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Enhanced Character Edit plus CharacterMakingExtender


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Strange... when i disable CME the skeleton works fine, but the new ECE depends a lot of the CME, so... is like don´t have ECE if you disable CME.


I think in something here, CME or ECE or some ghost must look for the name in the skeleton, and if we change the name of the bones? This shouls work. or break a lot of stuff in the process, but i will try it later, for me at least, i don´t use the body proportions that CME give us, i like the character the way they are, if i wanna change something, i change direct in the skeleton nif.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hello there ladies and jointleman, i need your help with this AWSOME mod, the freedom it gives to create unique chars is astonishing.


Anyway my problem is with the ck, i'm trying to create "my vilja" and with a little help from ece i came up with a face that i'm quite pleased (even though it requires a few tweaks here and there but i think she is hot as she is right now) the thing is, i can't export her from the ck as i planned ingame.


I'll post some screens so you guys can see what i mean (hopefully). Apart from the cliping eyes the differences aren't too much obvious but are noticable ingame. This pics are taken in the photobooth with my ck imported vilja (as i call the saddie) and my created npc (the hottie lol) side by side. As I said the eyes are bugged, the lips are a little different, the nose isn't quite the same and the overall bone structure of the skull don't really match in my opinion.


So my question is how can i make her exactly as i planned in the npc creator. On the technical side I used 3 mods and ece to create her (the hair from SG Hair Pack, the eyes from The Beauty Eyes and of course the Vilja companion esp) so those 3 were the only mods I "esmfied" in wrye bash, next I started CK, in the data files choose the 3 "esm's" and the CharacterMakingExtender.esp only (not sure if the ece.esp is required...) with no active plugin so i can create one esp with those master files, then i opened the Vilja actor window, went to the Character Gen Parts and imported the NPC file created with the photobooth, sometimes i couldn't get the hair, eyes, etc as they should be, the ck setting them to default, only the colours were right, this is because of the loading order of the esms and esps inside the ck wich is different of the game itself (the order registered in the NPC file) as i was loading only a couple of mods, editing the npc file in notepad worked but not always as i don't know where i can view the exact load order of the plugins in the ck, but anyway changing them manually to the right ones did the trick (but probably it was this that broke the face, so to speak...), next the Character Gen Morphs tab pressing Reset All does nothing but setting the NoseType to 32 changes the appearence to the one you can see in the pics, then i saved the actor, Ctrl+F4, exit and here i am...what do you think, is it possible for her to be exactly as she should be, she is feeling so sad looking at her hot sister ahah


PS. don't mind the face texture, i was playing with it when i took the screens but the problem was already there before that, and sorry for the fckng long post guys i want to give you all the details of my journey lol...long live the dovahkiin's









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I'm loving this mod but I have two problems with it.

  1. Face seems to reset back to a standard face (custom race). Likely something to do with an .ini file?
  2. If you change any facial settings the nose seems to just reset back to a default nose that I cannot change. It's bigger and not very good.
  3. Can't change the nose. Did I mention that?


Also, what are the Imperial, Bosmer, and other racial sliders for? I realize that's for morphing but can someone explain which direction is supposed to do what?


Lastly, this mod has renewed my interest in Skyrim due to the increased depth in create-a-character. Loving it!


And nice shots there, Ahjna.


EDIT: I discovered it was conflicting with another mod, I believe it was Race Menu Extension mod. They just don't seem to play nicely with each other. Anyone know a fix?

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Hmm run into a snag with this, installed it but all the text for my game is now japanese or boxes what do need to do to get this back to english


lol solved it... so simple... gah brain isn't working right today :P

Well I give up. Tell me wise one how do I get English versus the boxes [][][][]



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A problem I've recently encountered: I installed the Ningheim race, and now when I try to start a new game I get a warning that says:

Character Making Extender


Illigal 'Game Settings' value. conflict other Mod?

Stop FaceGen system.


Please check load order and raise a priority of



Then I get CTD. The problem is, I get this message no matter how high I put the Character Making Extender esp in my load order. I click it off and I don't get this problem, though the CTD still happens after I make my character. Is it conflicting with the Ningheim race? What can I do to fix this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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A problem I've recently encountered: I installed the Ningheim race, and now when I try to start a new game I get a warning that says:


Character Making Extender


Illigal 'Game Settings' value. conflict other Mod?

Stop FaceGen system.


Please check load order and raise a priority of



Then I get CTD. The problem is, I get this message no matter how high I put the Character Making Extender esp in my load order. I click it off and I don't get this problem, though the CTD still happens after I make my character. Is it conflicting with the Ningheim race? What can I do to fix this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Go onto the Ningheim Nexus page. It tells you how to fix it.
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A problem I've recently encountered: I installed the Ningheim race, and now when I try to start a new game I get a warning that says:


Character Making Extender


Illigal 'Game Settings' value. conflict other Mod?

Stop FaceGen system.


Please check load order and raise a priority of



Then I get CTD. The problem is, I get this message no matter how high I put the Character Making Extender esp in my load order. I click it off and I don't get this problem, though the CTD still happens after I make my character. Is it conflicting with the Ningheim race? What can I do to fix this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.



I find it pretty amazing that putting CME.esp after The Ningheim.esp works for one user, while it doesn't for another. However, I did have another untested fix for this problem that should work.


Would you be willing to try it out, Queen Bee? If so, let me know whether you use the Vanilla or Dawnguard version of The Ningheim.


P.S. By "putting CharacterMakingExtender.esp higher in the load order" do you mean literally higher up in the list or actually below The Ningheim.esp? In NMM with the default window settings it should be seen below The Ningheim.esp when it's higher up in the load order.

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A problem I've recently encountered: I installed the Ningheim race, and now when I try to start a new game I get a warning that says:


Character Making Extender


Illigal 'Game Settings' value. conflict other Mod?

Stop FaceGen system.


Please check load order and raise a priority of



Then I get CTD. The problem is, I get this message no matter how high I put the Character Making Extender esp in my load order. I click it off and I don't get this problem, though the CTD still happens after I make my character. Is it conflicting with the Ningheim race? What can I do to fix this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Go onto the Ningheim Nexus page. It tells you how to fix it.



I did try this, and while I no longer get the error message, I still get CTD at the character creation screen.




A problem I've recently encountered: I installed the Ningheim race, and now when I try to start a new game I get a warning that says:


Character Making Extender


Illigal 'Game Settings' value. conflict other Mod?

Stop FaceGen system.


Please check load order and raise a priority of



Then I get CTD. The problem is, I get this message no matter how high I put the Character Making Extender esp in my load order. I click it off and I don't get this problem, though the CTD still happens after I make my character. Is it conflicting with the Ningheim race? What can I do to fix this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.



I find it pretty amazing that putting CME.esp after The Ningheim.esp works for one user, while it doesn't for another. However, I did have another untested fix for this problem that should work.


Would you be willing to try it out, Queen Bee? If so, let me know whether you use the Vanilla or Dawnguard version of The Ningheim.


P.S. By "putting CharacterMakingExtender.esp higher in the load order" do you mean literally higher up in the list or actually below The Ningheim.esp? In NMM with the default window settings it should be seen below The Ningheim.esp when it's higher up in the load order.



I'd be willing to try it out. I'm using the current version of Ningheim from the Nexus site. It doesn't say whether it's vanilla or Dawnguard. As for putting it up higher in the load order, I meant that I put CME as high as I could, but neglected to keep Ningheim above it. I've corrected that, but still get CTD.

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I'm loving this mod but I have two problems with it.

  1. Face seems to reset back to a standard face (custom race). Likely something to do with an .ini file?
  2. If you change any facial settings the nose seems to just reset back to a default nose that I cannot change. It's bigger and not very good.
  3. Can't change the nose. Did I mention that?


Also, what are the Imperial, Bosmer, and other racial sliders for? I realize that's for morphing but can someone explain which direction is supposed to do what?


Lastly, this mod has renewed my interest in Skyrim due to the increased depth in create-a-character. Loving it!


And nice shots there, Ahjna.


I'm having the exact same issue, and yes, I've read that using the nose slider from the ECE menu itself is supposed to let you change the nose...but that doesn't work either.  Whether it's the ALL menu, the FACE menu or the ECE menu, the nose doesn't change AT ALL.


I can't use the mod with a fat nose, that's simply unacceptable.  It's also troubling that there seems to be no official response to this problem from the author, despite how many times it's been brought up in the comments section.

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If you're using a custom race you have to set up a preset for it. It's in the ECE documentation. Also, ECE doesn't magically give custom races new morphs, so this ECE will best work on a vanilla race or a race that has been adapted to use it.


Other than that I have no experience with using this latest ECE at all, so if anyone can further help that'd be great.

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Except that the problem I'm having happens to every race, vanilla or custom.  I installed this mod solely for the purpose of trying to make my Elven characters look extra exotic with all the new eye sliders, but the huge nose is hardly...appealing. XD


Once I uninstall it, bam, no problems.  It's an ECE issue that seems to be an ongoing problem.

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I experience the same thing, however not with default settings but with the first changes I made with it.


Some things just reset to those I initially picked whenever I load a game, nose, mouth, butt-size etc... but not everything.

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Regarding the problem with ECE making your character's butt oversized when using UNPB:


I've been struggling with this issue for a week now. Two rudimentary solutions I've come up with include:


1) Install UNPB 2.2 without BBP

--> ECE will not affect your character's body proportions, but you wont have breast physics.


2) Install Vanilla Skeleton for BBP from http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13272.

--> For some reason this is the only one out of 30 skeletons I've tried that fixes the oversized butts. The body will still have somewhat different proportions than UNPB, and personally I think UNPB has it perfect, so this solution is highly imperfect.


Anyone who can come up with a solution that doesn't fuck up the UNPB body is my new god.


 I was having this same damn problem...even my girlfriend was like " WOW, you made her ass HUGE!" :/  ...great


I got what I believe is the proper proportions back by re-installing unpb-bbp . Then I used the "Basic Perfect 4" skeleton on this page http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/16712/?tab=2&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D16712&pUp=1(Custom skeleton replacers) It seems to have shrunk the ass.. I'm sure there are other fix's, but I hope this helps someone.


note: this was not on a custom race, it was my imperial..



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I use Temptress Race UNPB-BBPx with the xp32 skeleton, i get every slider except Waist, Shoulderwidth and Leglength. Everything is fine when switching over the Nord race, skeleton is the same, i made sure to copy it over.


Now you may think: Why not simply use Nord then?


I want to keep the custom texture for my PC to look different from every Nord npc.


hoping for answers.

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  • 1 month later...


A problem I've recently encountered: I installed the Ningheim race, and now when I try to start a new game I get a warning that says:


Character Making Extender


Illigal 'Game Settings' value. conflict other Mod?

Stop FaceGen system.


Please check load order and raise a priority of



Then I get CTD. The problem is, I get this message no matter how high I put the Character Making Extender esp in my load order. I click it off and I don't get this problem, though the CTD still happens after I make my character. Is it conflicting with the Ningheim race? What can I do to fix this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


I have same problem but I didn't use Ningheim race.

And I still try to fix if.

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You know that mods like Lovergirls and and old YgNorg Races are incompatible? Make ECE the last in the Load Order and Test, if that doesn't help get TES5Edit load everything in there open ECE and CME and look which mod is editing the same Game Setting as ECE and CME.


For full Ningheim you may have to edit the paths of the tri files for the Ningheim Race to the default ones, also add the race in the race config files

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  • 3 months later...

Sorry for my ultra noob question, i hope it's the proper thread to ask.

I created a face using CME, and even sucessfully attached it to a follower ingame using nose32 trick.
So, what do i do now to make this follower standalone (i'm not talking about custom meshes and textures, only CME facegen data)
Do i need anything else stored apart from those files: 





Will this be enough for follower facegendata to wok properly on other computers (assuming CME+ECE are installed)?

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  • 3 weeks later...

hey, i have this, and made a character, and then, the moment i access my inventory and try to equip armor i crash strait to desktop hard, anyone else ever have this problem?


It's obviously not ECE's fault. Probably a armor mesh with BBP while you don't have a skeleton for it.

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it may sound like that, but i tried it again with a fairly clean version of skyrim, no armor or body mods, try to unequip the rags i was wearing, then instacrash. i turn off ECE and everything works fine. Also, i am in fact using the latest versions of both skyrim and skse.

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it may sound like that, but i tried it again with a fairly clean version of skyrim, no armor or body mods, try to unequip the rags i was wearing, then instacrash. i turn off ECE and everything works fine. Also, i am in fact using the latest versions of both skyrim and skse.


When installing ECE, did you install one of the skeletons?  Reinstall ECE, but do not install any of the skeletons and see if the crashing stopped.


How do you use the cme save function? I know it's a noob question but whatever...>.>


After you're done creating your character and giving her a name, you will see a new window.  This is the slot save option.  You choose a number and that will be the number for the CME save or you can just choose "No Save" which does not save the customization.  After making your choice, you will automatically exit showracemenu.  The next time you enter showracemenu, go to the BODY category and scroll down to the SLOT slider.  Choosing this slider will bring up a similar window where you click on the number you made your CME save and the customizations saved will now appear on your character.


Example:  If you choose #1 to save the facegen and body morphs, the next time you enter showracemen, go to the BODY category and select the SLOT slider.  When the new window appears, choose #1 and the facegen/body morphs will be applied to your character.


CME save files are located in Documents > my games > skyrim > CME_save.

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