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Skyrim Customized

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wondering if you guys think customizing with textures and enbs to get this effect (see attached) is viable for general playthru (for a high-end pc) or do people make their skyrim look like this just for screenshots only? btw, what mods can make it look like that?




Depends what you mean by 'customising with textures' and 'a high-end PC' but yes, easily viable.

Could be any of the overhaul mods, e.g. Noble Skyrim plus whichever ENB. ENB and lighting mods can make a huge difference to how a place looks. Have a mooch around the 'Guess this location' thread and see how different such things as stone or wood look.


These are all from my regular game. Probably Noble Skyrim (optimised or regular) and Kwanon or Bixie ENB (both by Hhayleyy).







08:30am (20 or 30 followers with me).





All the shots from a machine with 8GB of DDR3 RAM and 4gb of DDR5 VRAM. Only tweak done to the ENB was to turn off DoF. I like Kwanon/Bixie because it doesn't need any tweaking and it is nice and bright which helps my old eyes. Other prefer dark ENBs like Rudy. I don't see the point of shelling out all that money on a graphics card and monitor and then squinting into blackness.



is that your game? i kinda like that look. i just use tetrachromatic and its ok but i dunno i like that look. is that considered "fantasy"?

35 minutes ago, hogsmaws said:

is that your game? i kinda like that look. i just use tetrachromatic and its ok but i dunno i like that look. is that considered "fantasy"?

Yep, just regular game. Screenshots are just 'Print Scr' then save as jpg and post here. I wouldn't know where to start with 'screen archery'.

I use Relighting Skyrim and ELE Lite. I use SCO Summer Edition so there is no snow and ice - summer all the time; I also use a mod which stops rain and snow - dry all the time. Like I said my 62 year-old eyes like the light and bright.


Another thing these screen archers do is run a virtually vanilla Skyrim and only add stuff which they need for the pretty shots. In the image you posted there, old Fralia is vanilla. In my game she is modded (mesh, texture and clothing), as is every other NPC.


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