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Conversions Armors for EBBP-Big Boobs-Big Ass.

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Quiet guys, I just want to get the basics of that body, I want to use certain parameters for the size of her ass and tits, the skin will be using is this:




I found another picture of what I want to work:


With the right combination of skin and size becomes a really nice body.


Terry, can you tell us the name of the mod in the link ? The nexus page is gone.


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.Terry, can you tell us the name of the mod in the link ? The nexus page is gone.




The mod in the link was just skin texture he wants to use. I'm more curious what is the BODY mod on that picture?

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.Terry, can you tell us the name of the mod in the link ? The nexus page is gone.




The mod in the link was just skin texture he wants to use. I'm more curious what is the BODY mod on that picture?


It's Zaselim's Gaya Geo Body Mod (GGB or ZGGB) .

He said: "i dont think i will ever release both zggb but yeah may be in the future i will make entirely new body mod and release it when i'll be better at it."





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Here is a very similar body made ​​in two minutes:









Need change a little bit the texture of the muscles, adding the effect wet, changing some proportion and is ready.

Let's see if I can this week.

P.S. For my old armor I want to wait for the new body, so reuploading already complete. 



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For now I will not reupload the armor, because I want to insert the new body in the armor, please be patient because I want to give a product well cared.

However the new body is almost ready, soon as it is finished I upload.















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The body makes the head look so tiny, not a fan... would really love to see more armors converted to your original body. That's all up to you though Terry, only a suggestion. I'm sure other people may like the fat chicks.


Are you still going to continue work on the original body? I really like that one. Thin girls with ultra cup is win. :)


I have some modeling/texturing experience and a college degree in game design if you would like some help with your conversions. Just send me a PM.

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Now I'll show you what can the new body:

Base Body




Weight 1 Max




Weight 0 Min




Multiple configuration





As you can see the clothes fit immediately upon the combination, obviously the tits there may be some problem when you overdo it.

These are just a few of the combinations you can do using just the Mod ShowRaceMenu, 

If you want to change other parts of the body can be done through the BodySlide++





The problem is that for now I'm not able to convert an armor, for this system. It is a very difficult thing to do and a long, my idea was to keep a base on which to work, and still leave space modified armor created by other people.

Respect for the old body would keep it inside the armor, ie, the body changes according to the armature, is a feasible thing but for now I found a problem.

In the coming days I will tell you more.

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