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Help me understand the CTD message?!

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Every time I enter a place inside it would CTD. I intitally thought it was just a hiccup cause it would occasionally ctd if I moved through a forest to fast which would overload the system (I installed a lot of texture mods but my pc is quite decent, often if i moved fast through a heavy loaded place there'd be no problem beside a couple frame drop). However, I realised a it would CTD if I try to enter an indoor environment that i haven't been in before and this message would pop up. 

Then i thought it was a corrupt saved so I realoded a save relatively close and tried to enter the clothing shop in Solitude and it would still crash with this message. Then I tried to enter a place in Riften but to no avail.


Please help me understand the message that appear every CTD and tell me what to do to solve it.


Thanks you for reading.



Skyrim has failed to allocate memory. That's it, your mods are asking more than your current setup can handle. Did you do all these recommended steps? It would help your game to get a better chance to run your loadorder. And how many mods are you using? What are your machine specs? Note that even high end PCs have it's limits.


I think I did every thing to make Skyrim stable i.e used: LOOT, Wyre Bash and TES Clean Edit. I currently have 135 active mods, a few of them are texture mods.


I have a i5 8400 (6 Cores), 16GB ram  and a GTX 1070ti. Not the most powerful but decent enough I believe but could be wrong. 


I don't know if i had to do something to my memory to "allocate" it or its just too demanding on my systems memory.


Do you have ENB with a properly setup enblocal file? The other settings that message recommends? Your machine seems capable enough, so I'd say you either have a lot of heavy stuff in use, or some of your ini files don't have the recommended settings (enblocal.ini, the ini from crash fixes).


Either way,  check with a tool to measure cpu/gpu usage during play. Something like this https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/6491/?


No need for anything too technical. You don't need SPM to tell you that you are running out of memory, CF has told you that.


You already have Crash Fixes but I include it here for completeness


Crash fixes


SKSE Plugin Preloader


ENBoost (not needed if already using an ENB)


Read all instructions carefully and double-check any settings you change.


This will provide a decent overview of things.



10 hours ago, Illumi Carnage said:

I think I did every thing to make Skyrim stable i.e used: LOOT, Wyre Bash and TES Clean Edit.


running loot is supposed to do something about ram ctd?


out of your 16gb, skyrim.exe can use about 3.2 (32 bits)

in there, there's your load order order (600-700mb probably), sound (50mb), nifs (100-200mb), interface (5-20mb), scripts (1-2mb)

so if you need more than 2.4 gb of texture somewhere, you will ram ctd entering there, all the time

you may be able to enter there after reloading the game, because before the ram ctd, there was 400 mb of textures from area before last save, that are no longer in your ram (you have reload the game), so you will ram ctd a few zone later, but it's just a matter of time


unless you open enb menu every 2 min to free ram, but if you use enb, you can only ram ctd if it's badly configured






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