcard:


and put the character pkg files there.


However, it's not working, and i am not sure what to do to make it work, since nobody has really mentioned getting it working on the switch in the thread.  Any tips would be greatly appreciated, thank you!

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