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[ABANDONED] Porkybork's World 2.0 (DL links in OP)

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So two things the first is when I load up the 2.0 save file and go into world build and try to build stuff it lets me so I have no idea what caused that bug for me ages ago. And just wondering when you post the updated criminals or birth queen and stuff like that are they actually in the download link or what? Anyway appreciate your work regardless.

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I'm using PBW 2.0 right now and some of the sims are missing their hairs and clothes. I know 2.0 only covers base game atm, but Urbz from San Miyoshi is walking around without her hair which makes me something is missing, but I don't know which CC might that be.

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6 hours ago, DrMojoDoc said:

Urbz from San Miyoshi is walking around without her hair which makes me something is missing, but I don't know which CC might that be.

Tray Importer is a great tool to find missing CC. It connects to your library outside the game, and allows you to view all the Sim's CC that they should have, and it will show you in red what CC you do not have and if it knows where to download it, you can right-click and click an option to open your browser to that CC download page. I had her hair, but no shirt, not that I'm complaining ?



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13 hours ago, UglyChris98 said:

just wondering when you post the updated criminals or birth queen and stuff like that are they actually in the download link or what?

The GtW update should be ready and posted within the following week.

9 hours ago, DrMojoDoc said:

I'm using PBW 2.0 right now and some of the sims are missing their hairs and clothes. I know 2.0 only covers base game atm, but Urbz from San Miyoshi is walking around without her hair which makes me something is missing, but I don't know which CC might that be.

@S-Plays gave a good suggestion when he said to use Sims4TrayImporter to find the missing CC, but the reason why some sims are missing a few things is simply because the CC they use aren't included in the Base Game file.


In other news, I forgot that aliens come with disguises, so the five aliens I've added to the Birth Queen's household might as well be 10 extra sims. Yayyyyy.

So, yeah, the to-do list is now:

  • Finish aliens
  • Pack and compress files
  • Post to MEGA.nz
  • Post link on LL
  • Take and post screenshots to OP
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The aliens are done! I was going to post a full lookbook for each of them, but the total number of pictures ended up being around 95. I ain't cropping and posting that many pics in a single post.

Anyway, here they are!


(FYI, I forgot the numbered part of their names, so that's why there are "x"s instead).

CD.W-xxxxx (Colony Drone.Worker-xxxxx)



CD.N-xxxxx (Colony Drone.Nurse-xxxxx)



CD.S-xxxxx (Colony Drone.Soldier-xxxxx)



PT1-xxxxx (Pollination Technician Type 1-xxxxx)



PT2-xxxxx (Pollination Technician Type 2-xxxxx)



Oh yeah, and I decided to change the queen's name to Anassa Zyrak. Turns out "Xena" is derived from an ancient Greek word meaning "stranger." So, I decided to look up what the ancient Greek word for "queen" was, and "Anassa" is what came up. This, of course, is assuming that Wikipedia isn't lying to me.


With that, all that's left is a bunch of boring stuff on my end. Like I said before, I'm gonna try to get this out by the end of this week. Til then, stay safe!

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16 hours ago, jukem said:

Porkybork, I would love to hear your lore thoughts behind the aliens, like the purpose and description of Type 1 and Type 2 Pollination Technicians and so forth.  Great work!

Hey, glad you like it!

I made a post a while back explaining my thought process at the time, but I've made a few changes since then. So, here's an updated breakdown.



My aliens are based on the behaviors of honeybees and certain species of ants commonly found in North America. The species I've created, the Pistilak, sends out queens to colonize habitable moons and planets throughout the galaxy to increase the size and power of their empire. It is unknown if their insatiable pursuit of power is due to an extreme need for additional resources or to satisfy the megalomaniacal desires of a potential "Alpha Queen." No other space-faring species has ever set foot on the Pistilak's home planet. In fact, some theorize that the invasive species has long since rendered their home entirely inhospitable. 

Despite all this, Anassa Zyrak, a relatively young queen, seems less interested in conquest than her sisters. Mellow and flighty since her birth, her directives focus more on acquiring pleasure rather than power. This may explain why her superiors assigned her to conquer a world as primitive as the Earth. Assuming she ever bothers to invade the little blue planet, that is.


Pistilak classes:

  • Queens
    • Elder Queens
      • Old queen Pistilaks that are nearing the end of their lives (~900 years) and are no longer fertile or able to lay eggs
      • Will select 5 female hatchlings to be fed a special liquid called Royal Ambrosia
        • Only queens can secrete Royal Ambrosia
      • Devote the remainder of their lives rearing young queens with the assistance of Nurse Pistilaks until the young are old enough to be assigned their own celestial bodies to conquer
      • One young birth queen will stay on her mother's planet and continue ruling in her place until her time comes as well, repeating the process
    • Birth Queens
      • Are assigned planets or moons to invade and conquer once they reach adolescence
      • Travel to mating spots to copulate with Type 1 Pollination Technicians
        • One queen may mate with up to 50 PT1s
        • Sperm is collected and stored in the queen's body and is used for the production of offspring throughout her life
      • New queens are escorted to their target worlds by a small group of Escort Drones, older colony drones that were part of the new queen's mother's colony
      • Will establish their own colony with the assistance of the Escort Drones
      • Methods of taking over planets and moons include:
        • Eradicating and replacing native dominant species
        • Crippling and subjugating native dominant species 
      • Spend the majority of their lives birthing colony drones and pollinators
        • This stops once the queen believes that her colony has reached a healthy population
      • Commands her subjects via pheromones and verbal instruction
      • Queens are always biologically female
  • Colony Drones
    • Workers
      • Birthed from fertilized eggs that had been stored at ~290 Kelvin
        • Hatchlings are fed Hive Nectar
      • The most common type of drone in any given colony
      • Tasked with expanding and maintaining the colony's infrastructure, economy, and society as a whole
      • Typically live for ~250 years
      • Are always biologically female
      • Are uninterested in sexual or romantic relationships, but are generally friendly with other drones
      • Are naturally hardworking and highly active
      • May perform tasks meant for Nurses and Soldiers, but to a far less efficient degree
      • Only ever take orders from their queen
        • One and only exception being any orders from the queen that would directly harm themselves or the colony as a whole
    • Nurses
      • Birthed from fertilized eggs that had been stored at ~300 Kelvin
        • Hatchlings are fed Hive Nectar
      • Tasked with assisting Birth Queen during egg laying process and caring for young
      • Secrete a sweet, highly nutritious fluid called Hive Nectar
        • Nurses are capable of secreting Hive Nectar from maturity until death
      • Typically live for ~500 years
      • Are always biologically female
      • Are uninterested in sexual activity, but may form romantic relationships with other nurses
      • Are naturally motherly and caring, especially towards hatchlings and young Pistilaks
      • Only ever take orders from their queen
        • One and only exception being any orders from the queen that would directly harm themselves or the colony as a whole
    • Soldiers
      • Birthed from fertilized eggs that had been stored at ~310 Kelvin
        • Hatchlings are fed Hive Nectar
      • Tasked with invading, imprisoning, enslaving, and destroying targets
      • Defend the colony and the queen from any and all threats
      • Will exterminate colonists infected with incurable/untreatable infectious diseases
      • Will evict all PT1s from colony during droughts, famines, or disease outbreaks since PT1s do not perform any actual work around the colony and put further stress on the colony's limited resources
      • Escort the queen wherever she goes
        • No less than 10 soldiers will ever be around the queen
      • Typically live for ~250 years
      • Are naturally courageous and headstrong
      • High sex drives, but are uninterested in romance
        • It is common, and even encouraged, for soldiers to engage in sexual activity with others soldiers to strengthen bonds and loyalty to one another
        • Not uncommon for soldiers to be sexually sadistic and dominating
      • 95% are biologically female, 5% are simultaneous hermaphrodites (meaning they have both male and female parts)
        • Eggs resulting from hermaphroditic fertilization contain antigens that are lethal to non-Pistilak species, and are therefore used as biological weapons during invasion campaigns
      • Only ever take orders from their queen
        • One and only exception being any orders from the queen that would directly harm themselves or the colony as a whole
  • Pollination Technicians
    • Type 1
      • Birthed from unfertilized eggs that had been stored at ~310 Kelvin
        • Hatchlings are fed Royal Ambrosia
      • Sole purpose is to grow up healthy, leave colony, and impregnate foreign birth queens
      • Once they have successfully copulated with a queen, the PT1 will pass out and die of rapid organ failure
      • Do no actual work around the colony, so are considered second-class citizens by other colonists
      • Are naturally charismatic and lazy
      • May be evicted or even cannibalized by other colonists during famines
      • Always biologically male
      • May live up to 100 years, but typically live no more than 25 years
      • Usually only take orders from their queen, but may act in defiance
        • All defiant PT1s are terminated for insubordination
    • Type 2
      • Birthed from unfertilized eggs that had been stored at ~290 Kelvin
        • Hatchlings are fed Hive Nectar
      • Naturally inquisitive and docile
      • Tasked with experimenting with gene splicing
        • Will routinely abduct dominant native species and extract their DNA for research
        • Intended goal is to create reproductively compatible organisms from life forms deemed "fit for assimilation"
          • Successful offspring are ordered to mate with the birth queen and produce more hybrids
          • Failures are terminated
          • Noncompliant hybrids are terminated
          • Hybrids are relegated to the most dangerous work in the colony and are used for slave labor
      • Always biologically male, but are always sterile
      • Typically live for ~250 years
      • Only ever take orders from their queen
        • One and only exception being any orders from the queen that would directly harm themselves or the colony as a whole

Some Pistilak queens have chosen to terraform barren moons and planets instead of conquering hospitable worlds, but this is extremely rare due to the difficulty and large amount of resources required.



In other news, the save file is ready! All that's left is to compile all the necessary files and upload them to MEGA. I'll try to only include CC files that aren't already included in the Base Game file to keep the size as small as possible. Everything should be ready either tomorrow or Saturday. In the meantime, thanks for sticking around!


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On 7/19/2020 at 8:24 AM, porkybork said:

The GtW update should be ready and posted within the following week.

@S-Plays gave a good suggestion when he said to use Sims4TrayImporter to find the missing CC, but the reason why some sims are missing a few things is simply because the CC they use aren't included in the Base Game file.

Well the thing is, the Tray Importer is not even showing the affected sims since there is no actual tray file attached with them. I'm using your PBW 2.0 BG save and attached are the manage household screen in that save.
If you could post the trays for those sims, I'd really appreciate it.



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9 hours ago, DrMojoDoc said:

Well the thing is, the Tray Importer is not even showing the affected sims since there is no actual tray file attached with them. I'm using your PBW 2.0 BG save and attached are the manage household screen in that save.
If you could post the trays for those sims, I'd really appreciate it.

Okay. So the reason for that being the case is because I transferred a few special households from the old version of PBW before I decided to do v2 in packs rather than all at once. I was going to add their tray files once I got to their pack updates. I can post their trays once I get to my computer, but be aware that some CC items may have broken since the time I originally made those sims.

I’d honestly suggest you just wait until their updates get posted just to avoid any CC related headaches, but I’ll still post the trays when I can for anyone who wants them.


EDIT: [porkybork] (Obsolete) PBW - Tray Files.zip

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Get to Work has been posted!


Check the updated OP for the DL link and password. If you encounter any issues, please let me know and I'll do what I can to fix them. Just make sure you've read all the info on the OP and in the README file I placed inside the zip file, otherwise I will ignore or make fun of you. ?


Up next is Spa Day.


Also, I've got a Ko-fi page up and running as a tip jar. If you like my content enough to throw some cash my way, I would greatly appreciate it. I'll never hide content behind a paywall, cause only pussybois and thots do that shit. I realize that times are kinda crazy right now, so there's no hard feelings if you don't want to donate.

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Great work as usual! I really like the alien designs, very unique ;)


I've only browsed through the households in CAS, haven't done anything in the world, here are some CAS clothing issues I found:


Base Game:

Johnny Zest missing Winter Outfit top

Nina Caliente missing top & bottom of Exercise Outfit

Morgana Wolff missing Formal Dress Outfit


With these, I just went into the Base Game Save File, found out what they were & added them myself in the GtW Save File


Get To Work:

Jules O'Mackey-missing Swimsuit, only had generic underwear on

Alexandra O"Mackey-only had Everyday Outfit on, every other outfit was the generic underwear

Julienne Knack-one of your bartenders, her Sleep Outfit had a white area covering her chest, like a bikini top. I looked at the top you had on, & the picture looked like it was supposed to be open shirt with bare chest showing. I removed the top to see what was over her chest, but it defaulted back to the underwear option, which I have set as nude. So, not sure why that's the case.


I'll have more time before work to check the game world, and I'll see if Tray Importer will tell me anything about the missing outfits with the new GtW Sims

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I've looked up the households in Tray Importer, I can confirm that Jules & Alexandra O'Mackey are missing the CC with the outfits I mentioned in my previous post.


In regards to Julienne(the Bartender) I saw that the white bra was a glove accessory, so her outfit is working as intended. 

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@S-Plays Thanks for the info. I’ll check out my save and see what’s going on when I have the chance. It’s possible that I missed a few items or accidentally deleted stuff that I needed while I was putting everything together. I might’ve also just forgotten to finish the O’Mackey family. ?

Could you send me an in-game picture of the problem sims you found? Sometimes I’m unable to see the same problems people are telling me about.


Also, since I got a PM about this, not all NPC sims I’ve made are assigned to lots. This is intentional. I’m using NPCC by Paulson, and it has a setting that makes it so that only one sim is needed per job on a lot. I recommend everyone using PBW 2.0 get this mod as well.

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I've had enough time to play 1 work day of each career in GtW, everything in those careers mechanic-wise are functioning properly. One thing I noticed that's not your fault, more likely the game engine doing it's own thing, is generating sims for career positions.


In my Detective Save, It put a random townie instead of 1 of your sims in a position, so I had 7/8 as my co-workers, plus it added Becca Clarke as a co-worker. All the criminals were what you had set up.


In my Doctor Save, I had Morgana Wolff & Jamie Jolina as co-workers, even though they were set up with previous careers. I can't remember how many doctors you had created, but 1 of the males was the head doctor.


In my Scientist Save, all my co-workers were what you had set up, plus Jenny Smith.


I know in the case of the Detective career, I've had a household where 2 Sims worked the same job, but had 2 different sets of Sims as their co-workers. Plus, all the career buildings have the same design unless you re-design it yourself. So, it's possible that 8th Sim is a detective, just not at the branch my sim is at. Luck of the draw with how the game engine functions I guess.


Also, Tina Peeping was defaulted back to her original WW look. This was an easy fix by using the command cas.fulleditmode and Shift-clicking on her and replacing her with your file from the Base Game save.


Looking forward to the rest of your updates to the game :)  

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9 minutes ago, porkybork said:

I’m using NPCC by Paulson, and it has a setting that makes it so that only one sim is needed per job on a lot. I recommend everyone using PBW 2.0 get this mod as well.

Gotcha, I'll grab that & take some screenshots 

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@S-Plays Okay, so a few things I need to address:

  1. I changed Jamie Jolina and Morgana Wolff’s careers to nurses since that’s what their jobs were in TS3, so that’s intentional. I just forgot to mention that in the OP.
  2. Jenny Smith is meant to be a scientist, so that’s good that she showed up. My headcanon is that she reached the top of her career, traveled to Pol. Tech. 9’s planet and they fell in love, got married, blah blah blah.
  3. I definitely forgot to finish the O’Mackey family. Whoops. I’ll get them finished and included in a fixed version of the GtW file.
  4. I have no idea why the outfits for those other sims aren’t showing up. I must’ve deleted certain CC items while I was moving stuff around by mistake. I’ll see if it’s the same in my game. Could you tell me if those were taken from the Base Game or GtW files?
  5. I am now wondering if I should modify the detective lot. I honestly should’ve in the first place, there aren’t enough computers for every worker there.
  6. I wonder if it’s possible to add Tom Peeping to the game as a peeper by just using WW settings. Is that a thing you can do? I never actually looked into it.
  7. This project is teaching me the value of play-testing. Good lord.
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  1. Cool, I can see how adding each pack and building upon those packs gives you different ideas or references previous Sims titles. 
  2.  I never saw Jenny in my Detective Save yet. I did meet her in my Doctor Save, she was wearing the Level 10+ Scientist outfit. In my Scientist Save, she's the Receptionist, as my Sim will become the Head Scientist eventually. 
  3. Looking forward to it, I can see how managing all these households and stuff can be overwhelming at times & one can overlook a few things.
  4. If you're referring to Morganna, Nina and Johnny, I took those screenshots from the GtW Save File. I hopped between the GtW Save & the Base Game Save to see what you had & applied them myself in the GtW Save on my end since you suggested keeping the Base Game stuff. I'll just keep all the saves from each pack as you release them.
  5. That's up to you, I know if you click on a computer that is being used, that Sim will get up so your Sim can use it. Not a big issue for me, but it might be to others, so do what you feel like doing.
  6. That I don't know. I've never messed with adding the "hidden traits" to Sims, but if it was that easy to replace her, I'm sure you could either find Tom in your files, or worst case build him from scratch in the Peeping Household. It could be that the Peeping Trait from WW applies to everyone in that specific household, but not 100% sure.
  7. All good bro, that's why you got supporters to help you see things you've overlooked to help ensure your world is as good as it can be & holds up to your vision :)  
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12 hours ago, porkybork said:

I am now wondering if I should modify the detective lot. I honestly should’ve in the first place, there aren’t enough computers for every worker there

Yes, definitely do that. Wasting time by forcing a colleague who is playing Blickblock (or whatever it's called) off a computer can super annoying at times. I customise the lot so the bullpen looks similar to the one seen in Brooklyn 99 with groups of desks spread around the room. 

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Did some more testing with the Detective Career, started a fresh save & played it for an in-game week, just to see how things with NPCs turned out. Here's what happened:


-The game still ported in other Sims to fill job functions at the station. My first day, both Morgyn Ember & Simeon Silversweater were Officers. Using NPCC, I assigned them their RoM roles. This did not take effect until I left the lot to either patrol or travel to crime scene. Upon returning, both left the lot & have not returned. A couple other sims popped up, and I used NPCC to re-assign them. The last one to join was Geoffrey Landgraab, which I thought was funny, as Nancy is the criminal boss. Maybe he's getting inside info? LOL


-For whatever reason, my sim could not access the restroom or the shower on the lower level of the station. I googled for an answer, but the only things I found were related to game bugs that affected not finding the culprit or interacting with criminals, which was fixed by Maxis a while ago when this pack first came out. My only thoughts on this is its somehow related to the change they made to doors for Eco Lifestyle. I didn't edit the lot with the lot cheat, as my sim has the reward traits that extend his needs, so I just left it alone. With you mentioning modifying the police station, I figured I'd mention it.


-As far as being on my home lot and seeing Sims in my neighborhood, all the mail carriers & pizza delivery sims you set up are working fine. When I've interacted with the maids & nannies, their careers were also set up as you intended.


-In my previous save, I went to the Newcrest gym, and your fitness trainers were working as intended.


-Haven't gone to any clubs/bars, I'll test those out later.


14 hours ago, porkybork said:

not all NPC sims I’ve made are assigned to lots. This is intentional.

I figured that out the hard way, in my first save I had Fill Empty Homes checked, and it added all your households to empty homes. Your police sims wound up in a single bedroom apartment in the Eco Lifestyle world ? Doing my next saves I'm leaving that unchecked. At the same time, I didn't realize MCCC was enabling empty households to fill as well, so I had to disable that setting to ensure no empty households were filled.


One thing I've thought about is how the game engine is obviously filling job roles with whatever it finds available, like the RoM Sims being Detectives. You haven't set them up yet, so it's possible that until you've assigned them roles once you've done your makeover of that pack, the game will pull from those sims as it thinks they have unassigned roles. It most likely would be different if I went to the Magic Realm first, then they'd probably function as normal. But, I understand how you want these packs to be dependent on who has what pack. It's probably affecting my world more because I have every pack, which has more sims than someone who just has Base Game & GtW.


Those are my experiences/thoughts, gonna test out a new Doctor save & I'm going to look into MCCC to see if it might be affecting job functions as well.

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22 hours ago, porkybork said:

@S-Plays Thanks for the info. I’ll check out my save and see what’s going on when I have the chance. It’s possible that I missed a few items or accidentally deleted stuff that I needed while I was putting everything together. I might’ve also just forgotten to finish the O’Mackey family. ?

Could you send me an in-game picture of the problem sims you found? Sometimes I’m unable to see the same problems people are telling me about.


Also, since I got a PM about this, not all NPC sims I’ve made are assigned to lots. This is intentional. I’m using NPCC by Paulson, and it has a setting that makes it so that only one sim is needed per job on a lot. I recommend everyone using PBW 2.0 get this mod as well.

Would you consider uploading your NPCC settings file to make sure those of us using it have everything working as intended?

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