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How do I prevent/disable the flirt option on the fly? There are a bunch of speech checks where I really don't want to use it (e.g. with intimation or with specific NPC).
Original mod said that after 5 seconds there is a "maybe not" notice and then it just does a normal speech check.
I waited a lot longer but the flirt option seems to be always used. Am I doing something wrong?

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4 hours ago, Thanos said:

How do I prevent/disable the flirt option on the fly? There are a bunch of speech checks where I really don't want to use it (e.g. with intimation or with specific NPC).
Original mod said that after 5 seconds there is a "maybe not" notice and then it just does a normal speech check.
I waited a lot longer but the flirt option seems to be always used. Am I doing something wrong?

u can turn this OFF via MCM

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15 hours ago, Jahem_kinkaid said:

and. you can just refuse NPC request if you don't want it. there is an option in dialogue.

Thanks you for the quick reply.
So the 5 second wait from the original mod info is not correct anymore, right?
Can I turn off the effect in MCM even if a conversation has already begun or would that not work?

I usually do not know what the talk options are so I was looking for a way to decide if to flirt or not when the dialogue is already open. (time passed or maybe hotkey or something?)
Thank you for the great mod work! :)

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12 hours ago, Thanos said:


Thanks you for the quick reply.
So the 5 second wait from the original mod info is not correct anymore, right?
Can I turn off the effect in MCM even if a conversation has already begun or would that not work?

I usually do not know what the talk options are so I was looking for a way to decide if to flirt or not when the dialogue is already open. (time passed or maybe hotkey or something?)
Thank you for the great mod work! :)

yes. you can't anymore use hotkey.i have some ideas to make flirt more immersive. I'll investigate in in nearest future and I'll return hotkey support as possible option

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On 7/4/2020 at 11:05 PM, WearableNine said:

I have not use this mod since it was first release so my question is: can the player demand sex as reward/payment? Or do NPCs still only offer sex as a reward?

there is no difference between those options at my mind. when you completed quests there will be sex reward request. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm having trouble getting this mod to work. Neither flirt speech check nor quest rewards are working and both are on in MCM. Are these normal log statements?


[07/14/2020 - 09:55:45PM] FPVF report: FPVF_Updater is NOT running
[07/14/2020 - 09:55:45PM] FPVF report: FPVF_Player is running
[07/14/2020 - 09:55:45PM] FPVF report: FPVF_Alias is NOT running
[07/14/2020 - 09:56:20PM] FPVF report: speech challenge available
[07/14/2020 - 09:56:20PM] FPVF report: bStartingFlirt is False
[07/14/2020 - 09:56:20PM] FPVF report: start flirting
[07/14/2020 - 09:56:20PM] FPVF report: start flirt catching procedure
[07/14/2020 - 09:56:20PM] FPVF Report: player is in scene and no successful speech. bStartingFlirt is False
[07/14/2020 - 09:56:21PM] FPVF Report: player is in scene and no successful speech. bStartingFlirt is False
[07/14/2020 - 09:56:22PM] FPVF Report: player is in scene and no successful speech. bStartingFlirt is False
[07/14/2020 - 09:56:23PM] FPVF Report: player is in scene and no successful speech. bStartingFlirt is False
[07/14/2020 - 09:56:24PM] FPVF Report: player is in scene and no successful speech. bStartingFlirt is False
[07/14/2020 - 09:56:26PM] FPVF Report: player is in scene and no successful speech. bStartingFlirt is False
[07/14/2020 - 09:56:27PM] FPVF Report: player is in scene and no successful speech. bStartingFlirt is False
[07/14/2020 - 09:56:28PM] FPVF Report: player is in scene and no successful speech. bStartingFlirt is False
[07/14/2020 - 09:56:29PM] FPVF Report: player is in scene and no successful speech. bStartingFlirt is False
[07/14/2020 - 09:56:30PM] [DS_BaseGameAffinityEventsScript <COMNateAffinityQuest (5F00361A)>] CompanionAffinityEvent received: [mq104questscript <MQ104 (0001F25E)>], [CA_DB_Event04 <topic info 000179D4 on quest MQ104 (0001F25E)>], 4
[07/14/2020 - 09:56:30PM] [DS_BaseGameAffinityEventsScript <COMNateAffinityQuest (5F00361A)>] SendAffinityEvent [Keyword <CA_CustomEvent_NateLikes (5F00175E)>]
[07/14/2020 - 09:56:30PM] FPVF Report: player is in scene and no successful speech. bStartingFlirt is False
[07/14/2020 - 09:56:31PM] FPVF Report: player is in scene and no successful speech. bStartingFlirt is False
[07/14/2020 - 09:56:32PM] FPVF Report: player is in scene and no successful speech. bStartingFlirt is False
[07/14/2020 - 09:56:33PM] FPVF Report: player is in scene and no successful speech. bStartingFlirt is False
[07/14/2020 - 09:56:34PM] FPVF Report: player is in scene and no successful speech. bStartingFlirt is False
[07/14/2020 - 09:56:45PM] FPVF report: FPVF_Updater is NOT running
[07/14/2020 - 09:56:45PM] FPVF report: FPVF_Player is running
[07/14/2020 - 09:56:45PM] FPVF report: FPVF_Alias is NOT running


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  • 2 weeks later...

It is compatible with CAP? I'm trying to find an immersive sex mod that give to surrendered opponent an option to make amend with sex favor.

I'm using MCG but I can't make myself thinking about using his special menu, and always forget about it.

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14 hours ago, Lirph said:

It is compatible with CAP? I'm trying to find an immersive sex mod that give to surrendered opponent an option to make amend with sex favor.

I'm using MCG but I can't make myself thinking about using his special menu, and always forget about it.

i have no ideas what is CAP or MCG, sorry.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The game does not turn on for some reason. The nmm turns on. It is forbidden by Bethesda? Is there something that makes it not run on game 130? 

However, the scripts work.

Or maybe you do not need to be turned on?  I do not think so, that would be so ... 

The DN and the other not even running...


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  • 3 weeks later...

It starts at game 163.


The "reward" when I do something  -  MY abuse? This is not really understandable ....

Story 88 gets stuck at the beginning. Barstow follows what a puppy has and only one sentence ... about checking the machine. It is also SILENT. His voice was lost after the violence. It's good he's not immortal ... since I shot him.



*** I'm sorry ... but it will be translated by someone who carries the language better than I do!



A 163-as játékon indul.


A "jutalom" amikor megteszek valamit... az ÉN bántalmazásom? Ez nem igazán érthető... érdekes elgondolása ez a jutalmazásnak. A 88-as történet az elején elakad.  Barstow követ mit egy kutyuli és csak egy mondata van... a gép ellenőrzéséről. Az is NÉMA. A hangja az erőszak után elveszett. Még jó, hogy nem halhatatlan... mivel később lelőttem.


A ruhámat letépték rólam és mert a nyomorék megadás fut... hamar, illetve szinte azonnal vége lett a "harcnak". 

A testgyakorlatok sorozatai rendben lefutottak. //*jól pozicionálva*... még ilyet se nagyon láttam//


A megtámadásom után az egész szál sérült. //nyilván... új játékot futtattam és a leírtak szerint minden újra letöltve és telepítve//

A vadak többé nem bántottak. Addig nem, amíg ki nem mentem a cellából. //Én sem bánthattam őket, mivel az irányítás "részben" elveszett. //

A hang eltűnt. Barstow némán mondta el amit akart és a lemeze is elakadt... //a feliratból tudtam mi történik... minek kellene történni//

Mivel nincs menü... kisétáltam az ajtón és a barlangon át távoztam. (érdekes volt, hogy az erőszak után jól kezelte a BABA a helyzetet és a szövegek is ezt tükrözték)

A kőbányában visszatért a kezelés... minden. Barstow is... megjelent. Nekiindultam. A mutánsok, lövészek később csak lelőtték és... pihegett majd talpra állt. Rendre felfedte a jelenlétem. 10 játékóra... 5 játéknap és még mindig ott a kutyuli...


Ott a "követési idő" kapcsoló... sajnos értelmetlennek látszik.


--- következő körben visszamentem és kivégeztem volna a vadakat, de Barstow mindig a lővonalba lépett. Persze, hogy elkaptak...--- következő körben visszamentem és kivégeztem a vadakat //tucatnyi kísérlet// majd a pultot is megépítettem de nem ült le mellé, mivel velem volt elfoglalva... Úgy tűnik, túlságosan megborítja a játékot.


Kár... ez a mód törölve.



A 130-as játékon úgy tűnik fut annak ellenére, hogy a vezérlő láthatóan nem kapcsolja be. Vagy Látszólag Nem Teszi.

Adja a párbeszédet és a választás lehetőségét... utána megy tovább rendesen.



Barstow azt akarta, kövessem. Csapdába vezetett és a segítségem jutalmaként odaadott a házi kedvenceinek játszani...



Barstow megszemléli, hogy az állatkái milyen élénkséggel idomítják az "érkezettet". 



Barstow úgy döntött társamul szegődik és mindenhol felfedi a jelenlétemet.... viszont érdemi dolgot nem akar tenni.

19287645_Fallout42020-09-1220-21-57-04.jpg.f99246cdf2c264a89621a79af1805740.jpg.... az esélyt megkapta, de nem élt vele. Helyette inkább a... "szinte nyakamba ült" és eléggé zaklató módon. Persze... tudom. Ez csak egy ostoba program, ami annyit tud, amennyi lehetőset kapott. Nekem úgy tűnik, messze nincs letesztelve a cuccos. Talán egy gyenge alfa tesztelős változat... sok problémával. És nem... nem hiszem, hogy bármi kompatibilitási gond lehetséges lehet akkor, amikor a mód szerepköre és a feladata egy "szexuális tartalmú inzert" beszúrása a befejezett folyamat végére. És a kutyuli mód rész pedig kemény korlátozást igényel! Ugyanis ha akár "nem akarok beszélni vele" vagy "nem adja a beszéd lehetőséget"... egy idő után automatikusan törlődnie kéne!


És... nos... tényszerű, hogy imádni való a flörtölgető rendszere. Ez jó dolog még akkor is, ha pár órát még foglalkozni kellene vele és megtisztogatni az értelmetlen helyzeteknél való csillogástól. És ide nagyon ... de tényleg nagyon jól mutatna sok helyzetre lebontottan a kis szexista animációk némelyike.


Barstow ki lett végezve... a jelenléte sértő, erőszakos és ezért fölösleges.


Valami nagyon felrúgta a dolgokat mert nem halok meg. Semmi nincs ami ezt akadályozná... SEMMI. És mégse. Az egészség 50% és a nyomorék a megadás bekapcsolva... de nem fut. "Isten módok" nincsenek. Ami van az ki van kapcsolva! Szóval... nem indul a többi játék a *Purgatory vagy a *BadEnd mód. 


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  • 1 month later...


I like the idea of this mod and am trying to use it.

But my Papyrus are BOMBED with output like the following, what is wrong??



[10/16/2020 - 09:50:45AM] error: Unable to call IsPlaying - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [<nullptr form> (F4000FA0)].Scene.IsPlaying() - "<native>" Line ?
    [alias playerRef on quest FPVF_Player (F4000F99)].FPVF_FindSpeech.StartReward() - "<unknown file>" Line ?
    [alias playerRef on quest FPVF_Player (F4000F99)].FPVF_FindSpeech.OnTrackedStatsEvent() - "<unknown file>" Line ?
[10/16/2020 - 09:50:45AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp67"
    [alias playerRef on quest FPVF_Player (F4000F99)].FPVF_FindSpeech.StartReward() - "<unknown file>" Line ?
    [alias playerRef on quest FPVF_Player (F4000F99)].FPVF_FindSpeech.OnTrackedStatsEvent() - "<unknown file>" Line ?
[10/16/2020 - 09:50:45AM] error: Unable to call Start - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [<nullptr form> (F4000FA0)].Scene.Start() - "<native>" Line ?
    [alias playerRef on quest FPVF_Player (F4000F99)].FPVF_FindSpeech.StartReward() - "<unknown file>" Line ?
    [alias playerRef on quest FPVF_Player (F4000F99)].FPVF_FindSpeech.OnTrackedStatsEvent() - "<unknown file>" Line ?
[10/16/2020 - 09:50:46AM] error: Unable to call IsPlaying - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [<nullptr form> (F4000FA0)].Scene.IsPlaying() - "<native>" Line ?
    [alias playerRef on quest FPVF_Player (F4000F99)].FPVF_FindSpeech.StartReward() - "<unknown file>" Line ?
    [alias playerRef on quest FPVF_Player (F4000F99)].FPVF_FindSpeech.OnTrackedStatsEvent() - "<unknown file>" Line ?
[10/16/2020 - 09:50:46AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp67"
    [alias playerRef on quest FPVF_Player (F4000F99)].FPVF_FindSpeech.StartReward() - "<unknown file>" Line ?
    [alias playerRef on quest FPVF_Player (F4000F99)].FPVF_FindSpeech.OnTrackedStatsEvent() - "<unknown file>" Line ?
[10/16/2020 - 09:50:46AM] error: Unable to call Start - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [<nullptr form> (F4000FA0)].Scene.Start() - "<native>" Line ?
    [alias playerRef on quest FPVF_Player (F4000F99)].FPVF_FindSpeech.StartReward() - "<unknown file>" Line ?
    [alias playerRef on quest FPVF_Player (F4000F99)].FPVF_FindSpeech.OnTrackedStatsEvent() - "<unknown file>" Line ?
[10/16/2020 - 09:51:20AM] error: Unable to call IsPlaying - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [<nullptr form> (F4000FA0)].Scene.IsPlaying() - "<native>" Line ?
    [alias playerRef on quest FPVF_Player (F4000F99)].FPVF_FindSpeech.StartReward() - "<unknown file>" Line ?
    [alias playerRef on quest FPVF_Player (F4000F99)].FPVF_FindSpeech.OnTrackedStatsEvent() - "<unknown file>" Line ?
[10/16/2020 - 09:51:20AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp67"
    [alias playerRef on quest FPVF_Player (F4000F99)].FPVF_FindSpeech.StartReward() - "<unknown file>" Line ?
    [alias playerRef on quest FPVF_Player (F4000F99)].FPVF_FindSpeech.OnTrackedStatsEvent() - "<unknown file>" Line ?
[10/16/2020 - 09:51:20AM] error: Unable to call Start - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [<nullptr form> (F4000FA0)].Scene.Start() - "<native>" Line ?
    [alias playerRef on quest FPVF_Player (F4000F99)].FPVF_FindSpeech.StartReward() - "<unknown file>" Line ?
    [alias playerRef on quest FPVF_Player (F4000F99)].FPVF_FindSpeech.OnTrackedStatsEvent() - "<unknown file>" Line ?
[10/16/2020 - 09:51:21AM] error: Unable to call IsPlaying - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [<nullptr form> (F4000FA0)].Scene.IsPlaying() - "<native>" Line ?
    [alias playerRef on quest FPVF_Player (F4000F99)].FPVF_FindSpeech.StartReward() - "<unknown file>" Line ?
    [alias playerRef on quest FPVF_Player (F4000F99)].FPVF_FindSpeech.OnTrackedStatsEvent() - "<unknown file>" Line ?
[10/16/2020 - 09:51:21AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp67"
    [alias playerRef on quest FPVF_Player (F4000F99)].FPVF_FindSpeech.StartReward() - "<unknown file>" Line ?
    [alias playerRef on quest FPVF_Player (F4000F99)].FPVF_FindSpeech.OnTrackedStatsEvent() - "<unknown file>" Line ?
[10/16/2020 - 09:51:21AM] error: Unable to call Start - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type


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  • 2 weeks later...

Quick question, I saw the message "Should I use my sexuality?", so I picked a speech check and I failed. After exiting the dialogue I got "I did not flirt with...."

The question I'm having is, do I need to pass the check to continue with the flirt or how does it exactly work? Just want to make sure if that is just a mechanic I didn't understand/knew about or if it's the mod not working like it should.

Thanks for any info you can give me and I wish a wonderful day!

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On 7/2/2020 at 4:01 PM, Jahem_kinkaid said:

yes. you can't anymore use hotkey.i have some ideas to make flirt more immersive. I'll investigate in in nearest future and I'll return hotkey support as possible option

So as you guys wrote above, there is currently no 5 seconds thing and the only way to not ALWAYS use flirt is to turn it off completely?

I am looking forward to see a way implemented. :)

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On 10/30/2020 at 9:48 PM, candiru said:

Quick question, I saw the message "Should I use my sexuality?", so I picked a speech check and I failed. After exiting the dialogue I got "I did not flirt with...."

The question I'm having is, do I need to pass the check to continue with the flirt or how does it exactly work? Just want to make sure if that is just a mechanic I didn't understand/knew about or if it's the mod not working like it should.

Thanks for any info you can give me and I wish a wonderful day!

you need to pass speech challenge.

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  • 4 months later...
+ after loading a save mod will check is any scenes is active and if any of them are stuck mod will force restart itself. It is fix for situation with loading save where main character already have no voice
+ more intelligent system to detect dialogue avoidance by player actions or by other mods interruptions (like other mods dialogue that has intruded to current one). It is fixes situations with missing voice for main character
+ new compatibility Tab in MCM menu has been added. It allows to turn ON/OFF Magnolia conversation's reactions flirt (because there might be logical issue, when you persuaded Magnolia to has sex with you, but right after it she asked for another one)
+ more accurate flirt detection in certain situations
+ speeding mod up by refactoring some scripts and deleting some duplicating checks for certain situations
+ clearing AAF_ActorLocked flag for actors if player character has refused sex (it prevented to work with this NPC if player have completed another quest for him/her or have a new flirt attempt)
+ if player character have changed location during active mod quests, mod will stop all quests and restart itself


+ same sex scenes improvement by adding more proper filtering
+ added "aggressive animations" option. If it ON - mod will not excludes such animations, but it may cause wrong FPA statistic and put on player character certain debuffs
+ added new phrases that chooses randomly - for better immersion

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First of all, thanks. flirting itself is work, but as someone mention, it seems it still flirting after few seconds passed.

If you could add AAF position tree control(?) and widen the AAF duration at least to 120s, it would be greater news for UAP user.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

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