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Random Crashes


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So I've recently started modding skyrim again and decided to mod it using some adult mods as well but my game crashes randomly - at least it seems like it - and I have no clue what the cause is. When I say randomly I mean that it sometimes crashes when I load up a brand new save (I spawn in the Alternative Start prison), crashes when talking to someone, crashes when entering the open world or when just idling. I've tried disabling all my mods and enabling them but as I said it just happens randomly, in the beginning its fine, and when I've pretty much gone trough the mods it crashes randomly again and after disabling the last enabled mods I still crash. Maybe it's a compatibility issue I just skipped over but I'm not sure. I've attached my modlist and loadorder so if anyone could point out where the issue might lay I'd greatly appreciate it.

modlist.txt loadorder.txt



1 hour ago, Grey Cloud said:



Crash fixes


SKSE Plugin Preloader


ENBoost (not needed if already using an ENB)


Crashes on load are generally missing masters or too many animations.

Crashing at random places and times in-game are generally memory related.



I pretty much already had those mods. I did however install the plugin preloader however that did not help unfortunately. I use the FNIS XXL which supports 20k animations and I currently have ~8300 animations, is it worth it to see if the normal FNIS works better or is that not recommended with this amount of animations. And for the memory do you mean ram or vram? I have 8gb of both.

11 minutes ago, DarrDV said:


I pretty much already had those mods. I did however install the plugin preloader however that did not help unfortunately. I use the FNIS XXL which supports 20k animations and I currently have ~8300 animations, is it worth it to see if the normal FNIS works better or is that not recommended with this amount of animations. And for the memory do you mean ram or vram? I have 8gb of both.

FNIS XXL doesn't support 20k animations, it's a bit more complicated than that but you should be okay with 8k.

8GB of RAM and 8GB of VRAM should be more than sufficient but only if those three tools are properly configured, especially ENBoost (or your ENB).

6 minutes ago, DarrDV said:


I pretty much already had those mods.

you were expecting more than the useless copy paste?


1 hour ago, DarrDV said:

I mean that it sometimes crashes when I load up a brand new save (I spawn in the Alternative Start prison), crashes when talking to someone, crashes when entering the open world or when just idling.

as if a mod could make those problems disappear by miracle


- most crash loading a save from main menu, it's because some mods have higther priority than the skyrim stuff they need to work, and the game can't load that without the stuff it need to be load

if you click new game to go in alternate start cell, or coc somewhere from main menu, that take care of that problem

your blabla about fnis is because some crash because they think they have too many .hkx, no idea if that's really a problem, but i know you ctd when the game load a broken idle (2 idle with the same previous idle, or the same next idle, it's a ctd loading that idle)

because there's a npc that wear a tbbp armor and his race don't have a tbbp skeleton, or anything in the cell where the save was save


- if you ctd all the time picking a dialog, and you don't see anything strange in tesedit, that can be a stack dump

some dialogs have scripts, to give you the quest reward, start a quest, or spawn the npc you have to kill

if the script wasn't run because of stack dump spamming, if you don't get solitude shield, you won't ctd because of that

but if that's during whiterun siege, for the script that spawn the jarl that have some blabla to say, if the game try to load a dialog on an actor that isn't there, it's a ctd


- crash entering a worldspace, if it's all the time you enter that worldspace, probably navmesh ctd (a door that lead to somewhere, that isn't in the navmesh, so ctd)

if it's not all the time, bet that's just the usual ram ctd, because enb isn't configured right (or no enbhost.exe), and your ram got full since the game keep loading new texture, until you ram ctd


-crash doing nothing

you can met some npc running around because of stuff you did earlier, dragon attack quest (or another one) can start while you are doing nothing, not because you do nothing nothing is done


anyway, if you want to fix those ctd, there's no tool that will make them magically disappear, you have to look for the problem to fix it if you want the problem to disappear

2 hours ago, yatol said:

if it's not all the time, bet that's just the usual ram ctd, because enb isn't configured right (or no enbhost.exe), and your ram got full since the game keep loading new texture, until you ram ctd

In which case the three tools I linked will get rid off 99% of such CTDs


In three years of playing modded Skyrim I have never experienced any of the problems Yatol has. So unless you have somehow managed to contract all the problems Yatol mentions I would just go with the three tools and double-check you have them configured correctly.

45 minutes ago, Grey Cloud said:

In three years of playing modded Skyrim I have never experienced any of the problems Yatol has.

and after 3 years, not having to give up your save, you still haven't done everything in tamriel?



1 hour ago, Grey Cloud said:

In which case the three tools I linked will get rid off 99% of such CTDs



crash fix is supposed to do something about the mod that add a dwemer dungeon north of riften, if you also have 3dnpc (tavern north of riften)

enbhost is supposed to do something if you use more nasty critter, with the mod that have hyenna

skse is supposed to do something in enderal, if when the guard open the kid town door, you dare not stay near him, because you don't know he have more blabla to say (and if you are no longer near him, that's a ctd)



49 minutes ago, yatol said:

and after 3 years, not having to give up your save, you still haven't done everything in tamriel?


 I don't know what you mean by 'giving up' my save but I haven't done anything in in Tamriel. I've never done any of the Skyrim main quests nor most of the lesser quests. The only quests I do on anything like a regular basis are: Potema - most games; Morthal vampire thing - sometimes; Nightcaller Temple thing - very rarely; Cidhna Mine - very rarely these days and never the vanilla version. Never been a Companion, member of the TG or DB or the Mage's College. No dragons or dragon shouts; no vampires, except the generic ones like in Haemar's Shame and Pinewhatsit; no werewolves apart from MNC. Not done the other Daedric quests. It's not snowed or rained for more than two years.

Oh yes, my game is strange.


57 minutes ago, yatol said:

crash fix is supposed to do something about the mod that add a dwemer dungeon north of riften, if you also have 3dnpc (tavern north of riften)

I can't recall ever seeing dwemer dungeon, Riften or 3DNPC mentioned by CF. I don't have a mod which adds a dwemer dungeon to anywhere.


59 minutes ago, yatol said:

enbhost is supposed to do something if you use more nasty critter, with the mod that have hyenna

Again, I've never seen hyena's mentioned in connection with ENBoost. I've certainly never had a hyena in my game whether it be striped or spotted.


1 hour ago, yatol said:

skse is supposed to do something in enderal, if when the guard open the kid town door, you dare not stay near him, because you don't know he have more blabla to say

Never used Enderal but I was under the impression that SKSE was needed for slightly more than that given that SKSE was used before Enderal came out.



6 hours ago, Grey Cloud said:

Never used Enderal but I was under the impression that SKSE was needed for slightly more than that given that SKSE was used before Enderal came out.

the "expert" is searching a relation between a ctd cause and one of those tools, that can't do anything about those ctd?


enderal require skse because that mod use some skse functions

skse.replaceheadpart won't work if you don't have skse

like you won't have armor x in game, if you don't have armor x mod


if you try to load the game with defeat, without sexlab, that won't work

you can install whatever magical tool you want, it won't do anything about that

load tesedit and delete everything from a leveled list, you will crash before main menu

that can happen when you uninstall a mod that edit those leveled list, they are still in your save, unlike the stuff that is in those leveled list, and if there's nothing from skyrim.esm in one of those leveled list, you can't load your save without that mod, even if you use x, y or z that are supposed to do something about ctd


6 hours ago, yatol said:

if you try to load the game with defeat, without sexlab, that won't work

you can install whatever magical tool you want, it won't do anything about that 

NMM will show that there is a missing master; LOOT will give an error; and Crash Fixes usually pops up and aborts the load if there is a missing master.


6 hours ago, yatol said:

the "expert" is searching a relation between a ctd cause and one of those tools, that can't do anything about those ctd?

As I keep trying to get into your thick head, I am not an expert on anything let alone a 7 year-old computer game. I was replying to the gibberish which you had posted.


As I have already said, either the OP had somehow managed to contract all these rare and obscure problems which only you seem to experience or his memory management needs optimising like every user of Skyrim.


Are you saying that your game is stable without recourse to Crash Fixes and ENB/ENBoost?



42 minutes ago, Grey Cloud said:

Are you saying that your game is stable without recourse to Crash Fixes and ENB/ENBoost?

never heard of crash fix, until i tried enderal, because it come with crashfix


in enderal i had 3 ctd

- no npc replacers for that mod at the time, so i load it with a merge of followers/npc replacers to distribute heads to npc

most followers and even npc replacers set weight to 100, so with random distribution, most npc get weight 100, that suck, so i import some head that were selected to put back enderal weight

need an import function for that, so i had just install racemenu in enderal profile, original racemenu, weren't expecting problems... bad guess

after getting the perk to decapitate, i got stuck inside a cave, because i cut a head outside, until i delete that fucking racemenu.dll (had forgot that thing was problems, don't even know the purpose of that dll, tatoo? between that and avoiding decapition perk, it's easy to choose)


-the scene where dark calia kill the bandit chief, you end up with idle standingstill, so it was after that i saw the trap i walk on and send me flying, got me stuck between rock

didn't remember tcl command, so... just load earlier save

and for the same reason if you load earlier save after waking up a draugr, it won't wake up this time, because of ram leftovers, there was also ram leftovers

no idea if that ctd was because the second time calia wasn't load there for her scene, or because camera looking there fail or whatever it was, after reloading the game, no more ram leftover, no more problem, like when you die during a siege, a bad luck ctd, that's all


-and the last one was entering the kid town, because once the guard open the door, i had... just run inside

i was supposed to guess he still had some blabla to say? or to know not being around that npc for that dialog would be a ctd? another bad luck ctd (can be taking care of by giving idle standingstill to player, or behavior follow npc)


23 minutes ago, yatol said:

never heard of crash fix, until i tried enderal, because it come with crashfix

A mod that comes packaged with CF? Says a lot about Enderal but says nothing about Crash Fixes. Crash Fixes is designed to address memory management issues due to the limitations of Skyrim not Enderal.

And by the way, you originally said SKSE and Enderal, now you are saying Crash Fixes and Enderal.


And when did you try Enderal and do you use still have it installed or do you still have CF installed?

Everything you said was wrong and now you are banging on about something in Enderal in an attempt to salvage something. Is the OP actually running Enderal?


You can waffle all you like but the fact remains that those three tools will eradicate almost all memory related CTDs. This is not just my opinion, and direct experience, it is well documented and attested.

The three tools will not stop CTDs due to bad meshes or too many animations because they are not designed to do so.

2 hours ago, Grey Cloud said:

You can waffle all you like but the fact remains that those three tools will eradicate almost all memory related CTDs.

skse pre loader allow you to not crash if you load the game with x.dll, y.dll, z.dll, no idea what the problem is (priority problem? y require its dll to be load so its dll have to be load before it?)

nothing to do with ram ctd, that is user problem (maximum is x, if you go above x, crying that don't work is bullshit)


crash fix... don't know what it do


Warn user if they have bad ENB settings on startup.

that warning is supposed to do something about badly configured enb?

Added a crash fix related to Enderal.

some details on that crash? only had 3, and they are above

and i even did the bugged mayor quest (a dialog record that got renumbered in the english esm, nothing hard to fix, unlike the enderal house mess, that got standingstill idle load on your char at the wrong time and other fails, but not ctd because of that either)


you can ram ctd with the 64 bits .exe of nothing special edition?

that mean there's no ctd topic in sse section right?

is that the case?


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