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BBP only?


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Hello... So, what do I need to do for just breast bounce? Is there a BBP hdt extension? I don't want butt wiggle because I hate seeing it when in heavy armor.




Bodyslide has BBP TBBP HDT and special versions. You can also use outfit studios to remove butt bones from the _0 and _1 outfit nifs or erase the weight paint and the butt bounce will stop. Not sure if it's still up on the nexus or not as the last few times that I have looked it has been gone from the skyrim LE section. 

9 hours ago, RedMonika said:

Hello... So, what do I need to do for just breast bounce? Is there a BBP hdt extension? I don't want butt wiggle because I hate seeing it when in heavy armor.



HDT is a prefix used for mods done by hydrogen or an indicator for nodes that are intended to use with common physics plugins like pe, smp, cbe.

BBP means breast butt physics or animated physics.

TBBP means tender breast butt physics and is also animated.

PE is physics extension and is actual havok physics.

SMP is skinned mesh physics and is actual bullet physics.


You can remove the butt part on any of those, for the animation stuff you need to edit the hkx, for the physics you need to edit the controller files. Don't remove weightpaints. You can edit them to archive that parts that are not supposed to bounce won't do so. A good example would be the sovngarde steel armor.


For PE use jff tool and remove all parts pointing to butt nodes.


For SMP open the XML and remove butt bone declarations or move them to kinematics.

9 hours ago, prZ said:

HDT is a prefix used for mods done by hydrogen or an indicator for nodes that are intended to use with common physics plugins like pe, smp, cbe.

BBP means breast butt physics or animated physics.

TBBP means tender breast butt physics and is also animated.

PE is physics extension and is actual havok physics.

SMP is skinned mesh physics and is actual bullet physics.


You can remove the butt part on any of those, for the animation stuff you need to edit the hkx, for the physics you need to edit the controller files. Don't remove weightpaints. You can edit them to archive that parts that are not supposed to bounce won't do so. A good example would be the sovngarde steel armor.


For PE use jff tool and remove all parts pointing to butt nodes.


For SMP open the XML and remove butt bone declarations or move them to kinematics.

Thanks for the info. Really appreciate it!


I was removing the bones in Outfit Studio, which was working but I was hoping that there would be something all ready there that removes the butt jiggle as a quick fix. Yeah, Sovngarde is a great example for that.


I was using the HDT extension with https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/92356 Even less bouncy file and it's quite good. It's not one that will cause you to have a black eye.


So, if I edit the files I wouldn't need to change anything with the armor? It would be done and forgotten? So, the hkx needs to be edited in the CK? Sounds like removing the bones is easier for me... lol


I'm not familiar with SMP. I've seen it around but I haven't used it.


On another note what would I change to make a less bouncy butt jiggle?


Thanks again

11 hours ago, myuhinny said:

Bodyslide has BBP TBBP HDT and special versions. You can also use outfit studios to remove butt bones from the _0 and _1 outfit nifs or erase the weight paint and the butt bounce will stop. Not sure if it's still up on the nexus or not as the last few times that I have looked it has been gone from the skyrim LE section. 


Thanks for the reply!


I was removing the bones in OS but removing the weight paint works too? Cool... didn't think of that.

11 hours ago, RedMonika said:

So, I can edit the xml file for the butt but that seems to only affect the character. So, what's the setting for armor weight?

Does the armor come with its own XML?

10 hours ago, prZ said:

Does the armor come with its own XML?

HDT xml files? The only xml files I know regarding armor are those for bodyslide, which are group names.

4 hours ago, RedMonika said:

I figured as much... just more work in OS... lol


Thanks for your time! :)


That was meant to be ironic. XML files store the parameter values. I don't work with PE but I think there is only a defaultBBPs.xml that does the work for all armors. If you open that XML with JFF you getultiple boxes for the bones, if you remove the butt part there there won't be any movements on the nodes. Of course you may have multiple defaultbbps, I hope you use MOD organizer.




Yes deleting a weight paint will prevent something from moving or bouncing as that is what makes boobs bounce and outfits move with the body and if the weight paint is removed then it'll stop moving but it'll still have the bone attached to it. 


It is also great to do if you have something that gets a bone node added to it that you didn't want added to something. Sometimes a outfit has things that get to close to other bone nodes like a sleeve of a shirt that gets to close to the thigh so the thigh bone gets attached to the sleeve of the shirt and will cause stretching in game but if you erase the weight painting that is on the sleeve the stretching will go away.


1 hour ago, myuhinny said:



Yes deleting a weight paint will prevent something from moving or bouncing as that is what makes boobs bounce and outfits move with the body and if the weight paint is removed then it'll stop moving but it'll still have the bone attached to it. 


It is also great to do if you have something that gets a bone node added to it that you didn't want added to something. Sometimes a outfit has things that get to close to other bone nodes like a sleeve of a shirt that gets to close to the thigh so the thigh bone gets attached to the sleeve of the shirt and will cause stretching in game but if you erase the weight painting that is on the sleeve the stretching will go away.



Cool! Thanks!


Weightpaints are not "what makes boobs bounce".

It defines which vertices of the mesh are rigged to a bone.


If you remove the weightpaint there is no need to not delete the bone at all.


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