DatWombat Posted May 27, 2019 Posted May 27, 2019 Hey everyone! It's me, and I'm here with another mod proposal.  I will be talking about the Luxury Collection, although the file I have is for UUNP, which I pulled from a forum post. I am thinking about making a CIS Patch for the Luxury collection. My "Circulated in Skyrim" mods (or CIS) distribute, enchant and rebalance mod-content using leveled lists. They do what most mod authors don't do. . . add their gear to Skyrim's NPCs and loot pool (becuase frankly, it's a big pain in the rear to do). I'm going to rant a little, and I apologize in advance. I don't have a life outside work, and I happen to really enjoy talking about mods.  I have a few problems with this mod. One, the items it adds to Skyrim are definitely not lore-friendly. Two, for some reason, the lingerie it adds is considered armor (and not clothing). . . and pretty damn good armor too. Three, it does not add any enchanted gear. Four, none of the lingerie is craftable. And five, none of the gear is available to NPCs or lootable objects.  Okay, I have more than a few problems with this mod. But hey, we can fix it!  Although the Luxury is not lore-friendly (in the slightest), neither are any of my "skimpy armor" mods or Sexlab shenangans. And dagsarnit, the Luxury Collection in its bouncy booty glory is just too damn pretty! Moving on. I imagine that turning the Luxury Collection into clothing instead of armor should be as easy as switching or removing a tag, and adjusting values. Enchanted lingerie, craftable lingerie, and obtainable lingerie are all problems I've solved before with the CIS series (well not the "craftable part". . . but I think I know how to fix that.)  I know I can solve those problems. But the problems I have listed are mostly technical problems. They have straight-forward answers. But, I want to bring up a few other issues I see down the road. I'd like to consider input as I work on a Luxury Collection CIS patch.  Who would wear the Luxury Collection? What I mean by this question is what NPCs do you see spawning with items found in the Luxury Collection? The first that come to mind are townsfolk, civilized people that is. But then again, considering how different Luxury items are from vanilla items, perhaps I might as well give every NPC a chance to don lingerie?  Where would you find the Luxury Collection? What I mean by this question is where would actually find the items included in this mod, when they aren't being worn by an NPC? The first that comes to mind for me is merchant inventories. Or hey, maybe panties could be a rare drop from bandits? They are bandits after all. . .  How should I deal with "armor" lingerie? The lingerie added by the Luxury Collection is considered armor, and not clothing. I realize the original author may have done this to justify wearing lingerie into battle, especially on later in-game difficulties. It may also be an attempt to encourage followers to wear the Luxury Collection, as NPCs tend to wear the best available gear they own. I see them as clothes, but there are valid reasons to allow them to protect. Should I maintain an "armor" and "not-armor" version of this mod? Alternatively, maybe I could add enchanted lingerie that provides protection, as a compromise.  What would the Luxury Collection be made of? As I mentioned, you cannot craft the Luxury Collection in-game. If you could, what items would it take? I imagine leather. . . but maybe someone has a better idea.  I'm thinking that the Luxury Collection could spawn as sort of rare or uncommon loot, and occasionally spawn in NPC inventories as a "misc" item or in-place of normal armor. But that's just my idea. If I were (and I'm sure I will) make a Luxury Collection CIS patch, what would you like to see? Is there something about the Luxury Collection that bothers you, or something you wish was different?  I've actually previously made a mod that distributed the Luxury Collection into Skyrim. I haven't a clue where it went, but it was before I created the CIS series. I guess you could say it was a precursor, and boy did it take a while. I never uploaded it anywhere, and based on what I remember, it would have needed a lot more work before I'd consider is good enough to share. This Luxury Collection CIS mod would be a fresh-start on previous work I've done. Since then, I've learned a thing or two about TES5Edit and distributing mod-content. I think I can improve on my old work quite a bit.  For more information about the CIS Series, you can read about the patches in more detail here -  Â
Varithina Posted May 27, 2019 Posted May 27, 2019 Grab my updated esp for the collection here,  It has crafting and tempering for them all, though you may well want to check things over to see if they suit what you want/need, if not you will need to redo them yourself to suit. I had intended to duplicate everything as clothing but never got around to it as I pretty much stopped playing skyrim.  If you are editing level lists you may also be better off working with the ck rather than xedit, as with the ck you can just highlight multiple pieces of armor and drag and drop them onto the required level lists.  As for their materials, if you check the wiki here https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Armor most of the collection fall into the glass category for their armor values.
DatWombat Posted May 27, 2019 Author Posted May 27, 2019 6 hours ago, Varithina said: Grab my updated esp for the collection here,  It has crafting and tempering for them all, though you may well want to check things over to see if they suit what you want/need, if not you will need to redo them yourself to suit. I had intended to duplicate everything as clothing but never got around to it as I pretty much stopped playing skyrim.  If you are editing level lists you may also be better off working with the ck rather than xedit, as with the ck you can just highlight multiple pieces of armor and drag and drop them onto the required level lists.  As for their materials, if you check the wiki here https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Armor most of the collection fall into the glass category for their armor values. Crafting and tempering? I forgot that tempering was a thing! I don't tend to play blacksmith-eske characters, and I haven't really played Skyrim in a long time. I haven't found all the mods I want yet!  Had I of known Creation Kit made editing leveled lists as easy as drag n' drop, well gosh. . . I would have saved myself a lot of time. I tend to avoid Creation Kit because I find xEdit very, very familiar and stable. . . but knowing that I might have to use both programs when creating my mods.  I did notice the word "glass" when I pryed the Luxury Collecton .esp open. . . but I wasn't sure if all of the gear was considered glass-level armor. I didn't want to assume anything, but thank you for the confirmation.  Would you mind if I incorporated your work into a CIS patch? Pre-made crafting and tempering could save me a lot of time, and allow me to focus on the actual armor and loot distribution. I'd love to drop a link to your .esp, because (1) credit would be due where its due and (2) I'm sure users would be interested in your .esp if they don't want to install my CIS mods.  On a note not-related to your reply, I have something else on my mind (for y'alls).  This morning I remembered why I never got around to finishing a Luxury Collection distribution mod. . . it was because the gear in question is strictly for female characters. While you can make it so it shows up as something else for male characters, I would personally find it very "immersion-breaking" if some dude I killed in sweet gear was actually wearing panties and heels. Where'd my sweet gear go?  I see a few fixes. . . one, I could maintain the currently in-place system. Males wear placeholders and females the actual gear. Two, I could separate male and female outfits in-game, but I think that would be best suited for a standalone mod. Also, it's easier said than done. . . but I've done it before. Three, I could restrict Luxury items to loot, and misc. items, and not as equipment for NPCs. Maybe instead of a jewel, you find a pair of heels sort of deal? Or four, I could just modify female Outfits and make them have a chance to spawn the Luxury gear. . . actually, that sounds the most logical.  Again, I'd like to hear from y'alls, and if I were to make special female outfits, I'd probably make it separate version or .esp.
Varithina Posted May 27, 2019 Posted May 27, 2019 2 hours ago, Nretsmah said: Would you mind if I incorporated your work into a CIS patch? Pre-made crafting and tempering could save me a lot of time, and allow me to focus on the actual armor and loot distribution. I'd love to drop a link to your .esp, because (1) credit would be due where its due and (2) I'm sure users would be interested in your .esp if they don't want to install my CIS mods.  This morning I remembered why I never got around to finishing a Luxury Collection distribution mod. . . it was because the gear in question is strictly for female characters. While you can make it so it shows up as something else for male characters, I would personally find it very "immersion-breaking" if some dude I killed in sweet gear was actually wearing panties and heels. Where'd my sweet gear go?   Use it as you want to, no problems from me though as I am getting back into skyrim I may well update it as I know there are errors in some of the crating recipes, problem is those who reported it simply said there are errors, without saying just what the hell those errors were.  As for no male stuff that is pretty easy though damn tedious to do, what you would need to do is open the armor addon for each piece of armor, and change the male world model to a vanilla item, so for boots in this case I would have set the male meshes to the same one as a vanilla male glass boot would and just do the same for each armor piece, for items that do not have male versions, things like stockings or such I would normally use boots in this instance case.  This is a quick crib sheet of possible replacements for meshes I made ages ago when doing things  Spoiler [Clothing] Clothes\FineClothes01\BootsM_1.nif Clothes\FineClothes01\OutfitM_1.nif Clothes\FineClothes02\HatM_1.nif Armor\Circlets\CircletM3.nif Clothes\YarlClothes\M\Gloves_1.nif Armor\AmuletsandRings\GoldAmulet_1.nif Armor\AmuletsandRings\GoldRingDiamond_1.nif [Light Armor] Armor\Bandit\BootsM_1.nif Armor\Bandit\BodyM_1.nif Armor\Bandit\1stPersonBodyM_1.nif Armor\Bandit\GlovesM_1.nif Armor\Bandit\1stPersonGlovesM_1.nif Armor\Bandit\HatM_1.nif Armor\Glass\M\Boots_1.nif Armor\Glass\M\Cuirass_1.nif Armor\Glass\M\1stPersonCuirass_1.nif Armor\Glass\M\Gauntlets_1.nif Armor\Glass\M\1stPersonGauntlets_1.nif Armor\Glass\M\Helmet_1.nif Armor\Hide\M\BootsLight_1.nif Armor\Hide\M\CuirassLight_1.nif Armor\Hide\M\1stPersonCuirassLight_1.nif Armor\Hide\M\GauntletsLightBeast_1.nif Armor\Hide\M\1stPersonGauntletsLightBeast_1.nif Armor\Hide\M\HelmetLight.nif Armor\Dragonscale\DragonscaleBootsM_1.nif Armor\Dragonscale\DragonscaleArmorM_1.nif Armor\Dragonscale\1stPersonDragonscaleArmorM_1.nif Armor\Dragonscale\DragonscaleGlovesM_1.nif Armor\Dragonscale\DragonscaleHelmetOrcM_1.nif Armor\Elven\M\Boots_1.nif Armor\Elven\M\BootsGND.nif Armor\Elven\M\Cuirass_1.nif Armor\Elven\M\1stPersonCuirass_1.nif Armor\Elven\M\CuirassHeavyGND.nif Armor\Elven\M\Gauntlets_1.nif Armor\Elven\M\1stPersonGauntlets_1.nif Armor\Elven\M\GauntletsGND.nif Armor\Elven\M\Helmet_1.nif Armor\Elven\M\HelmetGND.nif Armor\Studded\Male\boots_1.nif Armor\Studded\Male\body_1.nif Armor\Studded\Male\1stPersonbody_1.nif Armor\Studded\Male\gloves_1.nif Armor\Studded\Male\1stPersongloves_1.nif Armor\Studded\Male\helmet_1.nif Armor\Imperial\M\BootsLight_1.nif Armor\Imperial\M\CuirassLight_1.nif Armor\Imperial\M\1stPersonCuirassLight_1.nif Armor\Imperial\M\GauntletsLightBeast_1.nif Armor\Imperial\M\1stPersonGauntletsLightBeast_1.nif Armor\Imperial\M\HelmetLight.nif [Heavy Armor] Armor\Orcish\bootsm_1.nif Armor\Orcish\cuirassM_1.nif Armor\Orcish\1stPersoncuirassM_1.nif Armor\Orcish\gauntletsm_1.nif Armor\Orcish\HelmetM.nif Armor\Daedric\DaedricBoots_1.nif Armor\Daedric\DaedricBootsGO.nif Armor\Daedric\DaedricCuirass_1.nif Armor\Daedric\1stPersonDaedricCuirass_1.nif Armor\Daedric\DaedricCuirassGO.nif Armor\Daedric\DaedricGauntlets_1.nif Armor\Daedric\DaedricGauntletsGO.nif Armor\Daedric\DaedricHelmet_1.nif Armor\Daedric\DaedricHelmetGO.nif Armor\Dragonbone\DragonboneBoots_1.nif Armor\Dragonbone\DragonboneArmorM_1.nif Armor\Dragonbone\1stPersonDragonboneArmorM_1.nif Armor\Dragonbone\DragonboneGauntlets_1.nif Armor\Dragonbone\DragonboneHelmet2_1.nif Armor\Ebony\M\Boots_1.nif Armor\Ebony\M\Cuirass_1.nif Armor\Ebony\M\1stPersonCuirass_1.nif Armor\Ebony\M\Gauntlets_1.nif Armor\Ebony\M\Helmet_1.nif Armor\Dwarven\DwarvenBoots_1.nif Armor\Dwarven\DwarvenArmor_1.nif Armor\Dwarven\1stPersonDwarvenArmor_1.nif Armor\Dwarven\1stPersonDwarvenGauntlets_1.nif Armor\Dwarven\DwarvenHelmet_1.nif Armor\Iron\Male\Boots_1.nif Armor\Iron\Male\CuirassLight_1.nif Armor\Iron\Male\1stPersonCuirassLight_1.nif Armor\Iron\Male\Gauntlets_1.nif Armor\Iron\Male\HelmetArgonian.nif Armor\Steel\Boots_1.nif Armor\Steel\CuirassLight_1.nif Armor\Steel\1stPersonCuirassLight_1.nif Armor\Steel\HelmetLight_1.nif Armor\Imperial\M\GauntletsHeavy_1.nif Armor\Imperial\M\1stPersonGauntletsHeavy_1.nif Armor\Hide\M\CuirassHeavy_1.nif Armor\Hide\M\GauntletsHeavy_1.nif Armor\Hide\M\BootsHeavy_1.nif Armor\Hide\M\HelmetHeavy.nif Armor\Imperial\M\BootsHeavy_1.nif Armor\Imperial\M\CuirassHeavy_1.nif Armor\Imperial\M\1stPersonCuirassHeavy_1.nif Armor\Imperial\M\GauntletsHeavy_1.nif Armor\Imperial\M\1stPersonGauntletsHeavy_1.nif Armor\Imperial\M\HelmetMedium.nif   Just copy the appropriate line to the right places in the armor addon for each piece of armor in the pack, though I may have already done that in my esp.  Quick edit to this as well though these two scripts are flagged for special edition they do work on oldrim and they make things so much easier as long as the correct material and location keywords are in place  xedit script make crafteable https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/8041 xedit scrip make temperable https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/8012  And this script to create enchanted versions, it will also take enchantments from other mods as well https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/94976  Not too sure if you have seen any of those scripts before there is an enchanted one for special edition as well.
DatWombat Posted May 28, 2019 Author Posted May 28, 2019 7 hours ago, Varithina said: Use it as you want to, no problems from me though as I am getting back into skyrim I may well update it as I know there are errors in some of the crating recipes, problem is those who reported it simply said there are errors, without saying just what the hell those errors were.  Awesome! I just got my shiny new PC, so I've just been sinking my teeth into all them games I haven't been able to play in too long. If you were to get back into Skyrim, would you mind letting me know if you make any updates on your .esp? I plan on looking at it tonight, and maybe I'll see the errors. Maybe. I already have my work cut-out for me in regards to the Luxury Collection.  7 hours ago, Varithina said: As for no male stuff that is pretty easy though damn tedious to do, what you would need to do is open the armor addon for each piece of armor, and change the male world model to a vanilla item, so for boots in this case I would have set the male meshes to the same one as a vanilla male glass boot would and just do the same for each armor piece, for items that do not have male versions, things like stockings or such I would normally use boots in this instance case.  This is a quick crib sheet of possible replacements for meshes I made ages ago when doing things   Reveal hidden contents [Clothing] Clothes\FineClothes01\BootsM_1.nif Clothes\FineClothes01\OutfitM_1.nif Clothes\FineClothes02\HatM_1.nif Armor\Circlets\CircletM3.nif Clothes\YarlClothes\M\Gloves_1.nif Armor\AmuletsandRings\GoldAmulet_1.nif Armor\AmuletsandRings\GoldRingDiamond_1.nif [Light Armor] Armor\Bandit\BootsM_1.nif Armor\Bandit\BodyM_1.nif Armor\Bandit\1stPersonBodyM_1.nif Armor\Bandit\GlovesM_1.nif Armor\Bandit\1stPersonGlovesM_1.nif Armor\Bandit\HatM_1.nif Armor\Glass\M\Boots_1.nif Armor\Glass\M\Cuirass_1.nif Armor\Glass\M\1stPersonCuirass_1.nif Armor\Glass\M\Gauntlets_1.nif Armor\Glass\M\1stPersonGauntlets_1.nif Armor\Glass\M\Helmet_1.nif Armor\Hide\M\BootsLight_1.nif Armor\Hide\M\CuirassLight_1.nif Armor\Hide\M\1stPersonCuirassLight_1.nif Armor\Hide\M\GauntletsLightBeast_1.nif Armor\Hide\M\1stPersonGauntletsLightBeast_1.nif Armor\Hide\M\HelmetLight.nif Armor\Dragonscale\DragonscaleBootsM_1.nif Armor\Dragonscale\DragonscaleArmorM_1.nif Armor\Dragonscale\1stPersonDragonscaleArmorM_1.nif Armor\Dragonscale\DragonscaleGlovesM_1.nif Armor\Dragonscale\DragonscaleHelmetOrcM_1.nif Armor\Elven\M\Boots_1.nif Armor\Elven\M\BootsGND.nif Armor\Elven\M\Cuirass_1.nif Armor\Elven\M\1stPersonCuirass_1.nif Armor\Elven\M\CuirassHeavyGND.nif Armor\Elven\M\Gauntlets_1.nif Armor\Elven\M\1stPersonGauntlets_1.nif Armor\Elven\M\GauntletsGND.nif Armor\Elven\M\Helmet_1.nif Armor\Elven\M\HelmetGND.nif Armor\Studded\Male\boots_1.nif Armor\Studded\Male\body_1.nif Armor\Studded\Male\1stPersonbody_1.nif Armor\Studded\Male\gloves_1.nif Armor\Studded\Male\1stPersongloves_1.nif Armor\Studded\Male\helmet_1.nif Armor\Imperial\M\BootsLight_1.nif Armor\Imperial\M\CuirassLight_1.nif Armor\Imperial\M\1stPersonCuirassLight_1.nif Armor\Imperial\M\GauntletsLightBeast_1.nif Armor\Imperial\M\1stPersonGauntletsLightBeast_1.nif Armor\Imperial\M\HelmetLight.nif [Heavy Armor] Armor\Orcish\bootsm_1.nif Armor\Orcish\cuirassM_1.nif Armor\Orcish\1stPersoncuirassM_1.nif Armor\Orcish\gauntletsm_1.nif Armor\Orcish\HelmetM.nif Armor\Daedric\DaedricBoots_1.nif Armor\Daedric\DaedricBootsGO.nif Armor\Daedric\DaedricCuirass_1.nif Armor\Daedric\1stPersonDaedricCuirass_1.nif Armor\Daedric\DaedricCuirassGO.nif Armor\Daedric\DaedricGauntlets_1.nif Armor\Daedric\DaedricGauntletsGO.nif Armor\Daedric\DaedricHelmet_1.nif Armor\Daedric\DaedricHelmetGO.nif Armor\Dragonbone\DragonboneBoots_1.nif Armor\Dragonbone\DragonboneArmorM_1.nif Armor\Dragonbone\1stPersonDragonboneArmorM_1.nif Armor\Dragonbone\DragonboneGauntlets_1.nif Armor\Dragonbone\DragonboneHelmet2_1.nif Armor\Ebony\M\Boots_1.nif Armor\Ebony\M\Cuirass_1.nif Armor\Ebony\M\1stPersonCuirass_1.nif Armor\Ebony\M\Gauntlets_1.nif Armor\Ebony\M\Helmet_1.nif Armor\Dwarven\DwarvenBoots_1.nif Armor\Dwarven\DwarvenArmor_1.nif Armor\Dwarven\1stPersonDwarvenArmor_1.nif Armor\Dwarven\1stPersonDwarvenGauntlets_1.nif Armor\Dwarven\DwarvenHelmet_1.nif Armor\Iron\Male\Boots_1.nif Armor\Iron\Male\CuirassLight_1.nif Armor\Iron\Male\1stPersonCuirassLight_1.nif Armor\Iron\Male\Gauntlets_1.nif Armor\Iron\Male\HelmetArgonian.nif Armor\Steel\Boots_1.nif Armor\Steel\CuirassLight_1.nif Armor\Steel\1stPersonCuirassLight_1.nif Armor\Steel\HelmetLight_1.nif Armor\Imperial\M\GauntletsHeavy_1.nif Armor\Imperial\M\1stPersonGauntletsHeavy_1.nif Armor\Hide\M\CuirassHeavy_1.nif Armor\Hide\M\GauntletsHeavy_1.nif Armor\Hide\M\BootsHeavy_1.nif Armor\Hide\M\HelmetHeavy.nif Armor\Imperial\M\BootsHeavy_1.nif Armor\Imperial\M\CuirassHeavy_1.nif Armor\Imperial\M\1stPersonCuirassHeavy_1.nif Armor\Imperial\M\GauntletsHeavy_1.nif Armor\Imperial\M\1stPersonGauntletsHeavy_1.nif Armor\Imperial\M\HelmetMedium.nif   Just copy the appropriate line to the right places in the armor addon for each piece of armor in the pack, though I may have already done that in my esp.  I don't think it's that tedious, and I know exactly what you mean. I am currently using a lot of armor mods which add variants of vanilla gear, but it's all female-only. But it works out great, because it's vanilla gear with a male, vanilla counterpart. My problem with the Book of UUNP is that I'd personally find it "immersion breaking" if the fur armor I saw was not fur armor, but rather was pair of panties or something.  But thank you for the cheat sheet. Very useful!  7 hours ago, Varithina said: Quick edit to this as well though these two scripts are flagged for special edition they do work on oldrim and they make things so much easier as long as the correct material and location keywords are in place  xedit script make crafteable https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/8041 xedit scrip make temperable https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/8012  And this script to create enchanted versions, it will also take enchantments from other mods as well https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/94976  Not too sure if you have seen any of those scripts before there is an enchanted one for special edition as well. I'm not familiar with scripts at all. . . but If I can have a script automate hours of copy/pasting, that would save me well. . . hours! I really look into these, thank you for the helpful links. If I can partly animate CIS patches, it would free up time for updates and possible requests.
DatWombat Posted May 28, 2019 Author Posted May 28, 2019 @Varithina So I did some testing. I took your .esp, and I compared it against the original Luxury Collection .esp. Quick question. . . is there a reason why you decided to reassign FormIDs to the Luxury Collection?  I also did some in-game testing with male characters. I noticed that some Luxury items already had assigned male models (in xEdit), but in-game they still look screwy. The males end up with invisible areas, like inviso-wrists or ankles. In some cases, it just completely failed and I had inviso-bodies. In short, the pre-done male versions have problems, and my attempts to add male models were unsuccessful.  I suspect it has something to do with armor slots perhaps? But that's just a guess.  As I mentioned, I really don't like the idea of seeing an NPC wearing say, Fur Armor, but having it actually be something totally different. If said NPC was actually wearing a Fur Armor placeholder for a female-version of Fur Armor, that's fine by me. But that's not he case here, because you'd end up with a bright-bright pink corset instead.  I'll keep poking around some, but personally I'm more interested in getting functional male-placeholder meshes to work as a "back-up plan", for anyone with a mod that might encourage a male NPC to pick up and wear Luxury gear. But I know people might want to see NPCs in general wearing the armor, so I guess I'd better figure something out.  I'm not throwing the proverbial towel in yet, but I do have a few compromises in mind. - Maybe I could restrict Luxury items to loot, and keep them out of Outfits. If I turned them into clothes, then NPCs should avoid donning them unless they are nude. That would help prevent male NPCs from getting. . . ideas. - I could directly edit female NPCs so only they can spawn with Luxury Items. I don't like this solution, because I fear it will reduce compatibility with the Luxury CIS patch - I could make new (generic) NPCs which spawn with the Luxury Items. Maybe there's an off-hand chance you'll meet a Bandit in heels with a battle axe. You'd think it wouldn't work, but I'm sure she'd beg to differ. I actually like this idea, because it would maintain mod compatibility and still provide the player a chance to see Luxury gear on NPCs.  On another note, I tried one of them scripts. I feel like a fool now, spending weeks copy/pasting when I could have drag n' dropped and ran scripts. It's not as simple as that sure but it's still the difference between weeks and a week.
Varithina Posted May 28, 2019 Posted May 28, 2019 46 minutes ago, Nretsmah said: @Varithina So I did some testing. I took your .esp, and I compared it against the original Luxury Collection .esp. Quick question. . . is there a reason why you decided to reassign FormIDs to the Luxury Collection?  I also did some in-game testing with male characters. I noticed that some Luxury items already had assigned male models (in xEdit), but in-game they still look screwy. The males end up with invisible areas, like inviso-wrists or ankles. In some cases, it just completely failed and I had inviso-bodies. In short, the pre-done male versions have problems, and my attempts to add male models were unsuccessful.  I suspect it has something to do with armor slots perhaps? But that's just a guess.  As I mentioned, I really don't like the idea of seeing an NPC wearing say, Fur Armor, but having it actually be something totally different. If said NPC was actually wearing a Fur Armor placeholder for a female-version of Fur Armor, that's fine by me. But that's not he case here, because you'd end up with a bright-bright pink corset instead.  I'll keep poking around some, but personally I'm more interested in getting functional male-placeholder meshes to work as a "back-up plan", for anyone with a mod that might encourage a male NPC to pick up and wear Luxury gear. But I know people might want to see NPCs in general wearing the armor, so I guess I'd better figure something out.  I'm not throwing the proverbial towel in yet, but I do have a few compromises in mind. - Maybe I could restrict Luxury items to loot, and keep them out of Outfits. If I turned them into clothes, then NPCs should avoid donning them unless they are nude. That would help prevent male NPCs from getting. . . ideas. - I could directly edit female NPCs so only they can spawn with Luxury Items. I don't like this solution, because I fear it will reduce compatibility with the Luxury CIS patch - I could make new (generic) NPCs which spawn with the Luxury Items. Maybe there's an off-hand chance you'll meet a Bandit in heels with a battle axe. You'd think it wouldn't work, but I'm sure she'd beg to differ. I actually like this idea, because it would maintain mod compatibility and still provide the player a chance to see Luxury gear on NPCs.  On another note, I tried one of them scripts. I feel like a fool now, spending weeks copy/pasting when I could have drag n' dropped and ran scripts. It's not as simple as that sure but it's still the difference between weeks and a week. From what I am aware from the few things I did with changing the meshes for male vanilla items they should show vanilla armor textures for males, so if the female is wearing luxury boots she should show them, but in that case a male should show wearing vanilla glass boots if that was what was assigned, it might be a bit trickier than that, or it could be one of the things people were telling me about but never explained, I pretty much made those edits at the end of my game time so never really tested them that much in game, the few I did seemed to work when equipped on a male or female pc, the female one showed the luxury collection stuff and the male showed what ever vanilla armor I changed them with, why they did that could have been one of those wierd ass quirks this game has where one person gets one thing but another person gets something else.  As for form id not too sure, I think I might have been intending to get the various sets in the luxury collection to sort properly, but that should have been editor id not form id, not too sure otherwise, though I do have one major problem with my game even with a complete new clean install on a different drive, I can have only the base game installed no mod and if I go into the inventory in 3rd person and select the player every piece of vanilla armor is showing errors, form ids are basically offset by 5 or so, never sorted out why the hell it does that though, still have not either.  Quick update to this I just checked both oldrim and special edition, every piece of armor or clothing is showing bad editor id on it, that includes stuff from player made armor and clothing, about the only thing not affected is rings/necklace, with what looks like a offset of about 5 or so, which is more than likely what is causing the problems with odd looking male armors. Now the big question is wtf? and how do I sort it.
DatWombat Posted May 28, 2019 Author Posted May 28, 2019 22 minutes ago, Varithina said: From what I am aware from the few things I did with changing the meshes for male vanilla items they should show vanilla armor textures for males, so if the female is wearing luxury boots she should show them, but in that case a male should show wearing vanilla glass boots if that was what was assigned, it might be a bit trickier than that, or it could be one of the things people were telling me about but never explained, I pretty much made those edits at the end of my game time so never really tested them that much in game, the few I did seemed to work when equipped on a male or female pc, the female one showed the luxury collection stuff and the male showed what ever vanilla armor I changed them with, why they did that could have been one of those wierd ass quirks this game has where one person gets one thing but another person gets something else. Well it seems to be sort of working. I'm not proud of my current Skyrim build, but I guess pictures help. . . lemme reboot aaand -  Exhibit A - A female character with Amore Gold 1. Looks okay yeah?  Exhibit B - A male character with the same item, with male meshes selected in the Armor Addon. Notice the feet? That's the sort of problem I'm having here.  But maybe it is a quirk of my game. I know my male textures are looking off, but I don't see why it would cause the inviso-problem. I imagine I should just see off textures. 22 minutes ago, Varithina said: As for form id not too sure, I think I might have been intending to get the various sets in the luxury collection to sort properly, but that should have been editor id not form id, not too sure otherwise, though I do have one major problem with my game even with a complete new clean install on a different drive, I can have only the base game installed no mod and if I go into the inventory in 3rd person and select the player every piece of vanilla armor is showing errors, form ids are basically offset by 5 or so, never sorted out why the hell it does that though, still have not either. From the looks of it, the Luxury Armor in your .esp is different from that of the original. Lemme double check. . .  Hold the sauce, at a glance it does seem to be Editor IDs. My bad. I tend to sort by Editor IDs, and I noticed the off-Form IDs, and the lack of Overrides. On the topic of your game, gosh I wouldn't know where to start. I mean, is this a clean, clean install? Like a fresh download sort of thing? Do you have a mod manager that is trying to recover old mods/files, or a cloud system (like Steam) screwing with you? Maybe it's a system thing, and not a Skyrim thing. I hope you get that fixed up, but they best I can do is speculate solutions. Maybe someone's file integrity needs checked on Steam?  You seem rather knowledgeable about mods, so I imagine you've got what it takes to beat back the buggy 'rim.
DatWombat Posted May 28, 2019 Author Posted May 28, 2019 1 hour ago, Varithina said: Quick update to this I just checked both oldrim and special edition, every piece of armor or clothing is showing bad editor id on it, that includes stuff from player made armor and clothing, about the only thing not affected is rings/necklace, with what looks like a offset of about 5 or so, which is more than likely what is causing the problems with odd looking male armors. Now the big question is wtf? and how do I sort it. Bad Editor IDs? Offset of five? That sounds like a disaster. But my Editor IDs seem to working just fine, so I don't see how it could cause odd looking male armors on my end. And how to sort it, who knows?
Varithina Posted May 28, 2019 Posted May 28, 2019 1 hour ago, Nretsmah said: Exhibit A - A female character with Amore Gold 1. Looks okay yeah? Â Exhibit B - A male character with the same item, with male meshes selected in the Armor Addon. Notice the feet? That's the sort of problem I'm having here. Â Â My best guess would be slot allocations, try looking at them for the vanilla boots you used and see what they are in both armoraddon and the armor section, there may well be differences between the vanilla boots and the luxury collection ones, sorting that out could however be a nightmare, thought that is not something I tend to notice as I run a skyfem/feminized level list setup, so do not tend to see many males and they tend to be wearing in effect custom outfits rather than vanilla stuff. Â And yup clean install, deleted the steam directories for the game, appdata, saves, then rebooted, ran cc cleaner twice, then rebooted again, ran cc cleaner again, which showed nothing, deleted my mo install and only kept 2 txt files with the mod list and load order in it, then re-installed skyrim on one of my other hard drives, ran the game from steam no mods no mod manager and exactly the same thing, the editor id errors was only noticed by me when one of the npc's called me out on being naked, when at the time I was wearing vanilla mage robes, which had me doing wtf at the comment, it took me a bit of digging to find out that that seemed to be the problem. Â As for sorting it out the full reinstall did not sort it out so I have no idea what the hell the problem is, I do know you can run a script to change form id, but no idea if that would sort it or how to get the entire thing to work if I do.
DatWombat Posted May 28, 2019 Author Posted May 28, 2019 7 hours ago, Varithina said: My best guess would be slot allocations, try looking at them for the vanilla boots you used and see what they are in both armoraddon and the armor section, there may well be differences between the vanilla boots and the luxury collection ones, sorting that out could however be a nightmare, thought that is not something I tend to notice as I run a skyfem/feminized level list setup, so do not tend to see many males and they tend to be wearing in effect custom outfits rather than vanilla stuff.  And yup clean install, deleted the steam directories for the game, appdata, saves, then rebooted, ran cc cleaner twice, then rebooted again, ran cc cleaner again, which showed nothing, deleted my mo install and only kept 2 txt files with the mod list and load order in it, then re-installed skyrim on one of my other hard drives, ran the game from steam no mods no mod manager and exactly the same thing, the editor id errors was only noticed by me when one of the npc's called me out on being naked, when at the time I was wearing vanilla mage robes, which had me doing wtf at the comment, it took me a bit of digging to find out that that seemed to be the problem.  As for sorting it out the full reinstall did not sort it out so I have no idea what the hell the problem is, I do know you can run a script to change form id, but no idea if that would sort it or how to get the entire thing to work if I do. That was my first guess. But what you see is Hide Armor, not HIde Boots. . . although I did try to replace the Gold Amore with Hide Boots. it made things much, much worse. I had the dreaded floaty-hands and feet! But if it is slot allocation issues, the only fix would be changing slot allocation to more vanilla-friendly ones. And we wouldn't want to do that would we? But I dunno, I have another. Maybe I could try an item that completely covers the body. . . just dunno what does just that.  Hmm. . . after doing all of the reinstallation, have you sorted through the installation manually, after booting Skyrim? I'd suspect mod files that are being installed without your knowledge, but again I'm speculating. Beyond "Check File Integrity" all I got is asking Google, same as I'm sure you are up to. Have you checked your Skyrim out in an editing program, like xEdit perhaps?
Varithina Posted May 28, 2019 Posted May 28, 2019 3 hours ago, Nretsmah said: That was my first guess. But what you see is Hide Armor, not HIde Boots. . . although I did try to replace the Gold Amore with Hide Boots. it made things much, much worse. I had the dreaded floaty-hands and feet! But if it is slot allocation issues, the only fix would be changing slot allocation to more vanilla-friendly ones. And we wouldn't want to do that would we? But I dunno, I have another. Maybe I could try an item that completely covers the body. . . just dunno what does just that.  Hmm. . . after doing all of the reinstallation, have you sorted through the installation manually, after booting Skyrim? I'd suspect mod files that are being installed without your knowledge, but again I'm speculating. Beyond "Check File Integrity" all I got is asking Google, same as I'm sure you are up to. Have you checked your Skyrim out in an editing program, like xEdit perhaps? I deleted all the files in the directory, then after downloading to reinstall, all I did was run the launcher to config the game, then installed mo at that time and disabled the dlc apart from update, nothing else apart from the base game, then ran it through the steam launcher itself, did not even clean the esm, had the same results which is why it has me going wtf is wrong with it. I posted in tech support here and got no suggestions at all from anybody, in the end it is one of the reasons I stopped playing too many problems and I think that was the reason for most of them, basically armor and such not being where the scripts being run though they were.
DatWombat Posted May 28, 2019 Author Posted May 28, 2019 4 hours ago, Varithina said: I deleted all the files in the directory, then after downloading to reinstall, all I did was run the launcher to config the game, then installed mo at that time and disabled the dlc apart from update, nothing else apart from the base game, then ran it through the steam launcher itself, did not even clean the esm, had the same results which is why it has me going wtf is wrong with it. I posted in tech support here and got no suggestions at all from anybody, in the end it is one of the reasons I stopped playing too many problems and I think that was the reason for most of them, basically armor and such not being where the scripts being run though they were. That sounds like. . . a big pain in the rear. And you're sure Steam isn't downloading some sort of cloud-version of your Skyrim?  You mentioned that you can only install on a certain drive. Maybe it's a system problem, perhaps related to read/write permissions. I know when my Skyrim was on my C drive in my "Programs", I had to regularly reboot my system to re-enable read/write permissions. Have you ran the game as "an administrator", or via "compatibility mode"? Have you personally checked your files, like your config and .ini? On another note, it could be corrupted data. . . but I like to think a fresh install should mitigate that problem.  Again, I'm just speculating, and it's what I can do on my end. Has Google given you any insight on Editor ID errors?
DatWombat Posted May 29, 2019 Author Posted May 29, 2019 Mod Update For those of you interested, here's a status update on the Luxury Collection Circulated in Skyrim (CIS). I know this topic has gotten a little bit derailed, so here's something about the starting conversation.  Currently, I'm building Leveled Lists to store the Luxury Collection. I'm taking a lesson from The Book of UUNP by using sublists to condense the armor introduced by this mod. If I were to populate vanilla Leveled Lists with the Luxury Collection as-is, the game would excessively favor items from that mod (rather than other armor mods you may have installed). By condensing the Luxury Collection into Leveled Lists, I can use them in-place of 100s of new entries in your pre-existing Leveled Lists. This should save processing power, and make sure the Luxury Collection doesn't overstep its welcome in-game.  Once I have said Leveled Lists finished, I hope to throw them in a few vanilla leveled lists, making the Luxury Collection obtainable in-game via loot. For the time being (and likely for initial release), I will not be equipping NPCs with the Luxury Collection. I've been having too many problems when male NPCs wear the Luxury Collection. In an effort to maintain maximum mod compatibility, I would like to avoid directly editing female vanilla NPC outfits with the Luxury Collection.  I also plan on removing the "armor" status of the collection. Just a side note.  Edit I dunno how, but Creation Kit just broke tonight's work. I could go on, but basicly, my .esp is broken, and TES5Edit decided not to do what it was told (and back up my files). With that in mind, tonight's a bust.  I tried to use Creation Kit to speed up the rate at which I generate Leveled Lists, and it seemed amazing. But I might end up doing the ol' fashioned copy/paste a few hundred times method. It's slow, it's tedious, but I know it works and always has worked.  Edit Two Okay, it wasn't a total bust. A little copy/pasting magic helped me recover my Leveled List Editor IDs in a snap. But I think my work is cutout for me tomorrow in regards to copy/pasting items into said Leveled Lists.
Varithina Posted May 29, 2019 Posted May 29, 2019 5 hours ago, Nretsmah said: That sounds like. . . a big pain in the rear. And you're sure Steam isn't downloading some sort of cloud-version of your Skyrim?  You mentioned that you can only install on a certain drive. Maybe it's a system problem, perhaps related to read/write permissions. I know when my Skyrim was on my C drive in my "Programs", I had to regularly reboot my system to re-enable read/write permissions. Have you ran the game as "an administrator", or via "compatibility mode"? Have you personally checked your files, like your config and .ini? On another note, it could be corrupted data. . . but I like to think a fresh install should mitigate that problem.  Again, I'm just speculating, and it's what I can do on my end. Has Google given you any insight on Editor ID errors? I have multiple drives the first time it was installed on one, the second time I installed it on another drive. And steam cloud saves for the game are deactivated.
DatWombat Posted May 29, 2019 Author Posted May 29, 2019 7 minutes ago, Varithina said: I have multiple drives the first time it was installed on one, the second time I installed it on another drive. And steam cloud saves for the game are deactivated. Hmm. . . Well dagnabbit, I'm running out of quick fixes. If you've tried my computer-related suggestions, the next thing I have for you are possibly helpful links. I know you mentioned that you did do a clean install and ran some extra software and whatnot, but these two guides seem pretty in-depth. They were in response to someone talking about a purple texture bug, but I think the solutions could apply to you. I'm suspecting one of two things. . .  Bad install and something on your OS's end.  Maybe there's something in these guides you didn't do? https://steamcommunity.com/app/72850/discussions/0/535150948617437868/ https://steamcommunity.com/app/72850/discussions/0/357285562484690267/
Varithina Posted May 29, 2019 Posted May 29, 2019 3 hours ago, Nretsmah said: Hmm. . . Well dagnabbit, I'm running out of quick fixes. If you've tried my computer-related suggestions, the next thing I have for you are possibly helpful links. I know you mentioned that you did do a clean install and ran some extra software and whatnot, but these two guides seem pretty in-depth. They were in response to someone talking about a purple texture bug, but I think the solutions could apply to you. I'm suspecting one of two things. . .  Not too sure what caused the problems, though I do know it was one of the official updates that seems to have done it, as at one point I never had this problem, and pretty much what I did was either one or both of those links, hell one was a complete new install on a new pc which had never had skyrim installed before, that is why I am confused, mods or something doing it yeh doablem, but just the base game, something is really odd with it and it is both skyrims, hmm, thinking about it wonder if fallout 4 and such have the same problem.
DatWombat Posted May 29, 2019 Author Posted May 29, 2019 6 hours ago, Varithina said: Not too sure what caused the problems, though I do know it was one of the official updates that seems to have done it, as at one point I never had this problem, and pretty much what I did was either one or both of those links, hell one was a complete new install on a new pc which had never had skyrim installed before, that is why I am confused, mods or something doing it yeh doablem, but just the base game, something is really odd with it and it is both skyrims, hmm, thinking about it wonder if fallout 4 and such have the same problem. Did you say update? I know I had to install a previous version of a game at some point, maybe Skryim, or maybe I just gave up. Who knows, but I think it's a thing. My SSE is sort of screwed up, because of an update and a fresh install. I know I'm gonna have to install previous version to get my mods to work on that game. Similar problem on my end, brand-new PC and fresh SSE install, but it refuses to work proper.  I think my Skyrim worked out okay because I maintain off-line backups which I use to avoid re-downloading.  I'm sure there's a link regarding installing previous versions somewhere. . .  (This was written for SSE but should apply to Oldrim) https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/19658  Well I actually have to head off to work soon, but I couldn't find anything specifically talking about Oldrim. But I think the process should be the same. Try looking for "rolling back" or "reverting" updates, and downloading previous versions of Skyrim. It's worth a shot ain't it? I'm not sure on uh, legality, but maybe someone could send you a functional Skyrim.esm file to see if that works for you. That's just another idea I had.  On a side note, I hope Fallout 4 doesn't do that. I finally have a PC that can run it proper!
DatWombat Posted May 30, 2019 Author Posted May 30, 2019 Mod Update Progress is great! I spent about five hours today plowing through this mod. I put all 481 Armors introduced by this mod into 87 Leveled Lists. Then, I stuck some of those 87 Leveled Lists into 4, which I then used to replace Aela the Huntress' outfit. The screenshot I've included showcases the result. I just spawned 10 of her, and the variety is astounding! My character sort of uh, got stuck in the circle, because I disabled AI processing. She's a WIP NPC for my "Sky Littles" mod. Anyways, back on track. So I've got the Leveled Lists I need, but I've run into a little snag. . . I ran into this snag on my previous Luxury Collection mod.  I've overloaded Aela the Huntress' outfit with Leveled Lists. I mean, it's bad. It takes my PC several seconds to do what shouldn't take more than 1 or 2, spawn just 10 NPCs. I'll admit this example is pretty extreme. If I had to guess, each Aela is the product of 100 to 200 choices of armor. But overloaded Leveled Lists are something I'm going to have to consider. The CIS series as a whole adds lots of Leveled Lists, so I can't have just this one patch eat up the processing power the CIS series need.  If it takes my computer several seconds, someone with a weaker PC might end up waiting a minute, or just straight up freeze. Moving forward I'm going to have to be very careful with my Luxury Collection Leveled Lists, to prevent overloading.  On a side note, the final product will not touch Aela the Huntress. I just like to use her as my "guinea pig", since her name is easy to find in TES5Edit and quick to bring up via console commands. Plus, she's attractive.  I'm still on the fence as to where I plan on putting my Leveled Lists though. I know I'd like to stock vendors with them and make them drop from NPCs, but there's just so much to work with her. I have to figure out how to make 481 Armors obtainable! And I don't want to take the easy way out.  I seem to be hitting complications every day, but I'm persevering. The Luxury Collection deserves the attention. I'm thinking about adding (generic) NPCs and summons with this mod. While the CIS series has never done either of these things, now would be a good time to start eh?  Â
DatWombat Posted May 30, 2019 Author Posted May 30, 2019 Mod Update I haven't done a whole lot of work since last night, I do have a few things I've gotten started on.  Adding/Modding Leveled Lists I have most of the Leveled Lists I need. . . right now, it's a matter of figuring out where to put them, and who/what gets the Luxury Collection.  Adding (generic) NPCs. . . ? To maintain compatibility with other mods (including CIS mods), and to have NPCs spawn with the Luxury Collection, I'm going to have to create new NPCs. All it would mean is adding some more say, Bandits or Orcs to your game. Except these ones would come with Luxury items.  Adding enchantments . . ? Something I might reserve for a future release, I'd like to add enchanted Luxury Items. But becuase the Luxury Collection does not occupy the same Armor Slots as the standard helmet/cuirass/gauntlets/boots combo, I have to create custom enchantments. They will be based on vanilla enchantments, but weaker. These enchantments will be stored in CISCore, making it easier to rebalance them if needed.  Adding Craftable Items I want the Luxury Collection to be craftable. At some point, I'll add recipes. But right now, it's not a priority.  Rebalancing Gear Many items in the Luxury Collection have an armor-rating equal to Glass Armor. I intend on turning everything into clothes, with little to no armor-rating. That will allow the Luxury Collection to be found early-on without unbalancing the game. I don't think it makes sense that the Luxury Collection is considered armor, and I want to discourage NPCs from equipping it over Armor. This is an effort to stop male NPCs from using the Luxury Collection, as it will cause inviso-body bugs. However, I would like to add Luxury items which do provide additional protection, allowing players who want to use it as armor to do so.  Renaming Editor IDs The Editor IDs in the Luxury Collection are just awful. I apologize if you made them, but they are unusable. I rely heavily on easy-to-read Editor IDs when I am creating mod content, and I like having all of my IDs quick and easy to read. Unlike display names, Editor IDs are unique, which is valuable when working with mod-content. I'm probably going to rename all of them to reflect the way vanilla (and CIS) content is named by.  Huh. I didn't realize what I got myself into.
Darkwing241 Posted June 1, 2019 Posted June 1, 2019 On 5/27/2019 at 2:19 AM, Nretsmah said: Who would wear the Luxury Collection?  Where would you find the Luxury Collection?  How should I deal with "armor" lingerie?   What would the Luxury Collection be made of?    Who would wear the Luxury Collection?: So this is one of those realism vs immersion things. The people that care about realism are already gone, do I don't think you need to worry about that. There are two categories of users I think you should concern yourself with. The first is players who like lingerie armor, and don't care about clashing art styles or any of that, I think you could please that crown by just adding it in as a random light armor or even replacing some default armors with it. The other category of users (the one I'm more a part of) I think would want to see the lingerie in places "where it makes sense" There aren't really many people in skyrim that wear lingerie, so you'd need to stretch it a bit.  -Tavern waitresses and bard, have "tavern clothes" that can be viewed as brothel-y -Witches/vampires are often sexualized, seeing them in heels and skimpy outfits wouldn't be too jarring  Where would you find the Luxury Collection? This is the easiest one. The only issue is that the immersive places don't exactly put the content "front and center" like most users would expect mods too. I think it's the way to go though  -Dressers and wardrobes in upscale housing -maybe as loot in treasure chests -quest rewards  How should I deal with "armor" lingerie? I think you nailed it, the ultimate answer is to make two versions. One for full one for the crowd that like hyper sexualization everywhere, and one for the crowd that wants some immersion.  -one version where you stat different versions as hide/leather/elven ect. -one version where it's clothing  What would the Luxury Collection be made of? I strongly prefer balanced gameplay, even when I'm kink modding. I like skyrim to still work like skyrim. If you want it to be armor, I would make it require pretty much the exact stuff equivalent armor requires and also equivelent smithing perks. If you want it to be clothing I would go with with linen wraps. A plurality of other custom armor mods use linen wraps and consistency is best. Other options is to use some alchemy ingredients like tundra cotton or gems. Try to keep the use value to cost ration right, if people want to cheat and be super powered they can use the console. Â
DatWombat Posted June 1, 2019 Author Posted June 1, 2019 First off, thank you for your well-thought-out reply. I tend to receive lukewarm reception on my "preplanning" posts, but I like to try and incorporate user-feedback in my work. I'm going to rant a little bit, so uh, take my words as you will. Now for what you have to say - 2 hours ago, Darkwing241 said: Who would wear the Luxury Collection?: So this is one of those realism vs immersion things. The people that care about realism are already gone, do I don't think you need to worry about that. There are two categories of users I think you should concern yourself with. The first is players who like lingerie armor, and don't care about clashing art styles or any of that, I think you could please that crown by just adding it in as a random light armor or even replacing some default armors with it. The other category of users (the one I'm more a part of) I think would want to see the lingerie in places "where it makes sense" There aren't really many people in skyrim that wear lingerie, so you'd need to stretch it a bit.  I actually didn't think of the "realism vs immersion thing" when I presented this question. But now that you mention it, that's a great point to bring up. I hesitate to use this mod myself because of the immersion thing, but as I mentioned before, it's not like my uh, Sexlab roster is very "realistic" anyways. Now let's talk about the "categories of users".  players who like lingerie armor - I'd love to please that crowd by doing just as you said - just throwing lingerie at NPCs. Unfortunately, a major roadblock stops me from doing that. Simply put, I can't let male NPCs touch this gear, period. Unless I can fix the issue(s) I'm having, that's the way it's gotta be. But fortunately (for you), that does mean I'll just have to cater more to the other "category of users".  The other category of users - I actually consider myself to be very much aligned with these guys. I'm one of those types that obsesses just a little over "immersion" and "lore-friendly-ness". But I have to keep reminding myself there's nothing "lore friendly" about half the mods I install.  2 hours ago, Darkwing241 said: -Tavern waitresses and bard, have "tavern clothes" that can be viewed as brothel-y -Witches/vampires are often sexualized, seeing them in heels and skimpy outfits wouldn't be too jarring Taverns and waitresses? I never thought of that. That's perfect! And for some mods, prostitutes too! I could definately see some vamp's and a witch in some of the Luxury Collection. There's even a set of "Succubus Armor" too. I'm actually thinking about adding some summons, which could add new characters using the Luxury Collection. But I'll definately look into those fellows. As I mentioned before, I'm thinking about adding new (generic) NPCs to this mod, and vampires would probably be a good candidate.  2 hours ago, Darkwing241 said: Where would you find the Luxury Collection? This is the easiest one. The only issue is that the immersive places don't exactly put the content "front and center" like most users would expect mods too. I think it's the way to go though   -Dressers and wardrobes in upscale housing -maybe as loot in treasure chests -quest rewards Front and center? Like uh, easily accessible? I'm not entirely sure what you mean. But if that's what you mean, I don't like it. Where's the thrill in the hunt? I didn't think about "upscale housing", I might see to modifying some containers. But before I do so, I need to make sure it won't cause problems with other mods. I reckon it shouldn't be any different than modding NPC inventories though. As for treasure loot, way ahead of you buddy. I think that the Luxury Collection should be present in quest rewards indirectly. . . what I mean by that is that many quest rewards use Leveled Lists to decide what you get, and CIS mods modify them. Depending on where I put Luxury items, they might wind up as quest rewards without me trying to do so.  2 hours ago, Darkwing241 said: How should I deal with "armor" lingerie? I think you nailed it, the ultimate answer is to make two versions. One for full one for the crowd that like hyper sexualization everywhere, and one for the crowd that wants some immersion.  -one version where you stat different versions as hide/leather/elven ect. -one version where it's clothing Ugh. I really hate the idea of maintaining two versions of mods. . . but if it keeps that download count going up I might find some motivation to do so. There is a wee issue for both versions. Converting the series into clothing, or a "quality" of armor takes some serious hours on my end. I started working on this mod today at 11AM, renaming Editor IDs. I finished up maybe two-ish, and I've been changing the whole thing into clothes since then. It's past 10 PM as I write this reply, and I know I still have my work cut-out for me tomorrow. And that's just on one "quality" of Luxury Gear.  For this particular mod, I think I want to upload a "compromise". Clothes and armor in the same .esp. But, I do have a consideration in mind. I know some people play with a "feminized Skyrim", and considering I can't let males touch the lingerie, "feminized Skyrims" wouldn't have to worry. I might upload a patch for said SKyrims, which would allow "hyper serialization". The issue at hand is a combination of manpower (as I'm a one-person team) and bugs (when male NPCs equip the lingerie).  But we'll see. I still have a lot to do, but once it's done new versions don't usually take too long.  2 hours ago, Darkwing241 said: What would the Luxury Collection be made of? I strongly prefer balanced gameplay, even when I'm kink modding. I like skyrim to still work like skyrim. If you want it to be armor, I would make it require pretty much the exact stuff equivalent armor requires and also equivelent smithing perks. If you want it to be clothing I would go with with linen wraps. A plurality of other custom armor mods use linen wraps and consistency is best. Other options is to use some alchemy ingredients like tundra cotton or gems. Try to keep the use value to cost ration right, if people want to cheat and be super powered they can use the console. I would have to agree 100% there. I like balanced gameplay too. I like the sort of game play where I get my ass handed to me, because uh. . . I like the challenge? (I was thinking about cracking an 'ass joke' and wait. . . no pun intended! Hah!)  In all seriousness though, it does seem a little bit weird to me to smith the Luxury Collection. But I forgot about linen wraps! If you ask me, that's a wonderful idea. Those damn things (if I remember correctly) are useless. I was think those and cotton, along with some colored ingredients (maybe Red Mountain Flowers = red lingerie etc.) Heck, maybe magic ingredients gets you enchanted or armored lingerie.  Got salt? Get Atronach Panties. . . eh?  I'm looking for compromises a little bit here. I know I want clothes and others want armor. What about if I do both, where (I think) it makes sense? That is, for players like us. For players like them, the occasional lingerie-clad hunter or "Panty Bandit"?  But I hear ya on the value to cost ratio thing. And I like what you have to say about being "super powered" and using "the console". I might reference that at some point somewhere. Again, thank you for the thought-out reply.
Varithina Posted June 1, 2019 Posted June 1, 2019 9 hours ago, Nretsmah said: I'm looking for compromises a little bit here. I know I want clothes and others want armor. What about if I do both, where (I think) it makes sense? That is, for players like us. For players like them, the occasional lingerie-clad hunter or "Panty Bandit"? Â Â Depending on how much effort you really want to put into it, you could duplicate each armor piece and leave one as actual armor and change the other to clothing, just change the editor id for the armor, then change the keywords and values for it, though it would be damn tedious.
DatWombat Posted June 1, 2019 Author Posted June 1, 2019 2 hours ago, Varithina said: Depending on how much effort you really want to put into it, you could duplicate each armor piece and leave one as actual armor and change the other to clothing, just change the editor id for the armor, then change the keywords and values for it, though it would be damn tedious. Unfortunately, that might be the way to do it to please both crowds. Fortunately, I already know I've got a lot of effort I plan on putting into this mod, so we'll see. And tell me about tedious, I spent my whole day off yesterday doing almost nothing but that. And I'm not even finished.
Varithina Posted June 1, 2019 Posted June 1, 2019 3 hours ago, Nretsmah said: Unfortunately, that might be the way to do it to please both crowds. Fortunately, I already know I've got a lot of effort I plan on putting into this mod, so we'll see. And tell me about tedious, I spent my whole day off yesterday doing almost nothing but that. And I'm not even finished. I got half way through doing it myself, and adding crafting recipes for them as well, the ck crashed and wiped it all, never restarted due to various reasons.
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