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[1.5 Soon!] RJW Animation Framework

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Hi. Whenever I try to initiate intercourse, this error appears. It's really confusing me, but I think all of my mods are in good order. Here is the error:


JobDriver threw exception in toil unnamed's initAction for pawn Veronica driver=JobDriver_SexQuick (toilIndex=4) driver.job=(Quickie (Job_4646132) A=Thing_Human1064)
System.MissingFieldException: Field 'rjw.JobDriver_Sex.orgasmStartTick' not found.
  at Rimworld_Animations.HarmonyPatch_JobDriver_SexBaseInitiator_Start.Postfix (rjw.JobDriver_SexBaseInitiator& __instance) [0x000de] in <296e941b54cd4fe3801a871be8b8529a>:0 
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) rjw.JobDriver_SexBaseInitiator.rjw.JobDriver_SexBaseInitiator.Start_Patch2(rjw.JobDriver_SexBaseInitiator)
  at rjw.JobDriver_SexQuick+<>c__DisplayClass1_0.<MakeNewToils>b__7 () [0x00030] in <7a04a39702c241eea6e2263bbf0cba98>:0 
  at Verse.AI.JobDriver.TryActuallyStartNextToil () [0x001b0] in <446267b72ea8432286db63aecc70cf59>:0 
UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility:ExtractStackTrace ()
Verse.Log:Warning (string)
(wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.AI.JobUtility:Verse.AI.JobUtility.TryStartErrorRecoverJob_Patch0 (Verse.Pawn,string,System.Exception,Verse.AI.JobDriver)
Verse.AI.JobDriver:TryActuallyStartNextToil ()
Verse.AI.JobDriver:ReadyForNextToil ()
Verse.AI.JobDriver:TryActuallyStartNextToil ()
Verse.AI.JobDriver:ReadyForNextToil ()
rjw.JobDriver_SexQuick/<>c__DisplayClass1_0:<MakeNewToils>b__4 ()
(wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.AI.JobDriver:Verse.AI.JobDriver.DriverTick_Patch0 (Verse.AI.JobDriver)
Verse.AI.Pawn_JobTracker:JobTrackerTick ()
(wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Pawn:Verse.Pawn.Tick_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn)
Verse.TickList:Tick ()
(wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.TickManager:Verse.TickManager.DoSingleTick_Patch3 (Verse.TickManager)
Verse.TickManager:TickManagerUpdate ()
(wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Game:Verse.Game.UpdatePlay_Patch1 (Verse.Game)
Verse.Root_Play:Update ()

I'll provide a screenshot of my RJW mods in my modlist. 



Edited by Laci8738
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  • 3 weeks later...
8 minutes ago, niechcemisie said:

I have seen this question been asked before with no answear, but how do I trigger FFM threesome. Is it still included in the mod or was it scraped?

I've seen it happen recently but I'm not sure what the conditions are that trigger it. Female colonist went to rape a female prisoner, and then a male colonist joined in. I'm guessing in that situation both colonists had to be horny, but I don't know what the other conditions are.

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On 10/12/2023 at 6:05 PM, niechcemisie said:

I have seen this question been asked before with no answear, but how do I trigger FFM threesome. Is it still included in the mod or was it scraped?

I've mostly seen it happen with rape. However, the Privacy Please mod on gitgud enables FFM threesomes by adding a chance that passerbys get invited. However, that mod has some issues on the current release of RJW, even after building the fixes in the open PRs. Also, since RJW doesn't have the most robust tagging system nor all that many animations it does often end up with straight males joining in to suck a random guy's cock for example

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  • 1 month later...



I'm trying to make couple animations for myself, just downloaded the studio 

reading the animation guide now


could somebody give me a hint, what do I do with the xml when it's done? how do I connect it to the game, where is it written whether the animation is cons, rape, necro? 

Do I need to register the file somewhere or just put it into a folder and it should start working? 



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4 hours ago, Zhrat23 said:



I'm trying to make couple animations for myself, just downloaded the studio 

reading the animation guide now


could somebody give me a hint, what do I do with the xml when it's done? how do I connect it to the game, where is it written whether the animation is cons, rape, necro? 

Do I need to register the file somewhere or just put it into a folder and it should start working? 



the Quick start guide: https://gitgud.io/AbstractConcept/rimworld-animation-studio/-/wikis/Quick-Start-Guide wants you to put it into the animation mod itself or your own mod, I would make my own mod folder and put the file into the AnimationDefs folder with a similar path as the one in the animation mod itself

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
16 hours ago, FuckOffGirl said:

Hi, I want to download the mod but the official link (as well as any link to that website) does not seem to work. Is there another place I could get it from?

Yeah, where's the link for RJW animations? Been googling around for it, and I can't find anything at all (no surprise there, google is useless when it comes to niches like this). I have RJW world, the main file, but I've tried DL'ing the Animation framework from Gitgud, followed the instructions to the T, three times in a row and I'm still having issues with the animations not playing like they were just a while ago before seeing the updated version on Gitgud https://gitgud.io/c0ffeeeeeeee . Is that version not intented to be used? Like is the version of RJW animations on Loverslab the "final" version or are both finished, and I'm just screwing up the Load order?

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Recently had to redownload Rimworld and its associated mods and ran into an issue. RJW Animation Framework is not recognized by the game as 1.4 compatible, nor does a description appear when selected. Mods reliant on the Framework do not recognize it.

No errors are thrown on launch.

I have reinstalled the game twice, my entire mod library three times and the Framework mod five times to no avail. 

What do I do to rectify this issue?



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@RedHell Did you make sure you extracted your mods properly? It could be the case that you accidentally put it one layer too deep.

'mods/rimworld-animations-master-1.4/rimworld-animations-master/*content*' instead of 'mods/rimworld-animations-master/*content*'


Also it seems you have extracted another mod incorrectly as '1.4', 'Defs' and 'Textures' shouldn't be just lying around in the mods folder.

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12 hours ago, SingleForLife said:

@RedHell Did you make sure you extracted your mods properly? It could be the case that you accidentally put it one layer too deep.

'mods/rimworld-animations-master-1.4/rimworld-animations-master/*content*' instead of 'mods/rimworld-animations-master/*content*'


Also it seems you have extracted another mod incorrectly as '1.4', 'Defs' and 'Textures' shouldn't be just lying around in the mods folder.


Yeah not sure where the 1.4, Def and Textures came from. I use nexus mods manager for my non steam mods and loaded Framework into it like others. It needs manual installation?


checked the folder it goes nexus/rimworld/mods/rimworld-animations-master-1.4 the last folder just contains 1.4 and further in the details and workings of the mod.


So. I have been just winging it when it comes to using content from github, I downloaded the master and loaded it up into vortex. Should I have just extracted it directly into the mods folder?

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12 hours ago, SingleForLife said:

@RedHell Did you make sure you extracted your mods properly? It could be the case that you accidentally put it one layer too deep.

'mods/rimworld-animations-master-1.4/rimworld-animations-master/*content*' instead of 'mods/rimworld-animations-master/*content*'


Also it seems you have extracted another mod incorrectly as '1.4', 'Defs' and 'Textures' shouldn't be just lying around in the mods folder.

ah think i found the issue. the master-1.4 has two layers for some reason. will respond if it solves the issue

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12 hours ago, SingleForLife said:

@RedHell Did you make sure you extracted your mods properly? It could be the case that you accidentally put it one layer too deep.

'mods/rimworld-animations-master-1.4/rimworld-animations-master/*content*' instead of 'mods/rimworld-animations-master/*content*'


Also it seems you have extracted another mod incorrectly as '1.4', 'Defs' and 'Textures' shouldn't be just lying around in the mods folder.

Ok so you were right on the one layer too deep issue. I recently got a new computer and used its zip tool instead of my usual 7zip. caused rimworld-animations-master-1.4 to duplicate a layer for some reason. So I extracted it once went in one layer rezipped and then loaded it into the mod loader. Ran the game and it was recognized.

Thank you for your help!  

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  • 5 weeks later...
[BetterLoading] Exception occurred processing mod finalize events! Details: System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Rimworld_Animations_Patch.Harmony_PatchAll' threw an exception. ---> HarmonyLib.HarmonyException: Patching exception in method null ---> System.ArgumentException: Undefined target method for patch method static System.Void Rimworld_Animations_Patch.HarmonyPatch_JobDriver_Masturbate_setup_ticks::Postfix(rjw.JobDriver_Sex& __instance)
  at HarmonyLib.PatchClassProcessor.PatchWithAttributes (System.Reflection.MethodBase& lastOriginal) [0x00047] in <255414689d344b1385ae719f6cce8c55>:0 
  at HarmonyLib.PatchClassProcessor.Patch () [0x00068] in <255414689d344b1385ae719f6cce8c55>:0 
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
  at HarmonyLib.PatchClassProcessor.ReportException (System.Exception exception, System.Reflection.MethodBase original) [0x00127] in <255414689d344b1385ae719f6cce8c55>:0 
  at HarmonyLib.PatchClassProcessor.Patch () [0x00093] in <255414689d344b1385ae719f6cce8c55>:0 
  at HarmonyLib.Harmony.<PatchAll>b__10_0 (System.Type type) [0x00007] in <255414689d344b1385ae719f6cce8c55>:0 
  at HarmonyLib.CollectionExtensions.Do[T] (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] sequence, System.Action`1[T] action) [0x00014] in <255414689d344b1385ae719f6cce8c55>:0 
  at HarmonyLib.Harmony.PatchAll (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x00006] in <255414689d344b1385ae719f6cce8c55>:0 
  at Rimworld_Animations_Patch.Harmony_PatchAll..cctor () [0x00012] in <6f2df037c6b74a1a962123bdf732f88c>:0 
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers.RunClassConstructor(intptr)
  at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers.RunClassConstructor (System.RuntimeTypeHandle type) [0x0002a] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 
  at BetterLoading.Stage.InitialLoad.StageRunStaticCctors+<StaticConstructAll>d__20.MoveNext () [0x00093] in <b495b1ef983f4b72acee6b0ef4cb6acc>:0 
UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility:ExtractStackTrace ()
(wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Log:Verse.Log.Error_Patch1 (string)
BetterLoading.Stage.InitialLoad.StageRunStaticCctors/<StaticConstructAll>d__20:MoveNext ()
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator,intptr)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <version>1.4.3901 rev238</version>

Hello I seem to have an issue of some sorts, the animations seem to work and I'm, not really sure what is causing it, nor can I find any real issues

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On 2/19/2024 at 5:39 AM, _Shani said:
[BetterLoading] Exception occurred processing mod finalize events! Details: System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Rimworld_Animations_Patch.Harmony_PatchAll' threw an exception. ---> HarmonyLib.HarmonyException: Patching exception in method null ---> System.ArgumentException: Undefined target method for patch method static System.Void Rimworld_Animations_Patch.HarmonyPatch_JobDriver_Masturbate_setup_ticks::Postfix(rjw.JobDriver_Sex& __instance)
  at HarmonyLib.PatchClassProcessor.PatchWithAttributes (System.Reflection.MethodBase& lastOriginal) [0x00047] in <255414689d344b1385ae719f6cce8c55>:0 
  at HarmonyLib.PatchClassProcessor.Patch () [0x00068] in <255414689d344b1385ae719f6cce8c55>:0 
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
  at HarmonyLib.PatchClassProcessor.ReportException (System.Exception exception, System.Reflection.MethodBase original) [0x00127] in <255414689d344b1385ae719f6cce8c55>:0 
  at HarmonyLib.PatchClassProcessor.Patch () [0x00093] in <255414689d344b1385ae719f6cce8c55>:0 
  at HarmonyLib.Harmony.<PatchAll>b__10_0 (System.Type type) [0x00007] in <255414689d344b1385ae719f6cce8c55>:0 
  at HarmonyLib.CollectionExtensions.Do[T] (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] sequence, System.Action`1[T] action) [0x00014] in <255414689d344b1385ae719f6cce8c55>:0 
  at HarmonyLib.Harmony.PatchAll (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x00006] in <255414689d344b1385ae719f6cce8c55>:0 
  at Rimworld_Animations_Patch.Harmony_PatchAll..cctor () [0x00012] in <6f2df037c6b74a1a962123bdf732f88c>:0 
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers.RunClassConstructor(intptr)
  at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers.RunClassConstructor (System.RuntimeTypeHandle type) [0x0002a] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 
  at BetterLoading.Stage.InitialLoad.StageRunStaticCctors+<StaticConstructAll>d__20.MoveNext () [0x00093] in <b495b1ef983f4b72acee6b0ef4cb6acc>:0 
UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility:ExtractStackTrace ()
(wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Log:Verse.Log.Error_Patch1 (string)
BetterLoading.Stage.InitialLoad.StageRunStaticCctors/<StaticConstructAll>d__20:MoveNext ()
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator,intptr)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <version>1.4.3901 rev238</version>

Hello I seem to have an issue of some sorts, the animations seem to work and I'm, not really sure what is causing it, nor can I find any real issues

Are all your mods updated?

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  • 5 weeks later...

Working on the 1.5 update right now using the new vanilla animation system. Had to write custom code for head turning and proper recaching, but otherwise the new system works great!



If you'd like to follow along or get updates on progress, check out the RJW Discord: https://discord.gg/xTHu4xfX

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