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Where can i find This from pandorasims?


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PandoraSims is full of bologna. They steal content from other creators, and then sell it back to you. Any content you see on that page can more than likely be found here or other sites as well. I would say check out the downloads section here to get started. You’ll find nude CAS parts, WhickedWhims, etc.

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Don't give these people your money or payment details, 

All they do is re-post other peoples work under the false perception that it's their creation, 

They're scumbags and did not create ANY of that content, 

Also it creates problems for people because the content is just renamed and duplicates cause file conflicts with the originals if you have them, 

Even the text is copy/pasted from our uploads. 

You'll find a good 90% of that stuff here, 

The other 10% is from free sites like 'The Sims Resource' 'Mod The Sims' or 'Sexy Sims' 

Tumblr is also a good place to look too 

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16 hours ago, Maja94 said:

Where can i find this super nude patch from pandorasims? 




That is just a but hole drawing in a normal sim texture, just export any skin texture that you like from sims 4 studio, draw a but hole in photoshop, illustrator etc, or sculpt one in zbrush or blender 2.83 is cool to sculpt other versions are trash. 

Put that texture in buthole location UV , save as dds. Import as recolor or in all skin swatches and its done.  All your sims gonna have painted ass. I save you all money, cause paint, Blender  and sims 4 studio are free. 

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It should also be mentioned that I've heard a lot of complaints about malware (viruses, stealing info, etc) coming from Pandorasims, even though it says virus-free.


You are paying them for an installer, to install outdated mods you can get for free (it says "updated", but doesn't say when it was updated -They're not up to date). It will possibly install viruses, steal your information, probably cause mod conflicts, and there's no support. It's a lose-lose situation for you.

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18 hours ago, Sims4Newblet said:

That is not from Pandorasims. After scrolling down, I can confidently say that it's stolen. That original texture you're looking for belongs to @simdulgence. Report Pandora's site, if possible and look for simdulgence's content/thread insead.

There's literally nothing that can be done about these plagiaristic pirates stealing other people's content. They've been getting away with it for years (at least since the early Sims 3 era) and have grown arrogant enough to gloat about it on their website. I feel it for the schmucks that have been made to pay $10 for a download that bundles a number of outdated and conflicting mods together when the up to date content can be found on here and other free sites.

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On 2/14/2020 at 9:28 AM, Vengeance_11 said:

There's literally nothing that can be done about these plagiaristic pirates stealing other people's content. They've been getting away with it for years (at least since the early Sims 3 era) and have grown arrogant enough to gloat about it on their website. I feel it for the schmucks that have been made to pay $10 for a download that bundles a number of outdated and conflicting mods together when the up to date content can be found on here and other free sites.

I totally see your point of view! It's just a suggestion! Since it's still considered a crime,  not saying that it will be a guarantee but, any report could help any recent victims. Have those thieves ip/location ultimately blacklisted, given (not too likely but still) jail time, a fine, or have the money they stole being paid back to the people they stole from. It's tiring and repetitive but that goes for any crime that happens around us.

If anyone's willing to report to FTC since her website specifically hides any way of reporting to an original domain/platform Pandora uses. Google, research or check out: https://www.ftc.gov/faq/consumer-protection/submit-consumer-complaint-ftc


But of course spreading the news the way this thread has was/is also helpful!! Since I never knew about Pandora at all before this. 

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