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Anime Question


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Brief preface:


I was bored watching Youtube videos, and I stumbled onto some Fate AMV videos, and I watched a bunch that featured songs that I liked. I got thinking while watching them, hey this show looks pretty good maybe I should watch it.


So, that is the question: Is the Fate series any good? 


I don't watch a whole lot of anime, mostly cuz I don't watch a whole lot of anything... ?


sub question: Is this guide a fairly accurate list of watching order?


Thank you for your assistance in this. 

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Good day ?

I didn't watch Fate, but from my experience, I'd suggest watching anything big like this in the anime release order, not the story-wise order...
Just check the month/year of each anime and watch as it was released.

I am talking from the perspective of Monogatari series, actual order and release order are totally different, but watching in anime release order makes more sense.
Such animes might reference some scenes/events from season to season, which will make less sense, if you watch them not in the anime release order.

If you are into Visual Novels by any chance, I heard that Fate has quiet a gorgeous VN, which is also a Source material for the anime.

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So I watched the first series Fate/Stay Night, and it was okay. But I started Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works which turns out to be just a remake of the original. However, it is way better. I am only halfway through that one atm but unless something changes radically soon, I would say anyone interested in the Fate series could just skip the original series and watch the Unlimited Blade Works version instead. 


The story moves a lot better, but more than that, the fight scenes are just amazingly better. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd recommend starting with the original Fate/Stay Night. It may not be the best in the series, but it is still good and serves as the perfect starting point for this rabbit hole.

Fate/Stay Night, Unlimited Blade Works, and Heavens Feel are the original three from the visual novel. In the VN they're called different "routes", as they all take place during the same time with the same characters, but they look at different aspects of the characters and events play out in each. Unlimited Blade Works is built off things you'd know from experiencing the first route, Fate/Stay Night, and Heavens Feel is again, built more off things you learn from Unlimited Blade Works. So if you watch all three, watch them in that order. Ignore the Unlimited Blade Works movie, though. It's a very condensed and "rushed" feeling version of the story.


Fate/Zero takes place before the events in Fate/Stay Night, but it shouldn't be watched first as it sort of assumes you've watched at least the original Fate before hand.

Unlimited Blade Works starts off fairly similarly to Fate/Stay Night, but near the middle and towards the end starts to change a lot. And as for Heavens Feel, I haven't watched any of it yet, but in the visual novel it was pretty much completely different from Fate/Stay Night and Unlimited Blade Works.

As for the order, you should watch them in. The list you linked seems pretty solid. I'd say watch Fate/Stay Night, then Unlimited Blade Works, then Fate/Zero. After that, you should be good to explore the rabbit hole that is this series in whatever way you want.

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