Kotazero Posted June 5, 2019 Posted June 5, 2019 So i have been trying to fix this for awhile and the issue i'm having is when i type prid e4ec8 it tells me that compiled script is not saved and the only mod i have that affects breezehome is USLEEP any help would be appreciated  i am on legendary edition
Psalam Posted June 5, 2019 Posted June 5, 2019 Quote 12 minutes ago, Kotazero said: So i have been trying to fix this for awhile and the issue i'm having is when i type prid e4ec8 it tells me that compiled script is not saved and the only mod i have that affects breezehome is USLEEP any help would be appreciated  i am on legendary edition  A load order would be useful.
Kotazero Posted June 5, 2019 Author Posted June 5, 2019 Alright here you go GameMode=Skyrim Skyrim.esm=1 Update.esm=1 Dawnguard.esm=1 HearthFires.esm=1 Dragonborn.esm=1 Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp=1 SexLab.esm=1 Devious Devices - Assets.esm=1 ApachiiHair.esm=1 RaceCompatibility.esm=1 hdtHighHeel.esm=1 EFFCore.esm=1 Heels Sound.esm=1 SGHairPackBase.esm=1 SexLabAroused.esm=1 Devious Devices - Integration.esm=1 ClimatesOfTamriel.esm=1 ZaZAnimationPack.esm=1 daymoyl.esm=1 CreatureFramework.esm=1 Devious Devices - Expansion.esm=1 PSQ PlayerSuccubusQuest.esm=1 SimpleChildren.esp=1 Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm=1 barenziahquestmarkers.esp=1 profanedgs.esp=0 MoreBanditCamps(Explorer'sEdition).esp=1 RLO - Interiors.esp=1 Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp=1 TheAmazingWorldOfBikiniArmor.esp=1 TAWoBA_Light.esp=1 Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp=1 xazPrisonOverhaulPatched.esp=1 RLO - Exteriors.esp=1 Immersive Weapons.esp=1 SexLab_Solutions.esp=1 RDO - EFF v4.0.2 Patch.esp=1 localizedguildjobs.esp=1 MoreNastyCritters.esp=1 Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer.esp=1 Brows.esp=1 Essential Alchemists.esp=1 Essential Blacksmiths.esp=1 Essential Farmers.esp=1 Essential NPCs GGM.esp=1 Essential NPCs MF.esp=1 RaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.esp=1 PAN_NPCs_DG.esp=1 Essential NPCs Woodcutters.esp=1 Fantasy Soundtrack Project - Combat.esp=1 HoodsAndCirclets.esp=1 Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp=1 TightLeatherArmor.esp=1 The Eyes Of Beauty - Elves Edition.esp=1 SGEyebrows.esp=1 Unlimited Training.esp=1 [KijikoHair_MalePack].esp=1 KS Hairdos - HDT.esp=1 Northgirl.esp=1 Osare Underwear.esp=1 Serana No Hood.esp=1 FNIS.esp=1 FootIKOffSpell.esp=1 EFFDialogue.esp=1 RDO - USLEEP Patch.esp=1 UIExtensions.esp=1 AddItemMenu2.esp=1 SGHairPackAIO.esp=1 Eyes of Aber.esp=1 Neithteam Warpaint.esp=1 LeatherArmor.esp=1 SOSRaceMenu.esp=1 XPMSE.esp=1 SkyUI.esp=1 CL BladeofSacrifice.esp=1 WT Tribal Clothe.esp=1 KS Hairdo's.esp=1 SexLabDangerousNights2.esp=1 SexLab Submit.esp=1 Animated Dragon Wings.esp=1 Astaroth Horns - All in one.esp=1 Luxurious Seduction.esp=1 Skyrim Immersive Creatures - DLC2.esp=1 Bijin Warmaidens.esp=1 Bijin Wives.esp=1 TheEyesOfBeauty.esp=1 Unique Uniques.esp=1 DragonbaneReplacer.esp=1 Attempt.esp=1 InnovaEyes.esp=1 TW3Eyes.esp=1 LoksEyes.esp=1 RavenWP3.esp=1 BHWarPaints.esp=1 erboseverythingequalsomething.esp=1 UnreadBooksGlow.esp=1 skyforgedWeapons.esp=1 selobl_DarkLillith.esp=1 RichMerchants_Less.esp=1 Leatherarmorfix.esp=1 FollowerCynthia_asElisif.esp=1 RaceMenu.esp=1 RaceMenuPlugin.esp=1 SOS - Leito Addon.esp=1 Modern Brawl Bug Fix.esp=1 RutahTattooPack.esp=1 mintylightningmod.esp=1 MintyLightningMod_COT_Patch.esp=1 RLO - Effects.esp=1 RLO - Illuminated Spells.esp=1 MomoDash.esp=1 CoT-WeatherPatch.esp=1 ClimatesOfTamriel-Dungeons-Hazardous.esp=1 ClimatesOfTamriel-Interiors-Warm.esp=1 ClimatesOfTamriel-Nights-Level-2.esp=1 CoT-WeatherPatch_NL3.esp=1 ClimatesOfTamriel-Dawnguard-Patch.esp=1 ClimatesOfTamriel-Dragonborn-Patch.esp=1 TrueStorms.esp=1 TrueStorms-ClimatesOfTamriel.esp=1 Supreme Storms - Cot Version.esp=1 TrueStorms-SupremeStorms-CoT.esp=1 Chesko_WearableLantern.esp=1 PeroPeroArmorPack.esp=1 12FemaleBrows.esp=1 SexLab Strapon.esp=1 zzArmormashups.esp=1 SLAnimLoader.esp=1 SexLabMatchMaker.esp=1 SexLabMassMatchMaker.esp=1 KomAnimObjects.esp=1 Remodeled Armor - Underwear.esp=1 Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer - Dawnguard.esp=1 Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer - Dragonborn.esp=1 BikiniAscendVolume1.esp=1 FNISSexyMove.esp=1 TDF Aroused Rape.esp=1 SexLab-Stories.esp=1 Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp=1 sanguinesDebauchery.esp=1 SexLab_PaySexCrime.esp=1 hothtrooper44_ArmorPatch.esp=1 RikkeHelmetRemoval.esp=1 BeastessLair.esp=1 Run For Your Lives.esp=1 Cloaks.esp=1 quest_thebiggertheyare.esp=0 SL01AmuletsSkyrim.esp=1 WindstadMine.esp=1 LeafRest OnePiece.esp=1 quest_nomercy.esp=0 Skyrim Shadow Striping Fix.esp=1 Skyrim Trading Posts.esp=1 Immersive Patrols II.esp=1 RiverwoodHotSprings.esp=1 ZIA_Ancient Pack.esp=1 CL Nettlebane.esp=1 Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp=1 Bijin NPCs.esp=1 SexLab-AmorousAdventures.esp=1 SexLab_Dialogues.esp=1 quest_seaofghosts.esp=0 quest_sorcery.esp=0 quest_andtherealmsofdaedra.esp=0 Marriable Serana.esp=1 Ursine Armour.esp=1 daymoyl_DawnguardAddon.esp=1 MF_RadiantProstitution.esp=1 Essential Dogs.esp=1 Fantasy Soundtrack Project.esp=1 Morgynn Ashcroft Legerity.esp=1 Spousetocustomhome.esp=1 Marriable Serana HF.esp=1 dc-untamed-000.esp=1 Radiant-SchlongsPatch.esp=1 OK_Rosalie.esp=1 Ursine Armor Pack.esp=1 _sunya.esp=1 Gwelda Red Riding Hood.esp=1 MBO 0048.esp=1 SexLabTools.esp=1 The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp=1 more guards.esp=1 iNeed.esp=1 Bouncy-Bodices-Booties-Belts-Stockings.esp=1 PAN_Aumriel.esp=1 GomaPeroLand.esp=1 ZSB.esp=1 PSLacePanties.esp=1 Insanity's Chrysamere.esp=1 Insanity's Umbra Sword.esp=1 Alacrity.esp=1 Fenrir Blades.esp=1 ZTH.esp=1 RewardYourFollowers.esp=1 sandboxcylinderheight.esp=1 [NINI]Sexy clothes-2.esp=1 Choker of Skyrim.esp=1 LsjFsivV3.esp=1 SGHairMIX2.esp=1 SGHair33x144.esp=1 Beards.esp=1 DreamBurrowsSageOutfit.esp=1 Sheps_Tattoo_Collection.esp=1 EnhancedENBNightEye.esp=1 Junk's Bag Of Holding.esp=1 FacegenForKids.esp=1 Dawnguard - Join As A Vampire.esp=1 [Dint] BDO Dark_Knight 2.esp=1 [Dint] BDO Valkyrie.esp=1 Gwelda Armor Pack.esp=1 R18Pn - Eisen Platte Armor.esp=1 Sexy clothes.esp=1 Schlongs of Skyrim.esp=1 SOS - Smurf Average Addon.esp=1 SOS - VectorPlexus Muscular Addon.esp=1 SOS - VectorPlexus Regular Addon.esp=1 _clover.esp=1 pick_your_poison.esp=1 Aradia Kato Outfit.esp=1 Reversed Vampiric Powers Dawnguard.esp=1 no sun damage vampires.esp=1 Seductress Serana.esp=1 JaxonzRenamer.esp=1 Azura'sStar.esp=1 InigoPerkPointGiver.esp=1 1nivWICCloaks.esp=1 SL01AmuletsSkyrimDGDB_Outfit_WICSkyCloaks.esp=1 1nivWICSkyCloaksPatch.esp=1 ZCV.esp=1 ZMB.esp=1 ZRA.esp=1 ZSC.esp=1 ZSH.esp=1 ZSR.esp=1 ZVD.esp=1 Dual Sheath Redux.esp=1 HDT Maid Outfit.esp=1 HDT Maid Outfit Slot Change.esp=1 breezehomenoreq.esp=1 Spell Knight.esp=1 Lore Weapon Expansion - Goldbrand.esp=1 [COCO]ms_shirt.esp=1 [Melodic] Combat Gear MK2.esp=1 [COCO]BloomYouth.esp=1 [COCO]chunli_qipao.esp=1 ThianaFollowerAsherz.esp=1 [Melodic] Elf Song Outfit.esp=1 SLALAnimObjBillyy.esp=1 Nini Stuff 3.0.esp=1 Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp=1 da_alternate_start_extension.esp=1 ccas_starts.esp=1 Alternate Start -- New Beginnings.esp=1 ImmerSlave.esp=1 Bashed Patch, 0.esp=1 Dual Sheath Redux Patch.esp=1 HearthfireMultiKid.esp=1 HearthfireMultiKid_LastName.esp=1 [/spoiler
Uncle64 Posted June 5, 2019 Posted June 5, 2019 You have way to many plugins. Skyrim only supports 255, you have 259. Since you have Wrye Bash installed then it add one plugin to, and then you need to go down to 253 or 254 for it to be enable to make the patch. Start by fix your loadorder. And sort it whit LOOT and read the modders page in what order the plugins needs to load.
Kotazero Posted June 5, 2019 Author Posted June 5, 2019 I've been using loot and the active plugins was 253 but now i've removed Profaned Greatsword and the Quest mods so the active and total number are both 253
Kotazero Posted June 5, 2019 Author Posted June 5, 2019 I want to thank everyone for trying to help but after fucking around with it (uninstalling some things, updating loot, etc) I've got it working it seems like it was Breezehome no requirement was my issue
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