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I don't know why but this makes me recall an old song "Blue Man in Blue World". (Yeah it's not pink though :D)


I have a blue house with a blue window. Blue is my corvette that's sitting outside. Blue are the words I say and what I mean. Blue are the feelings that live inside me. I'm blue da ba dee da ba dai, da ba dee da ba dai, da ba dee da ba dai, da ba dee da ba dai, da ba dee da ba dai, da ba dee da ba dai, da ba dee da ba dai, da ba dee da ba dai, da ba dee da ba dai.

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Ooh, apparently not. Sorry, my bad. So I stand here, singing for money, da da dee la la... 'Eiffel 65' FTW BTW, Kimict!


Welcum back!

Today's comic page was an uneasy one. As the final page of the 'White Splash' story arc it needs to be as flawless as possible. My first version was slightly disappointing to my taste, that's why I reshot a lot of pictures with the characters in more dynamic and meaningful poses.


How can the page be summarized? One main concept behind the Dark Brotherhood - deception and treachery - is plastered all over the page. Members can't and shouldn't trust anyone, even their fellow assassins and/or superiors. Seems The Five Tenets have somewhat lost their significance to the 'New Black Hand'. Linna should stay alert and prepared. A bad Breton backstabber might hide behind the next corner.


Writing Mariza's lines is giving me the weirdest (nay, not boner!) 'Hogan's Heroes' kicks. Never actually watched that show, let alone in the English language version, but this is what I imagine its character of 'Colonel Klink' speaking, with a heavy Saxon accent. Whatever, here goes:



th_507345756_TTTWhitesplashFinal_123_979lo.jpg <- No apparent motive, just click and click again (it opens a new window with the bigger comic then)!


From next week on we will get to know someone new. Someone nice and sweet our Kitty will meet. Please be there, my fellow Oblivionados!

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Madgod's blessings!


This is a grand day. Now and here I'm starting a new story!

Its main purpose is certainly introducing a new main character, but it won't be long until a rather familiar face will join the fun... 'Nuff said.


That character is known all throughout Tamriel as the 'Friend Of Nature'. Chosen to serve the Nine Divines as the avatar of Kynareth, her duties include protecting all aspects of nature and safeguarding the well-being of all creatures and plants alike. Serving nature with body and soul.


One of this character's unique abilities is being able to communicate with animals - to understand their language as well as speak with them. For obvious reasons the comic extends this ability onto us the readers so we can enjoy the creatures' squabbling and funny banter. The use of a linguistic device in form of a heavy lisp (though unlike Daffy Duck's for example) is found in the way the character 'Tardy the Bird' is speaking. This 'unified animalspeak' is different from the Evy sisters' communication with their pet tiger Beljiira because this particular animal is in reality... I'll stop already.


Please join me and my girls for another trip into the wild world of sexy and funny Oblivion entertainment!

This story's title is 'Teen Queen Of Green':




th_021732512_TTTGreenQueen2_123_414lo.jpg <-- Click on the pic and make it BIG!


I so love the colour scheme and the 'early misty morning' setting. What could have made Tardy giggle when he mentioned that mysterious girl? Seeing bear and bird together like that is giving me wonderfully nostalgic 'Banjo-Kazooie' kicks (yeah, right. Banjo is a brown bear, but still).

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Hullo folks, welcome back y'all!


More of the same? Ferocious animals? Just my kind of stuff. Though the real raging beasts will be an early Christmas present...


It's great fun to write dialogues for animals. They can be humanized with all sorts of familiar emotions. Funny interactions and the occasional meme on the side become possible, and some of these 'characters' quickly evolve a real personality I'm rather fond of. Especially Bumper the rabbit has already gotten hold of my heart. New animal actors this time are mommy boar and her young. Too bad there's only one type of this animal in the game, so bear with me here that this sow has tusks. I absolutely wanted the character to be female.


In this story even a real Daedric prince will be featured later on! You may take a wild guess who it's gonna be. It's only logic to choose this guy in the context of this tale. The 2nd chapter's title will be an obvious hint, but soon the cat will be out of the bag anyway ("Cats hate bags!").


A change of location has taken place as the characters have moved about half a mile to a very pretty spot. Lizzie naturally knows the history of this place and gives a believable explanation for the uncommon local vegetation. Ever since installing that particular mod I was wondering about all the SI plants found there...


DISCLAMER: Adult antertainment beelow! Slight newtity hare, ass whale as masturbation!



th_670237158_TTTGreenQueen3_123_504lo.jpg <-- Click the pig!


Most surprising to see this girl again, huh?

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Welcum back! Mega-massive monster image dump ahead!

The current creature craze made me take some pictures of all the funky freaks running around in my game. Especially Yuravica's creations make for great training dummies/punching bags since I'm currently training melee combat - these guys had been powerful before, in the original mod. Now some of them have about 90 000 HP. Takes a while until they go down. "Your Blade skill has increased." - "Wha'? AGAIN?!!"

The Isles are always a pleasurable background:



Let me start out with... Myself. Implemented this guy here as 'Poontank'. In the game I'm tiny, about two and a half feet at most.


A Gatekeeper's best friend. Or was it 'fiend'?


The 'Pigbull' in heat. I need to find a nice weapon for him, at the moment he's just using a minotaur's leveled equipment.


Let the grueling duel begin! Twenty bucks on the magically empowered Scalon.


The powerful 'Trollolooo' sporting his pointy armor.


'Caterkillar', 'Rock Giant' and 'Prawnster' on the lookout for prey. "...Fresh game!!"


And here are the mini Seducers back in action. Their adult counterparts are idly standing by because they know the minis can handle anything.


Not only Sheo's favourite toys... Grummites are also quite fond of them. How may they serve?


Look, it's good old 'Wildspright'! I implemented him as 'Happypuppy'. He looks very happy after all.


"Save often. The planes of Oblivion are a dangerous realm...":



A 'Meat Monster' and 'The Infestor'. Can you imagine their smell?


'D0rk0ne The Unbright'. Bane of every righteous Oblivion player. A bit misplaced in the picture. I liked the pose. Didn't want to cut off his swor


The 'Flesh Golem'. One could say I really love this texture so much that I reuse it all the time. "He'll be looking fleshy in our Mercedes Benz..."


A 'Hooked Flesh Golem' for a change. Wonder what exactly he is hooked on? Hookers, maybe.


Hawt! 'Mr. Lava Lover' and a 'Volcanic Giant'. Full of burning desire. Their favourite place? The 'Molten Halls'. Molten thanks to them.


The 'Mean Lying Effa'. Enjoying a horsie upskirt moment.
Even the whole Daedric community despises this devil. Nobody knows what Mehrunes Dagon sees in this abomination to keep her around.


At least this chick is indeed being harrassed. By Mehrunes Dagon's second in command no less, the mighty 'Cream Ripper'.


Here she is getting creamed. And rightfully so. She had it coming for a long time. Somehow she seems rather familiar.


Meanwhile up North:



A Wyvern towering on a tower. Hey, it's visible! Because I managed to fix the freak. Woot.


A 'Red Dragon' having a little Mammoth Bar-B-Q.


I used the mummy guys as Draugar. Still better than simple Dread Zombies.


Random creeps in even more random locations:



A 'Prawnster' happily cheering. "FOR THE EMPEROR!!1"


And here is the 'Deranged Daedroth' again, looking more spazzed out than ever. He is one of those guys with a health of 90 000.


I recoloured the 'Retardo' in my favourite colour scheme and gave him/her/it (?) some accessories.


"Excuse me, have you got a Secunda for me?!"


"Flyyying... Flyyying... Cliff Racer fly soo hiiigh..."


The new version of the 'Ringleader'. Dwemerized him and gave the guy a fitting halberd staff. The only Dwarven Lich left in the world!


The classic 'Shroom Spriggan', now with a 'Super Mario' green variant.


And the 'Plague Doctor' doing one of his nightly surprise examinations. Serious bloodletting guaranteed!



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Here's more of the same (NUDITY WARNING!):



Yuravica's second spider zombie - much nicer when on fire and with a charred skin texture.


Sir 'Ypir' feels rather cramped up from spending the day in that narrow coffin.


The 'Thorn Giant'. Guardian of the forest. He can do what the player can't. Harvesting pitcher plants for example.

Edit: Now I have a mod that actually adds a pitcher plant ingredient! Woohoo! Take that, spiky spakko!


Mighty 'Hollow Man' contemplating the emptiness of it all. Fumbling his hammer. Nice phallic tower array in the back.


Now that's what I'd call a monster girl... The 'Striga'. She will hold you. Thrill you. Kiss you. Kill you. And then feast on your flesh I guess.


A trio of jokers goofing off for the camera. "Why has it always to be me at the bottom?!"


Hear a ruckus is your basement? Could be a sloshed and stumbling bat man! 'Bat Maniac' more precisely. Prefers beer over blood.


An assortment of interesting imp variants. A group shot featuring some females will follow later.


"Giger Lee Clannfear is playing his heart out somewhere in Tamriel tonight..."


Good old uncle Demon Lord - utterly fascinated by Dwemer Kitty's delicious butt and boobies. Ain't he supposed to guard that Sigil Stone?


Now it's back to work on the next comic page.

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Greetings and salutations!
After just having finished the newest comic page, I'm so happy to post it I could... Make more of them. Which I will.

Originally I planned long and informative dialogues about the characters' histories until I realized these would not only contain valuable info but unfortunately be rather boring as well. What I try to avoid the most is the 'talking heads trap'. Quite easy to step into that when making comics - depicting some characters only speaking about a random topic, with little to no action or interesting visuals to keep the poor readers awake. Worst possible case is a suite of panels with similar framing and angles, showing only the character's heads while they speak.

Ultimately the gist of the planned character background info is still there, but in shorter form and spiced up with some gags. One nice meta-gag in there making fun of a game mechanic. We learn an important thing about the Lop-Ear Elf race according to my own lore, their place of origin! Which province could be better suited than the one I chose? Luckily, since this race isn't part of the official 'Elder Scrolls' lore anyway, this type of Elf could have originated anywhere. To me they seem related to the Bosmer (because they're small), maybe a mutated sub-race?

DISCLAIMER: Some tiny upskirt views of naked female genitals and mention of masturbation in the comic below! Harmless fun, I'm just saying.

C is for Cum On!
L is for Laff
I is for Intrest which you should have
C is for Comik that you're 'bout to read
G is for Grammar I loving mistreat

The following page is gonna be good. Monster attack! Idealism and faith! Shining heroism! Sounds like great fun. I'm looking forward to it.

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