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Harvest flying things (Moth, Butterfly, Bee, etc)

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Hi there!


Does anyone know of any mods that make harvesting flying things easier? I don't want to use an auto harvesting mod primarily because it is a cheat, but also because I want to harvest non-flying things the old fashion way as I am using DCUR (which as everyone knows using DCUR is cruise control for cool!) ?


But I digress...


So ya, harvesting flying things is starting to give me motion sickness like symptoms. 





What would be super cool would be like an equipable butterfly net! But anything really...


Let me know.


Thank you in advance 

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AutoHarvest 2 for automated looting of things, heavily customizable.

Useful Alteration for spell based looting, has different spells for different types of loot, fish, insects, containers.

Levelers Tower has a harvesting spell(plants, insects, fish, dont remember if it loots containers) that increases in aoe with every second of casting.

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10 minutes ago, Hugh Reckum said:

Step 1: Put on more clothes before you become a bee keeper.

Putting on more clothes might conflict with some of my other Skyrim mods. ?


13 minutes ago, General Goods said:

Useful Alteration for spell based looting, has different spells for different types of loot, fish, insects, containers.

This might work, I'll look into it.  ?


11 minutes ago, MorePrinniesDood said:

Even without mods,  just the first word of "Fus Ro Dah!" Will kill flying flying harvestables and drop them to the ground for stationary pickup.

I keep losing the corpses. It tends to blow them into the next holdfast also.  ?



13 minutes ago, Hugh Reckum said:

If someone had models for it, could probably make a script.

? Now I need to find someone to make an equipable butterfly net? 

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1 minute ago, Hugh Reckum said:

Either that or some sort of a constructible 'flower box' / 'bee box' kind of thing that could be periodically 'harvested'.


OH! Fun fact!


First time I saw this sig






I thought it said, "Check out my Meds!"


Which you know sometimes people look at a mod and think "what is this person on??", and I thought


Oh, how nice he put the answer in his signature! ?


But anyway I thought I'd share that little story with you. ?

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28 minutes ago, Corsayr said:

I thought it said, "Check out my Meds!"


Which you know sometimes people look at a mod and think "what is this person on??", and I thought


Oh, how nice he put the answer in his signature! ?


But anyway I thought I'd share that little story with you. ?

I'm so crazy that I'm the sanest person you'll ever meet. :classic_tongue:


Edit: *Maniacal Laughter*

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50 minutes ago, Hugh Reckum said:

Awww, poor little butterflies...

Well if someone would just make me a magical butterfly net that scoops up all flying critters in like a 300-500 radius every time you swing it...








Could be avoided! ?

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Actually, General Goods suggestion...

3 hours ago, General Goods said:

AutoHarvest 2 for automated looting of things, heavily customizable.

The spell basically does exactly what I want, although not as immersively as a butterfly net would. ?


It is customizable to the level of only grabbing the flying critters and nothing else. The only downside is that the spell doesn't cost mana but I can fix that in the CK.


So thank you GG! 


And everyone else ?


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Hmmmm, well maybe we could compromise so if you were wearing these sexy fishnet clothes:


Sexy fishnet stockings


Then when you run around, you can magically catch butterflies in your magical fishnets when you were within a certain radius and jumped in their direction while they are flying (because that's totally immersive and stuff).


It would probably be funner to catch butterflies than bees this way, but just keep your Skyrim epi-pen nearby, and you should be fine...

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2 hours ago, Corsayr said:

Actually, General Goods suggestion...

The spell basically does exactly what I want, although not as immersively as a butterfly net would. ?


It is customizable to the level of only grabbing the flying critters and nothing else. The only downside is that the spell doesn't cost mana but I can fix that in the CK.


I'd suggest giving Useful Alteration's spells a look then. Different spells for each type as mentioned so no configuration needed, and does use mana and will level your alteration spells.

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