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SKSE not working right

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ok heres the thing i have every other mod working but for some reason SKSE and SKSE64 is not working on skyrim i did download the right 1 but for some reason it wont work when i was useing SKSE64 it was saying that it cant find SkyrimSE.exe so i downloaded an older one of the SKSE but my game cant seem to find it i have put all the file in the right place i even used a guild to help but nothing is work plz help



and no im not going to take the time to take pic of my load outs for the fact they are not whats keeping me from playing its only SKSE and thats all


SKSE is for Skyrim LE

SKSE64 is for Skyrim SE

Mixing the files for those 2 "different" games in not advisable, make sure there are no leftovers


i have and its still crashes as soon as i try to make a female char i do get pop ups saying i dont have the right SKSE but when i try useing the SKSE to start the game it says it cant find Skyrim SE.EXE but i have the high res 1 isnt that the Skyrim SE ?


first, which version of skyrim do you have? LE or SE?

(steam> the elder scrolls V : skyrim) + 3 dlc is LE it is originally 32 bit and uses skse

(steam> the elder scrolls V : skyrim special edition) is SE it is natively 64 bit and uses skse64


so the first uses skse the second uses skse64, don't mix them! 


second, what mod management software do you use?


third, try this, remove all the files you installed from skse and skse64 (manually check, compare and remove) and than only install the correct one for your version   


will thanks for that info its the 32 bit 1 and im useing SKSE my skyrim has all DLCs in it but the SKSE still isnt working its vortex as my mod management


I have no first hand experience with vortex, the only thing I can can advise is uninstall all the files you got from skse and skse64 (manually check for leftovers .dll .exe .pex) and install only the skse 1.7.3,

mind that skse is not the average mod as it places some files in the root directory(folder) of skyrim and not only in the data directory. 

the game with skse should be started with skse_loader.exe (admin rights can sometimes help), not skyrimlauncher.exe

Be sure you have correctly configured the various patches LE needs to be stable like crashfix and enb/enboost


ok heres the thing i put in the right 1 but i still can make a new char if its a female as soon as i pick the sex (a.k.a. female) it crashs start to my decktop

7 minutes ago, Kane21742 said:

first off this isnt my first time doing this but it is my first time useing vortex and to top it off this is the first time i had this happen no need to be calling other an idiot amd i wasnt even asking you in the first place the reason i dont want to put up my load out is the fact i have alot of mods set up the same 1s i used befor and had some things go worng but im not even useing the mods that did that



and about the whole LE and SE i thought i had the SE but i was worng it was the high res 1 not the SE

i dont think skse has anything to do with that if you just installed the right one, you need to post your load order here if you have LOOT you can copy it to clipboard easily


if you crash on selecting the gender , it might not be skse

try this

make a male char then open the console and type getskseversion

if you get the number skse is working and maybe you had some hiccups with racemenu




did what you said to do and it worked but when i tryed moveing around my guy just was standing there not move but i was walking around ill be puting my load outs up here when i get pics of them


heres my load out if ya need to know what the plugins are plz let me know691760937_loadoutspart1.thumb.png.7693b3a80b0dafc7f75b580d38bcb9f1.png1244234584_loadoutspart2.thumb.png.a105827a649dd505dc2bf9289762ed54.png1449752292_loadoutspart3.thumb.png.d24984b9c2a2e1ce6c80add8d0a08bf2.png1169247459_loadoutspart4.thumb.png.6f1e179546ca30b46e58ef268c4b7a30.png585651645_loadoutspart5.thumb.png.e31d06a01454afca277f7f08d64bba93.pngagain srry if this isnt how ya all do this or like it i can only do things with what tools i do have on hand


What you have posted is not your load order. It is an alphabetical list of your mods.


Use LOOT to get the load order.

There are 3 vertical dots in the top right corner. Click on them and select the option for copying your load order. Open a text file and paste the load order. Save the text file with a name you can remember, e.g. Load Order 060619. (This is just for your convenience).

Come here and click on the 'eye' icon above this box (two to the left of the emoji icon).

Paste the load order text (not the text file) into the spoiler window.


Is the female a vanilla female, e.g. Nord, Brton etc. or is she a custom race, e.g. Temptress, Ningheim, etc.?


You might also want to post your FNIS output. This is the text which appears when you run FNIS for Users. It can be copied and pasted here too.



0  0 Skyrim.esm
 1  1 Update.esm
 2  2 Dawnguard.esm
 3  3 HearthFires.esm
 4  4 Dragonborn.esm
 5  5 ZaZAnimationPack.esm
 6  6 SexLab.esm
 7  7 SexLabAroused.esm
 8  8 MiasLair.esp
 9  9 Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm
10  a Devious Devices - Assets.esm
11  b Devious Devices - Integration.esm
12  c CreatureFramework.esm
13  d Devious Devices - Expansion.esm
14  e BeeingFemale.esm
15  f HighResTexturePack01.esp
16 10 HighResTexturePack02.esp
17 11 HighResTexturePack03.esp
18 12 Immersive Arousal.esp
19 13 HornyCreatures.esp
20 14 SLAnimLoader.esp
21 15 TreasureHunterWhore.esp
22 16 SlaveTrainer.esp
23 17 APPS.esp
24 18 BeeingFemaleBasicAddOn.esp
25 19 BFA_CreatureChildActors_V+DG+DB.esp
26 1a DD_Helpers.esp
27 1b SexLabNudeCreatures.esp
28 1c SexLabNudeCreaturesDB.esp
29 1d SexLabNudeCreaturesDG.esp
30 1e HentaiCreatures.esp
31 1f SexLabDefeat.esp
32 20 Defeated_Slaves.esp
33 21 Devious Devices - Struggle Idles Patch.esp
34 22 Devious Lore.esp
35 23 Deviously Enslaved.esp
36 24 dvmb.esp
37 25 FNIS.esp
38 26 GattiBondage1.esp
39 27 MoreNastyCritters.esp
40 28 My Home Is Your Home.esp
41 29 PetCollar.esp
42 2a RaceMenu.esp
43 2b RaceMenuMorphsUUNP.esp
44 2c RaceMenuPlugin.esp
45 2d Schlongs of Skyrim.esp
46 2e SD Addons.esp
47 2f SexLab Aroused Creatures.esp
48 30 SkyUI.esp
49 31 SkyrimConfigMenu.esp
50 32 SlaveTatsEventsBridge.esp
51 33 SLSO.esp
52 34 SOS - Smurf Average Addon.esp
53 35 SOS - VectorPlexus Muscular Addon.esp
54 36 SOS - VectorPlexus Regular Addon.esp
55 37 TDF Aroused Rape.esp
56 38 TDF Aroused Sexy Idles.esp
57 39 UIExtensions.esp
58 3a Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp



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