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Skyrim Romance CTD


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So recently i installed around 142 Mods. I checked all of them because i was getting CTD's, deleted 4 wich were causing them. Now i never had a problem with Skyrim Romance, but now i have. Everytime i enter Skyrim from a local inn or something i get an CTD. When i unistall the mod everything is working fine. I can't seem to get a fix anywhere so i thought i would ask here. 

I also used loot for my order


Load order:


Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp=1
Unofficial Skyrim City Patch Modified.esm=1
Skyrim Supplemental Patch.esp=1
Skyrim Particle Patch for ENB - Flame Atronach Fix.esp=0
dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - High.esp=1
Schlongs of Skyrim - Light.esp=1
Extended UI.esp=1
Shadows - Skyrim.esp=1
CoT - Water Patch.esp=0
The Forts of Skyrim-Rebuilt.esp=1
Shadows - Dawnguard.esp=1
Shadows - Weather Tweaks.esp=0
ETaC - Complete.esp=1
Tamriel Reloaded Flora.esp=1
Green Grass.esp=1
Obsidian Mountain Fogs For LE.esp=1
Arthmoor's Skyrim Villages - All In One.esp=1
Skyrim Romance Animated.esp=1
Dilon Vul.esp=1
Skyrim Bridges.esp=1
Settlements Expanded.esp=1
RealisticWaterTwo - Legendary.esp=1
Enhanced Interiors Longhouses.esp=1
Enhanced Interiors Longhouses ELFX patch.esp=1
Darkwater Crossing.esp=1
Atlas Legendary.esp=1
Savage Wolves - Fox Fix.esp=1
Eyes of Aber.esp=1
dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Medium.esp=0
dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp=1
dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Reduced.esp=0
KS Hairdo's.esp=0
Bijin Warmaidens.esp=1
Bijin Wives.esp=1
Bijin NPCs.esp=1
Men of Winter.esp=1
Riverwood Reborn.esp=1
Immersive Patrols II.esp=1
Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp=1
Real Solitude Rocks.esp=1
Convenient Horses.esp=1
dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp=1
dD-Dragonborn-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.esp=0
Flowing Cape.esp=1
Remodeled Armor.esp=1
Gwelda Armor Pack.esp=1
Sotteta Necromancer Outfit.esp=1
Tembtra Thief Armor.esp=1
The Dance of Death - Ultimate Edition.esp=1
Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp=1
Bashed Patch, 0.esp=1

I hope someone can help me ?


Skyrim Romance is a pretty heavy mod in terms of textures and meshes.

How much memory does you graphic card has?

17 minutes ago, CPU said:

Skyrim Romance is a pretty heavy mod in terms of textures and meshes.

How much memory does you graphic card has?

4096 MB (4 GB)  - GTX 970



The VRam is enough.

Can you load a game with the mod and then teleport the player in another cell?

Open the console and type:

coc whiterunbanneredmare

Close the console and check if the game crashes.

If not open the console again and try:

coc riftenhaelgasbunkhouse

Close the console and check again.


Then go inside an inn, and do a coc to an external cell.

If it is working then try to exit from an inn.


Let me know which step fails.


8 minutes ago, CPU said:

The VRam is enough.

Can you load a game with the mod and then teleport the player in another cell?

Open the console and type:

coc whiterunbanneredmare

Close the console and check if the game crashes.

If not open the console again and try:

coc riftenhaelgasbunkhouse

Close the console and check again.


Then go inside an inn, and do a coc to an external cell.

If it is working then try to exit from an inn.


Let me know which step fails.


Atm everything worked without a crash. Entered an inn and exited, no crash. I exited out of my game and started it again up just to extra test, but when i click continue it ctd (it was nothing important just a test file). I can play a new game just fine, but now it seems when i open my map (using tab and selecting 'map' or m) it crashes and when clicking continue aswell.


Your load order suggests to me that you don't know a lot about modding Skyrim.


dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - High.esp=1

dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Medium.esp=0
dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp=1
dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Reduced.esp=0

You are supposed to choose one. XPMSE does ragdolling anyway so you don't really need RRF. That has nothing to do with your CTDs BTW.



That is the Special Edition version and needs changing.


 - - -


You have a lot of mods which are adding extra content to your game, e.g.


Tamriel Reloaded Flora.esp=1


Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp=1

In addition you have all those mods doing lighting, weather, etc.


And then there are the various HDT mods.


And all the mods adding and altering the various settlements.


And the various mods adding and altering the UI.


Plus your ENB.

The point here is that unless you have your game configured properly all the above is likely to cause problems.



What were the four mods you thought were causing CTDs?

What made you think they were causing CTDs?



20 minutes ago, Grey Cloud said:

Your load order suggests to me that you don't know a lot about modding Skyrim.


dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - High.esp=1

dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Medium.esp=0
dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp=1
dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Reduced.esp=0

You are supposed to choose one. XPMSE does ragdolling anyway so you don't really need RRF. That has nothing to do with your CTDs BTW.



That is the Special Edition version and needs changing.


 - - -


You have a lot of mods which are adding extra content to your game, e.g.


Tamriel Reloaded Flora.esp=1


Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp=1

In addition you have all those mods doing lighting, weather, etc.


And then there are the various HDT mods.


And all the mods adding and altering the various settlements.


And the various mods adding and altering the UI.


Plus your ENB.

The point here is that unless you have your game configured properly all the above is likely to cause problems.



What were the four mods you thought were causing CTDs?

What made you think they were causing CTDs?



Thanks for the reply

I deleted the RRF plugins and the SMIM SE. 


I can't recall the exact name of the mods. (an armor mod was included (Triss armor Retextured CBBE) Sweet and sexy lingerie shop mod, an alchemy overhaul and i think a sword mod. The reason why i thought they were causing the CtS is because i checked every mod one by one, so when entering, i actived a couple to check if it worked properly (new save game, running around a bit) when an CTD came i narrowed it down to one mod wich caused the CTD (when not actived my game wasn't crashing) 


Also i followed this guide https://www.sinitargaming.com/skyrim_graphics.html i did not download all mods, just some mods he suggested and looked nice. 

7 minutes ago, Srayeals said:

when an CTD came i narrowed it down to one mod wich caused the CTD (when not actived my game wasn't crashing) 

Okay but that is usually just a case of 'the straw that broke the camel's back'. Very few mods actually cause CTDs.


If your CTDs are all when you leave an interior cell and enter an exterior then it suggests that something is pushing your game over the edge. That something will likely be one or more of the mods which do something to exteriors.

So I would suggest you either disable them one at a time until the problem goes away or disable them all and add one at a time until the problem occurs.


You could also double-check that you have Crash Fixes and your ENB configured correctly.



3 hours ago, Grey Cloud said:

Okay but that is usually just a case of 'the straw that broke the camel's back'. Very few mods actually cause CTDs.


If your CTDs are all when you leave an interior cell and enter an exterior then it suggests that something is pushing your game over the edge. That something will likely be one or more of the mods which do something to exteriors.

So I would suggest you either disable them one at a time until the problem goes away or disable them all and add one at a time until the problem occurs.


You could also double-check that you have Crash Fixes and your ENB configured correctly.



Thank you i'll try this tonight.

7 hours ago, Srayeals said:

So recently i installed around 142 Mods. I checked all of them because i was getting CTD's, deleted 4 wich were causing them. Now i never had a problem with Skyrim Romance, but now i have.

and did you tried coc one of those ctd zone from main menu?


mod x edit y

y was put in the save

you remove mod x

mod x edit is still in the save

no more mod x

and... result depend on what is missing, broken quest, floating head npc, ctd...


if that work from main menu, and that don't work loading your save, you better go back to save before removing mod x, and fix whatever his problem was (it's easier than removing mod x edits from the save)


I just tested every mod, unactivated every mod. Not one was causing the CTD when opening the map. Now i do have the CTD back when entering Skyrim from any place. 

I can coc just fine to the bannered mare, or riverwood. (from main menu and in game) Should i just uninstall all mods again and reinstall them? Im kinda lost here what is wrong with my Skyrim. 


(thanks for the help btw ?

1 minute ago, Srayeals said:

I just tested every mod, unactivated every mod. Not one was causing the CTD when opening the map. Now i do have the CTD back when entering Skyrim from any place. 

I can coc just fine to the bannered mare, or riverwood. (from main menu and in game) Should i just uninstall all mods again and reinstall them? Im kinda lost here what is wrong with my Skyrim. 

Edit: i just removed my ENB completly and now everything is working fine without any mod installed (just Skyui en the patches for legendary) Got no CTD when opening map or entering Skyrim. Soo should i look for a new ENB or is there a reason this ENB is causing CTD's? (Rudy ENB https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/41482)

1 minute ago, Srayeals said:

(thanks for the help btw ?



Okay, so if you now add mods a few at a time and see how it goes without the ENB. If you get your game working with your mods and no ENB then you can have another look at how you had it configured (and where you got the info from).  But first things first.



10 minutes ago, Grey Cloud said:

I hope you mean 'uninstalled'.

Yeah i did uninstall them. Atm im trying every mod again to see how it does without the ENB


Oke sow little update. My skyrim is working fine atm, can continue just fine and enter/exit buildings without CTD. I do get an CTD when im in Windhelm or Whiterun, but i don't think i will ever get a freelessctd Skyrim so haha. Thank you all for helping me!


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